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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 13th, 2023


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Good Evening,  thanks for today's report.  It was a busy in office day today with meetings starting at 8.  At least I'm halfway through the work week.  I've started pulling weeds in between meetings as a break from the laptop. Never more than 5 minutes at a time and it's surprising how much I can get done.

I hope everyone has a nice night. 

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Hello from a rainy day in SE Wisconsin.  We need the rain, we need 3-6 inches to no longer be in a drought situation.  We didn't get that much, but it was a gentle rain all day that is able to soak in.  Thanks for all of the daily posts and photos here!  Finally, a port we have seen.  We did the Conch Train ride, and then walked to the Southern Most Point.  No key lime pie on a stick though, even though it does look good now.  The recipes today look good, and my sewing machine has been very busy.  I have bindings to put on 5 lap quilts, not my favorite part to do.  They all go to church, and then they go to our shut ins, baptisms and others in need.  

@durangoscotsSorry to hear about your pooch, hoping he feels better soon.  

@smitty34877Hoping all goes well with your DH's MD appointments and surgery.  

Prayers and cheers for all who need them!




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12 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is a humid,cloudy day going up to 85 later. I have been to Key West on land trips and enjoyed visiting Hemingway’s house and  the six toed kitties.I can use a sewing machine but never got good enough at it to like the finished product. My in laws both worked in the garment district back in the day and really made beautiful clothes on their own time as a hobby. I remember my father in law inspecting the work on a Halloween costume  one year.  He shook his head sadly at my crooked efforts.

Today we are seeing the oncology surgeon and tomorrow it is back to the internist and cardiologist for pre ops again. I am so grateful to get appointments everywhere we needed them in such a timely manner. Surgery will be on 6/26.

I made the pad Thai recipe with the honey and had rave reviews last night. I kept the vegetarian portions separate and everyone was content. It was so much easier than other recipes I have tried. Thank you Debbie @dfish.

Take care everyone



I hope the appointments went well today and am thankful to hear the surgery is scheduled in less than 2 weeks.  Keeping you all in our prayers!




12 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

Thank you for today's daily reports.

It is sunny and 89°F here.

Great quote, interesting days and nice food.

I hope everyone is well and have a lovely day.


That sounds very warm, Graham!  Was it really that hot today?




11 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone.     We finally got the badly needed rain starting yesterday afternoon.   More for most of the day and 20+ mph winds.   No garden weeding today, if it was a decent day I would definitely be doing it.

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports.    I had to take sewing in middle school and I absolutely hated it.    I was never a fan of softball either.    Today's dish sounds like it is going to be a good one and a Chianti would be good with them.  I will pass on the Melon cocktail.  Thanks for researching these for us each day.

We went to Key West on our first HA cruise together as a couple when we sailed from Tampa on the old Rotterdam.   We lucked out and were able to dock next to Mallory Square.   I just tacked on a 10-day cruise at the beginning of our planned cruise for next January and we will hopefully be able to visit as it is on our itinerary.    I will try to find some photos in my files. 

@JazzyV Thanks for compiling the Celebrations and Care lists for us.  Prayers for all on our list and for the people of Ukraine.  @smitty34877 thanks for letting us know your husband's needed surgery was able to be scheduled expediently.     I hope the preop appointments go well. 


Our trip to Key West February 11, 2019


Key West Port 21119.jpg

key west sunset 2 21119.jpg

Nancy KW 21119.jpg


We were there with you Nancy!  Were you on the Feb. 3 cruise, too?  We were supposed to leave Tampa and be in Key West on the 4th but due to fog closures in Tampa Bay we spent the night at the dock in Tampa.  Then skipped Key West on the 4th.  Thank goodness we were on the following cruise with you and made it to Key West for the first and only time on Feb. 11th.  It was an enjoyable day and I wish we'd tried a Key Lime pie on a stick covered in chocolate!  Here's sunset after leaving Key West 2/11/2019.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJreP2p8Nd6bCMmZEdvxWFc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551115121





11 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report.  Just back from Northern Michigan and my niece’s graduation.  To top it off another niece got engaged while there and my family threw a surprise retirement party for DH. There was no dieting last weekend!  A nice collection of days, I’m sure many of you will weed your gardens today.  I really like the quote.  Think I’ll pass on the meal and drink today.  I’ve been to Key West many times but never on a cruise. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today. 🥂


Congrats to your niece on her engagement as well as the graduating niece.  Very nice of them to have a surprise retirement party for DH as well.  I hope you enjoyed the beautiful state of Michigan!




11 hours ago, aliaschief said:

We arrived in beautiful Vigo, Spain around noon and here to 8:00 PM. Our culinary team prepared a fantastic brunch for us. Fortunately didn’t eat enough to hamper on trying out Vigo’s Oyster Alley. There we enjoyed huge freshly shucked oysters, razor clams and butter baby scallops. So fresh and delicious.

