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Definitely, not live from the Allure December 11, 2021.


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So, yesterday the last of two sea days before returning to Port Everglades.  There are 19 knot winds that are following us from the NE, and they have caused 10-15 foot waves that are chasing us at an angle.  The Stand-up wave was not able to run a 9AM yesterday due to the old pumps being sensitive to the ships roll.  So, they didn’t open the wave immediately.  There was a private session on the other wave an a Star Class hour following when the stand-up wave was supposed to open.  So, I returned to the DL to do some work.  Finally went to the wave about 10:45AM, the stand-up wave was doing boogie board, so I continued around to the starboard wave where about 15 people were in line.  Awesome!


The pumps are much newer and slightly more powerful.  I was catching my board a bit on top of the wave causing a bit of a squeak from my board.  So, after a couple of runs of that I moved my foot a little further back, it helped a bit.  After lunch the line went from 10 to 15 most of the afternoon.  As the afternoon waned, the wave got worse and worse from the ships movement.  You could feel the wave losing energy, and it was really hard for new riders to launch themselves from the sides because at times they would have a foot of water around their feet while trying to launch.  After a couple of rough personal rides, I realized the only part of the wave that was consistently there was the middle of the crown.  If you were above the crown, the lack of energy could cause you to get stuck to the wave, a bad spot for that.  So, I just carved small right in the golden spot, even then occasionally, you would be forced down the wave due to the lack of energy, but you could easily get back up once the water got back into the system.  I actually, was enjoying the wave like this as it was a lot more mentally challenging.  


I ended my riding just prior to sunset probably 4:30PM, headed back to the cabin, forgot my towel hanging on the railing from my couple of struggling rides when I actually fell, something I avoid normally. 😆  So, I had to run back up after my shower and dressing.  There were just 3 people on the wave all regulars.  


Dinner was formal night lobster.  The lobster was tasty.  The filet was tasty.  The Escargot were tasty.  The shrimp cocktail is weird as they ran out of cocktail sauce and are replacing with something similar to spicy thousand Island.  🤣  The garden salad I have eaten each night, and it has been the best salad I have ever had on Royal. It is simply fresh and very good.  


After dinner around 8:30 we returned to the cabin, sat on the balcony for 15 minutes before going to bed while watching TV.


Today, is Best of the Best.  I may watch, but I definitely won’t compete, which is making some of the newer people happy.  😅  However the human Pinball KC will compete, and Richard from the UK who is really solid will.  So, the newer riders won’t win.  


I forgot to do the when are we getting off survey stuff so we got green 12 last night.  We will have a bunch of time to kill as we have a 3:30PM flight from FLL, I don’t think there is a Centurion lounge there so, probably be an expensive wait in the airport.  Any restaurant recommendations at the airport?


Currently, there is a line 7 deep at the coffee machine, as I watch with my cappucino and double espresso.


later alligator.  In a while crocodile





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I have some questions.


Have there been any changes to the masking protocols during your cruise? There is a lot of discussion about this on the boards.


Did masking proticols affect your enjoyment of the cruise? I have a final payment due next week.


St. Kitts has now been removed from RCI's list of places restricting tourist movement. Why were you required to do a ship, or goverment approved, tour.


And the question I previously ask and may have missed the answer. Has the Windjammer been open for dinner?


Have a safe journey home tomorrow.


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1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

I have some questions.


Have there been any changes to the masking protocols during your cruise? There is a lot of discussion about this on the boards.


Did masking proticols affect your enjoyment of the cruise? I have a final payment due next week.


St. Kitts has now been removed from RCI's list of places restricting tourist movement. Why were you required to do a ship, or goverment approved, tour.


And the question I previously ask and may have missed the answer. Has the Windjammer been open for dinner?


Have a safe journey home tomorrow.


I am on allure currently. The windjammer has been open for dinner& great selections too. 😊

I believe they recently changed the st kitts protocols. We booked through the ship when we got email saying if you wanted to go anywhere except the shopping area, you needed a ships tour then found out we could now do independent tours. 
I will say I think the dining room food has gone downhill. For instance, we had shrimp cocktail with thousand island dressing ?and a tiny lobster tail with 1/2 a baked potato  (literally one cut in half ) and one piece of broccoli and 2 slivers of a carrot. No offers of seconds. 
hoping things improve as time goes 




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17 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

I have some questions.


