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Love Royal but DIRE UPSETTING crew conditions - worse than others


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I have read through the comments and all I can say is WOW! People are mean. Anyone who says they can just stay home and work if they don’t like it does not know what home is like. It is a great sacrifice to leave your family behind but they do it to give them a better life. It is not just on cruise ships it is in other places in the world that people work and send money for their families in the depressed countries. Wanting to give the crew free internet is not a crime against cruising. Lighten up. 

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7 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Mental health to communicate with your loved ones. 

Are you a mental health expert? What percentage of the crew fall into your mental health concern group? The OP is talking about a few staff with whom she talked. I see happy, smiling, friendly staff all day long on cruises! Lighten up and enjoy your cruise. Leave saving the world to superman.

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1 minute ago, cruising sister said:

I have read through the comments and all I can say is WOW! People are mean. Anyone who says they can just stay home and work if they don’t like it does not know what home is like. It is a great sacrifice to leave your family behind but they do it to give them a better life. It is not just on cruise ships it is in other places in the world that people work and send money for their families in the depressed countries. Wanting to give the crew free internet is not a crime against cruising. Lighten up. 

It isn't mean to point out to someone who obviously does not understand how business works. If the crew is working in dire conditions they don't necessarily have to stay home and work but can apply to other cruise ships that have not such dire working conditions.   If all the cruise ships have basically the same working conditions then it is upon the employee to decide if it the job is a good fit for them or not.  

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10 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I have read through the comments and all I can say is WOW! People are mean. Anyone who says they can just stay home and work if they don’t like it does not know what home is like. It is a great sacrifice to leave your family behind but they do it to give them a better life. It is not just on cruise ships it is in other places in the world that people work and send money for their families in the depressed countries. Wanting to give the crew free internet is not a crime against cruising. Lighten up. 

They weren't drafted by RC! 

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15 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

Humane conditions? These folks work on billion dollar cruise ships. I'm curious as to how you settled on free internet access as being to pivotal issue to focus on when it comes to treating these employees humanely.

Yep, compared to the other 90% of seafarers (cruise ship crew total about 200,000 worldwide, while there are 1.9 million total seafarers today), crew on cruise ships have it pretty good.  In fact, many maritime officers (deck and engine) will take a lower salary than they could get on a cargo ship, to have the life of a cruise ship officer.

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14 hours ago, cusematt4 said:

I am 40 and have traveled the world.  I again am truly appalled by the ridiculing and backlash I’m getting for merely being saddened that the crew are paid a bare minimum wage without tips, while being disappointed they can’t at least be provided limited wifi to keep in touch with those they sacrifice for 8 months a year.  I thought that we could express our feelings and concerns here, whether good, bad or constructive.

I agree that the ridiculing and backlash comments are totally unnecessary, so you should let those comments fall on deaf ears. You, as well as others, have been able to express feelings and concerns here on this forum, and you must be willing to listen and accept what some are saying, even though they do not totally agree with you.

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27 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I have read through the comments and all I can say is WOW! People are mean. Anyone who says they can just stay home and work if they don’t like it does not know what home is like. It is a great sacrifice to leave your family behind but they do it to give them a better life. It is not just on cruise ships it is in other places in the world that people work and send money for their families in the depressed countries. Wanting to give the crew free internet is not a crime against cruising. Lighten up. 

Well said @cruising sister.  This is just about humanity and decency.  I am not inquiring about anyone’s wage just merely stating how hard these people work and go above and beyond for us.  With the sacrifices they make for rcl and its guests, it would be nice for them to have the ability to keep in touch with their families without a charge while away for so many months.

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27 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Wanting to give the crew free internet is not a crime against cruising. Lighten up. 


And not really caring whether a cruise line chooses to give the crew free internet is not a crime against humanity.  Lighten up.

