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Jim_Iain – Silhouette Live Post April 8, 21, 30 - B3B - TransAtlantic, Portugal Spain, France and the Norwegian Fjords


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I have just returned home from this cruise,and whilst it is awful what happened to Jim.

I have to disagree with the comments that passengers are irresponsible in not social distancing….there was no where to social distance,,,there was 2600 people on this cruise,almost pre COVID levels.

Add in the fact the ship was grossly undermanned didn’t help,,,instead of people filling the MDR,from as early as 18:00 people were given bleepers and going back into the bars,,causing overcrowded.

Instead of spreading the diners about everyone was crowded in small areas.

It was taking an hour in the MDR to be served a Eggs Benedict,,,there was no in and out.

There was no floor waiters in bars meaning people crowding around the bar.


With respect to Jim who could relax in  RS and social distance in Luminea,,or eat breakfast in his suite dining area…..those of us in steerage had to crowd in MDR or OV.

There wasn’t the option to spend hours in our cabin jacuzzi….LoL!!


Either this level of passengers is excepted or Celebrity goes belly up.


Tell you the truth I was more concerned with dropping standards more than 30 people catching COVID.

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11 hours ago, TowandaUK said:

I don’t believe that Jim and Iain were allowed to stay in their suite because of their status. Other cruisers have also posted that they were allowed to stay in their cabins on levels 6 and 10 when Level 3 was full. 
I certainly don’t begrudge them eating from china after waiting in excess of 3 hours from ordering until being served!!

Best wishes to Jim and Iain for their self imposed quarantine near Southampton. It’s a beautiful part of the country with lovely coastline and the new forest. Enjoy your time in Scotland with family and I look forward to reading of your future exploits. Thanks for your generosity in sharing your experiences. 


I don't think status had anything to do with it.  Believe me once in lock down it's almost impossible to get anyone to do anything for you.     You are correct Level 3 was totally full by about the middle of the cruise.   Not sure where they are isolating crew.  I only know that LOTS have tested positive.

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4 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:

Didn't realize it was a bank holiday but as you said town was packed.   Not a mask in sight.    With the place being 2 stories and about 1,500 SQ FT.  it is really peaceful.    It is a gated  patio area off the High Street with 3 detached mews houses.   One is empty (just sold) and have not even seen the other neighbor.  



High Street is always busy on a sunny Saturday. Lots come for the market.

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8 hours ago, SSAtlantic said:

Jim can you repost the link to your blog? It is several pages back and not sure I can find it at this point. Please continue writing about your travel adventure. Thank you and stay well. 




I released a bit while in isolation but trying to upload content on the ship was like pulling teeth.  It is still a constant work in progress.    It is so nice having Gig Plus Internet again.  


Iain just looked over and saw it and said what's that.   I guess I never told him about the blog. 

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7 hours ago, Benthayer Gonbak said:

I’m curious how many days of quarantine Celebrity is paying for!  Especially after the doctor isn’t recommending much.  I’d think least the 3 day the uk recommends/suggests. 

 I have no idea.  Getting information from them was impossible.    Personally I don't care but will work to get some reimbursement as long as either of us is positive.    They acted like were were their bad cousins.    They wouldn't even give or sell us any test kits.   Basically since the UK has nor requirements it up to you what you want to do, but we will not test you further and Adios. 

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Jim, when they were escorting you off the ship, were you taken to a regular customs processing area, or somewhere cordoned off from others? Were there other guests being taken off like you, presumably also positive? Trying to get an idea of how many guests were taken off that had also tested positive.  It's a little maddening at how much secrecy Celebrity seems to be using to hide the actual numbers... I wish they would be more transparent. 


I think there's actually more reliable numbers coming from those who chime in after returning home and then testing positive and letting CC readers know. I suspect the actual figures of those who are covid positive, both test confirmed and not, are actually significantly higher than any estimates that have been suggested by the cruiselines or other authorities.  It's really hard to know what decision to make about our upcoming B2B next month... just so torn between wanting to cruise and wanting stay healthy... ugh! 


