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Arvia Adventure Begins - May 2023


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1 hour ago, AndyMichelle said:


Just catching up with your days activities MB, reading them out to Michelle, we can't believe it!!! 

We are usually very tolerant people, but would be devastated if we were being treated like this... 

All we can do is keep our fingers crossed for you and hope that you get some sort of satisfactory resolution soon. 

Best wishes, 

Andy & Michelle x


Our thoughts as well Andy, Mrs K could hardly take in how poor Megar B ' has been treat.

Maybe it is a soundproof design fault ,that should have been picked up upon before it went

into service. 


We came back off a holiday the other week and had flight delays and to top it off got caught

in a down pour and were soaked. As it had been our anniversary the day before I booked us 

in the airports 4* hotel as a treat . 

There we were at the hotel reception stood among pilots cabin crew ,suited and booted

people ,looking  rough still dripping soaking wet.

When it came our turn ( imagine Tim Curry home Alone ) asked for our booking and I 

said " As you can see we are drowned ,tired ,hungry and could we have a quiet room 

as it has been a very long day ?"

Certainly sir ,end of a very long corridor and your room awaits "

We got there to find the room like a bomb had hit it ,food on the floor bed unmade dirty towels 

strewn everywhere !

Still soaked dragging cases we made our way all way back to reception . The guy looked a 

bit surprised to see us return . "Hope all is well ? " 

He knew we were not impressed and shocked at the state of the room .

Looking through his booking system ,he said .." I'm very sorry that should not be happening ,

we are pretty full tonight ,so if you don't mind I want to put you up in our Presidential Suite

for the night .Feel free to use anything within as well as mini bar, We are sorry  "


Now if a hotel can do this, all we wanted was a clean room and a sleep ,I am sure they 

could have sorted a room out for Megar  B' for that night . Really feel for her .

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3 hours ago, CarlaMarie said:


I hope they come soon so that you don't miss your rearranged dinner reservation! 

They didn't and I did!!!!


After going back down at 7.05pm I was told if I left the cabin area they wouldn't be able to move me tonight.  I cancelled the meal in Green & Co via reception and went back to the room. At 8.00pm I got a call to say go and eat and then come back to reception. As I'd now not eaten since 6.15pm yesterday apart from my ice cream ashore I headed to the Quays for fish and chips.  A man with one leg came to sit with me and have a chat (no it isn't a joke and has relevance below). Transpired he was on his first cruise having travelled from Cornwall. His booking had been made via a reputable travel agent and he had a deck 16 semi disability friendly cabin - he was riding in some very smart buggy thing but very nifty at transferring on a crutch.  Anyway his agent had done all the necessary paperwork and disability forms and he arrived at Southampton to board and there his problems began.  The check in staff called a health and safety man in stating they weren't going to let him board because he wouldn't be able to have a 4 man lift in the event of an emergency because everyone was allocated and as a late booking they could only source one handler for him.  I don't understand this jargon but I know many of you will know what it all means. My new friend was taking the cruise as his house was being ripped to pieces to make adjustments following his leg loss so couldn't go home. H&S man arrived and after 1 1/2 hours of discussion told him he'd have to prove he could walk up and down the stairs by actually doing so in front of them.  He then had to use his crutch and go up and down a dozen steps three times while they watched.  This all sounded pretty astonishing to me but he assured me it happened.  Having completed his "exercise" the H&S man said well you look pretty nifty so I'll stamp you okay to board.  He's happy to be here, likes his cabin but hates the buffet as no staff help him and he relies on fellow passengers for help with drinks etc - no trays of course.


Hearing all this made me feel quite humble about the noise.  Anyway after an hour I returned to reception and said any news.  And miracle of miracles there was! A new cabin, inside deck 4 forward.  Very strangely its next door to my original non upgraded one.  Couple of more hiccups - I'm locked out of my old room and all my worldly possessions are in there but I've been in the new room which is quiet and had no men in it.  So now I'm waiting for my worldly goods to be brought to me by the deck staff.  They may not get here until after 11.00pm as they're apparently on other duties around the ship. Luckily I have my phone and handbag with valuables with me but I can't do much else but wait.  The television works here as well, the last one didn't for some reason.


Salvation might be coming with tomorrow a new dawn in the Atlantic ocean with gale force winds and a heavy swell.  I can confirm that Arvia moves a lot compared with Britannia, Azura and Queen Victoria all of which I've had the foremost inside cabin on before.  It's a good job I love the movement which is why I booked forward to start with.

