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Dissapointed with RCI


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I E-mailed RCI expressing my concern about the Ovation of the Seas stopping at a port in Belgium and their answer was that their ships are safe. I do understand that their ships are safe but the port is not safe. P&O skipped the port on the Britannia due to safety concerns, Not long ago RCI sailed the Anthem of the Seas into basically a hurricane without any concerns about the safety of their passengers. I have been sailing RCI since 1988 and reached a Diamond plus level but after this I have cancelled three more cruises that I had booked with them and will seek cruises in another cruise line.

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Why is the port "unsafe"? It is operating normally in accordance with heightened security protocols in effect throughout Belgium and many other countries in the EU. I suppose I am a bit of a risk taker having visited New York City, Washington DC and driven past any number of elementary schools in the last few years, and all with the family on board. Zebrugge is a busy port with a lot of cross channel ferry traffic. Admittedly, it isn't the most attractive place in Northern Europe, but then neither is Newark in the US.


If the thought of visiting Zebrugge fills you with alarm, then I can appreciate your concern. However, I can't really see why RCI should concern themselves with the reality, any more than they should at Southampton, Rotterdam, Cherbourg, Le Havre, Barcelona, or almost anywhere else.

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Couldn't you just stay on the ship if you didn't feel safe? If they had skipped that port, tons of people who paid big money on flights to tour Europe would have been far more unhappy to miss that port than you were to stay on the ship enjoying the pool all to yourself. I understand that you felt it was dangerous, but then why didn't you just cancel that trip altogether, knowing it was going to Belgium? If I felt a port stop was so dangerous that we shouldn't even go there, then I wouldn't even get on the ship, because you have no control on whether the captain will decide to stop there or not. I see why you feel it was dangerous, but I don't understand why you're mad at RC for taking you there, when that's what you booked and paid for.

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I E-mailed RCI expressing my concern about the Ovation of the Seas stopping at a port in Belgium and their answer was that their ships are safe. I do understand that their ships are safe but the port is not safe. P&O skipped the port on the Britannia due to safety concerns, Not long ago RCI sailed the Anthem of the Seas into basically a hurricane without any concerns about the safety of their passengers. I have been sailing RCI since 1988 and reached a Diamond plus level but after this I have cancelled three more cruises that I had booked with them and will seek cruises in another cruise line.


And they had the nerve to treat you like that? :rolleyes:

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I E-mailed RCI expressing my concern about the Ovation of the Seas stopping at a port in Belgium and their answer was that their ships are safe. I do understand that their ships are safe but the port is not safe. P&O skipped the port on the Britannia due to safety concerns, Not long ago RCI sailed the Anthem of the Seas into basically a hurricane without any concerns about the safety of their passengers. I have been sailing RCI since 1988 and reached a Diamond plus level but after this I have cancelled three more cruises that I had booked with them and will seek cruises in another cruise line.


How disappointing indeed - I would certainly have thought they would have cancelled any planned port of call based on the your concern as expressed in your email. I guess they were too busy planning their next event without regard to passenger safety - but a hurricane might be a hard act to follow....:rolleyes::D


Bob, you have more restraint than I - I guess I couldn't resist....;)

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I E-mailed RCI expressing my concern about the Ovation of the Seas stopping at a port in Belgium and their answer was that their ships are safe. I do understand that their ships are safe but the port is not safe. P&O skipped the port on the Britannia due to safety concerns, Not long ago RCI sailed the Anthem of the Seas into basically a hurricane without any concerns about the safety of their passengers. I have been sailing RCI since 1988 and reached a Diamond plus level but after this I have cancelled three more cruises that I had booked with them and will seek cruises in another cruise line.



What are the other ships, sailings, and rooms you are freeing up? I'll see if we can get a used diamond plus deal.

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I find it hard to believe that the forum regulars do not understand the apprehension a guest would have over calling on this port. To bash someone sharing their opinions over concerns of safety...I really expect better from some of the veterans here. If RCI chose NOT to call there the same people would say "And rightly so"; or possibly criticize others that still chose to call there.


I am not sure I'd go so far as to cancel future cruises not calling at this particular port, but I can understand being wary of going there.

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People thought we were crazy to go to Paris years ago during the car bombings. The place was swarming with police, even searched my purse before I could go into Printemps.

