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Cruise Etiquette: What have passengers done onboard your cruise that was rude?

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I read what you said before the deletion. I agree, and they're also craving attention.


Thanks! Nice to see the moderators taking out the trash this morning! ;)

Edited by fortinweb
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  • 2 weeks later...

Last year we were on a sea day before mooring off Split Croatia the next morning. It’s a tender port and because everyone wants to get off early at the same time, NCL sets up a system where by one can get a pass with a number on it. The lower the number ticket, the earlier you can get off the ship.

Anyway they set up a desk the day before by the pool to give out tender passes. I got there an hour early and there was one woman ahead of me. A nice woman from New Zealand.

About 5 minutes before they started giving out passes some older guy, European, strolls in front of the line. Ignoring a line about 100 deep.

Is it me or do some Europeans feel waiting turn in line is optional?

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Oh, I almost forgot. On the same cruise I was waiting patiently at the front desk to inquire about something. It was my turn to step to the desk when a lady, European, casually walks in front of me to speak with the crew member. :mad:

I sometimes get embarrassed by the behavior of certain Americans while traveling abroad. But I’ve come to conclusion that as a whole, we are the most polite people on the planet. :)

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Our very first cruise we had a couple at our table who shared just way too much personal information. For example, I don't need to know that your first husband used to beat you and your children. While you may be over it, now I'm upset.


On subsequent cruises, we have chosen to dine alone. I really feel like we've missed out on a lot of the fun of the MDR experience, but I wasn't up to taking the chance.


To be fair, the oversharing thing happens to me a lot and is not limited to only cruising.

Edited by Kylomom
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Just back from Celebrity Summit and this one had me with my chin on the ground.


We were in the process of assembling in the Rendez-Vous lounge for our muster drill. A guy sitting at the (closed, of course) bar reaches behind the bar, grabs a bottle of something (vodka or gin, I imagine) and pours a generous shot into the glass he had brought in. Then he grabs the soda gun and fills the glass up. :eek:


I'm standing there saying to DH - if worse comes to worst, do I have to share a lifeboat with that clown?

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Just back from Celebrity Summit and this one had me with my chin on the ground.


We were in the process of assembling in the Rendez-Vous lounge for our muster drill. A guy sitting at the (closed, of course) bar reaches behind the bar, grabs a bottle of something (vodka or gin, I imagine) and pours a generous shot into the glass he had brought in. Then he grabs the soda gun and fills the glass up. :eek:


I'm standing there saying to DH - if worse comes to worst, do I have to share a lifeboat with that clown?


Oh wow. That one made me :eek: I can't believe he didn't get caught.

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  • 7 months later...
I am absolutely appalled by this story.


Not, as some of you might expect, by the rudeness of the woman who yelled at the waiter. That was bad enough, but it happens and there are suitable ways of dealing with people like that.


I am appalled at the poster's wife threatening that woman with violence, that is not acceptable anywhere regardless of the situation. And I am even more appalled by the attitude of the poster, who seems to think his wife's behaviour is acceptable and is even proud of her. Finally I am appalled that the poster used his wife's ethnicity as a resaon for her behaviour.


The appropriate thing to do would have been to approach the woman with a copy of the menu, and say in a very loud but calm voice "Excuse me, madam, but I feel I must point out to you that the menu does say 'Kosher Style Hot Dog with Dijon Mustard Sauce, Cole Slaw and Fries'. If you didn't want the mustard sauce you should have told your waiter when you ordered the dish.". That would have achieved the same result without the threat of violence. By using a loud voice, people around the woman would have heard everything and the woman would still have been shamed into apologising, however pathetic that apology was.


On top of all of this terrible behavior, I'm appalled that a cruise ship was serving hot dogs in the MDR.

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There was the woman who, at dinner, ordered several different items for each course (as in 3 appetizers, 4 main courses, etc), and proceeded to sample a bit from each one. Every night. Even after it was suggested to her that she request a sampler plate for each course rather than the full item.


But it only gets better. She was on her own version of a "diet" whereby she would take a piece of food, chew it, and spit it back out. That way, she explained, she could get the flavor of the food without the calories.

