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Everything posted by ORV

  1. FWIW, after the updates, Riviera this Nov, and Marina next year, the tubs will disappear and the showers will be larger. Keep in mind the current set ups have a pretty small shower, you might walk into it, but you ain't going to walk around.
  2. If I understand correctly you did not request or pay a deviation, but will get in a day before embarkation? Or is it that your flight leaves Chicago the day before, flies overnight and lands in Copenhagen the day of the cruise?
  3. Have you seen the thread that CC Chris is doing a live from? Word is the Wine Pairing dinners will be in Privee. Doesn't make sense to me, but that's what higher ups are saying.
  4. I can't think of a reasonable response here, BUT, that's just silly. They could have put it exactly where it is on the other ships, where they're putting Aquamar.
  5. Well in our area there are pretty much only two, so I had a 50% shot. My Dr is also in their system and wondering if it's a system policy or Dr by Dr.
  6. Is your Dr in the Mercy system? I was planning on asking mine at my appointment in a couple of weeks.
  7. But for the same price wouldn't you be getting the Concierge benefits? Some people might like having that.
  8. Have they changed the port Marina uses? When I was there in Sept of 19 and July of 18, Lyn, I believe you were on that cruise, we were right by the train station, took a bus out to Zan Schans, easy peasy. I think all 3 times I've been in Amsterdam we were at that terminal, although once was on Nautica. To the OP, are you sure you're not making this harder than it needs to be? Not sure I follow everything you're trying to do.
  9. Thanks for all this great information. I'm really glad to see changes in the Beverage options. I've long felt they could improve their offerings. Hopefully this will also be on the other ships. I do have a couple of questions concerning the information below. but the special menus, including the Dom Perignon one -- will be available as options in La Prive, the ship's private dining experience. Are they changing the name of Privee on Vista to La Prive? It has been posted previously that the Wine Pairing dinners would be in the Culinary Center dining room, which the deck plan shows seating for 24, the same as La Reserve on Marina & Riviera. The Privee space on Vista shows 10 seats, the same as the O ships. If it is in Privee then that would certainly cut the numbers of spaces available. Could you double check with someone and see if this is correct? I wonder if perhaps one of the reasons for no La Reserve by Wine Spectator is the licensing agreements with Wine Spectator.
  10. I would have definitely liked these options better. We had only Solstice and only Mexican Riviera sailings.
  11. And from postings here, some that haven't. I'm not sure where you're getting the "many" figure from.
  12. There's no doubt the picture posted of the Red Ginger menu is a very abbreviated version of the regular menu. Whether the Sea Bass will be swapped out for Black Cod permanently is above my pay grade. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  13. The cruise they are talking about leaves on Sept 9th. FP is well passed. I'm not too worried about non vaxed passengers on it.
  14. I think you quoted the wrong person, where you're saying has nothing to do with what I said.
  15. This may sound crazy but after giving it a little thought I'm not sure that it actually will change much for Oceania & Regent cruisers. Where the change will be is NCL. The management is attempting to have the same protocols across all three lines. Perhaps that keeps it simple. I could be wrong on this, but I think the demographics of NCL cruisers are more likely to be unvaccinated than the cruisers on Oceania or Regent. There are certainly many more young children that would be on NCL. I don't think there's a big pool of cruisers that are unvaccinated ready to book Oceania or Regent that have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for this. Personally, I plan on staying vaccinated and boosted. I live in a tourist county with less than 30% vaccination rate. I'm out in the tourist areas every week talking to people. I'm not in the least bit worried about being around unvaccinated people, as that's basically been my life since I was eligible for the vaccine, which I think was sometime around March of 21. As far as I know I haven't got covid yet, but I realize it could happen anytime. PS, as far as your question to Jan, not answering for her, but from all appearances it's a business decision.
  16. It seems they want to get out of the Covid policing business and get back to the business of cruising. It's obvious from the wording they're putting the responsibility for pretty much everything on the customer.
  17. You've probably looked at this more than I have, but, I'm pretty sure that La Reserve Wine Pairings will be in the Culinary Center Dining Room. The area where La Reserve is on the O ships will be Aquamar.
  18. Chicken is not cheap these days. It's all going up.
  19. Well, this could be interesting. I'm sure some here will be pretty disappointed. Others elated. They still need to update the section in the middle of the page.
  20. Just to be clear. If you're on an Oceania ship that has La Reserve the only port you'll be stopping at in Bermuda is the Royal Naval Dockyard.
  21. What's important is what those points, miles etc. will actually get you. On my Hilton Amex I get a bunch of points on all purchases, even more when I spend at a Hilton property. BUT, to get a room with their points is about 3 to 4 times as much as a Marriott room. Point is, there is more to look at than points earned per dollar spent.
  22. You can pretty much bet that there will be a shower in the space where the tub now is. Probably more counters or storage where the shower now is. I somehow doubt the cabin dimensions will change. More than likely soft goods, carpet, walls, drapes and furnishings. Nothing to get to excited about unless you are one that loved the tub. And there are definitely going to be a very vocal minority complaining about it once it happens. I personally would only do a tub if it was the only option. I welcome the larger shower.
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