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Riviera January 3 - It's the (Old) Girls Gone "Wild" cruise!


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My take on this, if you have to ask the question then it is most likely inappropriate. The Terrace Cafe is unlike the large mass cruise line buffets. I would not wear a swimsuit coverup at lunch, but OK at Waves. Just my opinion but I am more conservative and would not feel comfortable.

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I'm here! I'm here! Yesterday was super busy but amazingly fantastic. Today will be much more relaxed so I'll have time to type up a full report. On our way to San Juan but we don't arrive until 2:30.


I would not wear a swimsuit with cover up to Terrace cafe, but would (and did) to Waves.


Stay tuned for a full report! :D

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I'm here! I'm here! Yesterday was super busy but amazingly fantastic. Today will be much more relaxed so I'll have time to type up a full report. On our way to San Juan but we don't arrive until 2:30.


I would not wear a swimsuit with cover up to Terrace cafe, but would (and did) to Waves.


Stay tuned for a full report! :D


From a 1st timer on Oceania with experience on other lines, I'll take your word for it. :) That settles it...no bathing suits, covered or not, in Terraces! And it sounds like DH will have to put on a shirt before getting a hamburger at Waves. I am going to discourage him from taking any T-shirts and tell him he will have to wear a Polo with his bathing suit. :D


This leads me to another question. Is lunch also served in the GDR, or only Terraces and Waves?


Looking forward to the rest of your review. ;)

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From a 1st timer on Oceania with experience on other lines, I'll take your word for it. :) That settles it...no bathing suits, covered or not, in Terraces! And it sounds like DH will have to put on a shirt before getting a hamburger at Waves. I am going to discourage him from taking any T-shirts and tell him he will have to wear a Polo with his bathing suit. :D


This leads me to another question. Is lunch also served in the GDR, or only Terraces and Waves?


Looking forward to the rest of your review. ;)


Are there lines where it is okay for men to eat at a sit down table without a shirt?


I looked up some old Currents and the phrase they use is, "Swimsuits, Robes, and Tank Tops are not acceptable in any dining venue at any time".


T shirts are completely fine around the ship during the day.


Yes, lunch is available in the MDR everyday.

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I am going to discourage him from taking any T-shirts and tell him he will have to wear a Polo with his bathing suit. :D


T-shirts are fine in both venues during the day even in the GDR but no swimwear there


When you see the TERRACE you will understand better

Edited by LHT28
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Day 2 – Grand Turk: This was a VERY rush-rush day – at least until I got back under the knowing hands of Siddhu.


Let’s backtrack a bit to last night, after the chillin session. Dinner at Jacques was…oh my, how do I find a word? Let’s go with a tried-and-true one: SUBLIME. Both Sandy and I have experienced, and very much appreciate, fine French dining (Sandy was just in Paris a month ago), and this was truly right up there with the best French meals we have ever experienced, on sea or off.


Char wasn’t quite as impressed, but that’s partly because having lived for so many decades in farm country of Indiana she hasn’t experienced much of it. The tastes were new to her, and not all to her liking.


But for me…well, first let me mention that I am a Foie Gras lover (please no grousing over the social and political implications of that, thankyewverymuch) and in California it’s been outlawed. So I went wild and ordered BOTH Foie Gras appetizers – cold and hot. Our delightful oh-so-French waiter wanted me to tell him which I liked better, but I couldn’t! Sandy had the French onion soup, which she reports was far more authentic than what you get in the states, which is usually much more beef tasting and less focused on the flavors of the onions.


Main course for me was, of course, lobster thermidour. It was not what I was expecting, and very different from the lobster thermidour I make, but it was just delicious. BOTH halves of the lobster, chock full of large chunks of lobster, a light creamy mushroom sauce, and crisps of parmesan. There was so much, Sandy couldn’t even finish hers! (I did not suffer the same dire fate…I cleaned my plate.)


I had the Crepes Suzette for dessert…spectacular.