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There was the woman who' date=' at dinner, ordered several different items for each course (as in 3 appetizers, 4 main courses, etc), and proceeded to sample a bit from each one. Every night. Even after it was suggested to her that she request a sampler plate for each course rather than the full item.




But it only gets better. She was on her own version of a "diet" whereby she would take a piece of food, chew it, and spit it back out. That way, she explained, she could get the flavor of the food without the calories.[/quote']



Oh gross.

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There was the woman who' date=' at dinner, ordered several different items for each course (as in 3 appetizers, 4 main courses, etc), and proceeded to sample a bit from each one. Every night. Even after it was suggested to her that she request a sampler plate for each course rather than the full item.


But it only gets better. She was on her own version of a "diet" whereby she would take a piece of food, chew it, and spit it back out. That way, she explained, she could get the flavor of the food without the calories.[/quote']


Gross! I would have asked to be moved to a different table immediately and let the Maitre'd know why so that he didn't seat anyone else with her.

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I once was in the Main Dining room for lunch on the Westerdam. My wife likes the Lido I like dining room. Anyway to appease me she joined me. They had these awesome Burgers with Jalepeno which I was enjoying when I heard this old bag shreik out behind me. Waiter! Waiter! He came running over and he said "Yes Ma'am" very politely and she said "I didn't order this with mustard on it. He said he would get her another one less the mustard and she said never mind she didn't have time. Really we were at sea for the rest of the day and next so where in God's name was she in a rush for. The waiter departed and didn't even reach his station she yells !! Waiter! Waiter ! Hey Stupid !!!!!!!!!!!! I was enjoying my burger and trying to ignore her and the next thing I know my wife has a menu standing at her table and is screaming at this old bitch threatening to punch her lights out well reading the menu. " Kosher Style Hot Dog with Dijon Mustard Sauce, Cole Slaw and Fries !!!! My dear wife is Native Indian and the very last thing you want to do is upset her and you can trust me on that. She told the lady if you don't apologize to him I am going to punch you in the mouth. I am trying to calm her down and the head waiter was there trying to calm the situation down but my old woman was relentless. The lady said. "well I guess I made a mistake" !!. The waiter said no problem and I made my wife sit down as that was all the old bitch was going to do rather then get us kicked off the ship. Never seen her the first 5 days of the cruise but ran into her and her mutually ignorant husband routinely over the next 5 days. Thank God in my 10 plus cruises I only had to deal with crap like that once. Later that night I told my wife I knew why I married her.

Sometimes it takes someone like your wife(or me) to put a PIA in their place. The problem is that people just ignore or turn the other cheek. Not me! If people like this never get put in their place,it just encourages them the more so.

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No, to most Europeans and Brits queuing up in order is a fact of life. You just encountered a rude person, the nationality could have been anything.


Oops, quote function is not working - this was in response to post #430, floridafish.

Edited by Lizzie68
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How about the person who at breakfast orders cereal with 6 prunes and then sends it back because there were only 5 :eek: Or what about the lady who when presented with her bowl of cornflakes demanded that the waiter take half of them out of her bowl before he poured the milk in because there was too much :eek:


What happened to politeness - gone the same way as common sense I suspect.

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On a recent Caribbean cruise, the passengers were lining up to get on the buses for an excursion. A tall man and his wife tried to go to the front of the line. I said (loudly) "excuse me, there is a queue." (He had an English accent.) He said he just wanted to ask the hostess a question. Yeah, well then he still tried to get in front. I repeated my comment, louder this time. He moved back a little but still pushed in front of people. Several people said "good for you" to me. I just don't appreciate the line jumpers and I WILL say something to them. No violence suggested, just a firmer and louder voice.

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If we (DH and I) were not having any luck finding a seat. I would have no trouble parking myself at their table.

I might ask "Are you alone"? If they answer yes. We're sharing, like it or not.


I know this is an old thread, but have to ask.....will you be ok when I come to dinner alone and do the same while you and your husband are sharing a table? When I vacation alone, I read while I eat. I have every bit as much right to a table to eat as you do, so am baffled by your hostility.