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@Megabear2 Phew! At least you may get a decent night's sleep tonight - you must be physically and emotionally wrecked by now. Let's hope all your worldly goods don't arrive at stupid o clock. Your new best friend sounds as though he's had a rough time too. I hope he enjoys his cruise.


Sleep well MB2 and here's hoping tomorrow's a better day for you ( be hard to be worse I suppose). Best wishes. Jane xxxx

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2 hours ago, Ardennais said:

Such a horrible experience. Thing is, this issue needs resolving once and for all instead of trying (and failing) to pacify passengers on a cruise by cruise basis. The problem isn’t going to go away by itself. 

Whilst I have every sympathy with Megabear, just how do you propose P&O resolve issues like this when they have full ships? I dont have any data but would guess that most passengers in these "noisy" cabins don't have a problem with it, or at least dont complain, so its unlikely any cruise line would take a cabin permanently out of service in these circumstances. So whilst for MB this is very frustrating, P&O do seem to be trying to find a satisfactory resolution to her problem. But until they can find an available cabin, possible as guest artists on board reduce, then a satisfactory solution is impossible.

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12 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

Whilst I have every sympathy with Megabear, just how do you propose P&O resolve issues like this when they have full ships? I dont have any data but would guess that most passengers in these "noisy" cabins don't have a problem with it, or at least dont complain, so its unlikely any cruise line would take a cabin permanently out of service in these circumstances. So whilst for MB this is very frustrating, P&O do seem to be trying to find a satisfactory resolution to her problem. But until they can find an available cabin, possible as guest artists on board reduce, then a satisfactory solution is impossible.

It's not the cabin that's frustrating it's the constant not turning up at prearranged meetings, the wait in your cabin, the we have a solution oh no we don't, the shrug of the shoulders that these unnecessary appointments and waits have cost me two days of my holiday.  And sadly I'm certainly not alone.  Reception have a list with 30 names on it, I was shown it yesterday when I queried why the man next to me had been given a cabin in front of me, mind you I think that was because he presented the entire family in their nightwear  at 1.00am.


Fact is they've admitted to me and others they know there's a noise issue but HO keep selling the cabins leaving them no way out.

Edited by Megabear2
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How can people keep complimenting P&O when this sort of thing is happening with so many people. On Iona we complained about the creaking in the cabin(balcony select) and they fixed the dividing partition ouside. No difference as the noise was like hundreds of rats scurrying along the conduits over the balcony door. Told there was nothing they could do and on the third day I got some earplugs and used those. It would seem that the design of the two new ships leaves much to be desired with noise levels. Of course the cruiseline will continue selling these cabins as money is the only thing they are interested in and most people have got so fed up they just accept it.

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1 hour ago, terrierjohn said:

Whilst I have every sympathy with Megabear, just how do you propose P&O resolve issues like this when they have full ships? I dont have any data but would guess that most passengers in these "noisy" cabins don't have a problem with it, or at least dont complain, so its unlikely any cruise line would take a cabin permanently out of service in these circumstances. So whilst for MB this is very frustrating, P&O do seem to be trying to find a satisfactory resolution to her problem. But until they can find an available cabin, possible as guest artists on board reduce, then a satisfactory solution is impossible.

As I’ve said before when other issues are raised, it’s not my problem! Why do you always expect passengers to ‘propose’ a solution??? You always seem to look at things from the top down, not from the bottom up!! 

They shouldn’t even have to resolve issues like this when they have full ships, half full ships, whatever. The issue shouldn’t exist in the first place. 

Sorry to say, you actually don’t sound very sympathetic. 



Edited by Ardennais
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Good news that they have hopefully found you a cabin that is quiet and you are able to get some sleep in MB. On the way back where you are now we had 50 Knot winds on the nose and 5 metre swell but in all honesty the movement was not too bad and not a sick bag in sight. The Crows Nest is a good sanctuary after breakfast and you have direct access to it via the lift from the front of the ship. 

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It seems to me that P&O need a list of those noisy cabins and declare the problem at point of sale like they do with obstructed views. Then sell at a discount and as someone said above party animals could book them knowing the issues and knowing they are unlikely to be too bothered by the noise - with the discount being a sweetener.

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5 minutes ago, gadabout60 said:

It seems to me that P&O need a list of those noisy cabins and declare the problem at point of sale like they do with obstructed views. Then sell at a discount and as someone said above party animals could book them knowing the issues and knowing they are unlikely to be too bothered by the noise - with the discount being a sweetener.