We dined with a lovely couple from Germany – he didn’t speak much English but she did pretty well, and we managed to have lively discussions with much laughter.


We went to see the comedian – can’t remember his name, I’ll look it up later. He did a juggle and comedy act, with plenty of ribald and rather sophomoric humor in it, which apparently wasn’t to the liking of some of the crowd as people would get up and hustle out after some of his colorful jokes. I say, let them try to get back to their cabins with those giant sticks up their asses, because we all three thought he was HILARIOUS! Seriously, we were guffawing and belly-laughing all over the place. Which I suppose says more about us than him.

I didn’t realize we were going to lose an hour, so we had to set our clocks forward right before we went to bed. I had to get up at 7:00 to be ready for the first tender, as I had to be at my dive shop by 8:45. That proved challenging – we were tendered at Grand Turk, so of course I had to wait for the ship tours.


Oh, one more advantage of having a butler – he arranged for someone to be at my door at 8:00 to carry my huge dive gear bag down to the gangway, so all I had to do was go get my tender ticket and find it there. It was then carried onto the tender, and off. But from there it was not easy for me to roll it all the way to the cabs – quite a long distance – while also carrying a heavy backpack with my ginormous underwater camera in it. I managed to get there, and they put me in a van filled with Holland America cruisers on a van tour of the island! So on my journey to the dive shop I was treated to the driver pointing out the sites. I was a little frustrated when they all wanted to stop and take a picture of John Glenn’s capsule, when I was already late to get to the shop, but I got there eventually and everything was fine.


The diving was very good. Not the best I’ve seen – not all that many critters to take pictures of! But the coral reefs were rich and healthy, and the dive master did a fine job. I got a few shots, nothing thrilling but I’ll post them when I can figure out how. (I didn’t realize you still need to have them uploaded to some other site first…I have to try to get back into my old Photobucket account, I guess!) I was happy to discover that my shoulder wasn’t an issue at all – the dive master geared me up in the water, and then I doffed my gear in the water and he lifted it up into the boat so I could climb aboard without all the weight. And I did fine holding my camera out in front of me, with just a little bit of limitation (can’t get it out as far as I usually can, so I can’t get as close to things as I prefer).


The dives ran late due to some of the newbies on the boat, so I got back to Margaritaville after 2pm. I tried paging Sandy & Char, but they’d already left. Margaritaville did not look like my scene (young hot-bodied boys getting drunk and screaming to the bikini’d babes sucking down fruity drinks in the pools…heavy beats slamming into my ears while the DJ encouraged everyone to drink more more more…greasy food at astronomical prices…no thank you). So then I had to haul my heavy bag all the long way to the tender. Lightning struck: Sandy and Char just happened to be on that tender!


Once again the Oceania way kicked in – the guys on the tender took control of my bag (I still had my luggage tag on it with my cabin number), so they said they would deliver it to my room. Yay!


I hadn’t eaten since my very light breakfast, and the line at Waves was way too long, so I ran up to Barristas and had a couple little sandwiches and a DELICIOUS iced coffee made fresh just for me (not out of the dispenser thingy), and hightailed it over to the spa, where I had my second treatment with Siddhu. Once again I will say how impressed I am. This was an 80 minute massage, and while he did my whole body, he spent a LOT of time working on my shoulder. It’s clear he has training in PT and a detailed knowledge of shoulder anatomy. By the end of the treatment I was able to get my arm even further up my back, and I’m starting to believe him that he will have me “fixed” by the end of the cruise.


After my massage we all relaxed on the sun deck for a while, puttered in the room, then dressed for dinner. We were gonna go to Horizons for the Captain’s Welcome (we wanted a picture with him!), and we got all decked out in nice dresses, but we took too long and missed it! So…on to the GDR, where we were paired with two adorable ladies from Scotland.


