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We Walked Out of Tuscan Grille - Silhouette


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On RC, we had the same experience, I know it says the dinner is SLOOOOOOOW but after 2 hours and going through a bottle of wine, with no main dish service in sight, we left, and They did not seem to CARE. Funny the next night we saw our server busing glasses in the Concierge Lounge. We made no fuss with anyone about the service other than being questions on why we were leaving, just said we had been sitting too long. However a couple of gentlemen came in after us and were treated like kings with fast service.

We are giving up on the Specialty restaurant for now unless it is a perk from some one.

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Good for you.


We had a problem in the MDR on Summit where we did not receive our entrée until 10:15 PM. It was totally unacceptable and all we got was "we are sorry."


I made sure to mention it on our post cruise survey. At least we weren't paying extra.

Edited by CruisingChick
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The cruise was booked for that reason and a special dinner was reserved at Murano. It started great. But when the waiter brought my DH lamb chops he ordered then the whole evening went south. I noticed DH was really struggling trying to cut the lamb chop. After about a minute or two I offered my help. In two more minutes our DD joined us trying to cut a piece of meat that should be a better quality since we paid $45 for this "special" meal. Five minutes later we called a waiter and politely mentioned that there was something wrong with our order because we couldn't cut it. What do you know? Instead of replacing the order he grabbed a knife and started sawing a piece of meat. Seriously? He was all red and sweaty but he was really persistent in cutting the meat. DH refused to eat his meal. The evening was ruined.


I'm starting to think that the specialty restaurants should stick to the basics: steak, chicken, and fish. :rolleyes: Our Tuscan Grille horror story, that I referred to in my previous post, was over a veal chop. The first one that I ordered came out way over-cooked. It took a while to find our waitress and send it back. What finally came out could only be described as a piece of gristle, with a bone attached to it. And, instead of waiting to see if the second attempt worked, our waitress promptly disappeared again. We finally had to ask a busboy to send the Maitre'd over. He asked if he could get me something else, but by then, my DH had finished his steak (which was cooked properly, the first time). While we were waiting for the Maitre'd, I noticed the head chef "making the rounds" of the restaurant, and chatting-up the big tables. But, he never even looked in our direction. :rolleyes:

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That may well be so, but I would hope I would have at least been presented with 2 or 3 courses and probably eaten them during that 2 hours here in the UK - the point is the OP hadn't even been served the main course after more than 2 hours! He had every right to be really annoyed and I can fully understand his response, and not wanting to go back.


This is partly because DH and I went to lunch at a favourite Italian restaurant recently and after 90 minutes we had not been served our main course when the couple on the next table - who arrived at least 5 minutes after us - had been served, and finished 3 courses! By the time the main course came - it could have been dust on my plate - I was too inwardly upset to eat it. I should have responded like the OP (well .... maybe quieter .... ;)) and left. I had asked them (very nicely) if there was a problem when they brought out our appetiser after some delay so they did know there was an issue, but it didn't improve. It's put me off going back, despite the apologies (and comped drinks) we received.


My full sympathy goes to the OP even though they did later try to make amends and deserve credit for that.


I agree, I would expect to be at dessert after two hours, I was nearly stating the other posters posting was regarding the full meal not waiting two hours to get to the main course.

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Keith - Were with the group? If not, how do you know he "dragged the entire party away". This is not a flame, just a comment that you may be making assumptions that may or may not be accurate.

Read his post! I'll agree that the meal may have been a disaster, but there's far more gracious ways of dealing with it! Being as vocal as he was was an embarassment to him his party & those diners who were there. The mgt. made a lot of effort to correct the situation. I'm NOT an apologist for any cruiseline! That being said, being in the food industry(large catering co.)things CAN go wrong & we do our best to fix them. This guy, obviously wasn't having it. Sorry, it was a bad meal,but I'm not sympathetic on how he handled it!

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Read his post! I'll agree that the meal may have been a disaster, but there's far more gracious ways of dealing with it! Being as vocal as he was was an embarassment to him his party & those diners who were there. The mgt. made a lot of effort to correct the situation. I'm NOT an apologist for any cruiseline! That being said, being in the food industry(large catering co.)things CAN go wrong & we do our best to fix them. This guy, obviously wasn't having it. Sorry, it was a bad meal,but I'm not sympathetic on how he handled it!




What's the old saying....life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it?


We all have had bad things happen to us, and in the heat of the moment we deal with it the way we do. One can either get loud and unpleasant and make those around them uncomfortable enough that an apology is necessary and then brush aside subsequent attempts to handle the situation multiple times....or one can handle it a different way.

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Read his post! I'll agree that the meal may have been a disaster, but there's far more gracious ways of dealing with it! Being as vocal as he was was an embarassment to him his party & those diners who were there. The mgt. made a lot of effort to correct the situation. I'm NOT an apologist for any cruiseline! That being said, being in the food industry(large catering co.)things CAN go wrong & we do our best to fix them. This guy, obviously wasn't having it. Sorry, it was a bad meal,but I'm not sympathetic on how he handled it!


