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is worry free cruising dead ? doctor needed


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I just got off the crown princes after a week in mexico rather than feeling relaxed I feel like a dodged a Noro virus tipped bullet and wish to step back into the shooting gallery as a target . From this piont on will I always be given the daily figures as to who is sick and how many folks are quarantined its an emotional roller coaster I dont need. I do need some facts does everybody that gets the virus need attention or for some will a little Imodium and Pepto do the trick. Second if I am on a cruise 10 times longer am I ten times more likely to get it. Third has this always been a problem cause I dont remember this when I was younger. Also are there some lines where I am less likely to get the virus and if this is such a big problem why isnt half the navy down with it at any given time . I want to take a 60 day plus cruise but right now I cant say I would enjoy it for sure Help I need good info from a ships doctor if possible

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Noro is the second most common illness out there. As such, it is possible you had it at some early time in your life, and didn't know it. Generally younger people have less severe forms of all illnesses, as younger, healthy people handle things better. Younger healthier people are also more resistant to illness, generally.


You have a lot of illnesses in your body right now. But you aren't sick, at least as far as you know. That is because your immune system is doing it's job. And because a large enough number of the bug aren't hanging out together. At times, various things can hinder your immune system, and the bugs win, for a while, until your immune system beefs up. Then you get better.


Why does it seem like it is a problem now? Better testing, and most importantly, mass communication.


There is always a chance you can get it. Your chances don't really change, unless you are suddenly locked with only people who have it.


We have been on 17 cruises, for well over 200 days at sea, and never had it. We are not aware of any notable outbreaks on any ship we have been on. We are late 50s, early 60's.

Edited by CruiserBruce
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Also are there some lines where I am less likely to get the virus and if this is such a big problem why isnt half the navy down with it at any given time .


Yes, there are premium and luxury lines that do not allow passengers to serve themselves in the buffet. Passengers do NOT touch the serving utensils and thereby do NOT spread the virus easily. Their ships are also smaller with less passengers.


They had a segment on TV in which they interviewed a navy officer. They have very strict regulations about hand washing and immediate quarantine for affected sailors. And they enforce their rules.

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I just got off the crown princes after a week in mexico rather than feeling relaxed I feel like a dodged a Noro virus tipped bullet and wish to step back into the shooting gallery as a target . From this piont on will I always be given the daily figures as to who is sick and how many folks are quarantined its an emotional roller coaster I dont need. I do need some facts does everybody that gets the virus need attention or for some will a little Imodium and Pepto do the trick. Second if I am on a cruise 10 times longer am I ten times more likely to get it. Third has this always been a problem cause I dont remember this when I was younger. Also are there some lines where I am less likely to get the virus and if this is such a big problem why isnt half the navy down with it at any given time . I want to take a 60 day plus cruise but right now I cant say I would enjoy it for sure Help I need good info from a ships doctor if possible


I don't think any of us can really help with your problem.

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I just got off the crown princes after a week in mexico rather than feeling relaxed I feel like a dodged a Noro virus tipped bullet and wish to step back into the shooting gallery as a target . From this piont on will I always be given the daily figures as to who is sick and how many folks are quarantined its an emotional roller coaster I dont need. I do need some facts does everybody that gets the virus need attention or for some will a little Imodium and Pepto do the trick. Second if I am on a cruise 10 times longer am I ten times more likely to get it. Third has this always been a problem cause I dont remember this when I was younger. Also are there some lines where I am less likely to get the virus and if this is such a big problem why isnt half the navy down with it at any given time . I want to take a 60 day plus cruise but right now I cant say I would enjoy it for sure Help I need good info from a ships doctor if possible


Instead of looking for a "ships doctor" you might be better off to discuss this with your personal health care professionals. You are able to contract Noro virtually anywhere. Every year there are nursing homes, hospital units, and preschools shut down due to noro. To be honest, you have probably had it once or more in your life, and thought it was "stomach flu" or similar.


I hope you can find the reassurance you need to move forward with your plans for an extended cruise.

