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Join Pete and Judy on their FIRST World Cruise on the Amsterdam


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Your captain has a blog that I follow along with your posts. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions and it's especially nice to see your picture posted. We have done the canal twice and it's always exciting. Capt. Jonathan posted that the bill for the 9 hr. transit is $280,000.00. and that it is presented to him by the pilots when they board for the transit. Do you think he has a blank check from HAL ;);) to assure your passage.

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Your captain has a blog that I follow along with your posts. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions and it's especially nice to see your picture posted. We have done the canal twice and it's always exciting. Capt. Jonathan posted that the bill for the 9 hr. transit is $280,000.00. and that it is presented to him by the pilots when they board for the transit. Do you think he has a blank check from HAL ;);) to assure your passage.



Could u provide the link for the Captain's blog?? Thank you.

Enjoying this blog very much.

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Day 7 Jan 11th Panama City, Panama


The Cruise Director explained how tenders would work last night before the show. He went on to say, “If you have to ask if you have priority tendering – you don’t”


Since our group of 6 didn’t have priority tendering and we planned to meet our private tour at 7:30 ashore, we decided to meet at 6:45 to get in front of the rush. Ship tours started at 7:15.


We were the only people on the tender as it pulled away at 6:55. The next tender arrived 15 minutes later with about 10 people. Boy did we beat the “rush.” We learned that they went to open tenders by 9AM and there was never much of a rush.


We started the day with a hot breakfast delivered to our room at 5 AM. HAL’s hang tag room service breakfast is the best I have seen. Always prompt and you can get waffles! Room service waffles are usually a bridge to far for most cruise lines. Most lines only offer a limited continental breakfast for breakfast room service.


I also learned that this expanded room service breakfast hang tag is limited to Grand Voyages.


The assistant Dining room manager was on the pier to greet us as we arrived on the tender. These guys really work all over the place.


One thing we always do it take a picture of the “All Aboard” sign by the gangway or tender landing. Sometimes they change the time at the last second, and more than once in the past, people in our group would disagree on the mandatory return time.


Here is a picture of the carpet at the end of the tender unloading area:




Our driver met us with his 6 passenger van for our private tour to Ancon Hill, Miraflores Locks Museum and then Old Town Panama. Morning traffic was heavy as we headed over to Ancon Hill, passing thru the old USA military base and canal zone along the way. After arriving at Ancon Hill we discovered that the road was closed to vehicles and the only way up would be a 45-minute walk uphill. We declined and started a city tour until the MiraFlores museum opened at 9am.


Arriving at the museum, our driver dropped us off at the bottom of an escalator than took us up a small hill to the museum level. Admission to the museum is $15.00 USD. We immediately went to the viewing platform on the 4th level and observed several ships moving thru the locks. The view is very good and gives you a different perspective then when you are on a ship passing thru the canal.


After about 30 minutes we returned to the first floor to watch a 10-minute introductory video – if pressed for time, you could skip this video and not miss much.


The museum is spread over 4 floors and we quickly walked thru every floor in about 15 minutes, not enough time if you wanted to read all the signs on exhibits, but long enough to see the major displays. We enjoyed seeing the ship simulator and mock control room and always enjoy posing for pictures in these settings.


After a quick spin thru the gift shop we were back on the street to meet our driver.


NOTE: Every souvenir we saw here and later in old town was available (for the most part) in the shops near the Tender landing, for a little more money. So if you don’t want to carry stuff out in town, you will be able to find most all of your tourist stuff right before you get back on a tender.


Old town was our next and last stop. This used to be a pretty unsavory area, but recent upgrades in security and an emphasis on tourist safety make Old Town feel very safe. Once you venture past the edge of Old Town, you are in some tougher neighborhoods.


We spent about 2 hours walking around, seeing a few churches and doing a little shopping. The weather was very nice, a little on the hot side, but the humidity was low so it wasn’t uncomfortable.


We drove back to the Tender Landing, caught the 2pm tender and 20 minutes later we were back on the ship.


Exhausted from the tour and the early start, we took a nap and missed the sail away party.


I took a few minutes and confirmed Debby Bacon is the Piano Bar Entertainer in the Piano Bar on deck 5. I watched a few minutes of her country music show at 7pm. As many have noted, she is outstanding and plays a variety of instruments, more than just the piano.