If we have to worry about terrorism, we might as well stay home here in the US. Places of work, movie theaters, colleges and kindergartens, all targets for terrorists. They're not going to make me change my lifestyle.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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People thought we were crazy to go to Paris years ago during the car bombings. The place was swarming with police, even searched my purse before I could go into Printemps.

If we have to worry about terrorism, we might as well stay home here in the US. Places of work, movie theaters, colleges and kindergartens, all targets for terrorists. They're not going to make me change my lifestyle.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


Well said. If we stop our lives, the terrorist win. That's what they want. They want to scare you into sitting in your houses afraid to look out the windows. I, for one, will not give in. I am an airline pilot. I fly to Europe. I will continue to do so. I will continue to enjoy my layovers in Amsterdam and London and Frankfurt, etc. I won't give them the satisfaction of scaring me into changing my life. I will not let them win.

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I E-mailed RCI expressing my concern about the Ovation of the Seas stopping at a port in Belgium and their answer was that their ships are safe. I do understand that their ships are safe but the port is not safe. P&O skipped the port on the Britannia due to safety concerns, Not long ago RCI sailed the Anthem of the Seas into basically a hurricane without any concerns about the safety of their passengers. I have been sailing RCI since 1988 and reached a Diamond plus level but after this I have cancelled three more cruises that I had booked with them and will seek cruises in another cruise line.


There is nothing in this world that is completely without risk as far as travel destinations. Here in the US we have tornados (Midwest), earthquakes (California/Alaska), hurricanes (Gulf & Atlantic coasts), etc. We do have our share of crime (some would say too large a share), also mass shootings, etc.


There was a recent case of a British tourist killed in San Francisco by a mugger - will there now be a flurry of people calling their TA's to cancel their trips to the Bay area? My point is that unless you plan to just stay home and hide under your bed there is no place that is 100% safe


It's a big world out there, folks. We need to put things in perspective. Yes, Belgium (and France, Britain and other countries) have suffered attacks, along with New York, Washington D.C. and San Bernadino here in the US. But I will refuse to alter my plans to visit any of these places based on the actions of a few deranged radical Islamic terrorists. That would be, in effect, surrendering to them!

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We were in Tours during the Paris bombings in November. We had a plan to visit Versailles in the morning, it was locked down. We stayed at the Trianon Palace hotel next door (expensive) didn't get to tour Versailles, had my Paris Pass to visit Paris the next day, dropped the car at the rental car place got on the train for the 30 minute ride, expected security, none. Got off the train took the Metro to the Champs des Ellesees Marriott, expecting a security presence, none. Went to the hotel, had to go thru a screening process like at an airport to get to our hotel room.


Next day everything is still closed, the next day everything closed until about 3pm. We flew home the next day, on the train to CDG, early in the morning, all was fine, until an Arabian woman in full burka started begging for money with a pillow case with Arabic writing went thru the car, my wife about freaked out. Security was typical, although there were guys with guns at the airport, and at the closed sites in Paris before.


I am traveling to Europe in less than two months, but it may be my last time for a while.


There is an invasion occurring the locals are not happy and it is a stew that is not healthy. That said, Belgium in places like Brugges and Ghent are simply wonderful. I would happily chomp French fries and mayo right now. Love some of those cities. I would avoid Brussels but the other towns, especially Bruges, I would visit without hesitation.



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Personally, if the OP is concerned, he or she is entitled to that concern. While I personally think it's a bit of a stretch to think Royal would skip a port because of an attack on one day, we shouldn't bash the OP for it. I'm happy to see the general consensus, on this thread at least, is to not live in fear. Belgium, and Brussels in particular, continue to live on, people returned to work the next day, the bakers baked bread, the accountants crunched numbers, people shopped in supermarkets, etc. Belgium is not a war zone.


