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In quarantine on Equinox. Ask me anything. I’m bored.


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4 minutes ago, JeanieC,Aston said:

Just read on X Captain Club Facebook page reports of people who are supposed to be in quarantine actually walking around the ship,,,younger people who are actually bragging about it,,some even bragging they ate in the MDR whilst waiting the result of tests.

Guest Relations say they can’t force them to stay in cabins….people saying they are feeling sorry for crew that are trying to get them to isolate.


What chance do you have with idiots like these around us.


Unfortunate there isn't a port stop that they could put these fools off the ship.  Of course that's not good for the island that would get them.

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6 minutes ago, JeanieC,Aston said:

Just read on X Captain Club Facebook page reports of people who are supposed to be in quarantine actually walking around the ship,,,younger people who are actually bragging about it,,some even bragging they ate in the MDR whilst waiting the result of tests.

Guest Relations say they can’t force them to stay in cabins….people saying they are feeling sorry for crew that are trying to get them to isolate.


What chance do you have with idiots like these around us.


These are the people who should be left on their own with no compensation when they are found to be positive

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57 minutes ago, Softball20 said:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and thanks for all the great info.  We were supposed to be on the Equinox tomorrow but postponed the cruise until late February - and I'm hoping that's enough time for things to settle down a bit. 


Safe travels home!

We were scheduled to board the Equinox on Jan. 9 for a 12 night sailing. After much discussion and angst (without reading this thread) we cancelled last week for a FCC.  Now I am definitely convinced we made the right decision!!

Happy & Healthy New Year to All

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We were on the Summit in November.  There were two moms in the retreat with their under 12 children.  The kids didn't wear masks.  They were talked to several times, and continued to not wear them.  At one point one of the kids was called up during a pasenger-staff game to play and didn't wear his mask.  I gave a 3 on the survey to the health and safety question and wrote a complete explanation.  I personally thought they should have been put off the ship in Cozumel to make their own way home, but that's just me.

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1 hour ago, Bluewake said:

As to whether someone who is quarantined is eligible for some sort of compensation, here is pertinent language from the Celebrity Website: 



Denial of Embarkation or Reboarding; Quarantine and/or Disembarkation

If you, your family members, traveling companions or other close contacts are denied embarkation or reboarding, or quarantined or disembarked during the voyage, due to a positive COVID-19 test or being suspected of having COVID-19, you and they are entitled to a refund, or an optional FCC, for the cruise fare paid to Celebrity in the event of denial at embarkation, or a pro-rated refund or pro-rated FCC for the unused portion of your cruise fare in all other cases.


If you test positive for COVID-19 during the voyage, Celebrity will:

• cover the cost of necessary COVID-19 related medical treatment onboard the ship;

• coordinate and cover the costs of any required land-based quarantine for you and members of your Traveling Party; and

• coordinate and cover the costs of travel arrangements to get you and members of your Traveling Party back home.


We will also provide the same assistance to identified close contacts if they are required to quarantine onboard or are disembarked or denied re-boarding due to have been in close contact to a guest who tests positive for COVID-19.


Sounds pretty good.....but the subsequent section is interesting:


Obligation to Comply with Celebrity COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Guests denied embarkation or reboarding, or who are disembarked or quarantined during the voyage, for failure to comply with the Celebrity COVID-19 Policies and Procedures in effect at the time of the cruise, shall not be entitled to a refund or FCC, compensation of any kind, or any of the assistance described in this Policy. Please refer to the Ticket Contract issued for your cruise for complete details.


Could that mean that the cruise line has the authority to impose a quarantine upon those who refuse to adhere to a mandatory masking requirement or some other condition?  Or, could their eligibility for compensation be affected?

I interpret the last section as an "if you lied about being vaccinated, you get nothing" clause. 

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update... as I mentioned I tested positive last night and heard nothing until 3pm today... they showed up and tested husband and now we are waiting for his results. No one has checked on us, and no one has showed up to take me to medical. We were told last night that I would be brought to medical for chest xray and bloodwork and that hubby would be tested. Other than the food being delivered via room service we have seen or heard from no one. We can't even get guest relations to answer the phone. All we want now is information. 

