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Is NCL going to require passengers to be vaccinated like RCL & Celebrity?


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1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

Agree mostly, but I can see the situation where the "non-vaccinated" cruises becoming the choice of "the ships of the diseased" vs the "totally vaccinated" cruises becoming the "clean" choice.


No doubt the non-vaccinated cruises will gain some traction with those who choose to fight for that hill.  But predictably, those who actually contact COVID and those who die as a result, will put the eventual kibosh on those.  I'm sure the cruise lines will require anyone who is cruising on a "non-vaccinated" cruise stating they can not hold the cruise line responsible for the eventual and predictable outcome.



I have to chuckle. What cruise line would want to have "diseased" ships vs "clean ships"? Seems like a no brainer (to me) to want all their ships to be "clean" ships.

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On 3/27/2021 at 5:56 PM, slavetoabunny said:

It makes me sad to say that I won't be cruising as long as a vaccine is required.  I have taken a cruise twice a year for the last six years and we have always gone high end - ~$20,000 all in per trip.  I can book one hell of a vacation for that without getting on a ship.


I will probably get flamed for this but I am in the same "non" boat as you.  I will enjoy my vacations driving my own vehicle visiting places in the US that we have not seen.  I refuse to be forced into a so called vaccine that attaches itself to my DNA.  If hotels start requiring vaccine proof I will buy a motorhome.

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Just now, ColeThornton said:


mRNA from the vaccine never enters the nucleus of the cell and does not affect or interact with a person's DNA.

No matter what it is anything that is being forced on people I will question why?

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Most likely. I mean why not? Its like the over all world trend at the moment. Well, at least for some time (maybe a year or two), we will all be obliged to vaccinated before coming on board.. - thats for sure 

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2 minutes ago, TSUmom said:

No matter what it is anything that is being forced on people I will question why?



As well you should but make sure you base your decision on FACTS.  Additionally, it is not being forced on you.  Get it, don't get it.  Your choice.  Just don't be surprised if you can't do everything you want to do because other entities require it.



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39 minutes ago, TSUmom said:

  I refuse to be forced into a so called vaccine that attaches itself to my DNA.

Where in the world did you hear this? This is NOT TRUE and very misguided information. THIS is the reason there are people that are refusing the vaccine and are misinformed about it. Please look at this link.......


Covid-19 vaccines do NOT interact with your DNA in any way.

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1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

Where did you hear this about 70+? Is that for the mRNA vaccines or the J&J?

Moderna ( the one we got) and I’m pretty sure I read it in the New York Times. I was just able the get my working/mother daughter an appointment for the Pfizer for Sunday . She’s been going into the office and was scared stiff, so things are looking up. I beg everyone that can, to just get a vaccine so that we can live again. For us 70+ we don’t want to waste anymore time.

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17 minutes ago, Roger88 said:

Most likely. I mean why not? Its like the over all world trend at the moment. Well, at least for some time (maybe a year or two), we will all be obliged to vaccinated before coming on board.. - thats for sure 

And still wear a mask and still social distance......

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Just now, Treasure Hunter said:

Moderna ( the one we got) and I’m pretty sure I read it in the New York Times. I was just able the get my working/mother daughter an appointment for the Pfizer for Sunday . She’s been going into the office and was scared stiff, so things are looking up. I beg everyone that can, to just get a vaccine so that we can live again. For us 70+ we don’t want to waste anymore time.

It’s suppose to cover the. Variants

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3 hours ago, graphicguy said:

No doubt the non-vaccinated cruises will gain some traction with those who choose to fight for that hill.  But predictably, those who actually contact COVID and those who die as a result, will put the eventual kibosh on those.  I'm sure the cruise lines will require anyone who is cruising on a "non-vaccinated" cruise stating they can not hold the cruise line responsible for the eventual and predictable outcome.

The chance of getting COVID is low.  The chance of having severe consequences if you do get it is very low.  Excepting the over 70 age group where it's somewhat higher, the risk of dying from COVID is lower than the risk of all causes of death excluding COVID.


Even for those over 70, "It may surprise readers to see that seniors who get Covid-19 lose only 87 days of discounted quality-adjusted life expectancy." (all from Forbes.com)  That's including the fatality rate.


