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Semi Live Britannia B210 Blog


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3 minutes ago, Vampiress88 said:

Littlest has been asking constantly. Driving me nuts. We are 1 hour away. Going to be a bit early but better than late. 

Wait till they see the ship.  Have a really great time.🤣

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3 hours ago, Mrs applehead said:

Have a great time.

If you get the chance could you check out the allergy section in the buffet please? Particularly interested in dairy free items.

Thank you

and Gluten Free please - have a great time

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Aww I didn’t see this yesterday, have a great time Vamps, she’s still a great ship even though some things are slower than pre Covid.

Be interesting to see how things differ compared to our cruise. 

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5 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

Littlest has been asking constantly. Driving me nuts. We are 1 hour away. Going to be a bit early but better than late. 

We got there a bit early due to having to leave our hotel at 12 but it does take a while to get through testing . Good luck!!

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9 hours ago, P&O SUE said:

Was it about the same number of passengers for my cruise Kalos, do you remember? They didn’t tell us onboard.

Sorry Sue I don't remember, I get the figures off a guy on Solent ships who has VTS receiver

radio and posts them as he hears them.

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29 minutes ago, kalos said:

Sorry Sue I don't remember, I get the figures off a guy on Solent ships who has VTS receiver

radio and posts them as he hears them.

That’s ok I thought the captain might have mentioned it in his messages but if he did I didn’t hear it!

Edited by P&O SUE
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7 hours ago, P&O SUE said:

Hope Vamps and family have got on ok …


6 hours ago, wowzz said:

I hope that no news is good news !

I assume Vamps is on board waiting for a port stop to get free wifi, if they had been refused boarding I guess we would know by now.

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35 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:


I assume Vamps is on board waiting for a port stop to get free wifi, if they had been refused boarding I guess we would know by now.

That was my thinking as well.

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On 4/18/2022 at 2:27 PM, howmuch! said:

and Gluten Free please - have a great time

I have a note on my phone from last week where I rushed round the buffet one evening recording the GF items to report back to my wife. Probably slightly incomplete, but the main items were:
Soup au pistou
Cod fillet with butter & anchovy sauce
Roast beef
Sweet potato fries
Sauteed marrow
Green beans
Dauphinoise potatoes

I did notice that, frustratingly, things that really should or could have been GF weren't, due to inauthentic recipes, e.g. Pad Thai made with wheat noodles instead of proper rice noodles.

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Travel day- 18th April


I am absolutely shattered this morning. We didn’t go to bed till 1am after trying to print out these Lisbon passengers forms. I’ve been up since 5.20 and I don’t think I slept much in between. Unfortunately I’m a chronic worrier so that means my mind is going a million miles wondering if I’ve got everything etc even in my sleep. I think we managed to do everything yesterday that we needed to. The cases are packed, we’ve ended up with 5. All quite ridiculously full. I’m going to make Scott a coffee before showering and then waking the girls up.

Looks like there is some slight traffic on the road, maps are saying it will take another half hour than usual. We are still going to be aiming for setting off at 7am. The girls went to bed late so I’m hoping they will snooze in the car.

I always have the feeling like I’ve forgotten something when we go away.


Well it was an interesting drive down, three and half hours of the kids annoying me. We had two stops to stretch our legs and we got a coffee and a bite to eat. No traffic on the road. Just a little road rage inside the car when the pulled pork pasty bought turned out to be Cornish pasty and the girls didn’t like those either. We got down to Southampton at 12, and worried we were a bit early but I took the turn for cps parking and there was no going back then. Pulled up in a row of cars. They took some pictures of the car then our keys. We unloaded the luggage and dropped it with some guys at the number on the luggage labels onto a conveyor belt which we didn’t have to do before. We got in the queue for the test. Showed our passports and covid vaccination status then through to what looked like a zombie apocalypse area, lots of Chinese people in blue scrubs, swab up the nose, didn’t hurt but not something I enjoyed. Then we were directed out, up the stairs, health declaration to do again the sat in the waiting area for the dreaded text.  Cps car parking and vaccine done by 12.30, and we were sat in waiting area by 12.45 which I don’t think was bad at all considering some horny stories I’ve read. The messages were really quick, back by 1pm so off to the check in desk to scan the passports and stamp out boarding passes. Next was the security, take off belts etc etc. We were all done and on the ship by 1.30. So the whole process took 1.5hrs. Not bad at all.


I’ve got to say I don’t like Britannia, I am so confused as to where we are going with the stairs etc and the laundrettes are all shut so can only get to the cabin one way. This is making for a difficult trip but I’m sure we will figure it out eventually.


We had some food from the buffet, i didn’t rate it much. Had a few chips,fish and noodles, the haddock was too fishy for me but pudding was ok, carrot cake and apple crumble. Same for the kids.

Cabin was then ready so I’ve unpacked all the cases while these three had a rest with their iPads. We got the kids cohorts thing. 



We have booked to go to Beach House for dinner tonight as the menu doesn’t look brilliant.