Have there been any changes to the masking protocols during your cruise? There is a lot of discussion about this on the boards.


Did masking proticols affect your enjoyment of the cruise? I have a final payment due next week.


St. Kitts has now been removed from RCI's list of places restricting tourist movement. Why were you required to do a ship, or goverment approved, tour.


And the question I previously ask and may have missed the answer. Has the Windjammer been open for dinner?


Have a safe journey home tomorrow.


No changes for masking during this cruise.


We had no restrictions in St. Kitts. 


Masking was not a big deal for our family.


Windjammer was open for dinner. 

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On 12/18/2021 at 7:01 AM, xpcdoojk said:

So a bit out of order here.  There are 6 people in the DL at 15 until 7.  Magic hour when we can access the magic coffee machine.  There are 2 dogs.


One a black and white Poodle style about 10 pounds the other the mentioned earlier in the cruise, a yappy Yorkie about 3 pounds. They are clearly not dogs, that I would consider service animals.  Other than comfort for the owners not separated from their pets.,


I think Rodrhi, my 8 month old 22 pound Welsh Terrier puppy with no redeeming values is being discriminated against.  He could change the whole dog sailing ships paradigm.  




Having not met any of the 3 dogs in question, I'd take Rodrhi in a heartbeat.  I imagine that the other 2 have taken on the personality of their owners.

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Encountered all 3 dogs on deck 5 walking track. The Yorkie would bark and try to chase after joggers.  We walked past it without barking.  Apparently there is someone on this cruise who is doing the world cruise and has hired a handler to be with it when she can't. 

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1 hour ago, kpauley said:

Encountered all 3 dogs on deck 5 walking track. The Yorkie would bark and try to chase after joggers.  We walked past it without barking.  Apparently there is someone on this cruise who is doing the world cruise and has hired a handler to be with it when she can't. 

Just to be clear, you were able to walk past the Yorkie without barking at it? 😇   And the person on the world cruise has someone handling them while the dog can't be there?  🙃   Just a little humor on this Sunday before Christmas!  🎄

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Trying to post this on my Ipad…. Lord knows if this will post!


OB, St. Kitts we were told prior to sailing we had to book with cruiseline.  So, since we hadn’t been there, we booked an excursion.  


The WJ did indeed serve dinner. I can not comment on the quality, as I ate breakfast there one time and lunch one time.  You have to sign in and sign out to eat there.  It was a bit of a pain.  The DW is not a fan.


There was no official conversation about masking with me on board.  In the FlowRider line, at the safety briefing they would make us move 6 feet apart.  That lasted 2 minutes tops.  I am not a fan of masks, except that I do believe those having symptoms should wear them in general.  My experience in my day of heck travel flight experiences, confirmed that those who should wear them never do.  There were many people with sneezing and running noses, who were wearing their masks below their nose and often below their mouths.  Or my personal favorite pulling their masks down to sneeze.  


I ate lunch most days in the Solarium which is the civilized version of the WJ without any scanning or washy washy song.  You have to wear your mask indoors in public areas, and I often would forget after eating and going to search for things to eat after eating the first round of food.  Then I felt silly if they corrected me or I caught myself.  I can’t tell you how many times I walked out of my room at 8:45AM loaded with my hat, sunglasses, my Outlaw FR board, and dry bag with camera stuff, warmer clothing, towels and etc.  Getting up from my cabin on deck 8 and getting to the elevator and seeing people wearing masks, and going O crap, and turning around walking a long way back to my cabin to get the stupid thing. Or the times I left the FlowRider with all of my crap, and got inside, and realized I didn’t have my mask on, and if I had a towel on me, wrapping my head with the towel.  Or the time I met security people in the hall, I hid behind my board only to have them ask me why I was hiding.  The other problem area is the DL, where you can sit without but can’t move around without.  Then the events where the unvaccinated families have to wear masks, and about half the venue is empty due to social distancing, which meant shows sold out way faster than in the past.  


Here goes, let’s see if it posts or not

Edited by xpcdoojk
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On 12/18/2021 at 7:01 AM, xpcdoojk said:

So a bit out of order here.  There are 6 people in the DL at 15 until 7.  Magic hour when we can access the magic coffee machine.  There are 2 dogs.


