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Everything posted by BklynBoy8

  1. We had no problem with the strolling along and around the Promenade Deck of the QE2. After the first time and adapted to the transiting thru the inside and to other side. If we wanted to take a break afterwards, the final round we would climb the view the magnificent views from the bow of the ship. Besides the rest of the day stroll, always 5 rounds in the morn before breakfast..
  2. We use US Dollars which we are prepared pre cruise to keep aside.
  3. Not the Library should not be used but it can be challenge to read as those inside attempting to read and use the space. With "tourist" coming in and looking around and do attempt to converse, it does create a disturb which can be notice by those reading. Also noise coming from the Book Stop. Courtesy needs to be maintain for all those present.
  4. We use Room Service several times during a voyage and very happy with the service we receive. Each service is with a different staff member and appreciate the quick and professional service that it is delivered in even a short time it takes. This does not include the breakfast card used for overnight/early morning breakfasts. They assist us with meals maybe before early tours, late returns from tours and also pantry needs like snacks and beverages for the room. We do tip on each occasion to what the contents of the order entailed. And they are appreciated for the recognition.
  5. More information needed..... Nothing posted from onboard reports sailing now.
  6. We will be sailing on the QM2 in 25 to the Caribbean to many of the Islands in the Carib Chain. I have trust in them but will now look at items we take home and see if Made in tags are attached. I do enjoy Made in America or local island vendors.
  7. I believe Ocean Books also runs and supply their souvenir section of the Book Store right next to the Library. Books and other miscel about shipping, cruising and Cunard historical book. The Library is a very popular location by many using it to check the computers, reading with furniture and chairs facing a wonderful view out the windows of the ship sailing thru the front. It is open all the time for self leisurely reading but the Glass Cabinet Book Shelves are Locked when it is not attended by the Librarian. Would have to ask on board what their source of obtaining books are from.
  8. We were on starboard side for the 14 day NYC-QUB-NYC and enjoyed it. When the ship was docked at QUB we had a wonderful three day view of the QUB town and hotel view. Especially at night. The way the QM2 was positioned we also enjoyed the look of some towns but also ocean views. Of course it will be dark by late afternoon which will cut the viewing of sites. It's cruiser's choice the cabin selected.
  9. Ours goes for drinks, laundry by the ship, tours, etc.....
  10. We keep with the daily charge and tip exceptional staff at the end of the voyages.
  11. My DW used the boot several times and know what you are going thru. Ortho conditions will take time we hate to waste Hope you start a new Countdown when the time is right.
  12. Yep, the boot will be on for a month longer than expected as well as being non weight bearing. We felt the cruise could still work but getting around otherwise and not being able to walk was too restricted.
  13. Hi Kathy, We have not as of yet tried the typical ones on the Mary 2. Most likely would the Italian. See what others will be. Not interested in the Mid East or Asian cuisine ones. And may try Verandah evening if we think it's worth it as a surcharge. Normally we use the voucher for Lunch. I know the evening is a larger menu. We'll see....... I fortunately have a special direct contact I can't share but at the beginning I used (below) that very much worked as a beginning. I don't know if I have a DM to give you to help you more. It does take time for communication btw you, cunard and the ship. Good Luck and hope you have a group like we had... Cunard Onboard Services CUNARDONBOARDSERVICES@CUNARD.COM
  14. We always see with cruises and different travels even on land how different locations, sources of food and preparations. Even we've seen it in change of water. Once home, all should be ok unless a bug came home from the travel. We do take certain pharm's with us for use if we experience it.
  15. Those cabins are only available on Deck 11,10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 4 and 3
  16. UP elevators DOWN stairs Unless BC, Down Elevators 12 - 2 Decks....... Lateral walking before and after meals.....Prefer Prom Deck for Digestive FRESH AIR.... During bad weather and rain....... Several walks on Deck 4, front/back several times like Promenade....Stewards get a kick and say "Hello" on returns each time.....
  17. We have experience Clear Aqua water at most Caribbean Islands.. Beaches that are away from the Cruise Ports maybe influenced by the harbor traffic and ships.
  18. Kathy, Hello! Never still tried the evenings alternate dining yet. Have to try it on the upcoming 14 day. Should have plenty time to try one. Good Cruising..
  19. There are some ship we have seen or were on that there was sort of a slope effect you were able to view the balconies below. Don't remember the name but yes could view down.. Happy Marriage and Honeymoon....
  20. Cheers........... with you drinks and toasts.......Bon Voyage.... BTW...... Marinara with Seafood and pasta is known as Zuppa Di Pesce
  21. With the Britannia Club Restaurant, having cabins on Deck 13 and Forward 12, you will get the walk in definitely. You build the appetite to eat and walk the meals off. Full crossing the ship to the aft and about 10 decks down. Of course going and coming we do use the elevator.
  22. I do agree with you with the cuisine of the PG and Pub and BC when booked. Also with Carinthia which we are introducing ourselves too! But I don't see the debate with Verandah which we have been happy and satisfy with on past visits. Sometimes with reviews and comments I wonder if I have been on the same Ship.
  23. One time on one of the first voyages on the QE2's in the bookstore my DW bought a cute book with common British - English counterparts of words and phases. How interesting.....
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