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Willdra's Visual Carnival Vista Oct. 15-22 Review


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Travel Day 


I don't know what you've been told

But time is running out, no need to take it slow

I'm stepping to you toe-to-toe

I should be scared, honey, maybe so

But I ain't worried 'bout it right now

Keeping dreams alive, 1999, heroes

I ain't worried 'bout it right now

Swimmin' in the floods, dancing on the clouds below

I ain't worried 'bout it-One Republic


Hey y'all! New to my reviews? Welcome! Have a Coke and a smile. You've come to the right review.  If you are my ride or die, 10 toes down, in it to win it cruise cousins, buckle up buttercup. You know how this will go. 


Before we get started, please remember all sales are final. Absolutely no refunds will be given. Read at your own risk. 


Still here? Then let's get into it!


On this journey, W (my personal valet/butler/bellhop/husband) and I flew to Houston on Oct. 13 to spend a couple of days with fam before the cruise. I will begin there because I want to. You may also notice that it's not very "visual" at first, but it'll get there. I pinky promise. 


Travel day started at the most ungodly hour of 5am. I didn’t even realize that my alarm could actually be set for that obscene hour. Yuck.

Even tho my pillow was keeping me captive, I got right up when I heard the noise. The first thing that I noticed, was that it was storming and sounding like it was hurricaning outside. It was strange for the lightning to crack and thunder to rumble that loud this time of year. It was so bad, it was shaking our whole house. I sent up a quick prayer to puppy Jesus asking him to keep our furry freeloader calm at the vet. Since we had an early flight, W dropped him off the day before. He hates thunder and lightning so if he could hear this storm, he was somewhere shivering for sho. Bless his heart.


I got up and went to get W's birthday gifts out of their hiding place. Yep this was the big guy’s 55th birthday. I’m thrilled cuz now we can check that 55+ box on Carnival’s website when we are booking cruises. I don't know what checking that box does (Provide deep discounts? A tube of Bengay on your pillow?), but I can't wait to click it and see. W said he was low key sad about turning 55 tho. He got an AARP application in the mail the week before. Dang W is old old, and other people are acknowledging it.


I set about doing the do’s, and I woke up W at 5:30. We bumped around and left at 6:20. We were supposed to leave at 6. Right. Here's the deal. It was raining very hard. We had to get down to, and thru Atlanta. We also had to park off site and take the shuttle over to the airport. Our flight was at 8:55 (that gave us 2 hours and 35 minutes). Needless to say, it looked iffy from the giddy up. There was a wreck on i85 and the Peach Pass Lane was crawling. If you know anything about the ATL, you know that driving 30 miles here can take longer than driving 100 miles elsewhere. I got super nervous just looking at all of the traffic, so I did the only thing that I could. I said a prayer asking God to part that traffic like he parted the Red Sea. Then I took my mind off of it by doing some last-minute work stuff. Blah.


A few minutes later my prayer worked! Right after we passed 285, the road opened up. When we got to the parking garage, W handed me his phone and asked me to pull up the instructions that he received by email a month ago. A.Month.Ago. I located the email, but we needed a QR Code that wouldn't download because he had a weak signal. Why in the name of Jack Sprat could eat no fat, did he wait to download the code?? At the gate? While other people were behind us? I do a mental face palm and slow wall slide. When am I going to learn not to trust W with easy stuff like reading the email and understanding the assignment before we leave the house? I give myself an F for this. Fail whale. My bad. I wish I could say that this will be the last time, but I know that I will forget and let him trick me again. Help.Me.


We were taking so long at the gate, an attendant came out to help us. She let us in with her badge, but she told W to download the code before we returned. After that debacle, we whipped in and found a parking spot. We unloaded our bags, and a few minutes later, the shuttle scooped us up. As soon as we got on the shuttle, I told W to download the code and add it to his Mobile Wallet, cuz he wouldn't remember by the time we got back.


