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Tougher Enforcement on Use of Hand Sanitizer


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Passengers should use the sanitisers when boarding the ship and certainly when entering the dining room, unless they have a medical reason for not doing so.


Well, not really. For example, when going to the buffet I stop in the restroom first and wash my hands. Then I walk out that door and through the dining room door and they want me to use the sanitizer. I do it, to not look like a jerk, but I resent it. I know I just washed my hands, why should I be forced to use the goop?

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I went to the other bread display and saw a young man stick his hand in that bread display.


I use the tongs, but you could make a case that we'd all be better off just grabbing our own bread by hand. If I reach in and grab a roll, you following me are not exposed to anything as long as I only touched my roll. But if I use the tongs, and then you use the tongs, my germs are on the tongs when you touch them.


That's why they normally serve you items from the buffet when there is an outbreak rather than let you serve yourself.

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Recently returned from a 14 day South America cruise on the Infinity from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires. Although the Hand Sanitizer stands were evident and upon occasion there were staff standing with hand held units, I feel there should have been more of an effort given to 'try' to MAKE people use it. There were announcements that several people were ill, blah blah blah and one should cover one's mouth and or cough in the arm. Many times we encountered passengers coughing and I mean wretching coughing right in the Oceanview Cafe. Well, we always move, but this does not always do the job. Oh ,you might wonder how ill we were? After returning, I found out I had pneumonia and am just recovering now. My husband had it bad, but is much better without a visit to our GP.


Could the crew and or supervisors, especially in eating areas ask passengers to cover their mouths or even hand out masks? I think Celebrity has failed in this area.


We didn't have any "people are ill announcements", but I couldn't believe people that don't cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing, don't wash their hands after using the restrooms. I'm the one who says, pretty loudly, for goodness sake cover your mouth or I can't believe that lady didn't wash her hands. I'm sure I have offended a few, but what where people taught! As for the sanitizer station outside the MDR, I would say that 1 in every 20 that went through it used it....I guess the others didn't touch anything on their way to the MDR.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Well, not really. For example, when going to the buffet I stop in the restroom first and wash my hands. Then I walk out that door and through the dining room door and they want me to use the sanitizer. I do it, to not look like a jerk, but I resent it. I know I just washed my hands, why should I be forced to use the goop?


Same sort of thing for me, always wash my hands before entering the buffet or any eatery, but I don't sanitize on the way in because my hands are clean, I JUST WASHED THEM!


I actually will sanitize after getting my food because that's when I may have picked up something from having touched the tongs or what ever.

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First I saw a lady sneeze on the bread display. I went to the other bread display and saw a young man stick his hand in that bread display.

I can say that the medical staff onboard was excellent. Several in our group made use of the medical facilities.

If you see this, call over a crew member and let them know and they will take away all time items. I have no issue doing this and I do it right in front of the person doing it. On one of my cruises, a lady took a roll with her hands and then put it back, I called over the crew member and in front of the lady, told him she had touched the food with her hands and he took away the whole try. The lady said she would pick up her roll and take it with her and the crew member did say that once a person uses their hands, the food must be thrown away. Now whether he just took it into the back and then brought it back or threw it away, I'll never know.


Please if you see this kind of behavior, speak up, as it is for the sake of your health and everyone else on the ship.

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If you see this, call over a crew member and let them know and they will take away all time items. I have no issue doing this and I do it right in front of the person doing it. On one of my cruises, a lady took a roll with her hands and then put it back, I called over the crew member and in front of the lady, told him she had touched the food with her hands and he took away the whole try. The lady said she would pick up her roll and take it with her and the crew member did say that once a person uses their hands, the food must be thrown away. Now whether he just took it into the back and then brought it back or threw it away, I'll never know.


Please if you see this kind of behavior, speak up, as it is for the sake of your health and everyone else on the ship.



Good idea. No one was around at the time, but notifying someone is the best idea.....also sanitizing after using those tongs!

We've become germ-phobics from cruising, but we did stay well while many got sick on this cruise.

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Personally, I wish they'd back off with the sanitizer. I don't use it and don't want it shoved at me when I walk onto the ship or into a room. When I come back from the port, I have my card in my hand because I had to use it to get on the gangplank and I will need it to get onboard. What am I supposed to do with the card while I use the sanitizer? If I then use my card (and everyone does), I get the same germs that I had before the sanitzer.