Edited by dollyd
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17 minutes ago, kearney said:

Yeah... we are on the Feb 11th sailing... we have moved this cruise twice already. My plan is to wait until early Feb to see if the peak is over and if the disease continues to be as mild as it has been for vaccinated. We are driving so most of the risk is going to be at hotels/restaurant along the way and in the terminal. OPs thread does make me pause however. We were quarantined once with Noro virus..made me really appreciate a balcony cabin...won't sail without one now.  In addition to being more concerned about being locked up because of a positive test.. than I am getting it... I am wondering if they will move us out of our deck 6 cabin... a look at the ship for our sailing...appears to be very full...which I don't believe ..so I suspect they are doing their own capacity control as well as blocking out cabins for quarantine purposes. So we will see what happens. Remember the old days when the biggest concerns were flight delays and just how early you could get on the ship and then off at the end of the cruise... ah good times.

I agree with you totally.  We would never book an inside or O/V because of the possibility of quarantine.  On our last cruise on Eclipse Mar 2020, I was stupid enough to have a slushy drink at McDonalds in Punte del Este and I have never been so sick in my life.  We phoned the medial staff and I was quarantined because they couldn't be sure it wasn't Noro.  A couple of days later someone came with an envelope with 2 $135 FCC's as compensation for the quarantine period.  Lovely surprise.

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My thoughts are with those who have tested positive on board and those who have been contact traced.  May everyone involved come through this healthy and free of long-term effects.


Regarding compensation I would escalate the matter while you are still on board.  Back in October we were contact traced and banished to our stateroom at 5:00pm the evening prior to disembarkation.  Fortunately the test came back negative, but it was a slow, unnerving process during the final evening of our cruise.  We were told on board by guest services and medical that we would receive compensation.  I had to call Celebrity when we returned home and it took a second phone call and several weeks, but we did receive the equivalent of one day's cruise fare.  By the way our drinks and dinner came in real glassware and china not the paper and styrofoam you are being provided.

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18 minutes ago, JeanieC,Aston said:

Just read on X Captain Club Facebook page reports of people who are supposed to be in quarantine actually walking around the ship,,,younger people who are actually bragging about it,,some even bragging they ate in the MDR whilst waiting the result of tests.

Guest Relations say they can’t force them to stay in cabins….people saying they are feeling sorry for crew that are trying to get them to isolate.


What chance do you have with idiots like these around us.


We’re trying to find this post? Is there a separate FB Celebrity Captains Club (private) group in the UK? If not do you by chance have a date and time we can search for it with?

Edited by Ken the cruiser
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Here's a question sort of off topic: if a movie was made of your experience in quarantine, what actor would be you?


PS: I appreciate your posts, comments, and updates by the way! Get well soon!


Edited by Maggie North
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21 minutes ago, JeanieC,Aston said:

Just read on X Captain Club Facebook page reports of people who are supposed to be in quarantine actually walking around the ship,,,younger people who are actually bragging about it,,some even bragging they ate in the MDR whilst waiting the result of tests.

Guest Relations say they can’t force them to stay in cabins….people saying they are feeling sorry for crew that are trying to get them to isolate.


What chance do you have with idiots like these around us.


Everything on Facebook is fact…grain of salt and all. 

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53 minutes ago, naburleson said:

One more question, to your knowledge, were any passengers who tested positive before one of the port stops made to disembark at that port and find a way home?

Not that I’m aware of. We left late from 2 ports for medical evacuation. I suppose they COULD have been covid, but I really don’t know.  I don’t feel like they were, but can’t say for sure. 

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21 minutes ago, wrk2cruise said:

For those that are driving are your cars parked at the port or off site?  I’m wondering if the options are different depending on the location of your car


I'll be waiting for info at disembarkation time



We parked off-site, so I can let you know about that tomorrow. 

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20 minutes ago, dollyd said:

update... as I mentioned I tested positive last night and heard nothing until 3pm today... they showed up and tested husband and now we are waiting for his results. No one has checked on us, and no one has showed up to take me to medical. We were told last night that I would be brought to medical for chest xray and bloodwork and that hubby would be tested. Other than the food being delivered via room service we have seen or heard from no one. We can't even get guest relations to answer the phone. All we want now is information. 