One a black and white Poodle style about 10 pounds the other the mentioned earlier in the cruise, a yappy Yorkie about 3 pounds. They are clearly not dogs, that I would consider service animals.  Other than comfort for the owners not separated from their pets.,


I think Rodrhi, my 8 month old 22 pound Welsh Terrier puppy with no redeeming values is being discriminated against.  He could change the whole dog sailing ships paradigm.  




Hmm, beginning to think about seeing if Bell wants to see the world🤔😉🤣

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On 12/18/2021 at 7:29 AM, xpcdoojk said:

Today, is Best of the Best.  I may watch, but I definitely won’t compete, which is making some of the newer people happy.  😅  However the human Pinball KC will compete, and Richard from the UK who is really solid will.  So, the newer riders won’t win.  

I think I’ve shared my thoughts with you for the BOTB.

I don’t compete on a ship where I have won before. Once I’ve signed the board on that ship, I don’t need to sign it again. On my last few cruises, to which I had not won on those ships, I have just come to watch my fellow riders.  A great way to end the week with my fellow riders. 

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2 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

So with the masking issues as they are would you have done it again? I'm struggling with whether to make final payment by Thursday for January.

I had a good time.  Masks are a pain.  I was able to enjoy myself.  I think the islands need our dollars.  


Mostly, the masks are easy to deal with.  


I am willing to do it again.  

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Saturday on the ship, was the last day of sailing, there was another (I think Royal ship) off the port side ahead of us going the same direction for most of the day.  


The FlowRider on the port stand-up side was working better as the seas were calmer, and we were back on the regular wave.  The ship was sailing in pretty much the same direction as the wind, causing a zero wind effect, and with temps in the mid 80s it was melting hot in the line.  The line was stupid long.  At one point there were 25 + in the line.  I think I got in 4 runs before lunch and 3 after.  I gave up about 3:45PM.  


Got messages from the Flow Line that Casey won the BOTB.  I was happy, because 8 different sports staff asked me if I was going to compete.  This is my first Oasis class ship since 2015 and a BOTB, so I have obviously, improved.  😆


Did I mention it was melting hot.  Since, I didn’t want a wet pile of clothing in my suitcase.  So, I made sure that I didn’t fall in the final 3 rides.  That made it pretty miserable.  I did not watch the BOTB.  


On a funny note, while the DW and I were having lunch in the Solarium there was a drunk guy whose wife was yelling at him as he walked out of the Solarium with a cocktail in his hand.  She was saying John don’t you be stupid.  John don’t act like you can’t hear me.  John!  Don’t be stupid.  Then to her table mates she said, he is pretending he can’t hear me.  I muttered to my wife, that he has trained himself to not be able to hear her, because everyone else clearly could.  So, 30 minutes later after an ice cream cone, I am standing in the Flowrider line almost last in the line of about 20.  Here comes John with a new cocktail in his hand.  There is a 75 year old man between John and I who, obviously, hadn’t been in the line all week, but told me that he took a lesson the night before, and that he struggled with loading himself and did I have any tips.  I explained that when he took the lesson the wave was really really bad because of the movement of the ship (at times 10” of water would cover the board and your feet especially on the right footed side), and that I believe he will have less trouble today.  Then John started talking to the older gentleman telling him he hadn’t done stand-up in 5 years, but he was going to BG do it now.  This conversation continued for 15 minutes.  At some point I was able to tune it out,  but was greatly anticipating the run.  Much to my disappointment the 75 year old started talking to me again, and I realized John had disappeared from the line.  Such is always my luck!


After the FR lack of runs due to mass popularity, I had an early start on packing, and thus an early arrival to the DL.  We got there when I thought it was opening at 5PM and it was 90% full.  We were able to get a table for two next to the coffee machine as the last empty table.  I guess with drinks being on the card all day, there is no real happy 3-1/2 hours any more as people arrive sometime in the afternoon and come and go.  This was the first time we were there that early, and we were there for the longest time.  Turns out it was never at 100% capacity and we were there for 90 minutes (our longest stay).  K gave the concierge $40 to give to the staff as I don’t do money on the cruise.  We said good byes to the folks we had spent time with during the cruise chatting.  Didn’t make any friends for life, but had some nice conversations.  Since we don’t hang out in any bars, it really is the only time we socialize with other passengers together.  The FlowRider excepted, of course.  Our other bar experience was riding the Rising Tide one evening while Motown name that tune was going on in the Schooner Bar.  I had forgotten how long that short trip can take if you get on when it first opens until it reaches deck 8 from deck 5.  