Life has risks.  Limiting cruises to only vaccinated passengers does NOT mean that none will be carrying COVID or none will get infected -- it likely means that if someone did get infected (and that's a big if given the relatively small number of people), they would suffer a less severe case.  I'm fairly certain that the fine print already indemnifies cruise lines against plandemic conditions.


I'm not paranoid.  I fly, I eat at restaurants, I vacation, I live my life.  Do what's best for you since it's your responsibility to live with the consequences of the choices you make.  If I was over 85 with co-morbidities and from an area with a high concentration of COVID, I'd stay home, period.  Not just cruises.  Same if I was paranoid about getting the virus.  

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1 hour ago, TSUmom said:

I will probably get flamed for this but I am in the same "non" boat as you.  I will enjoy my vacations driving my own vehicle visiting places in the US that we have not seen.  I refuse to be forced into a so called vaccine that attaches itself to my DNA.  If hotels start requiring vaccine proof I will buy a motorhome.

You should read up a bit better on mRNA. No one is forcing you to do anything. Requiring one to cruise on NCL isn't same as forcing you to stick a needle in your arm at gunpoint. Say no thanks and go on a different type of vacation. 

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On 3/27/2021 at 12:20 PM, RocketMan275 said:

The pregnant woman takes an extra chance of damaging their unborn child every time she gets in an automobile.  Life is full of risks.

Exactly my point!  Life is full of risks.  We each determine which risks are acceptable to us.  A pregnant woman voluntarily adding to those risks is something that's difficult for me to comprehend.


btw, odds of dying in a car accident: 1 in 107 (!) (source: https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/)

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So when the unvaccinated guest who screamed and kicked gets covid and gets deathly ill onboard, then what? Have the ship turn back arounf to the last port to unload the anti-vaxxer and ruin everyone else's trip and or itinerary because they were too much of a baby to get the shot? Sounds pretty selfish to me. Peoples personal risks by choice should affect everyone else ......Ever. 

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15 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

So when the unvaccinated guest who screamed and kicked gets covid and gets deathly ill onboard, then what? Have the ship turn back arounf to the last port to unload the anti-vaxxer and ruin everyone else's trip and or itinerary because they were too much of a baby to get the shot? Sounds pretty selfish to me. Peoples personal risks by choice should affect everyone else ......Ever. 


This is exactly why vaccines will be required. While the vaccination may not be 100% effective at preventing disease, they are nearly 100% effective at preventing hospitalization and have, so far, been 100% effective at preventing death. It's the severe illness that requires medical facilities not available on ships that are the real threat to normal cruising. Having unvaccinated passengers on board increases the chance that someone will become severely ill enough that they will need to be medically evacuated. That would then cause a huge disruption to the rest of the ship and passengers, plus it would set off the whole dilemma of what port/country is going to take on the sick passenger(s) again? Countries aren't going to want ships with unvaccinated people sailing in/near their waters for this very reason. And, I find it doubtful that many countries are going to want unvaccinated passengers exploring all around their port cities either.

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5 minutes ago, JamieLogical said:


I find it doubtful that many countries are going to want unvaccinated passengers exploring all around their port cities either.

You wouldn't think so but there are some on here who obviously do. The same ones that couldn't care less about anyone else but themselves whether they can ruin everyone's cruise or not. 

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I’m not paranoid either.  But, I do look both ways when I cross the street.  I DO NOT sit near anyone at a restaurant other than trusted friends and family.  I go to the grocery store, wearing my mask.  I got the COVID  Vaccine (Pfizer).


I feel free!  It doesn’t bother me in the least to have regard for those I come in contact with by practicing recommended norms.

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23 hours ago, graphicguy said:

Never heard about my vaccine card being "heat sensitive".  It's only made out of heavy paper.  So, aside from setting it on fire, that's the only heat sensitive trait about it.  I laminated mine.  I also made copies and laminated those to carry with me.  I keep the original with my passport.


I figure there are going to be some ports where I may have to show my proof of vaccine, just like showing my ID.  

I think it's the ink that's heat sensitive.  I was told this by the guy at Staples who copied my card before he laminated the copy and returned the original to me.  I was told the same thing by the nurse at the vaccination site.  I really don't know if it's true but two independent people have told me the same thing.  It's not worth worrying about, just laminate the copy instead of taking the chance.