I'm an adult and I don't need sanitizer shoved at me or someone to tell me to cover my nose when I sneeze. Then again, I have a very good immune system don't get sick very often.



Patty -- Re-boarding the ship is only time I don't like using the hand sanitizer. As you pointed out, they tell you to have your seapass card in your hand, as you line up on the gangway. I nearly dropped my card into "the drink", one time, because I had no pocket to put it in. But, the "purell guy" insisted on squirting my hands anyway, as I was boarding the ship. :eek:

Edited by wwcruisers
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I see the biggest issue at the buffet is all the folks who lick their fingers , pick their and go back for more food ,,, handled the tongs and spoons!!!

Yes the ones who do not wash or sanitize prior are a problem.. but there are far more people sticking their fingers in their mouths

Time to start bringing my own disposable plastic gloves to use everytime I get food!!

Yes we are all adults...BUT!!!!!

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The hand santiser, no matter what it claims to do, is no substitue for good hand washing - with hot water, and soap.


I’ll agree with you that there’s no substitution for good old hot water and soap to ensure your hands are clean. No one here is disputing that fact. So no matter what you claim I do not agree with your opinion about the hand sanitizers. We use them (our own and the ships) for when you can’t wash. Like after handling the menus in the MDR before eating. We believe in the old saying an ounce of prevention is worth…

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I’ll agree with you that there’s no substitution for good old hot water and soap to ensure your hands are clean. No one here is disputing that fact. So no matter what you claim I do not agree with your opinion about the hand sanitizers. We use them (our own and the ships) for when you can’t wash. Like after handling the menus in the MDR before eating. We believe in the old saying an ounce of prevention is worth…


I quite agree - I use the hand sanitiser at every opportunity too, like yourself, better safe than sorry. I have also taught my kids (much to their annoyance) to not touch any lift buttons, or handrails, around the ship. Well I have to have to nag them constantly or they would think I am ill....:D

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Actually, this is a bit of an urban myth. I have heard that the air in modern airplanes is 'cleaner' that in most buildings.


Doesn't the Recirculating Air Just Keep Recirculating

No. Outside-air mixing replenishes the cabin air constantly.

Replenishment assures that the recirculated portion does not endlessly recirculate but is rapidly diluted and replaced with outside air.

During cruise or on the ground, the outside air is drawn in at the same rate that cabin air is exhausted out of the airplane.


Cabin Air Systems


You are more likely to be exposed on the plane, breathing recycled air for hours, than on the ship if you take your own precautions.

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My hands won't tolerate the gel stuff. After 36 years doing childcare I know all about the importance of clean hands. At home of course I wash with soap and hot water, same everywhere else. I did find a non jel sanitizer that is not as harsh. Carry and use it on a cruise, best for me is good old fashioned soap and water tho.

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Whenever I read about people not washing their hands after using the toilet, I'm reminded of one of my kids. When asked if he washed his hands, he replied "I didn't pee on them".


Maybe your kid didn't pee on his hands, but how does he know what the person before did and then opened the stall door? All I am saying there is scientific proof that people need to wash their hands after using the toilet. I could care less if you want to ruin your vacation, but don't ruin it for everyone else. I think of hand washing not so much as protecting me from what I did - but the unknown person before me!


I assume people understand that Norovirus is caught from feces or vomit particles ingested by the person that becomes ill??? That means that somebody is not doing something right. My daughter caught it at Disney World and I have never seen someone so sick. I held her head and cleaned up after her - but I constantly washed my hands and use the sanitizer and never became ill.

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Personally, I wish they'd back off with the sanitizer. I don't use it and don't want it shoved at me when I walk onto the ship or into a room. When I come back from the port, I have my card in my hand because I had to use it to get on the gangplank and I will need it to get onboard. What am I supposed to do with the card while I use the sanitizer? If I then use my card (and everyone does), I get the same germs that I had before the sanitzer.

I'm an adult and I don't need sanitizer shoved at me or someone to tell me to cover my nose when I sneeze. Then again, I have a very good immune system don't get sick very often.


Regarding not using the hand sanitizer when reboarding the ship because you have your key card in your hand.....do you really walk around the ports for 6 - 8 hours holding your card?? I think not. So keep it where it was - sanitize your hands and then pull out your card. Yes, soap and water is better - but not possible on the docks. So be courteous to others. They are trying to protect the passengers from what they may have come in contact with at the various ports. Obviously if you have a legitimate allergy you can't use - but just because you get "dry" hands - well that is what lotion is for...

