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Live From May 1 2017 Caribbean Princess British Isles cruise


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So excited for you! We will be mimicking your trip SFO-LHR for the September 10 departure. I am having some buyer's remorse in choosing Caribbean Princess this year instead of the Regal which apparently begins the BI tour next year, so I am eager to hear of your on-board experience. The private tours you've picked sound great, good luck with the weather!!

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That freaking nasty, evil, vile, contemptible, (etc.) word Cancer. GAH! If there is something in the world that I absolutely despise that is it. Glad you have whooped it's butt and are now getting out to see the world. There's nothing quite like realizing you might miss out on the rest of forever to make one take notice of what is out there to be experienced.


I'm happy you are going for it and wish you all the very best in the future. Do it NOW. Don't wait.



i am another cancer survivor and i welcome you and admire your itinerary. Gave me ideas for ours. I am really looking forward to Orkney Islands, hope we are able to go there. I have been traveling twice a year since my diagnosis and i am so happy to travel while my health is good. God bless you. Maria

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I'm getting ready to go to the airport, hours away from an amazing trip!!








I found so much helpful information on this itinerary fromothers on Cruise Critic so I’d like to pay it forward and do a live from onthis trip.






A bit about me. I’ll be travelling solo on this trip. Somefriends expressed interest but the cost and amount of time out of country makesit tough to find a travel buddy. In my early 30’s in 2009 I had nasty stage 3cancer and went through Chemo, radiation and multiple surgeries. It tookseveral years to get my strength up and pain down but now I want to see theworld and I’ll go if someone can join me or not. Traveling has provided aneducation without compare. Cruising makes it so easy to travel and see manyplaces in one trip with minimal logistical challenges. If you can, just do it,you never know what tomorrow holds.






I’d been stalking this itinerary for several years so I knewwhat time of the year I wanted to go and what the average price was. Theweather and precipitation seem to be best in May/June which works as the busytime for my work is during the summer.The contacts I’ve made over the years also recommended that time frameso that is what I aimed for.






I’d read everyBritish Isles review on Cruise Critic and taken notes and bookmarked pages forwhen time and money would allow me to visit the places I’ve dreamed of goingfor as long as I can remember.I knew Iwanted to spend a few days in London prior to or after the cruise and that Iwanted a central location with easy access to the tube.






2016 was a benchmark birthday but the timing didn’t work so2017 became my target year. I looked at the itineraries, the costs and theoptimal schedule to have a minimum of vacation days needed but with recoverytime when I returned if possible. The May 1, 2017 was the best match for what Iwanted.






In the summer of 2016, the cost of this cruise was very highbut I knew that it would likely drop.Iused one of my future cruise credits to reserve the inside cabin I wanted inearly September. I had also been watching flight itineraries and costs withBritish Airways and Virgin Atlantic. I really wanted premium economy as Iintended to book a red eye flight for April 27th and want some hopeof sleeping and I wanted a non stop flight both ways.On September 14 2016, I saw a price drop thatI’d been waiting for and got an exceptional deal on a round trip from SFO toLondon Heathrow. I decided in the unlikely event the cruise cost didn’t drop toa reasonable level, I would book a land tour or visit that area on my own.






In December 2016, theprice d-ropped to an excellent price and lower than I thought it would dropto.Oh yes, this trip was a go!I kept checking the price and got anotherhuge price drop in January 2017. I like to book directly with the cruise lineso I have control of the booking and can jump on price drops without having togo through a third party. There was yet another price drop 5 days before finalpayment. It pays to keep checking!






I knew what I wanted to do in each port and started lookingat what the cruise ship offered and what I could book on my own. I’m doing acombination of ship tours, DIY, tours through Viator and a private tour I setup.I booked some through Viator as Icould pay in USD and they have a 7 day cancellation policy.I have the travel insurance but wouldn’t wantto deal with more than I had to.Also,if you don’t see your date at first, keep checking. The last port I wanteddidn’t show a tour for the date until early January.






Travel Insurance- I always buy travel insurance so I’mcovered if I have to cancel, have medical issues lose my luggage or many otherproblems that can occur during travel.I’m relatively young and relatively healthy, but things happen and Iwant to know I’m covered.Since I wasvisiting London 3 days pre cruise and booked several 3rd partytours, I purchased travel insurance through Nationwide. Their cruise specificinsurance is very comprehensive.Itcovers more for me and actually cost less than Princess’ insurance in mycase.