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21 minutes ago, Morecruisesplz said:

Are you a mental health expert? What percentage of the crew fall into your mental health concern group? The OP is talking about a few staff with whom she talked. I see happy, smiling, friendly staff all day long on cruises! Lighten up and enjoy your cruise. Leave saving the world to superman.

Lol.   Unbelievable.  They are told to smile and be happy or else they use their job.  Try talking to these people and not being so oblivious to the conditions of those us and you’ll find out the real truth that isn’t what they are told to do or say.  If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to be able to enjoy our cruises that we so look forward to and love.

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Not everyone feels the need to be in constant contact with their family. For many of them, simply being able to text via WhatsApp (which generally works with just the ship's WiFi, no paid service needed unless RCCL is drastically different than other lines) periodically suffices. Many of them will buy a WiFi amount early in their contract IF THAT IS IMPORTANT TO THEM and use it sparingly for special times they want to do more than just send a WhatsApp text.


And yes, I do know a bit about that as my sister works on another cruise line. 98% of the time she'll just use WhatsApp with the free WiFi, but she'll buy a plan and stretch it for special events throughout her contract when she wants to be able to call. BUT keep in mind that even with that, the internet has to be working, and it doesn't always happen at sea. She tried to FaceTime our parents on Christmas, but the internet was not cooperating, so she waited until they were in port and it was more stable.

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7 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

Lol.   Unbelievable.  They are told to smile and be happy or else they use their job.  Try talking to these people and not being so oblivious to the conditions of those us and you’ll find out the real truth that isn’t what they are told to do or say.  If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to be able to enjoy our cruises that we so look forward to and love.

I guess all your working life you have had all the benefits you thought you deserved.  You could be obviously unhappy and frown at your customers and your boss was ok with that.  Most of us have had crappy jobs where we thought we were unappreciated, underpaid and life/work balance was horrible.  I wouldn't describe it as dire or upsetting just something that prompted me to find something else.  


If it wasn't for them there would be someone else wanting their job so we would still be able to enjoy our cruises.

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31 minutes ago, SilkySal said:

I agree that the ridiculing and backlash comments are totally unnecessary, so you should let those comments fall on deaf ears. You, as well as others, have been able to express feelings and concerns here on this forum, and you must be willing to listen and accept what some are saying, even though they do not totally agree with you.

Deaf ears or accept? Can you do both?

But you and OP are like minded, although you have suggested tipping these poor people more in exchange for some recognition as you pass by Starbucks and/or the Windjammer. At least you are willing to pay for a smile. Not sure who the OP wants to pay for their wifi or uniforms. Obviously not Royal because she praises them!

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27 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

Well said @cruising sister.  This is just about humanity and decency.  I am not inquiring about anyone’s wage just merely stating how hard these people work and go above and beyond for us.  With the sacrifices they make for rcl and its guests, it would be nice for them to have the ability to keep in touch with their families without a charge while away for so many months.

The crew is not making sacrifices for either RCI or for the guests of RCI. They don't take these jobs for either of those two groups. They take these jobs for their own purposes. You really need to get in touch with reality.

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23 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

Lol.   Unbelievable.  They are told to smile and be happy or else they use their job.  Try talking to these people and not being so oblivious to the conditions of those us and you’ll find out the real truth that isn’t what they are told to do or say.  If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to be able to enjoy our cruises that we so look forward to and love.

I'm guessing you never worked in the service industry in any capacity.  Regardless, you act as if they have no choice.  Please as I said, look up the education and experience requirements to apply for jobs on a cruise ship.  I think you'll be surprised.  You need to be more concerned about the living conditions of the people in their home countries if you really care.  Or, if you really want to send a message, boycott the cruise industry.  That'll show 'em.

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50 minutes ago, Morecruisesplz said:

Are you a mental health expert? What percentage of the crew fall into your mental health concern group? The OP is talking about a few staff with whom she talked. I see happy, smiling, friendly staff all day long on cruises! Lighten up and enjoy your cruise. Leave saving the world to superman.