After collecting us, the shuttle filled up by taking 3 more sets of passengers. While W was working on his parking pass, I was still silently asking the travel gods to get us to our gate in time. I was also coming up with a contingency plan by checking other flights in case this went left on us. Hartsfield Jackson can be a friend or a foe. It was still too early to know. We got to the airport around 7:45. 1 hour and 10 minutes to go. First, we went to the North Terminal to drop off a couple. Then we went all the way around to South Terminal. Geesh. This felt like it took forever! When we finally got to our stop, W and I hopped off of the shuttle, yanked our bags off, threw the driver a tip, and bolted into the Southwest Counter. We punched in our code, got our bag tags, stuck 'em on (hoping they would stay) then handed them over to the agent. She checked us in fast, and we were on our way. The next biggest hurdle was TSA. We were directed to go through the line right there at the South Terminal, but it wasn’t moving. We stood there a sec, then went down to the other checkpoint, to see if that line was shorter. Omg it was like 10 times as long. We went back to where we started and got in that line. It was around 8:00. Boarding was set to start at 8:25, the flight leaves at 8:55. No pressure tho.


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The security checkpoint was at a standstill, so we were just standing there looking crazy. It started to move for a minute or so then it would abruptly stop. When we got closer, we could see they were having people line up 2 by 2 and walk with the K9. That was the hold up. The dog had taken a short break, which shut the line down until he came back. Our whole trip was hinged on an employee who prolly drinks water out of the potty for funsies. Perfect. We waited in line, snaked thru, got up to the front, and passed the dog test before he took another break. From there, it was on to the real security. The scanners. We unloaded our electronics and placed them in the bins. I took off everything that I could and held my breath as I walked thru the scanner. No beeps!!!!! Whoop whoop!! 


 Next, we go down to see if our bags passed the test. W’s suitcase came out first. Following was my backpack. It came out of the scanner, then it paused (and I swear it shook a little) at the spot where it had to decide to either come out to me, or go to extra scrutiny. As it sat there, I cheered it on. "Come on my beautiful backpack! Don’t go to the right! Come straight to me! I promise I won't overstuff you anymore, or shove you under the airplane seat with my foot! You got this! I believe in you backpack!" It shook a little more like it couldn't decide, then pushed forward to my waiting arms. Whew. That was stressful! I was so proud. One more item to go. W’s backpack. With this man, you can never really tell what he has going on in his bags, so I held my breath. Again. His backpack got up to the fork in the road, then almost willed itself to fly to the right, quick as a flash. Like it was born for that extra security foolishness. It was proudly going to be examined. Disrespectful. The horrible part was that it was behind about 10 other bags so this would not be fast. W waited his turn, while I silently contemplated leaving him there. No use in both of us missing the flight. Right? Before I could work out my excuse for leaving him behind, his backpack was pulled out of the pile. Finally! They opened it, looked around for 1-2 seconds, then gave it to him. Huh??? We could've done that ourselves!!! It was now 8:27. Boarding had begun. All politeness and manners were now abandoned. It was every W for himself, and God for us all.


We ran down the escalator to catch the train. Yes, there's also a train in our airport. Thankfully it was still there. The doors were closing as we got closer. Did we stop and wait for the next train, fearing that we could be injured? Absolutely not. We ran faster and jumped on. W was in front of me, but he didn’t give me enough room to clear the door. I sprinted, put my hands out, and literally pushed him in, so that I could get out of the doorway. Uh huh. I was getting on that train by any means necessary. The second that I crossed the threshold, the door closed. W wasn’t even mad that I pushed him in. Sometimes you have to take one for the team. Now we just had to ride down to Gate C, and we should be ok. Should. As long as there were no further delays. There weren't. We made it to our gate and thank God it was right there on the end. We didn’t have to walk past 22 Gates. Our flight was boarding already when we got there, and we were in Zone A. We walked right up and into the plane at 8:37.


