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Everything posted by wolft927

  1. I am all about GSC being first instead of last day of cruise
  2. A relaxed Atmosphere is Paradise Beach! Wonderful Pool, great water toys, all inclusive drinks and made to order food. Jet skis, bananna boat rides parasailing available. We were there last in april and belive it was $69 per person for adults and $44 for under 18
  3. I am loving the Review!!! Wife and I are typically Haven cruisers but are trying MSC YC because the price was about half of NCL for next September. So excited to try it
  4. Dear lord! Pulling service charges! Pretty sure you should just stop cruising
  5. What time is your hotel available when you stay the night before a cruise? Check out 11am check in 4pm. 5 hour window. Last guest of say 10:00am rooom available say 3:30?
  6. Better idea, if waiting 3 hours for your room, choose a later arrival time get on the ship at day 2:30 and room ready in an hour or so! Problem solved
  7. Really all the servers on board had somwthing to do with a toenail in your room
  8. I have been reading these posts today and its almost getting out of hand. at the end of the day if you don't like something or how something is done, you as the consumer have absolutely the right to not purchase or go. I hear people mentioning back in 2005 rooms were ready by 1:00pm or close to that. Well those ships in 2005 where not the size of the ones today. Do i like waiting untill say 3:30 to go to my cabin? Nope! But will I allow this minor thing to cause me to say I will not cruise anymore? Nope! Also, the carryon issue, We use a backpack to simply carry on Medicine, BAthing suites and documents.
  9. So I will speak to experience as a former Cruise Line Employee as well as a NCL Cruiser also. Turn around day is always insane. I have boarded the ship as early as say 10:30 to 11:am and the cabins were ready between 1 and 2pm. But also this past Joy Cruise embarkation started around 12:30 due to USCG inspection and cabins were not available till around 3:30. NCL does not have a set time when they release cabin just like they can not predict a set time when disembarkation will be completed. In my previous years working on ships, once the debark PAX number hits 0, meaning all guest from previous cruise has left, embarkation typically starts within 15 minutes.
  10. So depending how independant the teens are would make a huge deciding factor. My traveled with a 16 and 17 year old who were very much head out do their own thing, so in that case Vibe passes would work. If they will want to be attached to your hip the entire trip then may want to skip Vibe
  11. For Alaska would absolutely do the aft facing haven for the balcony space, forward facing balcony is very very small
  12. We are going on our First MSC cruise and have the Yacht club interior room. We typically sail Haven on NCL but giving MSC a shot. Giving up a Balcony for interior YC was a no brainer especially after MSC tier matched us and it only being $3200 for a 7 night cruise!
  13. I would Suggest NCL for Single Cruisers. Several of their ships have "Studio Cabins" which are meant for solo cruisers. We are going on a NCL cruise in January and one of our friends is coming and booked a Studio. All in Drink package, Specialty dining it was $1600 for Seven night
  14. Its very odd that MSC has this apparently huge problem with non yacht club members entering the yacht club. I have cruised many times in the Haven on NCL and never really noticed a problem.
  15. Carnival mainly docks at international, NCL almost always Punts Lungusta, RCCL as well. MSC it’s a coin toss. paradise beach is great we go there everything Mike in Cozumel
  16. Not really a hike, only have to go up an elevator to the haven complex. Aft is absolutely a hike, we had one on the joy, loved the huge balcony and also the second bathroom
  17. I agree I was on breakaway forward facing haven, balcony is small, but the bathroom and bedroom are fantastic
  18. Yes which ship! I have sailed in both and we love the forward facing simply becasue of the private bedroom. your butler wont even knock when bringing breakfast or coffee to the room just tells you close the bedroom door and he will sneak in sneak out and set everything up.
  19. I will say, We cruised in April in the Haven on the Joy, and tried to make a dinner reservation on board maybe 2 days in and could not get into cagneys! not a big deal as we have eaten there many times, and gave us a chance to try the BBQ place which we all loved along with the great band that was playing.
  20. 1000% agree! I do not have a problem with bringing a guest to simply show them and then show them out, but to utilize the amenities they have not paid for….nope! Fork over the cash and book a yacht club, or stay the heck out !
  21. Like every venue on NCL, Business Casual will work! One of the things i love about NCL is Shorts and Polo shirt are good for almost every venue also.
  22. So just checked my booking and the tier match is in, i recieved 4000 points which makes me silver so after this cruise will received 3,000 points ( booked more then 12 months out so get double points) so will be at gold after 1 cruise.
  23. One of the reasons why we stay in the Haven! We love on early port mornings waking up to A full breakfast on the dining room table.
  24. Not sure if you booked through a third party i would try them first. When you book directly through NCL they will almost always allow you to pay for an upgrade as long as it is a higher category cabin
  25. Yes, You can brought down to the Gangway Via Private Crew elevator bypassing the lines and crowds
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