Thank you once again for your incredibly gracious efforts in keeping us all up to date on your journey, both pre and post covid... I've let my regular reading slip behind over the last couple of weeks while enjoying your writings!! 🙂   

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30 minutes ago, JeanieC,Aston said:



With respect to Jim who could relax in  RS and social distance in Luminea,,or eat breakfast in his suite dining area…..those of us in steerage had to crowd in MDR or OV.

There wasn’t the option to spend hours in our cabin jacuzzi….LoL!!



Are tables spaced out now in Luminae? Not when we've been there! There was some spacing on Reflection in 2016? but not on our last cruise on the Edge in Feb 2020. We were frequently seated just a few feet away from others. Folks, you need 26 feet of spacing and also your waiter, sommelier and others should be wearing well fitting KN 94/95 masks. Also, no infected person can walk past you maskless. Crew members on all ships are getting infected and will likely be immune in another month or two but passengers remain vulnerable.


We will continue to travel and I wish it could be on a cruise ship but it's looking more and more doubtful. The entire social distancing concept doesn't seem to work indoors when unmasked.

And I can't agree with those who say you are safer on a cruise ship. How? There's a high doubling rate of the virus and you are in a contained space. I'm more concerned with getting confined in quarantine than getting sick.

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1 hour ago, JeanieC,Aston said:


I have just returned home from this cruise,and whilst it is awful what happened to Jim.

I have to disagree with the comments that passengers are irresponsible in not social distancing….there was no where to social distance,,,there was 2600 people on this cruise,almost pre COVID levels.

Add in the fact the ship was grossly undermanned didn’t help,,,instead of people filling the MDR,from as early as 18:00 people were given bleepers and going back into the bars,,causing overcrowded.

Instead of spreading the diners about everyone was crowded in small areas.

It was taking an hour in the MDR to be served a Eggs Benedict,,,there was no in and out.

There was no floor waiters in bars meaning people crowding around the bar.


With respect to Jim who could relax in  RS and social distance in Luminea,,or eat breakfast in his suite dining area…..those of us in steerage had to crowd in MDR or OV.

There wasn’t the option to spend hours in our cabin jacuzzi….LoL!!


Either this level of passengers is excepted or Celebrity goes belly up.


Tell you the truth I was more concerned with dropping standards more than 30 people catching COVID.

I take your point on capacity and assume it was difficult to distance.  However Celebrity does have an obligation to protect the health and well being of its passengers and if this is the measure of how they are doing it going forward it isn't looking to good.  I'm also a steerage passenger on ships I sail on but I would not expect with a break out of Covid to have to risk my well being because they haven't enough staff or ones who have become unaccustomed to large numbers onboard.


I think you'll find there are considerably more than 30 Covid positive passengers on this voyage, although that's only judging from FB posts and this board.


What I can say with certainty is QM2 had a problem on her last voyage and Cunard reintroduced masks and other measures to counter it.  This apparently was because the ship was in danger of tipping over the threshold to turn red under CDC conditions.


It will be interesting to see how the next sailing of Silhouette bears out if the passenger load is as high as the one you've just left.


I hope you enjoyed your cruise and stay clear of Covid on your return.

Edited by Megabear2
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I, too, am becoming less concerned about the effects of covid than being quarantined in an oceanview cabin.  That, or even being allowed onto the ship or a flight back to the US after flying to Rome.  I'll be paying much closer attention to trip reports here on CC up until my final payment comes due in ~90 days on my Oct TA out of Rome.  


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So sorry to read your cruise has come to an unfortunate end but I love your positive attitude about the whole situation.  I hope you feel better soon and  have a fantastic time visiting family in Ayrshire. I don’t think there’s many people left  in Scotland you’d be able to infect - our rates before Easter were ridiculously high and I know very few people who haven’t had omicron in the last 2 months.