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I know this is an old thread, but have to ask.....will you be ok when I come to dinner alone and do the same while you and your husband are sharing a table? When I vacation alone, I read while I eat. I have every bit as much right to a table to eat as you do, so am baffled by your hostility.


I'm not going back to re-read this whole thread, but I believe my response was referring to someone READING, NOT eating, in a DINING area.

I would have no problem sharing a table with you.

If you are reading while eating, no problem, but if you are taking up space in a designated eating area, to just read, and we can't find a seat, you're getting company. Like it or not.

I'll thank you for sharing. ;)

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I understand that. What I'm calling Cranky, is when you label somebody else rude simply because you're not getting what you want. I'll be honest, I've done it (usually when I can't make a turn while my light is green because somebody is crossing the street I'm turning onto; or for other whiny crap like that). These labels don't stand up to examination and neither does this one. You don't get what you want, you start looking for somebody to blame, and you find somebody whose behavior is in some way not what you think it should be. That's when the labels start. That's the scenario I'm talking about.


What I'm seeing here, is people who don't want to share a table see somebody occupying a seat; envision how that could potentially lead to them having to share a table; and then they decide that it's positively wrong.


And putting one person's selfish desire to not share a table against somebody else's selfish desire to sit at a table and read does not make sense. One is not better than the other, they are equal.


I can also balance your "there of plenty of places to sit and read" with there were seven other chairs at that one table alone where somebody could sit and eat.


Because, while there are many places to sit and read, there are not many places outside the eating areas where you can pull a chair up to a table (which some might prefer just as much as others prefer to have a table to themselves). So one person's insistence that she not read in the buffet is equal in merits with her choice to do it anyway.


Further, nobody seems to consider that she might have been hoping that others would join her. Sitting at a 2-seater is just shy of a guarantee nobody is going to share your table. Even if it's crowded, it's more likely somebody will the take the empty chair to another table. Sitting alone at a table for 8 says "there's room here, come join me".


And whether you think this behavior is rude or not, there is absolutely no need or excuse to deal with it by being rude. In fact, responding with rudeness is counterproductive.


You can politely ask if you can share the table. If you need a whole table, you can politely ask if they will be done with the table soon. These are good manners.


If I were reading and somebody asks politely to share my table, I will say yes. And it will pull my attention away from my book long enough to notice if the area is really crowded. It which case, I'll probably decide to leave. If somebody politely asks me if I'll be done with my table soon, it will have the same affect.


If somebody behaves rudely about my reading in an eating area, I'll still share the table if they need a place to sit. But I'm going to stay put and continue to read until they leave (that's the counterproductive part).


You're kind of awesome. ;)

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Sometimes it takes someone like your wife(or me) to put a PIA in their place. The problem is that people just ignore or turn the other cheek. Not me! If people like this never get put in their place,it just encourages them the more so.





Yes but do you ever notice that when you actually do put people like this in their place . You get this little bleeding heart society that admonishes you for doing so.


How do you know the woman with the mustard wasn't off her medication?"



Maybe the poor woman has an early form of Dementia



Maybe she is grieving the recent loss of a loved one.......BLAH BLAH BLAH


Like these are excuses to push people around and treat them like crap

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  • 1 month later...

On our first cruise we tried to go to a show. You would think that Garth Brooks was entertaining that night the crowd was so big...and pushy. We just walked out and on our cruises we have never actually went to or tried to go see a show again. I found the movies under the stars a lot more relaxing and easier to find a seat without getting pushed around. I am on a cruise to distress, not to get more stressed out lol.

Also, on that same cruise, (Island Princess, Feb, 2013) there was this gent, about 65ish. Every time we saw him around the ship he was really loud and braggy, about his cruise level, his general knowledge, etc. He was with a whole group of his friends, about his age and they looked embarrassed to be with him...lol. Well to top it off, on the plane home, there he was lol. He delayed the plane because he has left his wallet in airport security in the bins. We ALL missed our connection. The whole plane was upset. People from another cruise who were handicapped were forced to sit at the airport waiting for a new connection. We had to overnight an extra day. But Boy he was quiet for rest of the trip lol

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