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I do appreciate Your info and help I have never spent 3 or more days without being able to keep things down if that's what it's really like. If you get it can you get it again on the same trip and are folks on segment cruises more likely to get it

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You have a much better chance of contracting norovirus at home. Norovirus is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis in the United States. Each year, it causes 19-21 million illnesses and contributes to 56,000-71,000 hospitalizations and 570-800 deaths. Norovirus is also the most common cause of foodborne-disease outbreaks in the United States. Outbreaks on cruise ships account for a tiny fraction of the total cases each year.


If a person is truly paranoid about catching this illness, they need to never go outside - no malls, no restaurants, no theaters, no children going to school, no buses, no trains, no planes - in other words, no doing anything.

Edited by fortinweb
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Noro is EVERYWHERE...my kids brought it home from elementary school...I caught it....it SUCKS! It's horrendous. But, it passes!


You can get it anywhere....grocery store, church, school...

The only reason folks think it's a "cruise ship" thing, is because cruise ships MUST report it....nursing homes, hotels, schools, etc...do not need to.


In DC, a hotel was shut down and quarantined for noro 2 years ago....


If you want to have NO risk...never leave home. And, don't have grandkids...they are germ factories!

Edited by cb at sea
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Noro is EVERYWHERE...my kids brought it home from elementary school...I caught it....it SUCKS! It's horrendous. But, it passes!


You can get it anywhere....grocery store, church, school...

The only reason folks think it's a "cruise ship" thing, is because cruise ships MUST report it....nursing homes, hotels, schools, etc...do not need to.


In DC, a hotel was shut down and quarantined for noro 2 years ago....


If you want to have NO risk...never leave home. And, don't have grandkids...they are germ factories!


That's because 21 million people on land got norovirus in 2013. Out of 10 million cruisers in 2013, only 1200 cases were reported by the cruise lines. I believe most people with stomach discomfort think they have noro, when it's actually something else. According to CNN.

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I've had it several times. My husband, never.


The difference is I can't seem to keep my fingers out of my mouth and I touch everything. He touches nothing he absolutely doesn't have to and doesn't chew on his fingernails like I do.

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The way we get Noro like viruses is to touch something which is infected and then put our fingers/hand to our eyes, nose or mouth.


Just getting virus on your hands will not infect you unless you have an open wound. The virus needs a portal to enter the body...... eyes, nose, mouth, ears.


Wash your hands often...... wash, wash, wash with Soap. Forget all the gels which don't protect specifically against Noro though here in flu season they may help with flu and colds.


If you don't put your 'dirty' hands to an opening in the body, you will not get Noro.


We have been on over 90 something cruises and DH never caught Noro and I did once..... even the time I had a light case, he did not catch it from me.

Edited by sail7seas
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I have eaten some really funky stuff and have never been sick for 3 +days ,and had never been sick from both ends sorry folks I couldn't think of delicate way to put it. I still want to know how bad is it when you get it. I know I sound stupid but I'm not I have looked it up always find the same cookie cutter answer. I understand you can get it any place but my doctor cringes when I tell him I'm cruising and my wife who is on anti rejection drugs was told to never eat at the buffets. Neither of these doctors tell us to stay away from schools or any of the other places mentioned . We really love cruising but this last trip made us nervous

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Perhaps a doctor that specializes in various obsessive disorders would be more helpful then a regular physician. The reality is that nothing much has changed in recent years (Noro has been around forever, is the 2nd most common virus in the US, and is almost always self-limiting (except for certain high risk folks)). As long time (and very frequent travelers) where we hear your kind of complaint/obsessions we are now tempted to simply say, "Just stay home." Nobody here on CC can help you deal with your personal demons.



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Hank has brought up some valid points. We once had a cruise with Noro outbreaks over 20 days (of a 30 day cruise). We followed protocol and stayed healthy. It was still a great cruise for us and hasn't impacted our booking cruises since then.


Yes, Noro is everywhere. I've seen news reports of outbreaks at all of the places previously mentioned. I got it at a well known Florida theme park - but never on a cruise ship in over 30 years of cruising.