It’s turning into a glutinous day as we have reservations at tonight’s Arabian themed Chef’s table.

Tonight we sail to La Coruna, Spain. Before this cruise is over we will have pretty much sailed around Spain. We end in Bordeaux but will stay on for the Intensive France cruise.

Thanks for the reports. Bruce






















Looks like a very nice spread.  However I cannot even look at the oysters.  No way!




10 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  


DH and I had a lovely dinner out for his birthday, but the service was terrible!  Was our waitress doubling as the sous chef?  She kept disappearing into the kitchen for 10-15 minutes, so the bread we ordered was delivered after our meal was eaten, the refill on iced tea came after the dessert.  When I left I spoke to the manager.  I told her it was easier to slam a restaurant for bad service on line, but since this was our favorite place to go that is rather pricey I would rather tell her that the service was terrible.  I also told her I over tipped the waitress only because I felt that soon she would be looking for another job.


Today the sun is up, it's 62 degrees, the sky is blue and we are expecting rain. ? 


My problem is not weeds, I will let them grow if it makes my yard look green.  it's pine trees.  We have some lovely pines in our yard, and squirrels.  The pine cones drop, the squirrels take what they want, and the rest of the yard becomes a growing nursery for pines. When I walk down to get the mail, I pull up about 10 tiny pine trees, when I come back up the hill, I choose another path 10 feet away from where I went down, and I  pull up another 10-20.  When I walk the neighbors dog, I pull up about 5 along the curb, and when I come back up the hill I pull about 20.  If i just wander  back and forth across the yard, I can pull up 100 tiny pines within 10 minutes.  And this is every day.  Every day!  If we didnt have a nice guy to come by and mow, I would have a forest in the yard.


Now that i am calling AZ opera, I have to schedule call backs, so yesterday I figured out my schedule until the end of June.  The easy week is the last week of June, when the only dr's appt we have scheduled is for Furnando cat.  Yay.








Sorry to hear about the service last night but I hope the food made up for it.  Yes, you have to keep up with those baby pine trees!  They grow like weeds.  Keep pulling them up or yes, you will have a forest in the yard for sure.  Did you get any rain today?  They predicted rain all day and we ended up with a few drops at 2 pm.  Typical weather report.




7 hours ago, aliaschief said:

This ship has such a beautiful library. Unfortunately they will be replaced eventually by an upscale spirits bar.

No casinos on Azamara as they spend so many overnights and late departures they were removed as not cost effective.








Like the others I recognize that library from the older Princess ships.  Very distinctive.  




6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  If I had a garden, I'd weed it, I use my sewing machine in fits and starts, as projects come into my head.  Then it sits for months without being used.  I played softball in elementary school - it was a great summer pastime.


Well breakfast is over and we just got our friends out the door for their medical appointment.  I love these people, but seriously, it's like herding cats, especially when their daughter is a retired nurse and always thinking 3 steps ahead of what they're doing.  "Where's your cane?"  "Do you have water?"  "Do you have your lunch pills?"  "Where are your car keys?"  "Did you take your morning medication?"  "Where are your teeth?"   Although their daughter is very familiar with our city, they asked DH if he would drive them across town to the hospital for the appointment.  What could he say?  He hadn't planned on it, but indicate otherwise and is off with them as well.  He brought along a good book and will stay in the car reading while they go about their business.


We had a nice evening last night, sitting on the deck enjoying conversation and drinks, and didn't get to bed until after 11.  Somewhere around 1AM DH woke me and said the smoke was really thick, so we wandered around the house ghost-like, closing windows so the house wouldn't smell like a campfire in the morning.   This morning we've got thick smoke all over the city and the air quality index is 10+, which means people with heart and breathing issues should limit their time outdoors.  I went out to fill the fountain and water the plants and by the time I came inside, my eyes were watering.


@smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's medical appointments.

@kazu you are the poster child for doing your physio; I remember how quickly and fully you healed from your last elbow incident.

@catmando good for you for quitting smoking; it's a tough job, but your health is more valuable than cigarettes.

@marshhawk I'm sorry you had such terrible service at your favourite restaurant; good for you for talking with the manager face to face, as I feel it means more than an online review.  Hopefully the server will find some employment more suitable.

@loveandpeas I made a second rhubarb pie yesterday morning and our guests gave it rave reviews, even taking a copy of the recipe for their use at home.  Thanks again!


I'm sure I'd like today's wine, would like to try the drink of the day, and am pretty sure I'd enjoy the quesadillas.  Not sure if our friends are spending another night, but just in case, I've got salmon thawing that will be done on the barbecue along with potatoes and vegetables.  If they don't stay, the salmon will stay in the fridge another day and we can enjoy the leftovers from last night's pulled pork, coleslaw and asparagus dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!