Currently sat in Brodies having a cocktail and beer. The kids have got a Tropicana each but they don’t like it, they say it’s too sweet so won’t be buying that again. Scott has got the the good old boy, tanglefoot and Oxford gold. The kids had a game of pool although they didn’t do very well at it, Georgia was playing up a bit as she usually does as she was a little bit too excited.



We decided to go back to the cabin to get ready as the table was booked for 8pm. It was actually quite a rush to get the shirts ironed and us showered and the girls dresses. We managed to scramble and look decent just in time with no help from all the places we can’t get to from the cabin, unfortunately as the isolation cabins are near us then we can’t get to the stairs and I found the floor really slippy in my high heels, I have them to wear tomorrow too, I’m just hoping I won’t fall over.


At the beach house we ordered Pako prawns each, hanging kebab for Scott and the sizzling plate with beef for me, then carrot cake each. Love the ice cream with the cake. The girls had sausage for Georgia and salmon for Scarlett with fries and sweetcorn. Scarlett had cheesecake for dessert and didn’t like it, I thought Georgias brownie was going to go all over her dress. Luckily we had no spills.


We were going to go to the bar but we were shattered. Back to the cabin, all ready for bed and straight to sleep.

Can’t say it was a brilliant nights sleep especially after the thud I heard in the middle of the night, luckily it was only a pillow from the top bunk not the actual child herself, yep was Georgia again.



Tuesday 19th


I had a really bad night sleep and woke up loads, Scott did too. I got up just before 7 and sneaked into the shower, woke Scott with a coffee and we had another rush around to get everyone ready and we were down at breakfast for 8am as we had booked.



Coffee and full breakfast for us and pancakes for the girls. Little bit too much food. We went back to the cabin and got changed as the kids had long sleeves on.
Had a look for the crossword in the library only to find it in the reception. Nice views though. 




Decided to come and sit in the market cafe near the windows where we did the crossword and played chess. We had a coffee and a red berry cooler. Georgia found a duck and was so excited. Plans for today is a magic show at 2. Then dinner at 6.30 and kids club by 8.





We decided to go up to the lido deck for some sun and did have a good walk around to see if we could fine a spot but it was too windy to stay up there. Back to the cabin to leave the kids bags and then we headed off to the buffet.

We sat at the top near the beach house as it was quieter but I’m sure the food at this side was different to the middle. We had some curry, chips and rice. I’m not impressed with the food to be honest. Apple crumble, cheesecake and chocolate cake was also eaten.


We headed down to the live lounge. There was the magician act that we wanted to see at 2pm. When we arrived there was a learn to juggle class so the kids joined in with that.


Scarlett was really quiet good at it. I went to fetch Scott a pink fizz thing from the glass house and have a look at the menu for this evening.

We didn’t actually think that the magician was any good, some of the tricks were supposed to be a lot funnier but the girls thought it was great. Georgia got chosen to do the plate spinning and she managed to get it to the ceiling, was brilliant to watch, Scarlett didn’t volunteer but she did keep trying to volunteer me but I wasn’t having any of that.





After this I wanted to go and do the syndicate quick in the crystal room. There were 20 questions and I’m sure a lot of these general knowledge ones are more for people older than us, I mean who knows the name of the album that John Lennon was on. Obviously everyone but us. We scored 1, The question was what is the Latino gang called in west wide story.

Scott had a fruit salad cocktail while we were here. With it being nearly 4.30 we decided to go back to the room to shower and get ready. While we were back in the cabin we decided that we didn’t like the look of tonight’s menu so changed our plans slightly.



Back up to the buffet, I feel like I’m forever up and down in this ship and it’s driving me mad that I can’t get to the places I need to due to the isolation cabins. Kids dinner was wedges and burger with lots of different pudding, I think theirs was nicer than the one at lunch time. No spills from Georgia this time but I managed to make a mess on the table. We might have borrowed a napkin to take home some cookies and a cup of milk for coffee.


Back at the cabin the kids got ready for kids club and we got dressed for black tie evening. Scott was in a suit looking sexy and I was in a black dress, I don’t think I looked too bad.

We got them to the kids club after taking at least two wrong turns which really annoyed me as I was in heels and had to go through the slippy floor in the buffet.

Both of them were happy to go straight in, it said they were making cocktails tonight.


We decided to chance going straight down to sindhu and seeing if a table was available. We managed to go straight in, table for two and it was lovely not to have to be telling anyone to behave!




We ordered the crap for starters. I enjoyed the claws but found the inside too fishy so Scott ate mine. Then for mains it was lobster and chicken. To be honest mine was on par with the buffet and I wasn’t impressed but Scott really enjoyed his lobster biryani. Washed down with a coke and a tiger beer.





We enjoyed some time off from the girls but soon it was 9.30 and time to collect them. They weren’t very impressed as their hadn’t made mocktails.


Back to the cabin for bedtime. Everyone is shattered again.