I had asked earlier, so I apologize if you answered. 

Are you dialing 0, or using the quick dial buttons on the side? I’ve not had any trouble getting guest relations other than some longer holds. Food Services at 51 though……that one times-out often after being on hold. 

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I am no annoyed, I wrote a HUGE post all on my phone, and went to post and it all went pooooof into cyber space somwhere....so will start again....I will post in smaller segment to make sure it posts, cruise critic is such a pain at time....


so we are Monique and Richard, we are British Expats living in Camada (windsor) boarder town with Detroit, we drove across the border on Monday 20th Dec from Canada to Windsor with no issues, we stopped at Walgreens got out NAAT test done, and then drove to the airport, got our negative results by email with in 3 hours, we flew down to FLL and boarded the ship Weds, there was no social distancing at the cruise port during check in, there were stickers on the floor saying stand 6 ft apart, which is great but width wise we were almost shoulder to shoulderm i felt very uncomfortable with this....


we boarded the ship and met some friends who we met on our last cruise 2 years ago, Janet.John and their daughter, who had met another dad and daughter team Tom and his daughter, we instantly made our own bubble, and stuck together al cruise, we did the same at ports, just getting cabs to the beach in our 7 bubble, we thought this was the safest way to be, we were all very careful on board, we all wore masks from day 1, rarely took the elevators, when i walked the stairs i didn't touch the hand rails, when we took the elevators, we made sure there was no one in them, so always waited for an empty one....i would sanitize my hands after touching the menu at dinner before eating bread etc, if I got a salad at the buffet, they served us but we had to do our own dressing, so I always sanitized after touching the dressing bottles before I touched anything else.....


first night we went to the dining room for dinner, we were told we were on a table for 6, I was not having that, they were not going to put us on a table with strangers, i asked for a table for 2, they did oblige, but the table for 2 was 2inches away from the next one, in fact all the tables were jammed in...i asked for a quiet corner for dinner moving forward and they did put us in a quiet corner....


there was barely any mask wearing on board, but as captain gave us an update everyday with how many covid positive cases we saw more people started wearing them, first 2 days we had 1 case, then another 2, then another 4 etc, till we got to about the 30th Dec and we lost count at about 26, on the night of the 30th Dec 5 of the 7 of us were having dinner, and we got a text from Tom saying he had tested positive, our stomachs sank, my husband an I ran back to our room and took an antigen test that we brought with us, we both tested negative, the next morning we took another and both tested negative, about 11 am a nurse came to our cabin, nasal swabbed us as we had been named as close contacts to Tom, the other 3 were swabbed too, i tested positive, my husband negative, the other 3, the mum and dad negative and the daughter positive.....when I tested positive, we were told to wait in our room and pack and they would guide us with next step, OMG this took forever, they were soooo busy, she had pages of names on her clip board, a nice lady came and got me around 8pm to take me to medical, she told me after medical i would be taken to my quarantine room, i asked if my husband could come, she said he could, we were all packed, the nice lady took me to medical and staff helped my hubby with the cases to our new room on deck 6, I was escorted to medical with a member of staff behind me with a spray fog machine, down the staff stairs and in the staff elevator, if we bumped into any staff they ran away, i felt like I had the plague....once in Medical I was checked over thoroughly, bloods, urine, temp (normal) pulse (normal) blood pressure (normal) chest x ray, all was good, my only symptoms are a mild cold symptoms, stuffy nose, wooly head, slight cough, after medical i was taken to my quarantine room on deck 6....i will post this and start a new post on our days in qurantine....

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1 hour ago, Bluewake said:

As to whether someone who is quarantined is eligible for some sort of compensation, here is pertinent language from the Celebrity Website: 



Denial of Embarkation or Reboarding; Quarantine and/or Disembarkation

If you, your family members, traveling companions or other close contacts are denied embarkation or reboarding, or quarantined or disembarked during the voyage, due to a positive COVID-19 test or being suspected of having COVID-19, you and they are entitled to a refund, or an optional FCC, for the cruise fare paid to Celebrity in the event of denial at embarkation, or a pro-rated refund or pro-rated FCC for the unused portion of your cruise fare in all other cases.