You two are so kind to your elderly friends!  I'm not surprised though.  They are lucky to know you!




5 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

We once sailed 71 days on the Ocean Princess around Africa and it had a library exactly like that one; even the furniture and the ceiling painting was similar.  Unfortunately, a few months later the ship was sold to Oceana and is now called Sirena.

Today is a cool day, in the mid 60s, so I will start working on my deck.  Am replacing the wood with a material called Timber Tek, similar to Trex.  Will be pulling up and de-nailing the wood today.



I really want to replace deck boards and update the handrails and trim on our deck like you're doing with your deck.  I just need to get someone out here to take a look and do some research on what composite to pick.  The deck at the house before this house was composite but I don't remember which type.  All you needed to do each year is wash off the dirt and black/green grunge.  Lots easier than restaining, etc.  We have to get permission on colors, materials, etc. before we change anything though.




2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

It is still very mild and humid at 21.55pm.

We had lunch and dinner in the garden.

This morning I attended a speed awareness course.

A couple of months ago a mobile police camera van photographed me driving over the speed limit.

The course was 3 hours long and  quite interesting and I did learn a few things.

Doing the course was cheaper than the fine and meant I did not get any penalty points on my clean driving licence.

I hope everyone is having a good day.



Good for you Graham!  Who among us hasn't driven a little over the speed limit once in a while, try as we might to be law abiding citizens?  Lol!  It doesn't hurt to have a refresher course every once in a while.😉

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@ktbraunI have bindings to put on 5 lap quilts, not my favorite part to do.  They all go to church, and then they go to our shut ins, baptisms and others in need.  

We use the envelope method on our charity quilts and then do some bar tacking, machine quilting or tie by hand. It's much easier and faster than the dreaded binding.

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Good cloudy evening, rain tomorrow morning and again in the afternoon. 
I have been to Key West several times over the years , including an unexpected stop on New Year’s Day 2011. It was the Nieuw Amsterdam 1st holiday cruise and due to storms and high winds we lost several ports including Costa Maya on NYE day . I remember them making the announcement that they were working on a replacement port and then announcing we were going to Key West . Everyone also received a $50 OBC. FWIW Stein Kruse was onboard the sailing. 
Love Kermit’s Key Lime pie and can actually purchase it locally at Adelphia Seafood for less than it costs in Key West. They do ship to certain states.

Tomorrow I have a physical therapy evaluation at 8 am 🤞I hope it works.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Haven’t posted for a few days, busy with my dad’s estate . We filed papers to start  probate today and paid the fee. Our lawyer has our purchase offer and can begin working on that. We spent a couple of hours packing up all the small stuff to send to a thrift store. We still need to move the furniture out to the garage so the thrift store will pick it up. But we have lots of time. And our lawyer is confident everything can be accomplished by July 21 so I will stop stressing all the details. My sister and I both like our lawyer so that helps. Maybe I can have a restful sleep tonight. 

prayers for those that need them and I have already had my wine to celebrate with those celebrating!



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Good evening after a very frustrating afternoon.  Just after 3pm we lost the internet, and we didn't get it back until after 10 pm tonight.  We got an email time stamped 8:52 saying the outage had been resolved, but it didn't come in until after 10.  Even the hot spots on our phones were not working most of the time.  You don't realise how much you rely on thr internet until it goes out.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

The rain is back this afternoon so my weeding and deadheading was cut short.

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I may have found the pad Thai kit at the big box store -- it was in the refrigerated section and has chicken -- but when I read the sodium content I thought better of getting it, darn.  It also has cilantro, which was no surprise.  We did find plenty of other things to buy though and as usual I went for a couple things and came out with a cart-full. 🤣


Carolyn, the one I use is in the regular grocery aisle and only has noodles (made with whear flour), sauce, and peanuts.  I haven’t seen it recently, but they have another kit under a different name.



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29 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening after a very frustrating afternoon.  Just after 3pm we lost the internet, and we didn't get it back until after 10 pm tonight.  We got an email time stamped 8:52 saying the outage had been resolved, but it didn't come in until after 10.  Even the hot spots on our phones were not working most of the time.  You don't realise how much you rely on thr internet until it goes out.



Carolyn, the one I use is in the regular grocery aisle and only has noodles (made with whear flour), sauce, and peanuts.  I haven’t seen it recently, but they have another kit under a different name.



Oh thank you, Lenda.  I had a feeling what I saw wasn't the right one.  I did look up and down the regular grocery aisles too and didn't see it.  Maybe our local Haggens would have it...  thanks again.  

I hope your internet stays on now, that can be very frustrating!