Since we are only lowly D+ I only accomplished my 5 drinks a day twice, once was the last night due to the extra 45 minutes in the DL.  K got to 4 on about 5 nights.  So, I can’t imagine ever buying a drink package as long as I FlowRide.  


We went to bed about 10PM, and slept pretty well.  Next morning, we ate at Park Cafe, which was very chaotic.  Since we were assigned 12 we were in almost the first wave getting off at 7:45AM.  In the past when I wanted off early I got assigned a time that drug well past 9AM.  


I cut and pasted this from my Ipad and emailed it to my work computer in order to post this.  Sigh......

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2 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

I think I’ve shared my thoughts with you for the BOTB.

I don’t compete on a ship where I have won before. Once I’ve signed the board on that ship, I don’t need to sign it again. On my last few cruises, to which I had not won on those ships, I have just come to watch my fellow riders.  A great way to end the week with my fellow riders. 


53 minutes ago, xpcdoojk said:

Saturday on the ship, was the last day of sailing, there was another (I think Royal ship) off the port side ahead of us going the same direction for most of the day.  


The FlowRider on the port stand-up side was working better as the seas were calmer, and we were back on the regular wave.  The ship was sailing in pretty much the same direction as the wind, causing a zero wind effect, and with temps in the mid 80s it was melting hot in the line.  The line was stupid long.  At one point there were 25 + in the line.  I think I got in 4 runs before lunch and 3 after.  I gave up about 3:45PM.  


Got messages from the Flow Line that Casey won the BOTB.  I was happy, because 8 different sports staff asked me if I was going to compete.  This is my first Oasis class ship since 2015 and a BOTB, so I have obviously, improved.  😆


Did I mention it was melting hot.  Since, I didn’t want a wet pile of clothing in my suitcase.  So, I made sure that I didn’t fall in the final 3 rides.  That made it pretty miserable.  I did not watch the BOTB.  


On a funny note, while the DW and I were having lunch in the Solarium there was a drunk guy whose wife was yelling at him as he walked out of the Solarium with a cocktail in his hand.  She was saying John don’t you be stupid.  John don’t act like you can’t hear me.  John!  Don’t be stupid.  Then to her table mates she said, he is pretending he can’t hear me.  I muttered to my wife, that he has trained himself to not be able to hear her, because everyone else clearly could.  So, 30 minutes later after an ice cream cone, I am standing in the Flowrider line almost last in the line of about 20.  Here comes John with a new cocktail in his hand.  There is a 75 year old man between John and I who, obviously, hadn’t been in the line all week, but told me that he took a lesson the night before, and that he struggled with loading himself and did I have any tips.  I explained that when he took the lesson the wave was really really bad because of the movement of the ship (at times 10” of water would cover the board and your feet especially on the right footed side), and that I believe he will have less trouble today.  Then John started talking to the older gentleman telling him he hadn’t done stand-up in 5 years, but he was going to BG do it now.  This conversation continued for 15 minutes.  At some point I was able to tune it out,  but was greatly anticipating the run.  Much to my disappointment the 75 year old started talking to me again, and I realized John had disappeared from the line.  Such is always my luck!


After the FR lack of runs due to mass popularity, I had an early start on packing, and thus an early arrival to the DL.  We got there when I thought it was opening at 5PM and it was 90% full.  We were able to get a table for two next to the coffee machine as the last empty table.  I guess with drinks being on the card all day, there is no real happy 3-1/2 hours any more as people arrive sometime in the afternoon and come and go.  This was the first time we were there that early, and we were there for the longest time.  Turns out it was never at 100% capacity and we were there for 90 minutes (our longest stay).  K gave the concierge $40 to give to the staff as I don’t do money on the cruise.  We said good byes to the folks we had spent time with during the cruise chatting.  Didn’t make any friends for life, but had some nice conversations.  Since we don’t hang out in any bars, it really is the only time we socialize with other passengers together.  The FlowRider excepted, of course.  Our other bar experience was riding the Rising Tide one evening while Motown name that tune was going on in the Schooner Bar.  I had forgotten how long that short trip can take if you get on when it first opens until it reaches deck 8 from deck 5.  