I keep the laminated copy in my wallet and the original is in the safe with the passports, etc.  I also have a photograph on my phone.

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:08 PM, tallnthensome said:

 Say no thanks and go on a different type of vacation. 


...or choose a different cruise line that doesn't require vaccination. MSC is one (of several). 


Has NCL made the vaccination requirement formal? I thought that the decision wasn't yet final. Personally, I do think vaccinations will be required to sail from the USA, but they are not required everywhere (yet).

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:37 PM, JamieLogical said:


This is exactly why vaccines will be required. While the vaccination may not be 100% effective at preventing disease, they are nearly 100% effective at preventing hospitalization and have, so far, been 100% effective at preventing death. It's the severe illness that requires medical facilities not available on ships that are the real threat to normal cruising. Having unvaccinated passengers on board increases the chance that someone will become severely ill enough that they will need to be medically evacuated. That would then cause a huge disruption to the rest of the ship and passengers, plus it would set off the whole dilemma of what port/country is going to take on the sick passenger(s) again? Countries aren't going to want ships with unvaccinated people sailing in/near their waters for this very reason. And, I find it doubtful that many countries are going to want unvaccinated passengers exploring all around their port cities either.


Unfortunately, the CDC does not differentiate between testing positive for covid and being ill from covid. This is why I don't believe vaccination will help meet the Conditions to Sail order. I know I sound like a broken record, but I still believe that the main hang up in the Conditions to Sail order is what happens when someone tests positive (not when someone gets sick). Those requirements are BRUTAL for the cruise lines. The financial liability alone in the event someone tests positive is tremendous (regardless whether or not they fall ill),


While the decision has yet to be finalized, I do believe vaccination will be required for cruising from the USA, but vaccination alone wont help cruise lines meet the Conditions to Sail order. IMO, we aren't sailing from the USA until a new order is put in place.


BTW: MSC is sailing without requiring a vaccination, so it can be done. Unless I've missed something, technically the jury is still out on whether or not vaccination will be a requirement to sail from the USA.

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1 hour ago, BermudaBound2014 said:

Unless I've missed something, technically the jury is still out on whether or not vaccination will be a requirement to sail from the USA.

You have not missed anything official.  The thing I am reading (between the lines of course) is that the next play is to scare people into getting vaccinated that are on the fence.  The CDC director's impending doom cry/speech was exactly the type of pre-written, pre-practiced "off the cuff" speeches that politicians use to move the masses in one or another direction.   (I have had my shots, and am not an anti-vaxer, just my thoughts)

Edited by oteixeira
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On 3/30/2021 at 12:36 PM, ColeThornton said:

 Your choice.  Just don't be surprised if you can't do everything you want to do because other entities require it.




On 3/30/2021 at 12:36 PM, ColeThornton said:



As well you should but make sure you base your decision on FACTS.  Additionally, it is not being forced on you.  Get it, don't get it.  Your choice.  Just don't be surprised if you can't do everything you want to do because other entities require it.



Any way you try to explain it the powers that be are trying to FORCE it on people. I mean you kind of explain that in your comment.

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As I understand it, the US-based cruise industry is on hold and waiting for a number of signals to resume.


One is for the CDC to issue "return to cruising" guidelines. The crowded conditions and the degree of intermingling on a cruise ship make it the perfect place to share disease. We know this. Norovirus. Right? So, I expect the guidelines to be balancing the knife edge of "too strict" and "too inconvenient". And it's not just the CDC. It's the jurisdictions of the various ports of call. Many of those may just follow along with the CDC. But I expect the final common criteria has to include vaccination, masks, and PCR (NAAT) testing, and the extra baggage of internationally-accepted high-fidelity, high-security testing and health documentation standards. Health concerns aside, think of the financial motivation for cruise lines to handle return-from-COVID in a watertight way. What's the cost of holding a vessel in quarantine for 2 weeks?







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1 minute ago, skywonder said:


Any way you try to explain it the powers that be are trying to FORCE it on people. I mean you kind of explain that in your comment.


Not at all.   Most likely it will be brought forth as a requirement but like I said, it is an individuals choice.  You can't force someone to get it.

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