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What are your biggest cruise pet peeves?


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2) People who think it's smart to go to the Windjammer (or any other ship's buffet) and save a table while their partner goes to get food, then they go. How is that smarter than just getting food together and then finding a table together? They are wasting valuable time when someone has a tray of food and no table, but someone with no food is hogging a table.


Because invariably when we get our plates filled together and start our search for a table by the time we find one our food is stone cold....

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Reading the previous pet peeves reminds me how common sense, basic manners and simple courtesy to fellow passengers go a long way to enhance the cruising experience for everyone. Unfortunately there will always be people who believe specific rules don't apply to them, i.e. smokers on balconies.


My pet peeve is the strong odor of tobacco that permeates the entire casino. I understand there are designated smoking areas within the confines of the casino. However I find the air filtration systems in the casinos are inadequate for clearing the air and providing a clean & healthy environment. As much as I enjoy sitting at the gaming tables and donating my money, the often overpowering tobacco stench prevents me from doing so.


It's not just IN the casino. When there are lots of people smoking in there it oozes out into air space outside of the casino as well. The only way a "ventilation system" would have a chance is if they enclosed the smoking area of the casino much like the "smoking rooms" I've seen before in airports. Smoke only oozes out when someone opens the door.


But yes, the smell permeates even when the casino is closed. On HAL's Westerdam a couple of years ago, I got extra stairs in every evening to avoid having to walk through the casino which reeked even when closed. Even the "non-smoking" side.

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I have been on 10 cruises with RCI on 9 different ships and I don't recall ever seeing a plastic plate in the Windjammer.


I think they're all plastic. It's not a flimsy plastic, but plastic none-the-less. (But plastic doesn't bother me.)

Edited by Paul65
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2) People who think it's smart to go to the Windjammer (or any other ship's buffet) and save a table while their partner goes to get food, then they go. How is that smarter than just getting food together and then finding a table together? They are wasting valuable time when someone has a tray of food and no table, but someone with no food is hogging a table.

I also disagree with no. 2. I don't see any big deal with this one, my wife and I do it. Otherwise, she has to manage her pocketbook while trying to get food which is awkward for her.


It is much better to do it that way because there have been too many times we have full arms full of plates of food walking around and EVERY table is taken. We have no place to put them so we just walk around the whole windjammer or someone gets up and we grab the table, dirty dishes and all.


First find a place to sit. Someone stays because if you put your bag or something down someone will take it or move it. One person gets a quick plate, you put that down. People are less likely to mess with a new plate of food. Then get up and get 2 plates. Sit down and eat. Then get up and down and leave eventually.

Edited by EntropyGuardian
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My husband is disabled. Our last cruise he was using a cane. He will no longer be cruising as it has become too difficult. We cruise Celebrity, I cruise RC with family and friends. Our last cruise he left the suite dining room to go to the men's room. The line for the main dining room went past the men's room. He had his cane. He moves slowly. He later told me people would not move out of the way so he could get to the restroom. This created an embarrassing problem. So, if you see someone wth difficulties, make a hole, cut them some slack, let them on the elevator first, do what you can. This was my husbands last cruise. When you see a disabled person, instead of thinking they are in the way or slowing you down, think maybe this is their last cruise and do what you can to make it better. At least, move out of the way. Please.

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Nothing ruins a cruise for us, but we did experience some obnoxious people at the ice show on the Allure. They would not sit down and blocked our view. Finally, the usher told them to sit. Unfortunately, those same people got into the elevator and blocked several of us from exiting on the correct floors. The elevator was packed and we were in the back of it and those people were in the front and just would not move so we couldn't exit. We asked nicely once and then loudly again before the doors shut, but short of us shoving them out of the way, they refused to move aside so we could exit. We firmly told them that we were exiting on the next floor and they had better kindly move out of the way. That also happened to be their floor to exit on. Never have we experienced such rudeness!


One other annoying thing we experienced for the first time on our December Allure cruise was a large number of people walking around with selfie sticks or holding up their iPads and video taping everything. They didn't seem to care how many people they bumped into and never once did they say, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry."

Edited by kalliekae
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My biggest pet peeve is that every cruise is too short no matter how long it is.

People who stand directly in front of the elevator doors do the occupants can't get off.

People who talk in their outside voices when they're inside

People who brag about their loyalty level or how money is no object. Worst is in the MDR where you have to put up with it or change tables.