I don't think it's an embarrassment for him and/or his party. I would have reacted the exact same way if I had encountered such service. Bad service in a specialty restaurant should NEVER occur. You're paying extra for this meal. Celebrity should have the best of the best working there. This is why it's called a Specialty Restaurant and not "some hackneyed joint to grab a steak". When you get a shrug of the shoulders as an answer when you ask where your meal is, you walk out and get your money back.


And as I said previously, once it's ruined, it's ruined. No amount of apologizing can fix it, especially when the restaurant had only a few tables filled and you have been sitting there for over 2 hours.


So while you may not be an apologist for the cruise line, you're certainly coming across as one for the food servers of the ship.

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I used to work in customer service and complaints many years ago. Not hospitality or catering, thank goodness, I suspect I'd have been tempted to self harm or worse.


But the cardinal rule is that it isn't the messing up, it's how you deal with the aftermath. It looks from the OP's post that things were almost spot on - a quick but unsuccessful follow up, then a more relaxed contact after the heat was out of it and the offer of free food and fine wine.


I congratulate X on how things went. I also congratulate the OP on dealing with it pragmatically rather than letting it burn away at them. Personally, I'd have given them a chance and taken the wine as well, but then the red elixir does sometimes work for me where money doesn't......




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Our worst specialty dining experience was in silk harvest. When they seated us they told us that the table across from us was VIP's. They were actually several young ship officers and their dates. They literally had 4 waiters standing behind them, pouring their drinks, entrée after entrée being served. My wife and I had not even been given a menu for over 1/2 hour. Finally they took our order, 45 mins for the appetizer to arrive. I don't know if it was good or not since we never had a chance to order a drink. I stood up, complained to the boss who shrugged his shoulders and we left. I also contacted then CEO Dan Hanrahan, he we quite upset. It's the wrong impression, officers are more important then paying customers.

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DW and I walked out of Blu one night for the same reason OP addressed. It was as though we were invisible. I made no complaint, as there was no one to complain to, we just rose and headed for the door at which point, magically, staff appeared asking if there were a problem.

Yup, you could say that. The next night we ensured a different table and waiter and all was well again.

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The specialty dining restaurants are small. No passenger should be "invisible". The kitchen and servers know when there is a problem and they should be proactive.


If it is taking extra time to get the meal out, offer free wine and an amuse bouche, and acknowledge the problem.


If it turns into a disaster, don't wait for a complaint, proactively offer things to make it better.


That is what a classy attentive restaurant will do.

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He was quite right. Get up and go. Too late for apologies. Six people, wanting to have a lovely evening and it is ruined.



As for Blu. The most dreadfull food I have ever eaten


Normally I would never, ever say anything. Been there. Done that. The food on Constellation was a disgrace. Either excellent or unedible. Once I had sent back the first plate it became suprisingly easy. There was, of course, the fall back buffet. No going to eat and cooking toast when you return!


Me, calmly, take it away.


Then they said we haven't seen you! One of the ladies on the entry was French and so is my husband so I can parle the lingo. Told her. Not interested at all. Few days later and the next suckers arrived.


Seems like I was the only one though. Goodness knows what folk eat at home.

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I used to work in customer service and complaints many years ago. Not hospitality or catering, thank goodness, I suspect I'd have been tempted to self harm or worse.


But the cardinal rule is that it isn't the messing up, it's how you deal with the aftermath. It looks from the OP's post that things were almost spot on - a quick but unsuccessful follow up, then a more relaxed contact after the heat was out of it and the offer of free food and fine wine.


I congratulate X on how things went. I also congratulate the OP on dealing with it pragmatically rather than letting it burn away at them. Personally, I'd have given them a chance and taken the wine as well, but then the red elixir does sometimes work for me where money doesn't......




That might be how you were taught but as a customer it isn't how I see it at all. I have seldom ever walked out of a restaurant (but it has happened). Once that level has been reached the very last thing that I want is for anyone (not even the matre'd) to chase me down. At that point I just want to be left alone. If you want to apologize for something, do it while I'm still sitting there. If I've gotten up to leave then I'm A: mad, and B: embarrassed and don't want to talk to anyone. Yes, I have had a Matre'd on a cruise ship chase me down and no it didn't' make the situation any better. We all know that things happen on cruises, however I hate the attitude of the cruise lines that anything can be fixed with a bottle of wine and an I'm sorry.

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I am sorry to say I also had a bad experience in Tuscan on the Silhouette. My friend and I cruised in June on the British Isles cruise.


I have visited Tuscan Grille numerous times: on the Solstice, the Constellation and 3 times on the Silhouette. It had always been one of my favorite specialty restaurants, until now.


I had to send my steak back 3 times! The first time, it was clearly overcooked and the waiter had the audacity to argue with me! He said it was the lighting of the restaurant. Huh?? Then, of course, my second steak was undercooked and had to be sent back again, only to receive it a third time completely charred and tasteless.


Meanwhile, all my side dishes had grown cold and my companion had finished eating long ago.


Eventually, they did get it right and my sides were replaced, but by then, it was too late. Our nice dinner had been ruined.