Since we are only lowly D+ I only accomplished my 5 drinks a day twice, once was the last night due to the extra 45 minutes in the DL.  K got to 4 on about 5 nights.  So, I can’t imagine ever buying a drink package as long as I FlowRide.  


We went to bed about 10PM, and slept pretty well.  Next morning, we ate at Park Cafe, which was very chaotic.  Since we were assigned 12 we were in almost the first wave getting off at 7:45AM.  In the past when I wanted off early I got assigned a time that drug well past 9AM.  


I cut and pasted this from my Ipad and emailed it to my work computer in order to post this.  Sigh......

This flowriding is becoming like a cult. May be everyone could buy t-shirts?



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4 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

I think I’ve shared my thoughts with you for the BOTB.

I don’t compete on a ship where I have won before. Once I’ve signed the board on that ship, I don’t need to sign it again. On my last few cruises, to which I had not won on those ships, I have just come to watch my fellow riders.  A great way to end the week with my fellow riders. 


Don't they start a new board eventually 🤔 

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1 hour ago, Jimbo said:

This flowriding is becoming like a cult. May be everyone could buy t-shirts?

Not just becoming, it is an addiction.  It’s no different a golfer’s passion, a skier’s desire for powder, or a drag racers need for speed.  

Once you ride, and get the flavor, you get it. There are many of us with multiple boards, really no different than multiple sets of clubs or speed parts in the garage. 

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Sunday, getting off the ship was super easy.  We were in the giant hall to collect luggage before 8AM even with Krystal packing her card in her pants from the evening before.  She showed her passport, and they wrote her name and cabin number down at the final scan.  


There is no customs, apparently.  K has Global Entry, and we walked up to a screen it looked at us, and that was customs.  Apparently, the government has decided a 10% tax on foreign purchases didn’t cover the cost of Customs Agents?  Could this be a first a government agency acting rationally?  Could I be wrong about everything I believe.  Nah… not a chance!😆


This was the last of things being easy.  😂


So, we walked left to the taxi stands, hopped in a car and were at the AA desk asking for standby options before 8:30AM.  Our scheduled flight was to depart at 3:30 going to DFW then we were to depart at 8:30 to arrive here at 10PM.  So, we booked standby knowing our bags would be on our early flight, and would beat us handily if we didn’t get lucky with the standby tickets.  About 30 minutes before the standby flight was to depart they made an announcement that the pilot was not making the flight, and American Airlines was going to get a replacement pilot, and they would let us know.  On the upside, our flight was supposed to go out of the same gate after the early flight, so we were in the right place no matter what.  At this point, I knew we weren’t going to get to DFW early enough to eat lunch, so we went to the Jack Nicklaus Grill next to our gate.  The menu is a joke.  The food was not awesome, I had a burger and bad fries and K a club sandwich.  


So, back to the gate to watch for our chance to jump on a plane to save 2 hours.  As the flight started loading at about 1:30.  Rodney from Dallas (a really good FlowRider) came to tell me how much he enjoyed surfing with me and hoped we would meet again.  We exchanged pleasantries.  The board showed 4 people were given upgrades to First, which meant there were probably at least 4 tickets available and probably more.  We were 7 and 8 on the standby list (I was giving up my main cabin extra seats for a chance to save some time so I could be at work today.😇 ) The flight is boarded they call names from the standby list, finally number 5 and 6 get on.  They call our names.  As we are at the counter getting our new tickets a lady walked up with a boarding pass.  The agent said, we called last call on this flight 10 minutes ago, why are you here now.  The lady boards.  The agent said, well one of you can go.  We said no thanks.  Sigh.


So, we wait for our regular flight another 90 minutes and boarded.  Landing in a DFW in terminal D which is where the Amex Centurion Lounge is located, I access the AA App and see that we have been put on standby for a flight in Terminal B that would be boarding in 25 minutes, again, almost 2 hours ahead of our scheduled departure.  I asked K if we should go for it or just go hang out and have a couple of cocktails and some tolerable food.  She said, let’s go for it.  I said, if we don’t make the standby we probably could still have time for a cocktail and food.  So, we went running off to catch the SkyLink to go to the other terminal.  We immediately saw we were 3 and 4 on the standby list which had about 15 names on it.  I figured we were going to get on.  So, confident was I, that I went to the nearby barbecue restaurant next to the gate and grabbed a chicken Caesar Salad and the last pulled pork sandwich from their grab and go kiosk.  Boarding began immediately after that.  15 minutes later the first name didn’t appear.  We are called, and get two seats separated even though K’s adjacent seat was empty.  There were plenty of seats available, so anyone who was on standby could get on if they were at the gate.  