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Maybe your kid didn't pee on his hands, but how does he know what the person before did and then opened the stall door? All I am saying there is scientific proof that people need to wash their hands after using the toilet. I could care less if you want to ruin your vacation, but don't ruin it for everyone else. I think of hand washing not so much as protecting me from what I did - but the unknown person before me!


I assume people understand that Norovirus is caught from feces or vomit particles ingested by the person that becomes ill??? That means that somebody is not doing something right. My daughter caught it at Disney World and I have never seen someone so sick. I held her head and cleaned up after her - but I constantly washed my hands and use the sanitizer and never became ill.

I wish Celebrity would do something that Crystal does in the restrooms. Celebrity does have a sign on the door of the restroom, to use a towel or tissue to open the door, but on Crystal, they actually have a small container with tissue right next to the door knob. It is just a nice touch and amazingly most use it to open the door, where on Celebrity I noticed that many have already thrown their towel away and used their hand to open the door.
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I wish Celebrity would do something that Crystal does in the restrooms. Celebrity does have a sign on the door of the restroom, to use a towel or tissue to open the door, but on Crystal, they actually have a small container with tissue right next to the door knob. It is just a nice touch and amazingly most use it to open the door, where on Celebrity I noticed that many have already thrown their towel away and used their hand to open the door.


I'm trying to think of any public washroom door on Celebrity that doesn't have a button to mechanically open the door with a tap of the elbow.

Edited by A Sixth?
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I wish Celebrity would do something that Crystal does in the restrooms. Celebrity does have a sign on the door of the restroom, to use a towel or tissue to open the door, but on Crystal, they actually have a small container with tissue right next to the door knob. It is just a nice touch and amazingly most use it to open the door, where on Celebrity I noticed that many have already thrown their towel away and used their hand to open the door.


On S class ships, I do believe the door opens automatically an even nicer touch.

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So be courteous to others.

You might take your own advice. Your post quoting me come across as more than a little rude.

Please, read my post again as to getting ON the ship. When you GET TO the ship, you must show your card. Whatever may be on my hand is now on my card. Then they great you with sanitizer. When you GET TO the scanner you must show your card, again. Whatever was on my card is now on my hand again. If they insist on sanitizer, it should be OFFERED before I get my card from my purse.

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Regarding not using the hand sanitizer when reboarding the ship because you have your key card in your hand.....do you really walk around the ports for 6 - 8 hours holding your card?? I think not. So keep it where it was - sanitize your hands and then pull out your card. Yes, soap and water is better - but not possible on the docks. So be courteous to others. They are trying to protect the passengers from what they may have come in contact with at the various ports. Obviously if you have a legitimate allergy you can't use - but just because you get "dry" hands - well that is what lotion is for...


When you return to the ship, you must show your card as you reach the gangplank,followed immediately by the crew member with the hand sanitizer, so no I really don't think they walk around the port hiding their card for 6-8 hours. But thanks for the snippiness.

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I'm trying to think of any public washroom door on Celebrity that doesn't have a button to mechanically open the door with a tap of the elbow.
I was in quite a few that didn't have the handicap door opener. One in particular, is the ladies room outside the theatre on the Summit, right next to it, is a dedicated handicap restroom. Edited by NLH Arizona
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Recently returned from a 14 day South America cruise on the Infinity from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires. Although the Hand Sanitizer stands were evident and upon occasion there were staff standing with hand held units, I feel there should have been more of an effort given to 'try' to MAKE people use it. There were announcements that several people were ill, blah blah blah and one should cover one's mouth and or cough in the arm. Many times we encountered passengers coughing and I mean wretching coughing right in the Oceanview Cafe. Well, we always move, but this does not always do the job. Oh ,you might wonder how ill we were? After returning, I found out I had pneumonia and am just recovering now. My husband had it bad, but is much better without a visit to our GP.


Could the crew and or supervisors, especially in eating areas ask passengers to cover their mouths or even hand out masks? I think Celebrity has failed in this area.


Besides the sanitizer debate, I'd love to hear more about your cruise as we're booked on this one in the future. How were the seas? How did you get to the port from the Santiago airport? We you able to see the ports despite your illness? Thanks!

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