Somebody raised a good point, if they would skip the port in Belgium, why not a bunch of other ports across Europe. Potential danger is everywhere. I currently reside in Barcelona, have been here for the past 3 years, and after the Paris attacks in November, raids were carried out all across the greater Catalunya area, and a few here in the city as well. One happened to be right down the block from my apartment. I don't live in a dangerous neighborhood (Sagrada Familia), I've never once felt any danger here, and I refuse to let any thoughts like that permeate my mind due to any act of violence. I come from northern California, in wine country, which is by all accounts, a pretty safe place to be. However even in my neighborhood, I can recall raids of drug dealers houses by SWAT teams, and shootings and stabbings. More there than here. People are far too scared of the word "terrorist." The terms comes in many shapes and forms, it doesn't have to be a bombing. My point is, that danger is potentially everywhere, around every corner, down the block from me perhaps, or maybe you. You can't expect the world to stop. It never will. Go on vacation, be smart, keep your wits about you, but unless a port of call is stopping off in Syria, I wouldn't raise hell if Royal Caribbean decides on not skipping it.

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I E-mailed RCI expressing my concern about the Ovation of the Seas stopping at a port in Belgium and their answer was that their ships are safe. I do understand that their ships are safe but the port is not safe. P&O skipped the port on the Britannia due to safety concerns, Not long ago RCI sailed the Anthem of the Seas into basically a hurricane without any concerns about the safety of their passengers. I have been sailing RCI since 1988 and reached a Diamond plus level but after this I have cancelled three more cruises that I had booked with them and will seek cruises in another cruise line.


I disagree, Zeebrugge is no less safe than any other port. I do understand why, at this time, some might regard Brussels as "unsafe" but the vast majority will visit Bruges and some Ghent....both fabulous venues!

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Any city can be attacked, that's the way it is these days. What was considered safe today could be a bombing target tomorrow. I personally can't worry about the what if's regarding terrorists attacks. No location is 100% attack proof, and anything can happen anywhere in the world. If you want to cut down on the risk potential, then staying home would cut down on the percentages.

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People thought we were crazy to go to Paris years ago during the car bombings. The place was swarming with police, even searched my purse before I could go into Printemps.

If we have to worry about terrorism, we might as well stay home here in the US. Places of work, movie theaters, colleges and kindergartens, all targets for terrorists. They're not going to make me change my lifestyle.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


100% correct and it happens way more frequently.

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I'm on a transatlantic cruise leaving April 17th, different cruise line, and I trust they will do what is best. We are scheduled for Belgium, I'm fine with it either way, go or not.


Of my many cruises, I've never felt the least bit unsafe, some gave off a better vibe than others on the safety and professionalism but change plans or cruise line? No!


I sail with RCI and Princess for a reason, I would go back to Celebrity, other 3 lines I've tried not so much.

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I find it hard to believe that the forum regulars do not understand the apprehension a guest would have over calling on this port. To bash someone sharing their opinions over concerns of safety...I really expect better from some of the veterans here. If RCI chose NOT to call there the same people would say "And rightly so"; or possibly criticize others that still chose to call there.


I am not sure I'd go so far as to cancel future cruises not calling at this particular port, but I can understand being wary of going there.


This whole safety issue is sometimes too easy to trivialize when you're not in the OP's shoes and you're on anonymous discussion board. I don't understand cancelling the future cruises over one port stop. Maybe the OP doesn't realize that Brussels is actually 69 miles away?

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This whole safety issue is sometimes too easy to trivialize when you're not in the OP's shoes and you're on anonymous discussion board.


See, I could understand cancelling a cruise over a port stop one doesn't consider safe. But why cancel three upcoming cruises - which presumably don't all three stop in Belgium - because a cruise line won't change the ports of the first cruise because you want them to (inconveniencing thousands of other passengers, the cruise line, the port and who knows whom else).


OP could have cancelled the cruise with the stop in Belgium and still have gone on the other (assuming those do not also stop in Belgium or probably Europe in general). OP could have stayed on the ship in Belgium. It's okay if he doesn't feel safe in Belgium (though I'd consider it as safe as every other country but of course he is free not to). It took me thirteen years to to find the confidence to fly to the USA again, after trying to fly into Detroit on 9/11 and stranding in Toronto. It's okay not to do something you worry about.


But if he thinks he can find a cruise line that does not stop at any port which is not safe for tourists (so not France, not Belgium, not Turkey, not the UK, not the US, not Tunesia, not Israel, not Bali, not St. Kitts, not St Lucia, not Mexiko, not Belize... when considering your personal safety, you cannot just look at the possibility of terrorist attacks, there is a travel warning for Mexiko, cruise ship passengers have been robbed in Caribbean ports) good for him. Even better for him if he can find a cruise line that changes their itinerary because he thinks they should.

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