People who sit in the best spots at dinner and refuse to move around the table even when the rest of us do

However, being on a cruise makes it all worthwhile



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My husband is disabled. Our last cruise he was using a cane. He will no longer be cruising as it has become too difficult. We cruise Celebrity, I cruise RC with family and friends. Our last cruise he left the suite dining room to go to the men's room. The line for the main dining room went past the men's room. He had his cane. He moves slowly. He later told me people would not move out of the way so he could get to the restroom. This created an embarrassing problem. So, if you see someone wth difficulties, make a hole, cut them some slack, let them on the elevator first, do what you can. This was my husbands last cruise. When you see a disabled person, instead of thinking they are in the way or slowing you down, think maybe this is their last cruise and do what you can to make it better. At least, move out of the way. Please.


Sending you hugs and thanks for such a wonderful story. Hopefully everyone will understand this important point.

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My husband is disabled. Our last cruise he was using a cane. He will no longer be cruising as it has become too difficult. We cruise Celebrity, I cruise RC with family and friends. Our last cruise he left the suite dining room to go to the men's room. The line for the main dining room went past the men's room. He had his cane. He moves slowly. He later told me people would not move out of the way so he could get to the restroom. This created an embarrassing problem. So, if you see someone wth difficulties, make a hole, cut them some slack, let them on the elevator first, do what you can. This was my husbands last cruise. When you see a disabled person, instead of thinking they are in the way or slowing you down, think maybe this is their last cruise and do what you can to make it better. At least, move out of the way. Please.

Your compassionate post reminded me of a cruise we took about a year ago. A friend asked if we had any short cruises booked because she and her husband would like to join us. Her husband had always been very active, but his health was deteriorating.


Our TA helped by getting them a handicapped cabin, raised toilet, etc. We used valet parking and arranged a wheelchair for embarkation. They rented a wheelchair, which was waiting in their cabin, and my husband managed to get our friend's walker in the car (this was easier for him to use in some circumstances). Even though it was a quiet cruise, we had a wonderful time. Unfortunately our friend died less than two months after we returned home, but we made memories, and when I think of him, I picture him with a broad smile on his face as he enjoyed his last cruise.


Before too long, we may come to the end of our cruising days (we are in our 80's), but we're not going to stop until we have to. We have six cruises booked right now and hope to enjoy these and more.


I think something you said bears repeating: "When you see a disabled person, instead of thinking they are in the way or slowing you down, think maybe this is their last cruise and do what you can to make it better. At least, move out of the way. Please."



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Oh, let's see I have a few.:D


I can accept that there are people going into the MDR that don't want to use sanitizer. Fine, to each his own. But the Windjammer is a different story. My peeve, are those who refuse, or take just a little bit, or better yet, the family that shares one pump of sanitizer.


Which takes me to the slobs in the windjammer, who drop food everywhere, or push food from one tray (one item) over to the next tray with a different food item. Or the people who actually touch food they are not going to eat, like using their hands to pick through the rolls, until they find one the like. Or the person who coughs/sneezes into their hand, then uses the same hand to pick up the tongs.



Having to leave the casino because the smoke from the smoking section is overtaking the non-smoking section. Worst offender is HAL. Celebrity is smoke free and Royal seems to have better ventilation. HAL was awful.

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Nothing ruins a cruise for us, but we did experience some obnoxious people at the ice show on the Allure. They would not sit down and blocked our view. Finally, the usher told them to sit. Unfortunately, those same people got into the elevator and blocked several of us from exiting on the correct floors. The elevator was packed and we were in the back of it and those people were in the front and just would not move so we couldn't exit. We asked nicely once and then loudly again before the doors shut, but short of us shoving them out of the way, they refused to move aside so we could exit. We firmly told them that we were exiting on the next floor and they had better kindly move out of the way. That also happened to be their floor to exit on. Never have we experienced such rudeness!


One other annoying thing we experienced for the first time on our December Allure cruise was a large number of people walking around with selfie sticks or holding up their iPads and video taping everything. They didn't seem to care how many people they bumped into and never once did they say, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry."


Did they not speak english? I'm a pretty big jerk but I'd find it hard to stand in the doorway of an elevator while people are behind me asking to get out and I don't even react. That's next level trolling.

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People who let their little kids go through the buffet by their self and I see them picking up stuff with their hands, dropping utensils on the floor and then put it back in the food. I have on more than one occasion had to tell the staff that a utensil was placed back in the food after being dropped in the floor by a little kid.


Another one is the parents who let their little kids run through the Windjammer dodging or running into people while the parents seem to be oblivious to it!

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I've seen all of that done by adults too.


I won't pick food/utensils off the floor in my house, and I've seen adults do it on cruise ships. Floors me every time. I've asked staff to remove serving utensils, if I see that that they have been contaminated by falling/coughing/sneezing etc.