Actually yes and I worked with lots of patients who sent money home to help families and are working in poor conditions to do so. Using cell phones to communicate with their families is a real. We all saw the isolation with Covid 19 did to mental health. It is the same for them. Seriously people you need to not take this so personally. 

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28 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

Lol.   Unbelievable.  They are told to smile and be happy or else they use their job.  Try talking to these people and not being so oblivious to the conditions of those us and you’ll find out the real truth that isn’t what they are told to do or say.  If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to be able to enjoy our cruises that we so look forward to and love.

Just out of curiosity, what is your goal with this thread?  Do you think posting here will change RCI's behavior?  Or do you want other cruiser to do something about it?  And if you do, what something do you want other cruisers to do?


Again, you've made claims that they are working in inhumane conditions without any protections, which is fine to claim, but it isn't true.  But lets assume it's true- what do you want this forum to do?

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1 minute ago, cruising sister said:

Actually yes and I worked with lots of patients who sent money home to help families and are working in poor conditions to do so. Using cell phones to communicate with their families is a real. We all saw the isolation with Covid 19 did to mental health. It is the same for them. Seriously people you need to not take this so personally. 

Even so, are they being PREVENTED in communicating with their families?  Or do they have to pay a bill to the telecommunications system they chose to use, just like everyone here on this board?  I don't know about you, but I have to pay for my phone, internet, and cable.  Communication with my family isn't free, either.

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25 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

 I am not inquiring about anyone’s wage just merely stating how hard these people work and go above and beyond for us.

And, yet, you have made more than one comment about the "below minimum wage" and minimal base wage "without tips".  Sounds to me that you are commenting on the crew's wages.


29 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

 This is just about humanity and decency.

So, free internet access is a basic human right and necessity?  Last I checked, I have to pay for my internet access, whether it is on my laptop or phone.  Don't you?


28 minutes ago, cusematt4 said:

 Try talking to these people and not being so oblivious to the conditions of those us and you’ll find out the real truth that isn’t what they are told to do or say.

Have you spent any time in crew spaces, interacting with crew, other than the packaged "behind the scene" tours?  I have, all my working life, 46 years.  I know their conditions, and they are not onerous.  Not up to US living standards, perhaps, like having to share a cabin with a total stranger for months at a time, but again that is part of going to sea.  But, you'd rather believe a sob story from someone who is looking to get a tip from you?


13 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

The crew is not making sacrifices for either RCI or for the guests of RCI.

Bingo.  The sacrifices I made over my long career at sea was never for the shipping company nor the customer, but for my family.


Will you at least acknowledge that you were incorrect about the lack of international regulations, and the "sub-minimum" wage that the crew are paid?  If you want the cruise line to provide free internet for the crew, then don't complain when the fare goes up.  Why have DSC's gone up over the last few years?  Because the MLC has taken effect, and it mandates an increase in the minimum wage every year, which becomes an added cost to the cruise line, which they then pass on to the customer (and it really makes no difference whether it is through DSC or higher fares).

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18 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

I think (s)he said somewhere sign a petition.😁

Communication access for crew has been steadily improving for years.  Since Starlink continues to launch satellites, that trend will continue.  The OP wants to send a petition and then pat him/herself on the back as those inevitable improvements occur.  

Edited by Starry Eyes
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11 minutes ago, alfaeric said:

Even so, are they being PREVENTED in communicating with their families?  Or do they have to pay a bill to the telecommunications system they chose to use, just like everyone here on this board?  I don't know about you, but I have to pay for my phone, internet, and cable.  Communication with my family isn't free, either.

This is the best reply of all.

no job has everything paid for.


time for this thread to wind down now as nothing is dire

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2 minutes ago, Annie01 said:

If employees want/need to communicate with those back home - they have the option of sending letters via snail mail too.  Don’t need internet for that.  

Have to pay for a stamp, though.  Let alone the cost of the postcard.

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