Here’s my plan-






April 27- Red eye flight SFO to London. I’m going to takeUber or Lyft for cost efficiency and ease.






April 28- arrive London 1:40pm. I’m staying at the BestWestern Victoria Palace, which is right near Victoria Station and the theatrewhere Wicked is performed.






April 28-30 touring London






May 1- Princess transfer from Victoria Coach Station toport. I looked at other options and don’t often book transfers through Princessbut did in the case. I did look at bus and train on my own to the port but wentwith Princess so I won’t need to worry about strikes, taxis and logistics whileI haul luggage around.






May 2- Guernsey (GBP)- DIY. I plan to explore on my own andtake the 1 GBP bus around the island and likely visit the Castle Cornet. Thisis a tender port.






May 3- Cork/Cobh (Euro) -Booked through Viator for a tourwith Paddywagon. The tour visits Blarney Castle, Cork, Cobh and Kinsale and thecost included entry to Blarney Castle. In port 0730-1800. Tour time is0800-1500






May 4- Dublin (Euro)- Booked through Viator for a tour withPaddywagon. This tour visits Wicklow, St. Kevin Monastary, TrinityCollege and other sites. Entry fees are notincluded in the cost. In port 0730-1745. Tour time is 0800-1700.






May 5- Belfast (Euro) Booked through Viator for a tour withOdyssey Coach Tours. This tour visits Giant’s Causeway, Dunluce Castle, Carricka Rede Bridge and other sites. Entrance fees are included. In port 0800-2100.Tour time is 0830 to about 1700.






May 6- Glasgow (GBP) Booked through Viator for a tour withTimberbush Tours.This tour visits Douneand Stirling Castles, Troussachs Natl park, Aberfoyle and Loch Lomand. Porttime is 0700-1800. Tour time is 0900-1630.






May 7- At sea….at last a rest day!






May 8- OrkneyIslands (GBP) I booked the Ring of Brodgar, Skara Brae & Skaill House






tour through Princess. This port is subject to high winds andsometimes the ship can’t dock. Porttime is 0700-1700, tour time is 1330- 1630 so I’ll have time in the morning tolook around.






May 9- Invergordon (GBP) I booked a private tour for up to 8 withInvergordon Shore Excursions. I chatted back and forth with Nigel who was veryhelpful and answered all my questions as I had them. Pre payment was notrequired and I am to pay him the day of. The tour visits UrquhartCastle, Loch Ness, Inverness, Culloden, Cawdor Castle. The entrance fees arenot included and there is an optional Loch Ness cruise which our group is doingwith Jacobite Tours. Port time is 0700-1800, tour time is 0830- 1630.






May 10- Edinburgh (GBP) TENDER PORT. I booked a tour throughViator with Timberbush Tours. This tour visits Edinburgh Castle, HolyroodPalace, the Britannia, the Royal Mile and other sites. Entry fees were notincluded. Port time is 0700-1900, tour time is 0900-1700.






May 11- another sea day!!!






May 12- Le Havre (Euro).This one was tough. I decided pretty early on that the Paris tour justwasn’t worth it. I’d rather go to Paris on my own at some point to have morethan a few hours there. Instead I booked the Monet’s Home and Rouen throughPrincess. I’ll be able to see a lot more and be less rushed. Port time is0700-2000, tour time is 0815-1845.






May 13- Return to Southampton…the day we all dread when thevacation is over.I booked a Princesstransfer and have a 1410 flight time.








I hope you enjoy!



Looking forward to hearing all of it. Enjoy!