What an excellent idea. On the deck plans there’s a long list of issues that are flagged for balconies, such as steel fronted, shaded, overlooked, partially obstructed, obstructed etc and yet P&O still manage to sell these cabins. If there are known issues with noise then, as you say, some will still book them (at a lower fare) because it won’t bother them. 

Those of us who have done many cruises (and often learned the hard way) know to avoid being over or under public areas, especially those where amplified music is played. However, we can still get caught out (we thought that two decks above the Live Lounge would be fine - and we were wrong). Those who are new to cruising (P&Os new target audience) won’t know any of these things and may be put off cruising if their first experience is a bad one. It’s also deeply unfair for the ships crew to be faced with multiple unhappy passengers on every cruise. 

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Welcome to a new day MB2. I hope everything is now plain sailing! (Sorry for the atrocious pun, it’s what I do best….) 

Here’s hoping a good nights sleep has been enjoyed and you can relax and enjoy the rest of your trip.

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10 hours ago, terrierjohn said:

Whilst I have every sympathy with Megabear, just how do you propose P&O resolve issues like this when they have full ships? I dont have any data but would guess that most passengers in these "noisy" cabins don't have a problem with it, or at least dont complain, so its unlikely any cruise line would take a cabin permanently out of service in these circumstances. So whilst for MB this is very frustrating, P&O do seem to be trying to find a satisfactory resolution to her problem. But until they can find an available cabin, possible as guest artists on board reduce, then a satisfactory solution is impossible.

See posts #114 & 115 for a solution that would work for both customers (the most important) and P&O. 

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A very good.morning!  Normality has thankfully returned.  The new cabin is exceptionally quiet, slept like a log without even a creak.  Woke this morning refreshed and ready to face the new day.


Pottered about unpacking a few bits - don't laugh but I am reluctant to unpack everything just in case!  Anyway decided I was hungry so jumped in the shower quickly and thought I'd look at the app for a breakfast in MDR.  Meridian showed a queue of 30 so I thought join that one.  Started dressing, one leg in the trousers and the phone went off - your table's ready.  That was exactly 3 minutes.  There I am front of the ship not even knowing where the restaurant is. Okay I'm on my way I have 15 minutes. Arrived with 5 minutes to spare.  Had a nice sharing table for 8, a lovely crowd.  There were some seving problems all round but.mine arrived unscathed.  People were missing items, the guy next to me got no sausage or tomato.on.his order and the promised delivery arrived when his plate was clear. Wrong toast for others, only one poached egg when two were ordered.  The staff were apologetic and everyone took it in good part. There are clearly some service issues in there.  I noticed the not booked line was quite long, this was 8.45. Overall I found Meridian with quite low ceilings which made it loud and echo filled too big.  No refills of coffee arrived for anyone on the table either.  The staff looked pressured


The good news.  We transited the rough weather fine and this.morning is gloriously sunny and warm with a very nice light breeze. Beautiful just what I needed.


I've decanted to deck 18 and have a sunbed just back from the pool. There is a row of seats facing the ocean in front which will offer a little shade later on.  I'm not planning on moving for a while with my trusty kindle in hand. Relaxation will be the order of the day.


There's a very small pool, I can see this might be a problem with kids, it's actually minute three pulls and I'm down the length.  The one two decks down is slightly bigger but already rammed with no beds or chairs in sight.


It's black tie.night.  I'm thankfully booked for Zenith.at 6.30 as my breakfast dining companions are unable to reserve anywhere so are going to try the queue later.  One of them was on the cruise before last (He loves the ship) but said it was a giant.bunfight the last time.  Sounds interesting...


Time to chill. Have a great day everyone. 


Edited by Megabear2
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9 hours ago, Ardennais said:

As I’ve said before when other issues are raised, it’s not my problem! Why do you always expect passengers to ‘propose’ a solution??? You always seem to look at things from the top down, not from the bottom up!! 

They shouldn’t even have to resolve issues like this when they have full ships, half full ships, whatever. The issue shouldn’t exist in the first place. 

Sorry to say, you actually don’t sound very sympathetic. 



I am very sympathetic to any passengers who are having their holiday ruined by something like this. I am also sympathetic to the crew who are having to deal with what seems an insoluble problem.

Noise issues like this are probably only resolvable during an extensive refit, which happen very infrequently. Head office will continue to sell cabins unless instructed by senior management, and senior management are judged on performance, where profit is a major factor. So there is no incentive to fix the problem by withdrawing any cabins.