This cruise has set the bar for future HAL cruises. Haven’t had an average meal yet and the service remains outstanding. Late, seating appears to be about ½ full and that certainly helps keep service prompt.


Our table has jelled nicely and tonight we switched everyone around and separated all traveling companions from one another. Even though our table is oval and small enough to easily talk across the table, this seating switch helps keep conversations lively. The wait staff had to shuffle wine bottles a bit as they are always anticipating where we will sit and this caused a 15 second delay as they quickly shuffled everything around.


We finished dinner about 9:30 PM EST, Just in time for the final few minutes of the second quarter of the College Football Championship. This was held in the Wajang theater which was transformed into a luxury box, complete with a nice spread of game day food and snack accompanied by cold beer and soda. Wine was available, but largely ignored – this is football after all.


When halftime started, it was time to head to the Queens Lounge to catch the Huber Marionettes. One of the many things we enjoy about cruising is the chance to sample different types of live acts. I would never seek out a marionette show ashore, but here at sea, it is easy to take a look. The marionettes are large and were used one at a time – almost like a ventriloquist dummy. Amazing performance that received a standing ovation. I was a little surprised to see that far more people chose the marionette show over the football playoffs.


We rejoined the Alabama/Clemson Game midway thru the 3rd quarter and stayed to the end. It was a very exciting finish, but we did tire of the World Cricket Cup promotions they played instead of standard commercials. I guess we were receiving our signal from a satellite hovering over a continent more used to broadcasting Soccer (aka football) and Cricket.


Back in our cabin, we were pleasantly surprised by another round of Grand World Voyage gifts. This time they were the Travel Journal by Moleskine.




We have 8 sea days till our next port of call, so this will be a good chance to relax and finally get organized.


More pictures, menus and daily on location guides on the blog

Edited by The-Inside-Cabin
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I checked out the room service breakfast menu on your blog - and wow! Looks like everything that you can get in the MDR is on there. This is definitely not the usual RS breakfast menu.:D So there are definite advantages to going on a World Cruise.

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Day 8 – At Sea enroute to Nuku Hiva


Today was very busy as there is so much going on, all very interesting. You really have to plan ahead to make sure you don't miss anything.


Good Morning Amsterdam featured Phillip Huber as the guest. He was the Marionette performer from the night before. We learned he was from Northern Illinois and he has been building and performing with puppets since he was a small boy. Tomorrow he will present a lecture “Behind the Strings” for additional insight to his amazing performance and career. The Wajang Theater was standing room only for this show. I wonder if this is normal or if Phillip Huber attracted a larger than normal audience.


At 10 am in the Queens Lounge we were introduced to the Polynesian entertainment team. They will be providing Dance and Ukulele lessons as well as host some craft events. This is the same team we were with on the Veendam on our 17 day circle Hawaii cruise last year and they were all very good. We are looking forward to improving our Ukulele skills as well as enjoying the craft classes.


Next up was the standard behind the scenes galley tour. While we have been on many of these before, we also seem to learn something new and it is fun to meet some of the behind the scenes people you may never see otherwise. The tour started in the dining room on deck 4 and ended up in the Pinnacle Grill (By the way, I tried to make a reservation for the pinnacle grill at 6pm and was told they only accept reservations between 9am and 4pm – odd, but whatever)


We learned that one of the dishwashers sits on top of a few of the cabins on deck 3 and this machine has a big sign that restricts its use after 11pm to avoid disturbing the people in the cabins below.


In the last section of the kitchen, nearest the Pinnacle Grill, was a display of the various steaks they have for sale. Of particular interest was the 36 ounce steak with a $59 surcharge instead of $29. The Pinnacle staff said they sell quite a few and people generally get one for the table and share – and many times mix with a fish order for variety. I asked if they offered the deal you see in some Texas restaurants where if you eat one in less than an hour the steak is free – that would be an interesting promotion, but not sure if it fits into the HAL GWV ambience.




After the tour, we stopped by the Culinary Arts Center for a cooking competition called “Crew Chopped” - The Ship’s controller and the Marketing Manager faced off in an Iron Chef (lite) type competition. They both made a stir fried chicken dish that was judged by Debby Bacon of the Piano Bar and one of the ships’ photographer. The atmosphere was light and humorous and was a pleasant diversion.