Wednesday 20th


Woke up at 5 again and tried to get more sleep. I’m sure everyone is struggling more as there is no natural light in the inside cabin. Decided to get out of bed at 6.45 and get showered and dress. Again it was a big rush around to get everyone sorted and out by 8am. Down to the peninsula for breakfast. Georgia had porridge, Scarlett a croissant, I had danish’s and Scott had full English. He wasn’t very impressed with the fact that the bacon wasn’t well done. Especially as we had asked for it specifically that way. Had white fat on bacon.


We had a sit down in the blue bar watching the waves before we packed the girls off to the kids club for 9.30am. Plus I think there was a meet going on in there so as needed to move anyway.



Back to the cabin for us to tidy up and then we came down to the market cafe to do the crossword. Again it was too hard for us and I had alsam tea which was ok but could have been better. It didn’t really brew that well for me.

Cakes looks nice though 






These three hours without the kids really does go fast.


We pick the kids up at 12.30 and head to the lido deck, Georgia wants pizza and Scarlett a hotdog. Scott and Scarlett went off to deck 17 to see if they could find a seat in the sun. One of the waitresses, lily, stopped and talked to Georgia about the crocodile mask she had made at kids club and as Georgia was showing it she dropped it in a puddle, bless lily she dried it all up and luckily there wasn’t many tears. We saw Scott waving to us from the deck above so I grabbed Georgia some pizza and we went up to see what everyone else wanted. Soon as we got up there, I popped my sunglasses on that I keep in my bag as my eyes are sensitive to light and they all start moaning about theirs that they had left in the cabin. Obviously must be a mum thing but I had to go and get them and fetch food with me on the way back. I brought what the girls wanted plus fries and burger for me and Scott. He had already ordered beer and lemonades.

After our lunch we grabbed some sun lounges that were next to us and all sunbathed.

We actually had a great afternoon. Scott had a few beers, I even had a cocktail which I wish I hadn’t.


I’d wanted to try the jukebox hero quiz but thought we would just play along for fun. Good job we did as we didn’t do too well at it.


Next we had ice creams.

This took ages to get and as soon as we were back Scarlett needed the toilet so off we went only to come back to our ice creams mostly eaten by Scott and Georgia. We had malted banana, salted caramel and honeycomb. Mine was the best. Both girls were surprisingly good this afternoon. Sun started to go in just after 4 so we decided to go back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. Well we look like tomatoes, me and Scott. Kids aren’t burnt at all but we look terrible, usually Scott just goes brown but not this time. I’m blaming my ginger genes for mine.


Managed to just get to dinning room for 6 only to find a massive queue. Seated at 6.15, not really what I wanted when I had plans for 7. We hadn’t come down and looked at the menu today it was just a surprise. Kids chose egg, chips and sweetcorn. We had the chef’s selection, beef kofta, turkey dinner and Apple strudel. The main was terrible. We’ve had better at places like Toby cavery.


Off to our next appointment slightly late at 7.15 but we made it to the kids disco. They loved having a dance with their friends from kids club. We had a few mocktails while watching them.

There was a 70’s night after the kids club so we stayed for that with the band pulse.



Well it was so loud and I didn’t rate her singing much either so we decided to call it a night as we were up early in the morning. Managed to get everyone but me asleep for 9.30. Now I’m just pondering what to do as Scott says we change the clocks by an hour today, I don’t think my phone can update without internet so I’m thinking I need to set my alarm for 5.30 as that would really be 6.30. I don’t want to miss breakfast but if I’m wrong I’ll have very mardy people with me tomorrow. Plus I can’t sleep as I am literally still burning. Was a very bad decision to not fetch it up from the cabin with me.


Lisbon tomorrow





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Great review Vamps. It’s always refreshing to read a detailed review which highlights both the good and bad things as they are far more credible than those that claim that everything was perfect or everything was terrible. I’d almost forgotten how stressful it can be to have youngsters in tow, although your girls do look adorable! Ours spent most of their time in the kids clubs, or with friends they had made in the kids club, which I guess yours will do as they get a bit older. Shame that the food had been a bit hit and miss, especially the crap starter 😂 

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You have two gorgeous girls!  Even if they do infuriate you at times; I can vaguely remember those days.  It id make me realise that actually cruising is much more enjoyable and relaxing without children.


We didn't do our first cruise until our twins were well over 20, and naturally did not want to come with us!  it is a shame about the long walks to get around the ship.  Do you think your girls would enjoy being on one of the big ships with water slides, etc. etc., much more geared up for children?


Hope your sleeping improves, lack of sleep makes all of us edgy.

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1 minute ago, lincslady said:

We didn't do our first cruise until our twins were well over 20, and naturally did not want to come with us! 

Ours are now well into their 20’s and still like coming with us, but that might have something to do with who pays 😂 

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Interesting Vamps, I must admit we struggled a bit the first day with the isolation cabins blocking our way. Got used to it though.


I used sun cream because I’ve learnt as I’ve got older and especially at sea my face goes like a tomato and I hate it! I spent one cruise constantly applying make up to my bright red nose!


Hope you have some fun days now and start to relax.

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