When we got on the plane, we selected some decent (I thought) seats. There was a nice advanced aged adult sitting by herself, so we sat on her row. As soon as I sat down, she immediately started talking to me. Then she alternated between texting her son (I could read her texts cuz she used the biggest font ever), bumping me, and telling me how much she hated to fly. When I got situated, I started making my notes and talking to y’all. She leaned over and asked me how I was able to text with my thumbs. Ma’am what? Right eyebrow raise. She said she could only use one finger and she couldn't text with her thumbs. I literally said "Alright sweetness that’s ok you’re doing your best. Use whatever method works for you." She talked about it some more, and she kept trying to read my words. She couldn't tho, cuz my old lady eyes have been converted to slightly younger lady eyes with bifocal contact lenses, and I don’t need to use font big enough to see from the other room. I told her that I learned by practicing it after watching my adult offspring text. I needed to be able to speed type when I’m making my notes for my reviews, and thumb texting is so much faster. She was satisfied with my explanation (I think she really just wanted to know what I was doing). Nosy Rosey. Can't blame her tho.


As soon as Chatty Cathy turned her attention elsewhere, I finished up my notes, then watched "Elvis" on Southwest’s free movie site. W and I saw it in the theater, but I wanted to see it again. There was so much there to unpack. Watching it during the flight was perfect. Soon after takeoff, the flight attendants came by and had us scan the QR code for drink selections. I asked for the Strawberry Vodka Lemonade. When she brought it out, I tried to give her my card to pay, but she said, "No it’s on the house." Sweet! I’m getting free liquor at 9:30am? I'm either doing something very right, or very wrong. Either way, it's turn up time.


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The flight was short. Not quite 2 hours. When we landed we went to find baggage claim and the Hertz counter. It was very convenient. The car rental desks were right behind baggage claim. There was a sign on the Hertz desk directing us to get on the shuttle. After we collected our belongings, we went to find the Hertz bus. I have a Gold membership, so when we got to the rental area, we just picked a car in the Gold lot and took off. I reserved a mid-sized sedan, but we got a Dodge Journey SUV.





We drove out of the lot and headed for the hotel. It was only 11 am so the hotel could tell us to kick rocks until check in time at 3. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if we could check in early. It only took a few minutes to get there. We were staying at the C Baldwin Hilton downtown cuz yep, I got a cool deal plus they upgraded my room to a high floor corner room. My company’s daily rate was $168 on Concur. They must have some bussin discount codes, cuz the advertised rate on the Hilton app was $387.


When we got there, W waited in the car while I went to inquire on the room. Our room was ready, so they let us check in. The hotel is beautiful, and the pictures do not do it justice. The aesthetic was elegant.  My fam told me later that it was a popular spot for wedding receptions and corporate events. I could see why. It was giving all of your forks match, throwing away shopping bags cuz you know you won't need them, and a solid investment portfolio energy. Nice.


I was checked in very quickly. The only downside was the mandatory valet parking. It's not always convenient, plus it's usually expensive. I was afraid to ask.  I went out and collected W after I got the room cards. We went up to check out the room and drop off our bags. I took room pictures until I hit my left pinkie toe on the bottom corner of the bed. I hit it so hard, it took a chunk out of my toe. Hard cringe. It was really bleeding too, so I had to stop and let W put a Band-Aid on it. It hurt a little but nothing too serious. I was happy that we had a little first aid kit with us. 3 Band-Aids later, and I was patched up. I took a few more pictures then started searching for food on the innanets.


























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We found this little spot called Harry’s that was about a mile from the hotel. They had a brunchy vibe as well as some Mediterranean dishes. We got ready and drove over. It was like a 5-minute drive.


The restaurant was nice, and we were seated when we got there. You could tell right off that they get busy on the weekends. They had some specific “rules” posted up front on a sign. Any establishment bold enough to post their own regulations, biases, and guidelines, and doesn’t care at all about your feelings, better have some "slap ya mama" level food. Let me find out.





I ordered the Chicken and Waffle, and W got the Feta Omelet. We ordered drinks and the server brought us water also, which was unsolicited. After one sip, I understood why they were trying to get rid of that water. It tasted like grief, disdain, and it assaulted my tongue. Bummer. I was behind on my water drinking for the day and I was hoping to get caught up there. Not happening. I’m not putting pond scum in my mouth. At least not on purpose.


Our food didn’t take long, and it was delicious. The Chicken and Waffle was prepared with heavenly hands. I don’t usually eat all of my food, but this time I made an exception and tried my best to shovel it all in.  I failed miserably. Not letting it go to waste, W happily ate the rest of my waffle. He said that was the best waffle he ever tasted. I agreed. The chicken also rose to the challenge. It was very tender and juicy, and it had a little bit of a kick to it. This food was winning. 10 stars all around, I highly recommend it. Slap ya mama level achieved. 







