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Everything posted by cruzsnooze

  1. If all else fails you can buy them on ebay.
  2. Two reasons, first crew are in a hurry to get back to work and don't take the full 20 seconds to wash and use soap and water. Second, when three sailings in a row have noro as mentioned there's one common denominator, crew.
  3. I suspect it's the crew that started the noro not the passengers. Once it's started it's hard to contain unless everyone does their part.
  4. No meat or cheeses or fruit allowed to disembark. I sometimes use a zip lock bag to put a croissant or cookie or baked item into for hypoglycemic events.
  5. Your points may be valid but the letter to long.
  6. Yes you can. Now full suites also get 2 bottles of water every day which is new since you last sailed.
  7. The best way to make it work and stay friends is to get 2 cabins. I can't imagine four ladies in a balcony cabin.
  8. I just noticed this too. I don't see any difference with this rename, a gimmick?
  9. It's over a month away so check the weather when you get closer to your date.
  10. I pass on the photo's. Jeans and a polo shirt are my comfy wear.
  11. I am also sailing to Alaska in May 2023 on a cruisetour. I made my hotel reservation at the Pan Pacific. The hotel is at the pier and makes for an easy stress free morning to get to the ship in a few steps. The prices are high but keep in mind when you do the conversion from Canadian to US dollars it's in your favor.
  12. Why don't you just phone in and get this taken care of. I call the ocean navigator, tell them I don't use a smart phone and they do everything including getting me in the green line. I bought my internet this way too. If people want to play with this faulty app then don't complain because there is a work around.
  13. Why do you people keep trying yo use a system that is not fully functional? Call Ocean Navigator and get it done in seconds on the phone.
  14. The end result is not similar because several countries such as Oz and New Zealand are not tipping cultures so they expect Americans to compensate. Everyone does as they see fit and it should be left at that. It's not our business what crew gets. If they are unhappy why would they spend years in their positions?
  15. He didn't ask what others do about tipping so I answered his question. I believe the tipping is out of hand and the auto amounts for a suite are ridiculous with the philosophy "you can afford it" not what's a fair and reasonable amount. Yes I adjust my auto gratuity down to a fair amount.
  16. The auto tip on your daily account is all that is required to tip properly. It eliminates the need to have a pile of bills handy or carry around the ship.
  17. I've had my Japan Cruisetour cancelled 3 times. I'm hoping 2024 it will come to fruition.
  18. You know these can be adjusted at guest services unless you have a plus package and pepaid them. Tipping has gotten out of hand.
  19. FCC don't get charged to your on board account. When you see the future cruise consultant you'll need to ask them if you can apply the gift card.
  20. I'm still waiting.....................They'll get it sent out after the offer expeires!
  21. You can get one but you have to surrender your medallion. If you have a pacemaker it's advised you don't use the medallion because of the magnet. Didn't they offer you the cruise card if you gave them the medallion, you can't keep both.
  22. Not upset at all with the opinions only the name calling, nasty comments, and tin hat references which aren't called for. If we all thought alike we wouldn't need menu's, we'd have the same exact dinner or drink or whatever. We are all different and alike and need to be respectful but staying anonymous on blogs has given some bulling traits. I really don't need to see my name or picture plastered on a big screen next to the elevator when I approach. I know who I am. I choose not to carry my smart phone, it's locked in the safe except in ports (for emergencies) and when I'm ready to disembark. Who really needs to know how long I take in the bathroom or the pool or elsewhere? It's my preference to put the medallion in the RFID sleeve and take it out only when needed.
  23. There's nothing to explain, opinions are not right or wrong that's why they're opinions and not facts. People need to accept that there are different opinions and respect that and try to get along. Too much divisiveness right now.
  24. You can get a regular cruise card at guest relations if you wish. I use the medallion only to unlock my cabin door. I keep it in an RFID credit card sleeve because I hate the idea of being tracked every minute. The credit card sleeves do indeed block the signal and costs less then 25 cents.
  25. I'm still waiting........................................................
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