I do not expect passengers to solve these problems, and my comment was not directed at you. I was asking how would a sensible person resolve this issue, my proposal would be to categorise the very worst noise issue cabins, offer them at discounted prices, with the noise issue clearly identified.  This would probably not be ideal to senior management, but would certainly help staff since passengers cannot really complain about a noise issue they have accepted when they booked.

Maybe others would like to come up with their own possible solutions.

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4 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

I am very sympathetic to any passengers who are having their holiday ruined by something like this. I am also sympathetic to the crew who are having to deal with what seems an insoluble problem.

Noise issues like this are probably only resolvable during an extensive refit, which happen very infrequently. Head office will continue to sell cabins unless instructed by senior management, and senior management are judged on performance, where profit is a major factor. So there is no incentive to fix the problem by withdrawing any cabins.

I do not expect passengers to solve these problems, and my comment was not directed at you. I was asking how would a sensible person resolve this issue, my proposal would be to categorise the very worst noise issue cabins, offer them at discounted prices, with the noise issue clearly identified.  This would probably not be ideal to senior management, but would certainly help staff since passengers cannot really complain about a noise issue they have accepted when they booked.

Maybe others would like to come up with their own possible solutions.

Seems a totally reasonable suggestion but I doubt it's going to be taken onboard.  I'm sure many would be happy with that.  Unfortunately most I've had contact with say they aren't keen on the ship. I'm sitting with a lovely family of 20 at the moment, their second cruise after Ventura 7 years ago.  They're disappointed after waiting 14 months for this holiday. Nothing to do with noise in their case but they are encountering balcony smoking and general issues including kids on the dance floor at 11.00pm during the silent disco and inability to book tables near each other as a large group.

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So pleased that things are so much better for you (though there are obviously service  problems on the ship) and that you have been able to sleep well.  I find that impressive, as if I have horrendous problems I find it very hard to get to sleep that night, even if the problem has been solved.  Your cheerful attitude is to be applauded after everything that has happened so far.


If Head Office don't do something about the noisy cabins - and it can only be by something like putting lower prices on them - eventually the message will get out generally and they will lose custom.

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35 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Seems a totally reasonable suggestion but I doubt it's going to be taken onboard.  I'm sure many would be happy with that.  Unfortunately most I've had contact with say they aren't keen on the ship. I'm sitting with a lovely family of 20 at the moment, their second cruise after Ventura 7 years ago.  They're disappointed after waiting 14 months for this holiday. Nothing to do with noise in their case but they are encountering balcony smoking and general issues including kids on the dance floor at 11.00pm during the silent disco and inability to book tables near each other as a large group.

Sorry to hear about all the issues you had but glad to hear you managed to get a cabin sorted and got a restful night, hopefully you can now relax and enjoy your cruise. It is a shame that everyone you have spoken to are also having issues, slightly worrying when there are 5000 passengers on board.

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42 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Seems a totally reasonable suggestion but I doubt it's going to be taken onboard.  I'm sure many would be happy with that.  Unfortunately most I've had contact with say they aren't keen on the ship. I'm sitting with a lovely family of 20 at the moment, their second cruise after Ventura 7 years ago.  They're disappointed after waiting 14 months for this holiday. Nothing to do with noise in their case but they are encountering balcony smoking and general issues including kids on the dance floor at 11.00pm during the silent disco and inability to book tables near each other as a large group.

Good to hear you got a good nights sleep. A couple of things crossed my mind I can’t see how the ship is sailing at full capacity even if it’s been sold out they’re likely to be a number of no shows at check in for various reasons I would think the chances of all 5000+ passengers all turning up pretty remote and surely in this day and age they have to possess a detailed manifest of how many and whom are in each cabin for safety purposes. It sounds like they don’t actually know how many they’ve got on board or where they are to me. 

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3 minutes ago, Mollag said:

Good to hear you got a good nights sleep. A couple of things crossed my mind I can’t see how the ship is sailing at full capacity even if it’s been sold out they’re likely to be a number of no shows at check in for various reasons I would think the chances of all 5000+ passengers all turning up pretty remote and surely in this day and age they have to possess a detailed manifest of how many and whom are in each cabin for safety purposes. It sounds like they don’t actually know how many they’ve got on board or where they are to me. 


Are there still cabins set aside for quarantine?


They would have to know the exact number on board.    The captain would need to provide the ship's manifest before the port authority (Southampton in this case) cleared them to sail.

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