As you enjoy a walk, I recommend a trip to Dumfries House in New Cumnock ( I’m sure Iain will know of it.) I was on a school trip with my class there for a STEM day this week and the grounds and gardens are vast, beautiful and free!! I’ve heard the house is impressive too. You could take the grand nieces and nephews  as there’s a super playground and lots of water play stations/ activities. It is run by Prince Charles’ foundation and is a fantastic day out. Just something to think about when you’re planning the next stage of your trip.

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2 hours ago, flowery said:

We have an upcoming HAL cruise this summer that we will probably have to cancel. I'm very disappointed but can't risk spending days in quarantine on a cruise ship.


There's so much magical thinking and denial among the general public and cruise passengers in particular. Everyone touts about how "careful" they were wearing masks at all times and on elevators. taking stairs etc etc but did you eat your meals in your room or did you remove your mask and eat in dining rooms?


In June of 2021, when Australia was under lockdown and contact tracing was easy, fleeting encounters in an indoor shopping mall with CCTV footage captured the moment of transmission. This was the Delta variant. The current variant is even more transmissible.


Contact tracing on cruise ships is also silly for this very reason. For those of you who still subscribe to the idea of 15 mins or more of close contact, how do you justify removing your masks and eating indoors? Are you eating your meals in less than 15 mins? Several years ago the virus was shown to travel airborne 26 feet.


Jim and Ian deserve sympathy and have done a great job keeping us updated on their experiences, however, they are also extremely lucky that they can disembark quickly and go to an AirBnB.


I've been following Covid posts on all the cruise lines and everyone who ends up in quarantine for 4/5 plus days is unhappy and regrets their decision to cruise. This includes a couple on Oceania where passengers are allowed to quarantine in their original rooms and receive meals on real china.


In March I spent 8 days in isolation on Silhouette and never regretted my decision to cruise. It wasn’t fun but it wasn’t torture either. My next cruise is in January on Silhouette, with an itinerary similar to what I missed.

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Jim & Iain,

So sorry to read what has happened and do hope Jim avoids feeling any worse than he does now and Iain stays negative.

I had to laugh at the photos of your luggage and wondered if Celebrity issued hazmat suits so you could "safely" put the luggage into the plastic bags.

While not the Royal Suite, your new digs look very nice and at least you have a model ship to look at.😉

Your positive attitude is uplifting and one I need to better emulate. As an over-planner, I tend to not  handle last minute changes well!

Hope the next week brings you new, albeit not what you expected, adventures and negative tests for both of you.

Jim - thank you so much for continuing to post - eagerly awaiting photo of first negative test.


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Thank you for sharing your cruising experiences (both past and present), with us!  I’m sorry that you got Covid, but I’m happy to hear that your symptoms are mild. And in a strange way, I’m glad that your home test kit also showed positive. I would have hated getting kicked off the next voyage for a false positive. Hopefully Iain will continue to be negative. 

I am loving your new digs!  Looks like you picked a great place.


Looking forward to hearing from you on your future voyages!

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Jim and Ian,

I am digesting all this info and cannot put words to how I feel reading about your situation. I applaud you on staying so positive. Thank you for taking us along this journey in the good and the not so good and I hope everything is really good going forward.🙏 Stay well.

I wish you both the best. Please keep us informed about your adventures. I really enjoy reading about it and I learn a lot from you and the other posters.

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I may have missed this info but how did you get so lucky in getting such a nice place at short notice?  I do feel terrible you didn’t get to go on your Norway cruise.  Happy to hear how you are so organized and not missing a beat.  Can you get food delivered?

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6 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:



Well we are settling into to our mews home on Lymington, just across from Southampton.  More on that later.   I decided to test tonight just to confirm.   I’m feeling fine with no temperature, runny nose etc.  I did start getting slight dry cough.   

Definitely not a false positive.  The T line popped up within a minute even before the control line. 


So sorry, Jim, I know you guys were careful, it’s hard to be careful enough when your butler and cabin attendant get it and the ship is full. I pray that your illness is brief and mild.

