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Denied boarding


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I have never read on CC where a photo copy of a photo ID was accepted for boarding. Copies of BC yes. WHTI states that copies of BC are acceptable. It does not say that about photo ID's.


I agree, I've been on CC for a long time and I've never seen anyone get onboard without a photo ID. It may have something to do with Homeland Security and Carnival has strict security rules about photo ID's. Try to get through security with a warrant on you.:eek:

Edited by elliair
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I am sure the boyfriend feels horrible. However he should not pay back the family as they chose not to go on the cruise after ONLY he was denied boarding. I would have called his family member who lives near by and made arrangements before the ship left. I agree my daughter would have been upset the entire trip but at the same time…one of lives tough lessons. In reality I would have chosen not to cruise as I would feel responsible for a young adult booked with my family. I agree check with your credit card to see if you are covered some how. If Carnival had somehow made an exception the boyfriend still would have been stuck on the ship and unable to get off in the ports. Getting back into the US would have been a nightmare. I hate this happened to you and your family. It is a good lesson for all of us to check and recheck for our ID's.

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The lack of empathy radiating from many of these posters is kind of sad. I understand all views - but the tone is kind of disheartening. Such little care for our fellow souls.


Those who demand Carnival treat everyone identical, no discretion, just remember that position if you are ever pulled over by a police officer and they let you go with only a warning.... Maybe you should demand a ticket, so that you are treated like others. Anytime you get a little something extra from a company, special treatment, etc. Decline it.


Discretion is a constant in customer service. It's generally bad customer service to hide behind paperwork and terms. Every industry is different, and travel just seems to work this way. You rarely get much sympathy or care from airlines, either. Though, I certainly have been treated by airlines after unfortunate circumstances better than this person was treated by Carnival.


Ultimately, this just comes down to what different people expect from customer service. Some prefer a very militant approach, rules, follow them, too bad if you don't - everyone treated identical. Some prefer a little more of a human approach - with discretion and understanding.


Both are legitimate. Truth is, I think all of us prefer a little bit of both depending on the circumstances and our personal experiences. :D

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To the OP, Not only should take the loss and forget it, you also owe gratuities to all the hard working crew members you stiffed by not showing up. Unless of course you prepaid the gratuities! Take responsibility for your actions and stop expecting others like Carnival stockholders to pay for your mistakes.

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The lack of empathy radiating from many of these posters is kind of sad. I understand all views - but the tone is kind of disheartening. Such little care for our fellow souls.


Those who demand Carnival treat everyone identical, no discretion, just remember that position if you are ever pulled over by a police officer and they let you go with only a warning.... Maybe you should demand a ticket, so that you are treated like others. Anytime you get a little something extra from a company, special treatment, etc. Decline it.




I think the difference is I don't demand or even ask for a warning/favor/courtesy.


I take what I'm given.


And I don't then go and complain about it as being bad customer service because they follow the policies and/or written laws.

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The lack of empathy radiating from many of these posters is kind of sad. I understand all views - but the tone is kind of disheartening. Such little care for our fellow souls.


Those who demand Carnival treat everyone identical, no discretion, just remember that position if you are ever pulled over by a police officer and they let you go with only a warning.... Maybe you should demand a ticket, so that you are treated like others. Anytime you get a little something extra from a company, special treatment, etc. Decline it.


Discretion is a constant in customer service. It's generally bad customer service to hide behind paperwork and terms. Every industry is different, and travel just seems to work this way. You rarely get much sympathy or care from airlines, either. Though, I certainly have been treated by airlines after unfortunate circumstances better than this person was treated by Carnival.


Ultimately, this just comes down to what different people expect from customer service. Some prefer a very militant approach, rules, follow them, too bad if you don't - everyone treated identical. Some prefer a little more of a human approach - with discretion and understanding.


Both are legitimate. Truth is, I think all of us prefer a little bit of both depending on the circumstances and our personal experiences. :D


But it's not "customer service" that's denying him. It's governmental entities. Carnival has no control over decisions made by Immigration/homeland security in this sort of thing.


Now, if you're saying Carnival should extend the palm branch of a future cruise credit because a government entity denied him, I don't see that Carnival HAS to do that. COULD they do it, sure, but there's no reason they SHOULD.


And, as for everyone missing the cruise, that's OPs choice. They weren't denied boarding just the 18 year old boyfriend. He's an adult, he'll survive.

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If it were me, the bf would have gotten left (I'm just mean like that). There is no way an entire vacation would be ruined over someone being irresponsible.


Sucks this happened but Carnival isn't responsible and doesn't have to give anything back.



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Sadly I am in a mind set like yours. He screwed it for the whole family. Want he be an asset to this family down the line.lol

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I think the difference is I don't demand or even ask for a warning/favor/courtesy.