Trivia was next on our agenda in the Ocean Bar on 5. We didn’t join a team but decided to give it a go by ourselves. We got 5 right – not very good, but it was still a good time and some of the teams are very, very good. Gene, the Cruise Director, told me afterwards that he prepares the questions himself by referring to a website that has a database of trivia questions in the public domain. Using Jeopardy questions or those from the game Trivial Pursuit is not permitted. On this long cruise he will never repeat the same question.


The sandwich maker is in business on the Lido and we had him make us a sandwich to order which we took back to our cabin and enjoyed on our deck. The weather was pleasant, the winds light. A nice day to get a little sun on the balcony.


Our afternoon started with crafts where we made Note cards by gluing on a floral motif so it had the appearance of an applique.


After crafts we wandered up to the Crow’s nest to enjoy the afternoon tea. Very nicely done. We shared a table with a very interesting fellow who shared some remarkable stories about living around the world.


Dancing class was held before bingo




If you are a big Bingo player, the world cruise is not for you. We decided to play Bingo today and learned that they had yet to play a game due to low turnout. They need at least 20 people. The hostess told me that last year they didn’t get enough people until after Sydney. We did get enough people today – and Judy won the very first Bingo game! But she had to split the $52 jackpot with another passenger. The final game jackpot was $140.


Before dinner we went to the Piano Bar to see Debby Bacon play 60’s music. As others have noted, she is quite good and we will be stopping by on a regular basis.


Twenty two entertainers joined the ship in Panama and we will be seeing them over the next several weeks. One of the joys of this Grand World Voyage is the variety of the entertainment. I have been told that we will not see any show twice.


The show tonight was comedian Kermet Apio who was very funny. We enjoyed his act very much. He will be on Good Morning Amsterdam tomorrow which is always interesting as you can learn more about their background.


Clocks go back 1 hour tonight.


More pictures on the blog http://www.theinsidecabin.com

Edited by The-Inside-Cabin
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Love the fact that you take advantage of the activities offered each day at sea. Next year ago n the world cruise, we intend to involve ourselves in the sea day activities, as well, and so I find reading about them quite interesting. It looks like great fun and a great way to get to know your fellow passengers. You're just having way too much fun, aren't you?


I had to laugh at your description of the crocodile swim. C'mon Gene, would it have killed you to have purchased a collection of assorted inflatable reptiles to be tossed in the pool for a very funny photo op? It's all about the little details that elevate an activity from mildly entertaining to downright amusing.


Have you been to the main dining room for lunch, yet? Would you mind posting a lunch menu when and if you do?


Once again, thank you so much for diligently posting every day. My husband and I race to our devices each morning to read that day's adventure. What a great blog, Pete and Judy!

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Love the fact that you take advantage of the activities offered each day at sea. Next year ago n the world cruise, we intend to involve ourselves in the sea day activities, as well, and so I find reading about them quite interesting. It looks like great fun and a great way to get to know your fellow passengers. You're just having way too much fun, aren't you?


I had to laugh at your description of the crocodile swim. C'mon Gene, would it have killed you to have purchased a collection of assorted inflatable reptiles to be tossed in the pool for a very funny photo op? It's all about the little details that elevate an activity from mildly entertaining to downright amusing.


Have you been to the main dining room for lunch, yet? Would you mind posting a lunch menu when and if you do?


Once again, thank you so much for diligently posting every day. My husband and I race to our devices each morning to read that day's adventure. What a great blog, Pete and Judy!



Oops...that should read, "Next year when we go on the World cruise..."

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Love the fact that you take advantage of the activities offered each day at sea. Next year ago n the world cruise, we intend to involve ourselves in the sea day activities, as well, and so I find reading about them quite interesting. It looks like great fun and a great way to get to know your fellow passengers. You're just having way too much fun, aren't you?




I had to laugh at your description of the crocodile swim. C'mon Gene, would it have killed you to have purchased a collection of assorted inflatable reptiles to be tossed in the pool for a very funny photo op? It's all about the little details that elevate an activity from mildly entertaining to downright amusing.




Have you been to the main dining room for lunch, yet? Would you mind posting a lunch menu when and if you do?




Once again, thank you so much for diligently posting every day. My husband and I race to our devices each morning to read that day's adventure. What a great blog, Pete and Judy!