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Just think, if you didn't read Cruise Critic and other cruise related forums, you wouldn't be as aware of just about every Noro or viral outbreak on cruise ships.


Conversely if you subscribed to an all inclusive forum, hospital forum, school board forum, etc you would see that these places too are rife with Noro etc.


Really, anywhere where there is a large gathering of people there are millions of different germs, virus', and fungi present.


Cruise. Not going because you are scared of Noro; is like not crossing the road because you are scared of being run over.


I have had it once; grandson brought it home from daycare. 24 hrs later to the minute me and D in L came down with it. Son came home from work cared for us, 24 hr later he had it, myself and grandson fully recovered in 24 hr, but tired, D in L sick for another 12 hr. son recovered after 24 hr also.


Symptoms; sudden onset of intermitent projectile vomiting and diarrhoea that lasts for 24 hr followed by a couple of days of tiredness. Food is easily consumed after 24 hr. drink water throughout if possible. ( this is just MY experience)


Cheers, h.




Sent from the nether world using magic

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Just think, if you didn't read Cruise Critic and other cruise related forums, you wouldn't be as aware of just about every Noro or viral outbreak on cruise ships.


Conversely if you subscribed to an all inclusive forum, hospital forum, school board forum, etc you would see that these places too are rife with Noro etc.


Really, anywhere where there is a large gathering of people there are millions of different germs, virus', and fungi present.


Cruise. Not going because you are scared of Noro; is like not crossing the road because you are scared of being run over.


I have had it once; grandson brought it home from daycare. 24 hrs later to the minute me and D in L came down with it. Son came home from work cared for us, 24 hr later he had it, myself and grandson fully recovered in 24 hr, but tired, D in L sick for another 12 hr. son recovered after 24 hr also.


Symptoms; sudden onset of intermitent projectile vomiting and diarrhoea that lasts for 24 hr followed by a couple of days of tiredness. Food is easily consumed after 24 hr. drink water throughout if possible. ( this is just MY experience)


Thank you finally somebody answered my question and told me what is was l like any yes I have been sick for a day and then felt weak. Mary Ellen thank you for your input as well I'm sure you are correct, if you read about anything long enough you will find out more than you want to know. Hank you I can not thank I find your like it or lump it attitude annoying and I really can't understand why you would f feel it necessary to comment unless it's you enjoy being a jerk. I have traveled across India on a bus and fought in marshal arts tournament s all over the far east, I have been most places in the world some of which I'm sure would curl you toes and I'm far from feeble minded The simple fact is my wife of 30 year is a transplant

Patient and I'm looking for first hand information so I can make an informed decision seems smart not paranoid to me. Of course before somebody says it we are and will continue to speak to our doctors about it. When my wife was sick we enjoyed the freedom of dialysis. At sea and have always loved cruising and hope to continue. I have never until this last cruise be this I have never been bothered and if you think I should shut up or stay hope maybe you should stop responding to threads that you don't care fore. I asked for a ships doctor to respond or folks that have suffered the virus before are you either of those? ?

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When you've been on this forum longer, you will discover that tearing into people isn't the best way to get the advice you are seeking. Just try to ignore the grumps.


Having said that, my daughter was a kidney transplant recipient and I can understand your concern. The best thing to do would be to ask her transplant physician if being on anti rejections meds makes her more at risk for a serious case of Norovirus if she should get it. Then base your decision on his recommendation. Just remember you can get norovirus anywhere. Cruise ships are required to report outbreaks so are more visible.