I take what I'm given.




And I don't then go and complain about it as being bad customer service because they follow the policies and/or written laws.






If I don't get my way because

I'm not entitled to "my way" I'm sure as a heck not going to complain about it publicly... In essence still trying to get "my way "




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Edited by IndyDenise
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This is my biggest issue is just have some compassion and give us a break. Especially since we have went on multiple cruises with them. I'm not saying it was in anyway shape or form Carnival's fault. It was completely on him/us for not making sure sooner he had it. But would it hurt them to be a little compassionate? At one point we were standing at the counter debating whether or not my family was going to go without him and both my kids were crying. One Carnival employee even made the comment that if somebody else was in working in customs that day that they would have probably let us on. I also don't understand why we had to wait over 3 hours just to be told no. The boyfriend had family relatively close to the port and had we been told sooner that he wouldn't be allowed on, the rest of us may have went on the cruise anyway. At least then we could have been assured that he had someone there to pick him up and he wasn't just stranded hundreds of miles from home. I guess I just feel doing a good deed here may cost them a couple grand, which is nothing to them but overall would do more good than harm. We will most likely spend more money than previously if they credit us for another cruise, would be more likely to consider future cruises with them and would pass on that they are a good company that takes care of their customers. As it stands now they will definitely not get any future business from us, not that it will hurt them at all lol.


It does hurt the business. It is not an act of "compassion" to refund fares because of poor and preventable behavior. Travel insurance does not cover losses due to passengers denied boarding for failure to present proper identification. Carnival personnel would have confirmed the situation with Customs who hold Carnival responsible crore seeing boarding passengers have proper identification.

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To the OP, Not only should take the loss and forget it, you also owe gratuities to all the hard working crew members you stiffed by not showing up. Unless of course you prepaid the gratuities! Take responsibility for your actions and stop expecting others like Carnival stockholders to pay for your mistakes.


Are you serious?

The crew did zero work for the OP and the family. Why do you think they deserve gratuity? There was an empty cabin, empty table, and empty bar seat to service.

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I think it's good to share these experiences, as it helps others better understand the type of company Carnival is. I'm not saying that's good or bad. I'm sailing with Carnival and likely will continue. But knowing how they handle their guests when something unfortunate happens is very good to know and will certainly stay in the back of my mind when considering booking options. Though honestly, I think all cruise lines are equally terrible when it comes to this.


By "equally terrible" , you mean follow the law? And no, I don't speed.

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The lack of empathy radiating from many of these posters is kind of sad. I understand all views - but the tone is kind of disheartening. Such little care for our fellow souls.


Those who demand Carnival treat everyone identical, no discretion, just remember that position if you are ever pulled over by a police officer and they let you go with only a warning.... Maybe you should demand a ticket, so that you are treated like others. Anytime you get a little something extra from a company, special treatment, etc. Decline it.


Discretion is a constant in customer service. It's generally bad customer service to hide behind paperwork and terms. Every industry is different, and travel just seems to work this way. You rarely get much sympathy or care from airlines, either. Though, I certainly have been treated by airlines after unfortunate circumstances better than this person was treated by Carnival.


Ultimately, this just comes down to what different people expect from customer service. Some prefer a very militant approach, rules, follow them, too bad if you don't - everyone treated identical. Some prefer a little more of a human approach - with discretion and understanding.


Both are legitimate. Truth is, I think all of us prefer a little bit of both depending on the circumstances and our personal experiences. :D


I have empathy for OP but I think expecting companies (especially those offering a pretty inexpensive product in their category) to give money back based on empathy alone, just whenever, though it was 100 percent no fault of theirs, is a bit much. I could see it if there had been a tragedy, like a death in the family or natural disaster that kept them from it, but every time someone messes up, if you make it not a big deal, how do you keep prices down for everyone else? Is that fair to others? You have to consider what's best for the greater good too. No, this one credit wouldn't kill the bottom line, but then is it fair to everyone else who forgets ID or misses the ship?


I think it's human to be kind but firm and not just give in to every demand, and I wouldn't confuse a lack of monetary credit with a lack of empathy. Sounds like Carnival tried to work with Customs/Homeland Sec. to get him on with the copy. I'm sure they wanted to help.


His main gripe was asking about some help on a future cruise, not a refund. Comparing a single unit to a cruise ship is apples and oranges as well. Nobody is saying Carnival is technically at fault. But the "too bad, so sad" response to a guest is a bit off putting. To me at least.


How about another analogy. You are at a restaurant, order a dish, it's made perfectly, but you just don't like it at all. Whether you ask for it or not, the waiter notices you didn't eat it, you clearly didn't like it, and offers you a new dish to enjoy - complimentary. It was your fault for ordering the wrong item, the restaurant did nothing wrong, but to keep a good reputation and make sure their guests are as happy as possible, they do whatever they can to make it right, even at a cost.