I’ve not posted, but I’ve chuckled at all the people who were saying false positive just because your follow up test was negative. These Ag tests are only very very rarely falsely positive, and when one is falsely positive it is likely a sample mixup or improperly done test. Your false negative is much more likely - due either to ir being very early in your infection or the test was repeated too soon.

Sampling is a big issue, especially early on, it’s hard to not swab close to or on top of the previous site, and there’s not enough virally infected cells to show up on the second swab.

Take it easy, rest and fluids. We need you back making the wonderful reports!

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Lymington is a fantastic town to stay. Lots of great walks in the New Forest and the coast to enjoy. Take a walk up to the Fort overlooking the Solent. Good pubs and I remember the curry house is decent too for when you are negative. Winnie our chocolate Labrador was born there too🙂

With all the worry and concern over becoming Ill due to Covid I would be interested to find out if the medical centres are finding the average acuity of sick patients higher now. Upgraded pre-screening has reduced potentially sicker patients travelling since Covid. 

I am impressed that the cruise companies can continue to recruit doctors and nurses as they have greater alternatives to a cruise job without the benefits that I would have considered when I contemplated a similar role years ago……travel!

I work in primary care and rarely hear of sick vaccinated patients now. My concerns about cruising would be the bu..erance factor of being positive rather than the illness which would be similar to a cold (I had it in 2020 and have had two boosters).

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Glad you  are free from the ship!  Terrible that food was delayed.  As a diabetic , waiting that long could be an issue for me.


We put our suitcases in plastic when we get home..deters bed bugs!


Hope it resolves soon.  Enjoy the rest of your trip

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Thanks for your posts Jim, I have looked forward to sitting down to them each evening and now will be following your blog.  Looks like I am going to miss you by one cruise again.  We board the Summit on October 3-likely when you will be disembarking.  Thanks for all your posts and positivity!

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On 4/29/2022 at 5:35 AM, Tigrou said:


I'm very sorry to hear your news Jim.  I hope you continue to feel okay and that Iain is okay too.


Interesting info about the Red Zone.  Earlier in the week someone posted that they were being isolated in their own cabin (Deck 10, I think it was), which could indicated the Red Zone was full then as you've been told it is today.  However, someone on FB (Celebrity Silhouette group) has posted that they and their wife tested positive yesterday and have been moved to the Deck 3 Red Zone.  I'm just wondering how space became available yesterday, has there been enough time on this cruise for someone to complete their quarantine and be released?

please excuse the humor, catch & release!  So sorry for your news, bet it will be fine but missing the next cruise is heart breaking.  

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10 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:

 I have no idea.  Getting information from them was impossible.    Personally I don't care but will work to get some reimbursement as long as either of us is positive.    They acted like were were their bad cousins.    They wouldn't even give or sell us any test kits.   Basically since the UK has nor requirements it up to you what you want to do, but we will not test you further and Adios. 


i was just remembering they offered to pay for your room and transportation there or give you money for hotel and meals.  

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I’ve been following along and I’m so sorry to hear you tested positive and are missing the cruise to Norway.  Your new accommodations are lovely.  I thoroughly enjoy following your travels and hope you will continue to post.  Wishing you and Iain good health and a wonderful trip to Scotland.  

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So sorry to read about your positive result and missing your next cruise.

One positive is that you disembarked in the UK and can continue on to nice accommodation  (of your choice) and in an area of lovely walks and scenery. 

Well done for your positive attitudes and fingers crossed that you can carry on up to Scotland shortly.


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Jim, I know you won’t dine out unless you are clear, but there is a wonderful 16th century pub called the Red Lion at Boldre, about 4/5 miles from Limmington. 

We stayed there a few years ago (no longer residential) and the food was wonderful. Traditional stuff, not fancy but really nice traditional English with local ales. The sort of place where your fish is bigger than your plate and you need to mop up every drop of gravy (not sauce, real old fashioned gravy). I just checked on their website and on Friday they do a pie and pudding day. Just thought it might appeal to you both…Knowing how you enjoy walking it could be something to plan for…


Perhaps any posters who are local could confirm if it is still as nice? It is a few years since we dined there..

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