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Made it safe and sound! Sadly I hardly slept on the plane despite 2 Tylenol pms. The guy sitting next to me slept quite well! Every time I was awake trying to ge comfy, he was sleeping! I was quite jealous and Sort of thought of kicking him [emoji23] sleep deprived me isn't so sweet! Of course I didn't do it, I just envied him. The customs line took about an hour to get through. It didn't seem that long of a line but I guess different circumstances can jam up the works. I took the tube from terminal 5 to Victoria. That was quite easy, I changed lines at Hammersmith by walking across the platform. Victoria station I'm finding is not so easy! There are several exits... not sure how many but I've found 3 so far. Tomorrow I'll ask the hotel how to get to the right one when I'm returning. I'm doing walking tours the next couple days but Google maps has been taking me on its own walking tours of the area. I did get a voucher for 25gbp off dinner and drinks at the Hippodrome in Leicester square so I booked dinner for tonight. I used the transit app to tell me how to get there. Of course the line I was to use had issues and huge wait so they said what to do but I didn't understand it since I don't know the lines yet too well. I followed the crowd and picked a train to get on. I figured out I was going the wrong way, got off and back to the right direction. I have three days, maybe by then I'll be better at this! The hippodrome Is a beautiful building with a casino, theatre and bars and I guess the guys are bouncers , but very cheery ones at the front door. I was waved in and a gentleman in a nice suit and hat Asked if he could assist. He worked there and took me where I needed to go to claim my reward and let the restaurant know I was a bit late after my tube adventures. Everything was very good! I had the goat cheese lollipops with lemon, sautéed mushrooms and roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and balsamic vinegar. I highly recommend them all. While I was eating I saw two ladies at another table served a box with dry ice fog coming out and I asked what it was. It was the banana mousse and I love bananas so of course I tried it! It was delicious and the presentation was fun! I took pics to share, Shame I can't share the video I took. MyVEGAS is the app I used to get the 25gpb credit. Most of the comps are for Las Vegas but there are some others. I the Hippodrome offers weekend brunch as well. Soon I'm off to bed but there will be more adventures tomorrow.



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Ooo, those do look fun!

PKT, you sound like the kind of traveler I would love to travel with...



No buyers remorse for us. We got a great deal on a Window Suite, which go away on next year saplings.

Hmm, good point. I scored a WS on my Sept cruise, too. Are we neighbors or are you on a different sail date?

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Thank you so much for letting us come with you!!! My daughter and I are doing this cruise in July and taking many of the same excursions. We are also spending 3 days in London prior to the cruise and 4 days in Paris after, so I am anxious to hear about your adventures in London as well.


Have a wonderful trip... you deserve it :)

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Just came back to the hotel from my walking tours. I finally understand where I'm supposed to be in Victoria station to get close to my hotel. Yay me... no more walking tours by google [emoji23] ohhhhh I saw a young lady On The tube on her own pub crawl ....at 6 pm ...who either thought she was wearing a dress or maybe lost her pants as she had on a somewhat long tshirt and thong panties. We all saw her butt.... several times...Yay for our train. She sounded English but this wasn't the start of her pub crawl so a bit slurred and I can't be sure. There were German tourists taking photos [emoji23] there was a lady yelling at her hubby ,maybe In Russian ? for looking at Ms. Booty. There was one lady From London and she looked like she wasn't amused. Some official got on the train after a couple stops and they ran off. It was like being back in California for a minute [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


What a lovely day! The weather kindly cooperated and I did two walking tours today. I started the day with tea as there is a hot water pot in the room and tea and coffee packs. I dressed in a light weight but long sleeve top with my "Harry Potter" coat and a scarf. I ditched the coat back at the hotel before the first walking tour as the weather was perfect for a lot of walking around.


I went to Giraffe World Kitchen for breakfast. I'd looked into places to eat in the weeks leading up to the trip and It's not far from my hotel and the menu looked amazing. If you find yourself here, the food was awesome. I had not one, but 2 mango lassi smoothies and the blue banana pancake stack which was excellent.


The first walking tour with Strawberry Tours was an East End tour with John which passes Tower Bridge, London Bridge (did you know a previous London Bridge was removed and rebuilt in Arizona?), Tower Bridge, St Paul's Cathedral, The Monument (which you can climb for 5gbp), The Tower of London, HMS Belfast, Millenium Bridge, The Royal Courts of Justice and Temple Church. I took most of the photos on my Canon so don't gave many for now. Oops


I met a lady from Canada who is also here on her own and we were both going to do the Harry Potter tour so we decided to grab lunch on the way to Leicester Square. We ate at a little Greek restaurant but I don't know the name, there wasn't a sign other than good Greek food. It was [emoji4].


The next tour was Harry Potter with JJ, which I took no photos of on my phone apparently so will have to wait to share those. That tour went by several locations that inspired locations in the movies and a couple locations that were filmed for the movies. I never ever would have found most of these places so I'm very happy I took the tour!