That's good business, and I think a little more accurately reflects the tone of this thread.


As others have said, your example is more like the Guarantee (which is not insurance and everyone has). In my experience, if you are unhappy with anything and tell them, I have always gotten way more than expected (then again, I never try to finagle money out of anyone, and honestly would be so mortified if I had any culpability, like the ID, I'd never report it). I think there's a difference between good customer service and catering to one guests every whim. If they cannot do X for EVERYONE in the same situation, they should think twice before offering it to anyone.

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Wouldn't he need a valid photo ID and his BC to get back in through customs?

Yes, and Carnival would have faced sanctions for letting him board without proper identification and on return, all passengers would have been subjected to additional scrutiny.

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I work in customer service at a large company. What I noticed about the ops story...and the point I think he was going to get NOTHING is this attitude...


"I also don't understand why we had to wait over 3 hours just to be told no"


I would be thinking that I just spent 3 stinking hours to fix your stinking problem and hey no need to thank me...for trying.... but since I spent 3 stinking hours and FAILED to circumvent the law for you, your attitude is that I furthered your problem by trying to help you.


If anyone trying to help you could perceive that type of attitude good luck getting any type of compensation. And most people who have to deal with stressed customers know who is going to have a self-inflicted meltdown aimed the people trying to help.


Sorry to sound so harsh but its true. Seriously lost me at the - 3 hour to get a no- feeling.

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I work in customer service at a large company. What I noticed about the ops story...and the point I think he was going to get NOTHING is this attitude...


"I also don't understand why we had to wait over 3 hours just to be told no"


I would be thinking that I just spent 3 stinking hours to fix your stinking problem and hey no need to thank me...for trying.... but since I spent 3 stinking hours and FAILED to circumvent the law for you, your attitude is that I furthered your problem by trying to help you.


If anyone trying to help you could perceive that type of attitude good luck getting any type of compensation. And most people who have to deal with stressed customers know who is going to have a self-inflicted meltdown aimed the people trying to help.


Sorry to sound so harsh but its true. Seriously lost me at the - 3 hour to get a no- feeling.


Two thumbs up!

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He does have a job at the local wings joint and is going to school to be an electrician actually. I have no doubt he will pay us back when he has the money. It just shouldn't have come to this in the first place in my opinion.



Then why are you trying to get compensation from Carnival? Trying to get a free cruise out of the situation, eh? [emoji57]



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The lack of empathy radiating from many of these posters is kind of sad. I understand all views - but the tone is kind of disheartening. Such little care for our fellow souls.


Those who demand Carnival treat everyone identical, no discretion, just remember that position if you are ever pulled over by a police officer and they let you go with only a warning.... Maybe you should demand a ticket, so that you are treated like others. Anytime you get a little something extra from a company, special treatment, etc. Decline it.


Discretion is a constant in customer service. It's generally bad customer service to hide behind paperwork and terms. Every industry is different, and travel just seems to work this way. You rarely get much sympathy or care from airlines, either. Though, I certainly have been treated by airlines after unfortunate circumstances better than this person was treated by Carnival.


Ultimately, this just comes down to what different people expect from customer service. Some prefer a very militant approach, rules, follow them, too bad if you don't - everyone treated identical. Some prefer a little more of a human approach - with discretion and understanding.


Both are legitimate. Truth is, I think all of us prefer a little bit of both depending on the circumstances and our personal experiences. :D


Couldn't agree with you more BNBR. I feel terrible for your situation OP. I am a huge fan of personal responsibility but am also a realist and know that things happen (well, things happen to most of us - many CC members live charmed and perfect lives) and exceptions can be made. Perhaps not by allowing boarding (probably out of Carnival's hands) but with helping to ameliorate a crappy situation by offering some future credit.

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Again no picture ID no fly. Don't know an airline that would let him on. Maybe a bus.


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You can fly. Need to get there earlier and jump thru some hoops.



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I have empathy for OP but I think expecting companies (especially those offering a pretty inexpensive product in their category) to give money back based on empathy alone, just whenever, though it was 100 percent no fault of theirs, is a bit much. I could see it if there had been a tragedy, like a death in the family or natural disaster that kept them from it, but every time someone messes up, if you make it not a big deal, how do you keep prices down for everyone else? Is that fair to others? You have to consider what's best for the greater good too. No, this one credit wouldn't kill the bottom line, but then is it fair to everyone else who forgets ID or misses the ship?