What really irritated me was the lack of concern by our waiter and being argued with. The maitre 'd only offered a very half-hearted apology. No effort was made to compensate me or to encourage us to come back a different night.


Extremely disappointing! Needless to say, when cruising on the Reflection this fall, Tuscan WON'T be on our dining agenda.

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What's the old saying....life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it?


We all have had bad things happen to us, and in the heat of the moment we deal with it the way we do. One can either get loud and unpleasant and make those around them uncomfortable enough that an apology is necessary and then brush aside subsequent attempts to handle the situation multiple times....or one can handle it a different way.

Being in the food industry,I would ask..What can you do to make this right? I understand the frustration, but his way of handling it was inappropriate. I would never "create" a scene the way he did(reread his post for a refresh)I'd wait to see what the Maitre D would offer..and go from there. To see what compensation was offered by Celebrity(or any restaurant,for that matter)was a correct move. It's how we handle it.An example..We spaced a small wedding meal(30 people)Some how it got misplaced. We refunded any & all monies & offered a $500free voucher to any rest.they chose. It was satisfactory to them. Their wedding meal was a pretty simple one. Luckily, no Caviar etc.

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I am with the OP. He worked hard for his vacation. He will never get that night back. But the cruise line in charging 50 dollars over and above what he had already paid has given an undertaking to deliver a higher level of service and food and guess what they should deliver. He clearly did not do this to get compensation - I admire him for that.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Tuscan is a large restaurant on the ship, it encompasses the entire aft section of the ship on deck 5.

Why not make it half the size and let the dining staff and kitchen focus only on 8 tables instead of the 16-20 they have now. Clearly the staff is overworked or not attentive to so many tables.

Make the other half of the area a premium seafood place or something, just my thoughts.

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Of course food is subjective, but perhaps it is YOU.

Totally agree. Last year on Eclipse we were checking the upcoming dinner menu & this woman butted in & said how deplorable the food was the night before. We asked pax walking by about the previous night's food. They said from good to excellent. When I commented about the woman saying it was deplorable one guy said "Yeah, you always have the bitcher!" I kind of got the feeling some of these pax knew or were familiar wth this lady. I've never eaten in Blu,but have heard it's generally pretty good. I guess if you have "Applebees" taste, then good food just goes right over your head!

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Tuscan is a large restaurant on the ship, it encompasses the entire aft section of the ship on deck 5.

Why not make it half the size and let the dining staff and kitchen focus only on 8 tables instead of the 16-20 they have now. Clearly the staff is overworked or not attentive to so many tables.

Make the other half of the area a premium seafood place or something, just my thoughts.


The staff isn't overwhelmed....the restaurant is staffed with the right number of people...but they need to be trained, managed and be competent in their assigned tasks. It sounds like there were many "new to Tuscan" staff and surely there was a problem with the competence of those in the Tuscan kitchen. If the maitre d' had done his/her job, they would have realized that there were problems and taken action before things blew up. That didn't happen. Irrespective of how the OP reacted, I would focus the foul up on the maitre d' who just wasn't doing their job....which is running the restaurant, not just seating folks.


I certainly understand the OP's frustration...I would have left much earlier and quieter, or at least I would have had a discussion with the maitre d' outside earshot of the restaurant. But frustration does strange things to all of us.....and while it's easy to say "oh, I would have done it differently", it's very different when you are in the middle of things.

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I’m sorry to hear about your experience in the Tuscan Grille. We always make a point to eat in the Tuscan Grille on each of our cruises and have always had excellent dining experiences! The Tuscan Grille is our favorite speciality restaurant on Celebrity.


I would have given them an opportunity to make it right for you. I’m impressed with the way Celebrity tried to address your concerns on three separate occasions!


I agree, it really shows that they were trying to rectify your disappointment.:D

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Our worst specialty dining experience was in silk harvest. When they seated us they told us that the table across from us was VIP's. They were actually several young ship officers and their dates. They literally had 4 waiters standing behind them, pouring their drinks, entrée after entrée being served. My wife and I had not even been given a menu for over 1/2 hour. Finally they took our order, 45 mins for the appetizer to arrive. I don't know if it was good or not since we never had a chance to order a drink. I stood up, complained to the boss who shrugged his shoulders and we left. I also contacted then CEO Dan Hanrahan, he we quite upset. It's the wrong impression, officers are more important then paying customers.


Terrible for them to be so blatantly disregarding of you.:(

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Service in the cruise industry is generally getting worse. I won't pretend to have all the solutions but we speak with wallets, and based on what I have seen, we are willing to tolerate it. It is unfortunate with the rising prices in SR, we can't feel confident that the food and service will be better than the MDR.

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Tuscan is a large restaurant on the ship, it encompasses the entire aft section of the ship on deck 5.

Why not make it half the size and let the dining staff and kitchen focus only on 8 tables instead of the 16-20 they have now. Clearly the staff is overworked or not attentive to so many tables.

Make the other half of the area a premium seafood place or something, just my thoughts.


I actually think this is a good idea! We've been in Tuscan on 5 different ships and the only one I ever saw it truly busy on was on Constellation. It is quite large on the "S" class....might be interesting to convert part of that to something else!!!

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