Both tours were about 2.5 hours so we covered a lot of ground. Both guides were excellent and are paying for their studies by guiding tours. Most Strawberry Tours are free and you tip the guide at the end the amount you feel appropriate. There is a pub Crawl that is 20gbp on the site or 10 if you buy a ticket from one of the guides.


For dinner I just picked up a sandwich and fresh fruit from a local market to enjoy. I was thinking of doing the Jack the Ripper tour to night but think I'll wait until tomorrow night as I'm beat.


Tomorrow's plan includes the West End and maybe the South bank, though I'm thinking of wandering that on my own rather than doing the tour, then going around on a double decker bus which is part of my Oyster Card. Oh if you will be here for a couple days or more, get an Oyster card. You get discounted rates on the tube and buses and there's a daily cost cap. Bus routes 9 14 15 and 22 are good sight seeing routes. I'm very excited that I'll be having a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory afternoon tea with My friend tomorrow!



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Just came back to the hotel from my walking tours. I finally understand where I'm supposed to be in Victoria station to get close to my hotel. Yay me... no more walking tours by google [emoji23] ohhhhh I saw a young lady On The tube on her own pub crawl ....at 6 pm ...who either thought she was wearing a dress or maybe lost her pants as she had on a somewhat long tshirt and thong panties. We all saw her butt.... several times...Yay for our train. She sounded English but this wasn't the start of her pub crawl so a bit slurred and I can't be sure. There were German tourists taking photos [emoji23] there was a lady yelling at her hubby ,maybe In Russian ? for looking at Ms. Booty. There was one lady From London and she looked like she wasn't amused. Some official got on the train after a couple stops and they ran off. It was like being back in California for a minute [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


What a lovely day! The weather kindly cooperated and I did two walking tours today. I started the day with tea as there is a hot water pot in the room and tea and coffee packs. I dressed in a light weight but long sleeve top with my "Harry Potter" coat and a scarf. I ditched the coat back at the hotel before the first walking tour as the weather was perfect for a lot of walking around.


I went to Giraffe World Kitchen for breakfast. I'd looked into places to eat in the weeks leading up to the trip and It's not far from my hotel and the menu looked amazing. If you find yourself here, the food was awesome. I had not one, but 2 mango lassi smoothies and the blue banana pancake stack which was excellent.


The first walking tour with Strawberry Tours was an East End tour with John which passes Tower Bridge, London Bridge (did you know a previous London Bridge was removed and rebuilt in Arizona?), Tower Bridge, St Paul's Cathedral, The Monument (which you can climb for 5gbp), The Tower of London, HMS Belfast, Millenium Bridge, The Royal Courts of Justice and Temple Church. I took most of the photos on my Canon so don't gave many for now. Oops


I met a lady from Canada who is also here on her own and we were both going to do the Harry Potter tour so we decided to grab lunch on the way to Leicester Square. We ate at a little Greek restaurant but I don't know the name, there wasn't a sign other than good Greek food. It was [emoji4].


The next tour was Harry Potter with JJ, which I took no photos of on my phone apparently so will have to wait to share those. That tour went by several locations that inspired locations in the movies and a couple locations that were filmed for the movies. I never ever would have found most of these places so I'm very happy I took the tour!


Both tours were about 2.5 hours so we covered a lot of ground. Both guides were excellent and are paying for their studies by guiding tours. Most Strawberry Tours are free and you tip the guide at the end the amount you feel appropriate. There is a pub Crawl that is 20gbp on the site or 10 if you buy a ticket from one of the guides.


For dinner I just picked up a sandwich and fresh fruit from a local market to enjoy. I was thinking of doing the Jack the Ripper tour to night but think I'll wait until tomorrow night as I'm beat.


Tomorrow's plan includes the West End and maybe the South bank, though I'm thinking of wandering that on my own rather than doing the tour, then going around on a double decker bus which is part of my Oyster Card. Oh if you will be here for a couple days or more, get an Oyster card. You get discounted rates on the tube and buses and there's a daily cost cap. Bus routes 9 14 15 and 22 are good sight seeing routes. I'm very excited that I'll be having a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory afternoon tea with My friend tomorrow!



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The guy who bought London bridge and had it rebuilt in the States thought he was getting Tower bridge!!!!


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The guy who bought London bridge and had it rebuilt in the States thought he was getting Tower bridge!!!!


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The guide said that but I thought he was kidding [emoji43]



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