Dinner was once again fantastic. Sturgeon caviar with tiny pancakes, which was good but not great (a lemon only for garnish, and no sour cream?), cheese soufflé (YUM!), spinach salad with bacon and pine nuts (YUM!) Duck l’Orange (delish but could have used a wee bit more sauce), and Tanzanian chocolate cake with molten caramel sauce (spectacular…and the sauce was orgasmic, but not enough of it). I brought a bottle of wine from my own vineyard, and I was a little disappointed that the Sommelier, a young Asian woman, didn’t even talk about it…she just grabbed it, corked it, and charged me for it. I’m used to Sommeliers asking about it, tasting it, and making a bigger production of it, but that’s not a big deal.


On to the show, which was adorable. The singing was a leeetle bit anemic (that young man with the mild voice could NOT pull off Elvis) but it was fun to watch. I do love those shows, as cheesy as they are.


And now we’re at sea. We’re having an issue with our toilet – it didn’t flush all night, and we reported it this morning. A few minutes later it suddenly came to life on its own and was flushing (nobody was in here, they must have been working on it from the other end), and it now works but there is a TERRIBLE odor coming out of it, which I will report.


I don’t think any of us are going to get off in San Juan. We don’t arrive until 2:30, and I have a massage at 4 (and Sandy & Char at 3), and dinner tonight at Polo Grill. So this is a de-facto sea day for us…which is fine by me!

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I uploaded some of my underwater shots to Facebook...don't know if I can share them here but I'm gonna give it a shot:




Edit...well that didn't work. :( I'll try photobucket...


Can't get into photobucket...not sure why. I will try Flikr...but I've been on the computer too long and the internet is super slow, so I'll try it later.

Edited by Leejnd4
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I uploaded some of my underwater shots to Facebook...don't know if I can share them here but I'm gonna give it a shot:




Edit...well that didn't work. :( I'll try photobucket...


Can't get into photobucket...not sure why. I will try Flikr...but I've been on the computer too long and the internet is super slow, so I'll try it later.


Lee Anne


Get the Tapatalk app. It is easy to upload pictures to this site without having to have them in Photobucket or some similar site.

That's how I put those pics of 7111 on your thread and I'm not techy.

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I uploaded some of my underwater shots to Facebook...don't know if I can share them here but I'm gonna give it a shot:




Edit...well that didn't work. :( I'll try photobucket...


Can't get into photobucket...not sure why. I will try Flikr...but I've been on the computer too long and the internet is super slow, so I'll try it later.


Hi LeeAnne,


First, try using the Internet in the wee hours, when most good little boys and girls are asleep and not online :D


I agree about that foie gras. Yummy, and a real treat given that it is increasingly difficult to find.

[Repeating LeeAnne's request for no PC comments. We admit it... we have a few flaws!]

What I did the second night there was to get that gnocchi/lobster appetizer and then TWO orders of the foie gras appetizer as my main course.

HINT: Ask for some cherry sauce if a more classic taste is your preference (rather than the pineapple). They brought a cute little dish of it (and it's made for other dishes anyway, so it's no big deal).


Was the duck l'orange the *classic* preparation?

(Another hint; next time ask for more sauce. One wonderful thing about Oceania - as we expected and quickly found - is that extra requests are often gladly granted, and this is an easy one.)


I'm really regretting not giving the massage therapy a try for my torn rotator cuff flareup.

I didn't get surgery, for several reasons. What I sort of forgot is that 'fixing' it with PT means the other muscles take the load, and nothing is really 'fixed'... meaning... I forgot to keep doing the exercises because I felt so good... until I didn't... and then it was a fast downhill :(

My bad.

DH is now suggesting (joke alert!) that we arrange another cruise asap, get a lot of massage PT, and submit the full bill to our insurer. "If only..."


Sorry to hear about the toilet problem.

We were just down the hall from you, and we agreed that this was the best ship toilet to date. No malfunctions and not even a tiny hint of odor.

(We've had some nightmarish toilet problems on other cruise lines, including relatively recently, so it wasn't only due to outdated equipment.)

Hopefully, yours will be fine once fixed.


We are both following along, with wonderful memories.