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After we ate, we went to my uncle’s house and chopped it up with them for a few hours. At around 5 they declared that it was time to go to dinner (senior behavior) so we all got in our vehicles and went to Cadillacs Bar and Grill. It’s a Mexican spot that’s kinda popular in the neighborhood. W and I got there first cuz we’re not 70 years old and he doesn't drive slower than cold molasses.




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It was Happy Hour at the restaurant, and it included drinks and some small plates. I ordered the Tamales, Beef Quesadilla, and Strawberry Margarita.


My Aunts and Uncles got there about 15 minutes after us, and they're from Houston. As soon as my aunt sat down, she started feeling the basket of chips. Pardon me? Why ma’am? Then suddenly she proclaimed that the chips were cold and how unacceptable that was. W and I gave each other looks that said “Cold chips are unacceptable??? Since when?” but we knew better than to say anything audibly. We didn’t want smoke with her. She was getting riled up into a frenzy. We let the wrath stay directed at the chip basket. Not our circus. Not our monkeys. This was in no way our first (or last) rodeo. When the server came by my aunt picked up the basket and gave it to her. She asked for warm chips and said “My nephew W just ordered guacamole. He can’t eat it with cold chips”. That was news to W cuz he had been doing just fine inhaling that guac on those cold chips. He was actually chewing as she was saying it. I guess the server didn’t want that action either. She apologized for the chips and immediately went to get some more.  Intelligent.


The chips were brought back smoking hot, and the world was right again (for my aunt at least). All of our food was sensational, and the Strawberry Margarita was A plus plus. When I drank it, I didn’t taste any alcohol at all. So naturally, I got another one. Before the second one came the first one kicked in. Bigly. I didn’t taste the alcohol, but I sure did feel it! Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am. Goodnight Irene.
















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We ate, laughed, and talked for a few hours. I was so glad that W and I decided to go to Houston. The last time we were there was in 1994. Way too long ago. 


After dinner, we parted ways with the fam, and W and I ran some errands (we went to Kroger to get wine for the cruise), then we went back to the hotel.


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for giving someone the idea to make Band-Aids. How did peeps stop cuts from bleeding and getting infected before Band-Aids? Tape and Toilet Paper? Rope and cloth?  Ewww. Big nope.


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Wildra !  I was so pleased to see that you are posting about your Vista cruise.

l have been checking the Carnival board for your words about your latest sea adventure as you mentioned in your last review that you would be writing about the Vista cruise.

Looking forward to reading more of your review.

Tonight, I will send up a prayer for you and W because you bring a.lot of light to a lot of people .




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12 hours ago, willdra said:



After collecting us, the shuttle filled up by taking 3 more sets of passengers. While W was working on his parking pass, I was still silently asking the travel gods to get us to our gate in time. I was also coming up with a contingency plan by checking other flights in case this went left on us. Hartsfield Jackson can be a friend or a foe. It was still too early to know. We got to the airport around 7:45. 1 hour and 10 minutes to go. First, we went to the North Terminal to drop off a couple. Then we went all the way around to South Terminal. Geesh. This felt like it took forever! When we finally got to our stop, W and I hopped off of the shuttle, yanked our bags off, threw the driver a tip, and bolted into the Southwest Counter. We punched in our code, got our bag tags, stuck 'em on (hoping they would stay) then handed them over to the agent. She checked us in fast, and we were on our way. The next biggest hurdle was TSA. We were directed to go through the line right there at the South Terminal, but it wasn’t moving. We stood there a sec, then went down to the other checkpoint, to see if that line was shorter. Omg it was like 10 times as long. We went back to where we started and got in that line. It was around 8:00. Boarding was set to start at 8:25, the flight leaves at 8:55. No pressure tho.


My heart is racing just reading this! I never thought I would be, but am now in fact, a get to the airport way earlier than necessary type of person cause I just can't take the stress anymore! 


Off to a great start (for us reading it anyway)! Can't wait to read more! Love your reviews! 

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