I agree with everything you said except this. It is cases like tragedy that we pay insurance for. The cruise line is not your personal insurance company. You don't pay them to be. My DGM passed away the day before our CCL Glory cruise. We drove 14 hours to NY to find out she passed away while we were driving out there. We cancelled our cruise and turned around to go home to mourn with our family. I never expected Carnival to reimburse us for our cancelled cruise due to our tragedy. That is what we purchased travel insurance for. We expected our travel insurance to reimburse us for our tragedy...and they did. Personal responsibility dictates insuring yourself against tragedy....not doing so does not make it Carnival's responsibility. Just like with OP's case, if the cruise line covered every one with a tragedy there would be no need for travel insurance and all of our cruise rates would go up as they self-insured for all of the passengers tragedies. While I have empathy for those who go through situations like the OP's or tragedy like ours, this does not mean I feel Carnival should be responsible for recouping their losses. Personal responsibility is something many in our country no longer seem to understand and I find that sad:(.

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Would anyone's security have been at risk because he was on the ship without a ID with him?



Actually they would have no idea if anyone's safety and security would or would not be at risk by letting him on board. With no form of government issued photo ID for them to determine if it is in fact truly him and a true valid ID they could have been letting a terrorist on the watch list on board with a ship full of over a thousand victims. Yes Carnival does the initial check in but then you go through security with your ID providing further proof.


Also, Carnival doesn't make its money only on the cabin you booked. By all of you not getting on board they are also not getting the extra money you would have spent on board. Booze, extra charge food, casino, etc. This is a bigger loss for Carnival if they refunded or credited.


Completely sucks for you, I agree. I work hard for my money and am careful how I spend it like I am sure you are. However, this is not at all Carnival's rule really and I would be really concerned if they had adults getting on board without proving they are who they say they are.


In my opinion at least.


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Edited by oneteeny
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This is my biggest issue is just have some compassion and give us a break. Especially since we have went on multiple cruises with them. I'm not saying it was in anyway shape or form Carnival's fault. It was completely on him/us for not making sure sooner he had it. But would it hurt them to be a little compassionate? At one point we were standing at the counter debating whether or not my family was going to go without him and both my kids were crying. One Carnival employee even made the comment that if somebody else was in working in customs that day that they would have probably let us on. I also don't understand why we had to wait over 3 hours just to be told no. The boyfriend had family relatively close to the port and had we been told sooner that he wouldn't be allowed on, the rest of us may have went on the cruise anyway. At least then we could have been assured that he had someone there to pick him up and he wasn't just stranded hundreds of miles from home. I guess I just feel doing a good deed here may cost them a couple grand, which is nothing to them but overall would do more good than harm. We will most likely spend more money than previously if they credit us for another cruise, would be more likely to consider future cruises with them and would pass on that they are a good company that takes care of their customers. As it stands now they will definitely not get any future business from us, not that it will hurt them at all lol.


If they do it for you, then they have to do it for everyone. You chose to miss the cruise instead of leaving the 1 person behind. You made that decision. Why should Carnival break their rules by giving into you? If they give into you, then they have the people questioning why they should buy insurance.


Only 1 person should've missed that cruise.

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Most of the responses have shown sympathy. Just because one disagrees with the OPs thought that they should be compensated or reimbursed somehow, that doesn't equate to lack of compassion. It could happen to anyone....what's that saying about the best laid plans? Carnival cannot soothe everyone with refunds, discounts, OBC. And as I said before, there are plenty of stories told here and other places where exceptions are made to refund rules - usually for situations regarding health or death. The OP could have minimized their own loss but chose not to. They made their choice. Carnival made theirs.


And to the point regarding a discount for a future cruise, I would guess had Carnival offered that upfront the OP would have been offended at the idea that Carnival not only wouldn't return money but wanted them to book again and spend more money. Good customer service is trying your best to assist, which the OP pointed out Carnival did. Not compensation always in every situation.

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Couldn't agree with you more BNBR. I feel terrible for your situation OP. I am a huge fan of personal responsibility but am also a realist and know that things happen (well, things happen to most of us - many CC members live charmed and perfect lives) and exceptions can be made. Perhaps not by allowing boarding (probably out of Carnival's hands) but with helping to ameliorate a crappy situation by offering some future credit.


Where does it stop? If they do it for OP then they are setting a precedent to do it for others. Do you have any idea how many out there would want that exception made for them? Would you say that all of them deserve to be an exception to the rule too? Carnival is a business to make profit. They are not in the insurance industry and we do not pay them to insure against our personal situations, so unlike an insurance company they would not profit by doing as you are asking. Most often the room sales are a loss leader to get you on the ship. If that room sails empty they are already taking a loss on the room, but they are also losing from the revenue that would have been generated from on board sales, their bread and butter. Now you want them to take an even bigger loss, for something that isn't even their fault, by giving these people a future credit??? Yes it is crappy but I fail to see how making Carnival responsible for recouping their losses is a win for anyone but the OP, who lacked the personal responsibility to insure necessary ID's were secure and safe for their journey.

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