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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. There are only a few, the one we got was not complete and many kept them for days. Suggest bringing your own.
  2. Of course ATMs don't dispense coins. You take a paper note and exchange it at a bank or most stores if you buy something will change bills for coins. While some pay toilets accept credit cards - most we found require coins.
  3. The issue is the distribution system. Vintner or distiller ONLY to wholesaler. Then wholesaler to retailer OR exporter. Each state has wholesalers (or the government) that have a specific geographic area. Thus the cruiseline faces needing to place orders with multiple wholesalers. The wholesaler then needs to do the paperwork for export/taxes. If you are a wholesaler would you rather sell to Kroger or Albertsons or Total with often hundreds of outlets or Celebrity? Lots easier to deliver to the Kroger warehouse or a few nearby Total stores.
  4. Very popular on all cruises. A scenic cruising day would likely sell out quickly. Suggest posting on a roll call. On a recent West Coast US cruise all days sold out within a couple hours.
  5. Paxloid has a long list of conditions that make people not a candidate to take it. They include blood tests and a medical history. No failure by Princess.
  6. Interesting - maybe this is an easier way I am reasonably tech savvy and after 3 tries was able to completely check in my DW and myself. How? I used my phone and called Princess using my CELL phone. How long did it take? About 25 minutes including taking and uploading our security photos. They entered all the data. How about the Medallion? Was asked if we wanted it mailed or to pick up at the pier. What if I do not have a cell phone? Everything except the security photos can be quickly accomplished on a landline. Do the photo at the pier. What about luggage tags? Show something with your cabin number at the pier. They will tag them for you.
  7. When did their BBB rating get upgraded?
  8. And on shorter cruises you pay by the item. Quite expensive. On a 7 say cruise pretty easy to bring all you need. On a longer cruise I wash a few things (including stuff that would be damaged in 800F water - LOL) using shampoo in the sink. Wring out between towels and hang in the closet or shower.
  9. Last trip to the EU we toured on our own for 3 weeks. We needed cash exactly three times. Don't laugh - all three we needed coins for pay toilets. Everyone else accepted credit cards (generally not AMEX) or did not accept cash. Even vendors at local markets. Thus we travel.with about 10€ in coins. Get those at an ATM or bank on arrival in the EU.
  10. Have you searched the threads just a bit? There are multiple threads with hundreds of responses just this month.
  11. I simply called. Faster and no frustration with the crappy app
  12. Your bid can be accepted any time from pretty much immediately to about 72 hours before departure. Definitely your personal decision if you thing it is a good value. Do you care about the location of your cabin? A lot? A little? Is a minisuite worth $$ to you? Those answers vary. On other cruiselines I have only occasionally seen minimum bids accepted and never had minimum bids reduced. FYI my minimum bid to a Club Class mini suite from mini suite was $450. I will stay where I am.
  13. Am guessing putting crew ashore as it has no scheduled cruises for a few weeks. A refurb or drydock?
  14. My DW and I are 70s and fully boosted. We left home this year and traveled to Canada for 6 weeks followed by a month on the beach in Oregon. Wore masks when asked to do so. Was in close contact twice. Actually hoped to test positive and get a COR. Then flew to Iceland - rarely saw a mask there - and cruised to the US on Summit. Wore a mask when required. Have amazingly never had covid. Definitely different for everyone and several family who have been very ill and many friends who died. Obviously like every pandemic (got into one in Australia some years ago). For some the precautions work. Others not so much. Oh yeah, I now wash my hands often and really really try to keep my hands away from my eyes. Have 3 14+ day cruises booked thru next May.
  15. You understand it just fine. The bill for $50 is strange the the OP on that has no idea either. For $50 I personally would wait till on board. The tip charge did change so that might be it.
  16. OBC from our TA has always been refundable until this year. Upcoming Panama Canal.cruise show everything as non refundable.
  17. The location of your ship and what satellites they can connect will determine what matches are shown along with how many passengers/crew from countries that are playing. As said limited connection choices and bandwidth midocean
  18. Cruising by Antarctica was wonderful. Again we had perfect weather. As others have said the stop in the Falklands is about 50/50. Hopefully someone will organize a private tour to see the penguins. Wonderful. No opinion about Princess vs Celebrity as both are similar and this cruise is very weather dependent for the entire cruise. Two expedition cruises the week before ours were cut short due to 50' seas. We had seas that very calm except for one day.
  19. EZ Air is a consolidator. Their fees can offer savings sometimes other times not. With fares changing often multiple times per day! you may or may not save money. My thought is to book a fare you are comfortable and hopefully you can reprise later at no or low cost. Then watch a bit.
  20. If you are from Europe and do not require the latest iPad then you might buy them on board. As of last week nothing in stock. Avoiding big taxes is the only attraction as the products never were discounted in my experiences.
  21. Wow. All this do describe the shareholder credit rule and then have others say they have gotten it for both husband and wife. I am positive that mistakes are made by the hundreds of new office staff and credits have been issued incorrectly. I think everyone should have a basic understanding now.
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