Thanks for posting.

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Are there lines where it is okay for men to eat at a sit down table without a shirt?


T shirts are completely fine around the ship during the day.



On all other lines that we have cruised with, the pool dining venue is walk-up, order, sit down (if you can find a table), or take to your lounge chair. Many bare chested men. Some dripping wet from the pool. :rolleyes:


T-shirts are fine in both venues during the day even in the GDR but no swimwear there


When you see the TERRACE you will understand better


I just do not like to see my DH in a T-shirts. They are usually yellowed, grungy, or stretched out. I'd rather tell a little white lie and have him take some older Polo's. :D OK, I may let him take a couple of his newer dark colored tee's.

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Dinner was once again fantastic. Sturgeon caviar with tiny pancakes, which was good but not great (a lemon only for garnish, and no sour cream?),


The waiter must have forgotten to offer you the goodies for sturgeon caviar, all the times I have eaten that starter on Oceania I have been offered sour cream, chopped egg white, chopped onions, etc. With a vodka straight up by side it´s a very nice starter.


Thank´s for a very nice review, keep up the good work!

Edited by Winters Gate
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Hi Lee Anne, loving your review. I am going on the Riviera in March .First time on Oceania. I am also leaving DH behind and going with 5 girl friends. We have 3 cabins booked in PH suites. We are all seasoned travelers. Did you bring any liquor onboard ? I know you brought wine. Looks like I will have to stay on a diet until March so I can enjoy all the great food. Heather

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The waiter must have forgotten to offer you the goodies for sturgeon caviar, all the times I have eaten that starter on Oceania I have been offered sour cream, chopped egg white, chopped onions, etc. With a vodka straight up by side it´s a very nice starter.


Thank´s for a very nice review, keep up the good work!


The waiters do forget things, or maybe haven't been trained in how to serve a particular dish. Last year I ordered something that should have come with sauce, except it didn't. The waiter looked really confused when I asked for it but managed to find it in the end. Perhaps your waiter doesn't eat a lot of caviar himself ;) so isn't familiar with how it should be served.

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But I should think that on a line like Oceania, all wait staff should know what dishes are served with "extras". Passengers shouldn't have to ask for sour cream for caviar ...



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Sooo glad the Penthouse is up to snuff, since I encouraged you to spend the extra :)


Looking forward to your reports, BUT very worried about the run round the deck on the first day, I hope you will soon abandon that activity, as it is not in the spirit of a relaxed Oceania cruise!! ;) Judith

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LeeAnne, Lots of fun to catch your enthusiasm. Tip: you can always ask for extra sauce or salad dressing. After 3 days sitting at the same table our waiter had it figured out and I never had to ask again. Typical O service, although I don't know why they skimp in the first place.

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Trying pics again...


Well that didn't work either. I downloaded tapatalk, and keep trying to upload pics but it just sits there saying "processing". I may never get pics uploaded until it's over. Ill keep trying, but I'm burning through our minutes.


Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk

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Speaking of the toilet smell, we had no problems with our toilet but occasionally would get a bad sewage whiff coming through the AC vent in the ceiling. Quite odd, generally noticed it when coming back in the room after not having been there for a while.


Occasionally we would notice it in the hall, but this was odd that it came through the AC vent.

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Glad to hear that you are enjoying your cruise so far.

BTW, what you ordered at Jacques is my usual order as well - foie gras X 2 + Lobster (I skip the crepes). I like the escalope just plain - it "speaks very well for itself" - needs no help from anything (IMO) :D. Occasionally I get the crab salad and the fantastic Iberico Pork.

Hope the rest of the cruise goes well too.

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Trying pics again...


Well that didn't work either. I downloaded tapatalk, and keep trying to upload pics but it just sits there saying "processing". I may never get pics uploaded until it's over. Ill keep trying, but I'm burning through our minutes.


Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk


Don't worry about posting photos. Enjoy every minute of your cruise, svae your minutes, and come back when you can to give an update. ;)

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