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Everything posted by Diver2014

  1. Yeah, well we had to sit at a table with that crazy woman and her dog while she fed it and baby talked to it on an RCI ship. While I love dogs, this nonsense has to stop. I miss my Jacuzzi onboard ships. I know, there are plenty of hot tubs but you have to share......
  2. The airport is just north of the cruise terminals, just a short taxi ride. You'll probably have a couple of hours to kill at the airport as it's an easy airport to get to and the security check in goes fast (unlike MIA).
  3. Do you know it's over 48 miles and will take about an hour from Pt Canaveral to the airport near Orlando? Your best bet is either NCL transfer or Uber or a car service. Check the Florida departure boards for more details.
  4. We've never had covid. On our latest cruise, Capt said 5% of pax/crew tested positive. Time to move on, thank goodness.
  5. We were on Mariner this past June. We had a great time. The ship was lovely. The food was great. The ports were good. All in all, it was a wonderful, relaxing cruise. Hope you have the same experience.
  6. It's what we do. The whole rest of the year is what makes living in Florida ideal.
  7. We've been on 6 or 7 NCL ships and loved every one of them. We're signed up for PRIMA next summer. They're comparable to Royal Caribbean. We always had good food and we love the Great Outdoors patio area at the stern of the ships. We were on NCL Pearl twice - absolutely gorgeous inside, especially the entrances to the theater. Of course, our favorite was the SS Norway but we all know what happened there.......
  8. That's interesting. I've always used a penny in a cup. Does a quarter work better, being heavier?
  9. Miami appears to be out of the cone at the moment but still too close to avoid some rain and wind. DH has lived in Miami all his life. Hurricane Andrew in 1992 was my first biggie. Then there was Wilma, Charlie, Fred, Tom, Dick and Harry......just kidding. But Andrew and Wilma were pretty scary. It will be a nasty week for Florida but being in the central part of the state is better than being on the coast when it comes to weather. Why people book during hurricane season is beyond me......it's such a crap shoot.
  10. Every year, people complain that the cruise lines are not communicating when it comes to their ships during a hurricane. They are not going to make any decisions until they have to and have more definite information from the weather service. Don't book cruises during hurricane season if you don't want to be disappointed when your cruise is altered. You take your chances from September thru October so to complain about the cruise lines' lack of communication is, well, like 'here we go again'. Year after year.
  11. We drove around for hours looking for ANYTHING that was open on Christmas day for lunch or dinner. Nothing but a Subway store was open so we ended up having sandwiches in our car. Best to stop at the airport food court and get some take away.
  12. For one thing, the Mariner of the Seas was the only ship docked at Terminal 5 so there was no competition for parking spaces (and it's a big garage).
  13. I can't sign into my account either.......
  14. We parked at T5 in June. Pay as you leave. We did self walk off and were in our car and down the ramp and out within a half hour (we parked on the second floor). There were no cars ahead of us. You pull up to the booth at the bottom of the ramp (there is a person there if you need help). You put your credit card in the machine, get a receipt and off you go! We were on I - 95 at 8 am.
  15. We've eaten at the Hard Rock Cafe a couple of times. Also, Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company. If you want a nice sit down, white table cloth place, Lombardi's has been there forever.
  16. My aunt lives in Kenai but they are not too concerned since this storm is mainly on Alaska's west coast.
  17. We go thru this every year. We don't cruise in September or October. Why take the chance?
  18. Thanks for the great photos. We'll be on Prima next July. Awesome looking ship!
  19. Anything suffices. There were men in tuxes, black suits and ties down to guys still in their shorts. Formal night is wear anything you like night. Only once did I see the maitre d' turn someone away due to wearing shorts to dinner. It was refreshing to see so many people in their gala best, having formal photos taken before and after dinner. A refreshing throw back to the good old days of cruising! Watch as the flame throwers come on here now and trash my statements. Heh, heh, heh.
  20. This won't get your luggage back but.....I go to some place that sells cut rate luggage and buy the ugliest bag I can find. Last one was an ugly beige with little pineapples all over it. No one ever touched it. I don't understand folks who spend a lot of money for brand name bags. If you ever saw what happens to those bags once they are handed over.....
  21. There were never very many restrictions any where in Florida other than the obvious. We cruised out of Pt Canaveral two months ago. Only the crew and people who spoke with a New York accent wore masks. Don't expect any social distancing. There isn't any. Broadwaybaby12 is right. There were only check in times to go into the terminal to present your passport and papers, not to board the ship. We were an hour early but no one checked our 'check in' time. Means nothing.
  22. Self serve except the carving station and 'made to order' stations. Most everything is back to normal. Waiters still bring your drinks. No masks. No distancing. But the 'washy washy' at the entrance is an absolute must or you'll be read the riot act.
  23. We were on Mariner out of Pt Canaveral in June. We arrived an hour early because we had to check out of our hotel room by 11am. Our check in time was 1pm. We dropped off luggage, parked on the second deck and walked into the terminal. No one looked at our check in time. No one checked our Immunization cards. They did check our test results but only looked for the date taken and 'negative'. It took maybe 10 minutes to go thru the metal detector. We checked in at the counter and were on the ship within a half hour. We were immediately directed to our muster station where we checked in via the RC app. We had lunch in the Windjammer and were in our room by 1:05. Easy.
  24. We did a British Isles cruise in 2019 and would love to book the same one again because there was so much that we missed due to time constraints. We're going on Prima next July so we'll port at Amsterdam and Brugge but personally I would love to redo just the British Isles cruise.
  25. Glad to see some of the world is getting back to normal. Tired of being a sheep being herded into whatever pen they want us in.
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