If you test positive for COVID-19 during the voyage, Celebrity will:

• cover the cost of necessary COVID-19 related medical treatment onboard the ship;

• coordinate and cover the costs of any required land-based quarantine for you and members of your Traveling Party; and

• coordinate and cover the costs of travel arrangements to get you and members of your Traveling Party back home.


We will also provide the same assistance to identified close contacts if they are required to quarantine onboard or are disembarked or denied re-boarding due to have been in close contact to a guest who tests positive for COVID-19.


Sounds pretty good.....but the subsequent section is interesting:


Obligation to Comply with Celebrity COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Guests denied embarkation or reboarding, or who are disembarked or quarantined during the voyage, for failure to comply with the Celebrity COVID-19 Policies and Procedures in effect at the time of the cruise, shall not be entitled to a refund or FCC, compensation of any kind, or any of the assistance described in this Policy. Please refer to the Ticket Contract issued for your cruise for complete details.


Could that mean that the cruise line has the authority to impose a quarantine upon those who refuse to adhere to a mandatory masking requirement or some other condition?  Or, could their eligibility for compensation be affected?

They absolutely can. 

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Wow, thanks for sharing your experience, and I hope you feel better soon. Does the ship operate a quarantine section of cabins, or are you kept in your original one and your wife was sent to a different area?

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so we saw the New Years in in our new quarantined room, since we have been in this room, I have been so frustrated, ive connected with neighbours, which I call our balcony clan, Parkerson who started this is our neighbour, its been really hard to get any kind of food, I call room service and it takes forever, and often times out and they hang up, no one is checking on us, i have had to call guest services several times to ask for them to contact room service, last night I called room service about 11 pm and put my order in for today so i tried to plan ahead so i wasn't on hold for ever, it also never comes correctly, I ordered breakfast cereal and they didn't send bowls, i ordered a burger, and half the bun was missing, I ordered water with lunch and it didn't arrive.......i've also had issues which is very stressful, on their plans to get us off the ship and into a hotel for quarantine and then get us home....that is still in progress and I will let you all know what happens with that, at this moment I am trying to get my husband a PCR test to get home, he is booked to have a PCR test tomorrow morning 9.30 port side and their cost, if he tests negative he can fly home on his Tues morning flight back to DTW, pick up the car and drive home....I have to quarantine in FLL, they are booking my hotel I have to organize my flight home, they will pay, I just have to claim it back, but my issue is I have to fly home to Canada now because no one can drive me across the border home....as hubby is not allowed to drive across the border to pick me up....right I will read up on some posts and see if anymore info comes to mind...

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3 minutes ago, Lighc003 said:

Wow, thanks for sharing your experience, and I hope you feel better soon. Does the ship operate a quarantine section of cabins, or are you kept in your original one and your wife was sent to a different area?

they will not let you stay in your original cabin to quarantine, you are sent to a new room on deck 6, the rooms are filling up fast down here.....my husband tested negative and was allowed to come quarantine with me

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6 minutes ago, Lighc003 said:

Wow, thanks for sharing your experience, and I hope you feel better soon. Does the ship operate a quarantine section of cabins, or are you kept in your original one and your wife was sent to a different area?

you’re gonna have to put a bit more effort into this. All asked and answered. 

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Just wanted to give a “non-update”. 

I’ve called twice today regarding disembarkation procedure, luggage tags and compensation. The first time I was told someone would call me back, but never did. 

Just hung with guest relations and was told they will send tags to the room and she will call me to communicate the disembarkation process. I asked when and she said soon. 

Asked her about compensation and she said they were working on that and it would be communicated to me. 

That’s my vague update. 

May as we’ll start ordering drinks from Food Services. 

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A big thank you to Parkerson for starting this thread.  It's a great help to see things from the inside.  I'm so sorry you got this horrible virus and had to be quarantined.  I wish you a speedy recovery and no lasting symptoms.

Thank you also to Mojo65, dollyd and Barb1403 for your comments.  I hope you all recover quickly too.  I will be especially interested Mojo65 in your trip home and what happens at the Canadian border.

I would also like to know where your headache was dollyd and if you still have it.

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