I will see if I can get some lunch menus. We usually eat in the Lido for lunch.

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Bet you're going to the ball, too!

I just love how you are participating in so much on board, taking it all in, and reporting to us. Makes me feel like I'm there (if only it were for real).


I'll second that! Really superb, detailed posts! The first thread I look for!


Dining Room decorations for the Gala evenings?

Edited by SilvertoGold
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Have you enjoyed any of the wine you brought from CA? Do you have special nights or ports planned where you will uncork one or two? Thanks for letting us cruise with you. Cherie


I brought 12 bottles and am working thru them as we go. I am using about 1 bottle every 3 dinners.

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Day 9 – At Sea enroute to Nuku Hiva


Warm, overcast skies greeted us this morning as we continue west toward Nuku Hiva at around 18 knots. The Seaview pool was empty as was the Lido Pool. Rain threatened so it was easy to decide to sleep in or relax inside.


Our first event was the Shell Necklace Class organized by the Polynesian group. We sailed with this same group on the Veendam to Hawaii and we knew how popular their classes were going to be. The Shell Necklace class was scheduled to start at 9AM on the Lido deck next to the pool. I stopped by at 8:15 and the designated seats were half full. They were completely full 20 minutes prior to the scheduled class starting time. Some people who arrived 15 minutes early probably thought they were EARLY – but they were out of luck.


The class was fun and in about 15 minutes we completed the stringing of our necklaces and wore them proudly for the rest of the day.


Good Morning Amsterdam is turning into one of our regular stops at either 9 or 9:30. They usually interview the entertainer from the evening before and you always learn a little more about the performer and their interesting backgrounds. Today Kermet Apio was the guest and he related his interesting story about how he started his career in comedy. We received 10 Dam dollars for the attending the second show, but now we are getting only $3 for attendance. This is the same amount the winning trivia team may get for a lot less work.


The first Book Club book was announced: “Light Between the Oceans” by ML Stedman. I won’t be reading them, but I recall from last year people were interested in what books were being used for the monthly book club.


While Judy was knitting with the Stich and Knit group, I stopped by the Queens lounge to listen to Barbara’s tips about Nuku Hiva.


Ukulele lessons were scheduled twice at 12:30 at 1:15 in the Crows Nest. The ship is supposed to have tables and chairs set up for this event, but something slipped thru the crack and the tables and chairs were not there and the class had to use the standard Crows Nest chairs. The Polynesian team provides Ukuleles to use during class, but you can’t borrow them to practice after class. We brought the Ukuleles we purchased on Maui last year, so at least we will have to have a different excuse for not practicing. The first song we are learning is “Vini Vini Vana Vana”, which is very popular in Tahiti and we have been told that we will hear it often during our time in Papeete.


At 3:00 pm, Philip Huber, the Marionette performer, presented a fascinating lecture on how he got started in the business, along with a explanation of how he builds his puppets and creates the characters. Phillip has performed in many commercials as well as in movies and late night television. If you have a chance to catch him live – don’t miss it – he is really very good.




We relaxed in our cabin until it was time to get ready for Gala Night and the Black and Silver Ball. The dining room was transformed into a sea of black, white and silver. Compliance with the suggested dress code was near 100%. Many, many tuxedos and the vast majority of people were dressed in the Black and Silver theme. Lobster tails and Filet of Beef Wellington were stars of the Gala menu. They were outstanding and the service, as always, remains exceptional. We are fortunate to have an incredible wait staff team. The menu is on the blog and was easily the best dinner of the cruise to date.


The Queens Lounge was transformed into a Grand Ballroom and when filled with guests dressed in a common theme – the ambience was incredible and a lot of fun to simply soak it all in or take to the dance floor and enjoy the fantastic band. Couples were dancing on the stage as well as a clear area in the center of the room.


This Grand World Voyage is truly grand and we wonder if it will be possible to continue to exceed our expectations.


Another relaxing sea day tomorrow. The clocks continue to be rolled back every night which makes the late nights easier to deal with.


Gala Menu on the blog with a few more pics

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Thanks for listing the Book Club book. Light Between the Oceans was on last year's World Cruise list and excellent. I hope there are some new selections this year.



All the daily On Locations on posted on my personal travel blog under daily activities. The books will be listed there if I miss one.

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