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7 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I hope the appointments went well today and am thankful to hear the surgery is scheduled in less than 2 weeks.  Keeping you all in our prayers!





That sounds very warm, Graham!  Was it really that hot today?





We were there with you Nancy!  Were you on the Feb. 3 cruise, too?  We were supposed to leave Tampa and be in Key West on the 4th but due to fog closures in Tampa Bay we spent the night at the dock in Tampa.  Then skipped Key West on the 4th.  Thank goodness we were on the following cruise with you and made it to Key West for the first and only time on Feb. 11th.  It was an enjoyable day and I wish we'd tried a Key Lime pie on a stick covered in chocolate!  Here's sunset after leaving Key West 2/11/2019.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJreP2p8Nd6bCMmZEdvxWFc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551115121






Congrats to your niece on her engagement as well as the graduating niece.  Very nice of them to have a surprise retirement party for DH as well.  I hope you enjoyed the beautiful state of Michigan!





Looks like a very nice spread.  However I cannot even look at the oysters.  No way!





Sorry to hear about the service last night but I hope the food made up for it.  Yes, you have to keep up with those baby pine trees!  They grow like weeds.  Keep pulling them up or yes, you will have a forest in the yard for sure.  Did you get any rain today?  They predicted rain all day and we ended up with a few drops at 2 pm.  Typical weather report.





Like the others I recognize that library from the older Princess ships.  Very distinctive.  





You two are so kind to your elderly friends!  I'm not surprised though.  They are lucky to know you!





I really want to replace deck boards and update the handrails and trim on our deck like you're doing with your deck.  I just need to get someone out here to take a look and do some research on what composite to pick.  The deck at the house before this house was composite but I don't remember which type.  All you needed to do each year is wash off the dirt and black/green grunge.  Lots easier than restaining, etc.  We have to get permission on colors, materials, etc. before we change anything though.





Good for you Graham!  Who among us hasn't driven a little over the speed limit once in a while, try as we might to be law abiding citizens?  Lol!  It doesn't hurt to have a refresher course every once in a while.😉

Thank you Sandi.

It was 80°F not 89°F.

I realised when it was to late to edit.

We are forecast for mid 70s all week and sunny.


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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Sandi.

It was 80°F not 89°F.

I realised when it was to late to edit.

We are forecast for mid 70s all week and sunny.



That sounds much better than 89.  You will enjoy lounging in your back garden with temps like that.  Wear your sunscreen!😎




24 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@StLouisCruisers we must have been a week later because we left Tampa on time and made it to Key West on the 11th.   We had heard that HA had a delayed cruise out of Tampa and we were worried the same would happen to us.  


I'm also glad we had no problems in Tampa with fog the 10th of February or you would have been delayed boarding.  I'm especially thankful we got to see Key West the second try.  We were on Rotterdam for a total of 21 days that cruise.  My DGD goes to college in Tampa but wasn't yet a student there in 2019.  It would have been nice to visit with her while were in town, especially an extra night like what happened on Feb. 3.🌫️

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


That sounds much better than 89.  You will enjoy lounging in your back garden with temps like that.  Wear your sunscreen!😎





I'm also glad we had no problems in Tampa with fog the 10th of February or you would have been delayed boarding.  I'm especially thankful we got to see Key West the second try.  We were on Rotterdam for a total of 21 days that cruise.  My DGD goes to college in Tampa but wasn't yet a student there in 2019.  It would have been nice to visit with her while were in town, especially an extra night like what happened on Feb. 3.🌫️

Thank you Sandi.

We are both on our sunbeds with a big sun umbrella above us.


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20 hours ago, aliaschief said:

This ship has such a beautiful library. Unfortunately they will be replaced eventually by an upscale spirits bar.

No casinos on Azamara as they spend so many overnights and late departures they were removed as not cost effective.







I sense Orlando Ashford’s hand in this.  Find a way to make a buck in every space, Hope it doesn’t happen.  I agree that the space is beautiful as a Library.  Oceania’s R ships also uses this space as a Library and it is beautiful and relaxing.  I would be so disappointed if it were turned into a different venue.


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On 6/13/2023 at 5:19 AM, cat shepard said:


I am curious if you ever feel uncomfortable about picking up strangers.


I have some great conversations with Uber drivers, and only one said that he chose not to opt in to pick someone up because of the location involved. 


It is a good question. 


What i do, as i arrive for a passenger pick-up, is keep the doors locked until i can physically SEE THEM.  And, confirm who they are.  Once in a while you get a joker that tries to "take" a ride that is not theirs.


You have the basics.  Such as JDLR.  If something just doesnt look right, then move on.


Sorry to be wordy, lol.  Lastly, i drive mostly during the DAY.  Just doing that is a good thing.  Do you follow me CatShepard?



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