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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. Got that right! Did 56nites in 2022 on couple the Cleanest Ships been on. Then add to it no more Masking or testing every week...Have B4B and B3B scheduled with 74nites just this Fall. Included in my Booked Cruises 3 full Panama Canal's, one 18n Hawaii RT, a Florida to Boston Repo and a 16nite Xmas/New Years(my first). With price Hotels, Amusement Parks, Gas and Travel in general get more Bang for my Buck on Cruising
  2. They will probably blame some Intern for this Error, though we all know it was some Senior VP of something something... Nothing new though. I remember 5+ yrs ago during Royal's seasonal release a bunch of Cruises had Suites at really low prices. Didnt take long for the Cruise Line realize the mistake, they probably read about the error on our Cruise Critic Thread. Royal gave everyone choice, either pay the much higher correct rate for the Cabins..or these Confirmed Bookings would be canceled, which most on here said they did. Fortunately I know of at least one that slipped through the cracks and price was never corrected. Was traveling SOLO on a 13nite Cruise in a 2Bd/2Ba Suite for which he paid less then a reg Balcony Cabin. 😎
  3. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2922936-premier-pass-package/page/29/#comment-65005938
  4. No guarantees but Royal is known to hold some back for Booking onboard. Check after getting on. Also keep eye out maybe few slots will open before Sailing.
  5. Lot the 2 tops are 4 tops split apart, so yes many are close. Makes it easy to reach across and grab Salt and Pepper from table next to you
  6. You saying they are Printed every Year? I thought was like every 4-8yrs they'd run a batch.
  7. Getting a couple $2 every few years would then use them pay for anything just causes confusion as most say it's not real, fake. It's like the $1 coins that never take and Govt is then stuck with Billion's of them. They then try unload them on anyone making purchase from Govt Postage Stamp Vending Machines.
  8. I Know, as said different results. Managed dozen different locations, only 2 were new/on Campus. As former Bar and Restaurant MGR observed and learned lot about Royal Costs/Goals. This also from talking with the Senior Staff last 25yrs. They have been cracking down on extras/freebies, started Pre-CV but more since startup. Use to always make all my Food, Labor and Alcohol costs, Royals is trying even beat my achieved low levels...
  9. Warned my Workers if they continued giving extra and while receiving extra Tip what would happen. Those that did I Fired for Theft. Took a couple Polls back then, majority didn't want extra Alcohol. Though do understand some like more Alcohol and some less for personal taste. Largest exception was College Crowd at my location next to College Campus Bar/Lounge, they wanted get Drunk for cheapest price. Binge drinkers. ... Sad thing was my then Bar/Rest was few hundred feet from the Michigan State U shooting
  10. I started Cruising in 80's you'd see 40-50 Passengers bring their Golf Clubs/Bags. Was even few to bring Bikes to ride on Port Stops
  11. Use to be posting of all Cruises ratings somewhere. Maybe 1 a yr back then failed, just doesnt happen. And that wasnt any the large Cruise Lines
  12. I Fired a couple my Waitresses and a Bartender for Generous Pours
  13. Ask the previous passengers on Ships Roll Call
  14. Done short stops like this on Thanksgiving, most places were closed anyway. Did this at St Thomas and Puerto Rico. At time figured was why short stay was Holiday, but have done 6hrs on many other stops in past
  15. Yeah to avoid the masses I'll go in when first fe minutes they open
  16. True! Cant believe people would put mattress out there unless was situation like Carnival's Poo Cruise. But yeah until I wrecked his plans he had TV on Balcony feet kicked up with Bucket of Beer so he'd planned on being there while...
  17. Here it was out on the Balcony, Yahoo actually had TV on the Balcony! Ship sitting not moving, almost all 2000 passengers are outside watching Canal doors open/shut. All everyone can hear is TV echoing. Other CC Members have mention similar issues when Passengers bring along portable speakers playing music on Balcony.
  18. Yeah in Oct my Neighbor decided sit on his Balcony and watch Soccer on TV. This as we went threw Panama Canal. By time we entered the 3rd lock Security had in off and back in his Cabin
  19. Evian is $12-14 a 6pack in my area, been that way for yrs, even pre-CV. Same with paying over $30 for 12pack on Royal Ships, nothing new been that way at least 8-10yrs. And no, its not US tap water either
  20. During any the big Parties on Radiance Class they remove all Chairs on all levels. Guess no chairs no chair hogs
  21. I paid $9 each for 5 Nite Royal Cruise once. Port was $50ea for total $118 for 2 of us... Oh we're talking about Bottles Wine? Nobody in my Family Drinks, oh well...
  22. I was watcher myself from way back. My first 16yrs less then 30 Posts, all the rest are from last 10yrs...
  23. Yeah my Sailings Late Diners have their Show before eating. I do Early Dining Solo and get done so quick that I can go to Late Diners 7pm Show.
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