On the plane, I eat my horrible pulled pork sandwich.  The pilot comes over the intercom, and said, the plane will be going dark here shortly and to remain in our seats because the ground power unit didn’t work, and that the ground crew were off looking for a replacement.  Sure enough, the lights went off, the AC went off, and the natives became restless.


15 minutes later the lights came on and the AC, and the captain on the intercom.  The second GPU failed also, they are getting another.  I let them know that I wasn’t happy with this, and I apologize for the delay, hopefully we will be powered up in the next 30 minutes, in the meantime please remain seated when the lights go off again.  At this point the natives went to the bathroom, got up in the aisles to chat, etc.  


20 minutes later the lights came on, and the captain with an even more detailed description of his thoughts on the ground crew.  An AA mechanic was here and he going for a fourth GPU after the third had failed too, but the captain was sure that after the swear words he yelled at the mechanic he was sure that this time it would work and we should be in the air within 30 minutes.  On the upside it is only a bit over 1 hour flight time.


Finally, 20 minutes later the captain came back on along with lights and AC.  We will be starting the engines shortly, after running the port we would then start the starboard and we should be moving out of the terminal in about 15 to 20 minutes.  At this point with his description of the ground crew, I am thinking he should be fired because every person on the flight thought we were on an airplane operated by clowns.


It did work and we were in the air within 30 minutes.  Landed.  I opened up the Jeep app on my phone and started the Gladiator  before we offloaded from the plane, and got the reassuring message that Krystal wouldn’t get into a freezing vehicle while I went searching for luggage.  


Waited for the luggage carousel for our flight and of course none of our luggage arrived.  Our regular flight was a little delayed and at that point was going to land in 15 minutes.  So, K was in the cell lot and I was talking to the lady in charge of lost luggage.  It did not proceed us.  


So, the app and she confirmed our luggage was on our regularly scheduled flight due to the tight connection to the standby flight in DFW.  So, I had given up my roomy main cabin extra seat for a cramped uncomfortable seat with a large woman beside me and in front of my taking whatever space I had in order to arrive 30 minutes ahead of my scheduled flight in order to wait for my luggage on my scheduled flight.  I am a genius.




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9 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

So, the app and she confirmed our luggage was on our regularly scheduled flight due to the tight connection to the standby flight in DFW.  So, I had given up my roomy main cabin extra seat for a cramped uncomfortable seat with a large woman beside me and in front of my taking whatever space I had in order to arrive 30 minutes ahead of my scheduled flight in order to wait for my luggage on my scheduled flight.  I am a genius.

Somedays there’s a glitch and other days it seems like the world is against you. Sadly you were up against the world. 

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9 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

Sunday, getting off the ship was super easy.  We were in the giant hall to collect luggage before 8AM even with Krystal packing her card in her pants from the evening before.  She showed her passport, and they wrote her name and cabin number down at the final scan.  


There is no customs, apparently.  K has Global Entry, and we walked up to a screen it looked at us, and that was customs.  Apparently, the government has decided a 10% tax on foreign purchases didn’t cover the cost of Customs Agents?  Could this be a first a government agency acting rationally?  Could I be wrong about everything I believe.  Nah… not a chance!😆


This was the last of things being easy.  😂


So, we walked left to the taxi stands, hopped in a car and were at the AA desk asking for standby options before 8:30AM.  Our scheduled flight was to depart at 3:30 going to DFW then we were to depart at 8:30 to arrive here at 10PM.  So, we booked standby knowing our bags would be on our early flight, and would beat us handily if we didn’t get lucky with the standby tickets.  About 30 minutes before the standby flight was to depart they made an announcement that the pilot was not making the flight, and American Airlines was going to get a replacement pilot, and they would let us know.  On the upside, our flight was supposed to go out of the same gate after the early flight, so we were in the right place no matter what.  At this point, I knew we weren’t going to get to DFW early enough to eat lunch, so we went to the Jack Nicklaus Grill next to our gate.  The menu is a joke.  The food was not awesome, I had a burger and bad fries and K a club sandwich.  