People who let their little kids go through the buffet by their self and I see them picking up stuff with their hands, dropping utensils on the floor and then put it back in the food. I have on more than one occasion had to tell the staff that a utensil was placed back in the food after being dropped in the floor by a little kid.


Another one is the parents who let their little kids run through the Windjammer dodging or running into people while the parents seem to be oblivious to it!

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I have a few. One is smoking cigs on the balcony and also smoking pot on the balcony. I have reported it (the pot really got to me) and nothing was done by the cruise line because they couldn't catch the people in the act.


People rushing into the elevators while others are trying to get off. Another elevator one is the person pushing the close door button while people are trying to get on.


Cruisers who have eaten their lunch on Lido and then just sit there waiting for the cabin to be ready or playing cards in the Lido when others want lunch.


Kids running down the hall and taking the room service menus off the door handles. Adults that come back late at night and talk as though they are outside instead of using inside voices.


None of these things have caused me to stop cruising or ruined my cruises, but some people have neither common sense or manners. Others feel the rules don 't apply to them. Some day I hope to be that special.

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My Cruise Critic peeve:


People who say, "...but I didn't let it ruin my vacation." or "I know food is subjective, but..."


Okay, maybe my peeve isn't with people who say that, but rather the fact that some over-the-top reactions have conditioned people to feel that they need to make those disclaimers. :D

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My top one is definitely the elevator thing but like someone else said it's also one off the ship as well. It's just so obvious. Let people exit then get on. Good grief!:)


I guess one of my other ones would be folks who get up in the middle of a show and leave. If they are sick or something else urgent comes up I understand that. But I always get the sense they just want to bail. To me, it's a courtesy thing to the other cruisers but also the performers. Just sit there for another 30 minutes and watch the show.

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Parents who treat the ship like a giant play pen....I can't discipline their kids but I would love to give the parents a piece of my mind. This is why we cruise during the school year, so we don't have to put up with other people's kids.

Unfortunately we are finding more and more that people no longer care about pulling their kids out of school for a week. [emoji20]



This right here is why we 1) homeschool our almost 4 year old and 2) teach him manners. I have seen so many posts about people not enjoying their cruise because of kids.


I know our son is too young to go off on his own but he says excuse me as well as please and thanks.


My pet peeve is people assuming my toddler is like everyone else's child. We have received many dirty looks in the MDR because we bring him with us. However when people give him a chance they see he is well mannered and polite. And eats good too!


Another pet peeve would be people wearing ball caps in MDR on formal night. I know it is rare but it happened on our last cruise. We decided no more MDR on formal night.



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I guess one of my other ones would be folks who get up in the middle of a show and leave. If they are sick or something else urgent comes up I understand that. But I always get the sense they just want to bail. To me, it's a courtesy thing to the other cruisers but also the performers. Just sit there for another 30 minutes and watch the show.



And yet in another thread someone else criticized me for sitting through a show on the Radiance which was absolutely horrid - I still shudder to think about it. (Do NOT waste your time on "City of Dreams" ever! And if the cruise director introduces something by saying "It might make sense if you've been drinking..." run from the theatre before it starts.)



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Persons coming into their cabins in the early morning hours and standing in the hallway still partying and then letting the cabin doors slam. Then going onto the balcony and being unbelievably loud. First night we turn over in bed and think, they are having fun. Second night, ask them if they can be a bit quieter. We were cursed at and told to mind our own business..... Third night, call in and report it, we will NEVER ask anyone to lower their voices again.


We did that a few years ago when the party never stopped on a balcony that one of the family members had and all the family shared it!!!! It almost did become a nightmare cruise as far as our cabin was concerned. This was back before smoking was not allowed and there was always someone on that balcony smoking. We asked the persons in the cabin if they could please not be as loud at night and boy we were told they paid GOOD money for the cruise and were going to enjoy it. The persons on the other side of this family cruise was suffering as much as us and we did go to GS together to report it......it got a bit better but probably one of the worst cruises for sleeping ever.


so, if you are loud next to us, we will NOT ask you to refrain from disturbing us, we will ask the GS to handle it.

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My pet peeve is at shows when the presenter asks " Are we having fun?". Everyone claps softly, but they always ask again and make you clap again, but louder. On our recent cruise, they did that every show, sometimes twice a show.

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My pet peeve is at shows when the presenter asks " Are we having fun?". Everyone claps softly, but they always ask again and make you clap again, but louder. On our recent cruise, they did that every show, sometimes twice a show.


Well played! Yes, this is a subtle and often overlooked annoyance. And the MC is relentless is doing it at each and every show!

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