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Oh Janice when I lash out you will know. I found thanks comments to be bearish. I did thank the others for their input and as I said we are and will continue to consult Our doctors. In fact when I asked our doctor if being on a ship ten times longer than average made us ten times more likely to get it or if we did get a strain of virus could we get the same strain again it was he suggested consulting. A cruise ship doctor

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I just got off the crown princes after a week in mexico rather than feeling relaxed I feel like a dodged a Noro virus tipped bullet and wish to step back into the shooting gallery as a target . From this piont on will I always be given the daily figures as to who is sick and how many folks are quarantined its an emotional roller coaster I dont need. I do need some facts does everybody that gets the virus need attention or for some will a little Imodium and Pepto do the trick. Second if I am on a cruise 10 times longer am I ten times more likely to get it. Third has this always been a problem cause I dont remember this when I was younger. Also are there some lines where I am less likely to get the virus and if this is such a big problem why isnt half the navy down with it at any given time . I want to take a 60 day plus cruise but right now I cant say I would enjoy it for sure Help I need good info from a ships doctor if possible


If you really want info from a doctor, talk to a doctor and not an anonymous poster on the internet.


Why is it more of a problem now than in the past? Several reasons: higher density (i.e. more crowded) cruise ships. Viruses circulate more frequently and rapidly in crowded places - like daycares, hospitals, schools, even Navy ships. And cruise ships. So the more crowded and more populated the cruise ship, the more likely the virus is to travel around quickly. Your chances of catching it on a 2500 person ship is greater than on a 250 person ship, since you've got more potential points of contact. And if the 2500 person ship is more crowded (i.e. denser) there's more sharing of space and objects. And if the 2500 person ship is understaffed, there will be less frequent or thorough cleaning of public (and private) spaces.


So, in my opinion, it wasn't as big of a problem when ships were smaller and less crowded (but proportionally more expensive). Additionally, better diagnosing and better communication means you hear about it more, whereas before it either wasn't as well known, or wasn't specifically identified.


If you're worried about communicable diseases, then stay away from crowded places if you can (and certainly for a vacation, when worry isn't something you want).


If you want to cruise with less worry (and less chance of repeat waves of infectious illness), I'd recommend cruising on a smaller and less crowded ship, like one of the luxury lines. Fewer people, less crowding, better staffing ratio.

Edited by calliopecruiser
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Good answer thanks, we are looking at the Pacific princess anyway .I wonder if segmented cruises pose more of a problem as there are always a new infusion of passengers coming aboard. We avoid the buffets now, and taking breakfast in our room as a habit might help with exposer, I also thought the lady that wiped down parts of her cabin with Clorox wipes daily was a good idea and doable .we go to national parks and stay in the large lodges now so we can hardy be called germfobic.thanks again we are seeing the wife's neurologist in February and all will be disgussed

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I also thought the lady that wiped down parts of her cabin with Clorox wipes daily was a good idea and doable


Specific to Noro, standard Clorox wipes won't help - they usually don't even have any bleach. Talk to your wife's doctor about "accelerated hydrogen peroxide" wipes if you're interested in cleaning surfaces (in your cabin or elsewhere).....I think they are currently only available for health care facilities, but if her doctor thinks it is a good idea, he/she might be able to get you some for the trip.

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I think one of the biggest reasons Noro is spread so much on ships is the total disregard for hand washing and poor etiquette (watching people put their hands on items on the buffet and putting the item back for the next person). Always surprised by watching ladies leave the ladies room without washing! Anyway, I have been on several "sick" ships and have dodged the bullet. However I think it was from pure luck and never putting my hands near my mouth and continuous washing and use of hand sanitizor. However two years ago we took a trip to Disney World, and 4 days in my 19 year old daughter quickly and violently became ill. We were at the hospital within 12 hours, a bag or two of fluids and were given the diagnosis of Noro. She constantly chews her nails and when you are putting your hands on handrials, etc. - well as the doctor said - she obviously put her hands someplace that "fecal matter" (yes, disgusting - but he said that is what its caught from) and then into her mouth. I told the doctor I was upset that I didn't have my usual travel bag for cruises with Imodium to give her. He said that was the WORST thing I could have done. He said when you get sick with Noro you need to get it "out" - hence you should not stop the vomiting and diareha. News to me. He also said that Noro stops usually within 36 hours - as quickly as it starts - and it did. While I was tending to my daugher I did not get it - but again I was vigilent about hand washing, etc. He said 12 - 24 hours from exposure is when you catch it.


So that was my one experience with it - and I hope my last.

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