So, back to the gate to watch for our chance to jump on a plane to save 2 hours.  As the flight started loading at about 1:30.  Rodney from Dallas (a really good FlowRider) came to tell me how much he enjoyed surfing with me and hoped we would meet again.  We exchanged pleasantries.  The board showed 4 people were given upgrades to First, which meant there were probably at least 4 tickets available and probably more.  We were 7 and 8 on the standby list (I was giving up my main cabin extra seats for a chance to save some time so I could be at work today.😇 ) The flight is boarded they call names from the standby list, finally number 5 and 6 get on.  They call our names.  As we are at the counter getting our new tickets a lady walked up with a boarding pass.  The agent said, we called last call on this flight 10 minutes ago, why are you here now.  The lady boards.  The agent said, well one of you can go.  We said no thanks.  Sigh.


So, we wait for our regular flight another 90 minutes and boarded.  Landing in a DFW in terminal D which is where the Amex Centurion Lounge is located, I access the AA App and see that we have been put on standby for a flight in Terminal B that would be boarding in 25 minutes, again, almost 2 hours ahead of our scheduled departure.  I asked K if we should go for it or just go hang out and have a couple of cocktails and some tolerable food.  She said, let’s go for it.  I said, if we don’t make the standby we probably could still have time for a cocktail and food.  So, we went running off to catch the SkyLink to go to the other terminal.  We immediately saw we were 3 and 4 on the standby list which had about 15 names on it.  I figured we were going to get on.  So, confident was I, that I went to the nearby barbecue restaurant next to the gate and grabbed a chicken Caesar Salad and the last pulled pork sandwich from their grab and go kiosk.  Boarding began immediately after that.  15 minutes later the first name didn’t appear.  We are called, and get two seats separated even though K’s adjacent seat was empty.  There were plenty of seats available, so anyone who was on standby could get on if they were at the gate.  


On the plane, I eat my horrible pulled pork sandwich.  The pilot comes over the intercom, and said, the plane will be going dark here shortly and to remain in our seats because the ground power unit didn’t work, and that the ground crew were off looking for a replacement.  Sure enough, the lights went off, the AC went off, and the natives became restless.


15 minutes later the lights came on and the AC, and the captain on the intercom.  The second GPU failed also, they are getting another.  I let them know that I wasn’t happy with this, and I apologize for the delay, hopefully we will be powered up in the next 30 minutes, in the meantime please remain seated when the lights go off again.  At this point the natives went to the bathroom, got up in the aisles to chat, etc.  


20 minutes later the lights came on, and the captain with an even more detailed description of his thoughts on the ground crew.  An AA mechanic was here and he going for a fourth GPU after the third had failed too, but the captain was sure that after the swear words he yelled at the mechanic he was sure that this time it would work and we should be in the air within 30 minutes.  On the upside it is only a bit over 1 hour flight time.


Finally, 20 minutes later the captain came back on along with lights and AC.  We will be starting the engines shortly, after running the port we would then start the starboard and we should be moving out of the terminal in about 15 to 20 minutes.  At this point with his description of the ground crew, I am thinking he should be fired because every person on the flight thought we were on an airplane operated by clowns.


It did work and we were in the air within 30 minutes.  Landed.  I opened up the Jeep app on my phone and started the Gladiator  before we offloaded from the plane, and got the reassuring message that Krystal wouldn’t get into a freezing vehicle while I went searching for luggage.  


Waited for the luggage carousel for our flight and of course none of our luggage arrived.  Our regular flight was a little delayed and at that point was going to land in 15 minutes.  So, K was in the cell lot and I was talking to the lady in charge of lost luggage.  It did not proceed us.  


So, the app and she confirmed our luggage was on our regularly scheduled flight due to the tight connection to the standby flight in DFW.  So, I had given up my roomy main cabin extra seat for a cramped uncomfortable seat with a large woman beside me and in front of my taking whatever space I had in order to arrive 30 minutes ahead of my scheduled flight in order to wait for my luggage on my scheduled flight.  I am a genius.




I don't have a clue what to say.😐

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