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No more Early booking bonus?


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IMHO If Azamara cutbacks and price rises destroy the value proposition, look for another cruise line that offers better. BTW from what I read 'regulars' on almost all cruise lines are feeling the same way, so I don't think the grass is really any greener over there.



Agree with this, especially the point that all cruise lines are going through “adjustments” that may disappoint the regulars.


We have loved the Azamara product and hope that we can continue to do so, but we also haven’t formed some of the deep personal relationships with staff that some posters have enjoyed.


Some years ago, there was considerable concern on this forum (cancellations etc.) that accompanied Azamara’s transition to a more inclusive and thus more expensive model. In several ways that transition did not meet our particular needs, but there were still attractions that brought us back.


Will the new cost structure and entertainment offerings disappoint us? Perhaps.


Will we find compensations for this possible disappointment? Time will tell.


But, as of now, none of the premium or luxury alternatives to Azamara have seized our interest.




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Optimist is probably the wrong word but you do always seem to see Azamara though rose tinted glasses.




It is good to encourage the “marketplace of ideas”; I continue to learn from all viewpoints and hope everyone continues to post their assessments.


And I doubt that there will be a consensus on many of these issues. I’ve sometimes discovered that I hold views on this forum that are certainly not mainstream, and I thank our Host for encouraging that exchange.



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Optimist is probably the wrong word but you do always seem to see Azamara though rose tinted glasses.




I speak as I find. Where I am unhappy I say so. For example In my review of my last cruise I said that we found the included wines were not to our taste and were of a lower quality than they had been previously.



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I speak as I find. Where I am unhappy I say so. For example In my review of my last cruise I said that we found the included wines were not to our taste and were of a lower quality than they had been previously.



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OK Grandma, I also speak as I find and there's nothing wrong with that.

I still love the Azamara onboard product but not at all happy with the way things seem to be going lately.

Only time will tell, I have one more cruise booked then I will bide my time before anything else.

Enjoy your January cruise,


Happy New Year.

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Well said, Grandma. Some here seem to have made complaining their favorite pastime.


Get real, people. Just like it was time to refresh the ships, it's now time to refresh the on-board entertainment.



Well I for one don’t consider that commenting in a range of changes that are being communicated badly constitutes complaining as a pastime.


And I believe I am real!


I have spent a lifetime in work connected with change programmes from the receiving end to the directing end and what I am seeing is an organisation that has issues in how they communicate change. We were taught very early on that the big PR announcement is fine but make sure there is not a communication vacuum. That’s your most dangerous thing and that’s what’s again happening. The second thing is incremental rather than wholesale change can be more effective.


Re Azamara’s track record this year


1. Pursuits- communication issues with what should have been a positive good news story

2. Itinerary changes- not a good story for those affected poor communication exacerbated by over spin of the new exciting itineraries whilst affected guests were still left with a less than good set of options

3. Pricing- Prices have to change. I totally accept that but be realistic, honest, stop window dressing sales and if an offer is going that was a key line on your website header and onboard promotional materials a month ago be up front, communicate that the benefit is being withdrawn- if there is no successor say so. If there is say when you will announce it. That’s how our changes were always handled. Currently this situation is in vacuum territory

4. Entertainment I totally agree refresh was needed Azamara has gone for full scale blitz. Many including those who will be at the sharp end are looking at ideas on paper but from experience have serious concerns. In those situations incremental change may have been wiser. But whatever the scale of change was, it was nothing short of naive to expect silence from the moment they started to share the changes with those affected. The problem is this communication vacuum again. Some official PR was needed saying when the details will be announced. Again incremental teasers help to prepare the ground. Vacuums get filled often with rubbish sometimes with truth. We were always taught manage the vacuum. Azamara don’t do that!

5. LCV benefits- again radio silence on that one. If changes are afoot say so and be honest are they changes that protect the overall “value” at all levels. If not say so, say you want to give wider benefits to all repeat bookers.


Straight forward clear non spun communication is changes bed fellow. Silence is not.

I am an optimist by nature but I’m a realistic optimist. And I will never wear rose coloured glasses.


But I am still concerned about the upcoming changes. I have a cruise right when it’s implemented and one six weeks after so I will give it time to bed in. However from what I know I have significant doubts and that coupled with the per day prices put other lines right up the agenda now. Normally at this time of year four or five Azamara reservations would be made. This year because of the above none are being made. I don’t yet say in time they won’t be made but.......







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Maybe I have been lucky. I have not been affected by any of the above so far.

As far as entertainment changes are concerned, I’m prepared to wait and see what actually happens, but it’s fair to say that the entertainment is not a big part of our cruise enjoyment, so we’re not that worried about potential changes, anyway.

What I find a little surprising is Azamara’s lack of response to the current level of discontent expressed in CC. When they were doing the re-furbishment of the Quest & Journey they listened, as evidenced by the fact that they ditched their plans to turn the sunset bar into an Asian themed restaurant.



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I don't recall Azamara making any announcement about an entertainment change. A "disgruntled" (Floris's word) musician complained to a passenger (poor form, in my opinion) and that's when it was posted here. How could Azamara describe the new entertainment plan when they didn't yet (apparently still don't) have it in place?


Regarding the EBB, there is no obligation to name a successor offer. Decisions on pricing, promotions, and the like, are made based on the market, supply and demand, etc. When Azamara senses the need for a new offer to juice sales, they'll announce it. I am told bookings are at an all-time high.

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I regard myself as more of a casual Azamara customer, droppingin when a good price appears as it did a few months ago. I receive regular emailsfrom Azamara and regard the communication as good (probably my British understatement). The addition of Pursuit was well marketed. WouldI have expected Azamara to have publicised more the changes that have occurred thathave been commented upon recently; probably not. As someone who picks up on offerswhen they are available, to me these proposed changes are not deal breakers. Iam looking forward to my next Azamara trip and if honest I found things like themusic offering on my last Azamara trip (about a year ago) not too inspiring soI for one will look forward to seeing what’s on offer this time. I do not know if I consider myself to beAzamara’s target customer as I’m probably too price sensitive so I willcontinue to seek value where I think I can find it. Azamara is still on my watch list along withother (small ship) cruise providers. Fluid pricing is here to stay and I think it provides good opportunitiesfor the price savvy cruiser.

Happy cruising.

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I don't recall Azamara making any announcement about an entertainment change. A "disgruntled" (Floris's word) musician complained to a passenger (poor form, in my opinion) and that's when it was posted here. How could Azamara describe the new entertainment plan when they didn't yet (apparently still don't) have it in place?




Regarding the EBB, there is no obligation to name a successor offer. Decisions on pricing, promotions, and the like, are made based on the market, supply and demand, etc. When Azamara senses the need for a new offer to juice sales, they'll announce it. I am told bookings are at an all-time high.




Thank you for you contribution to the thread, discussion is healthy however you have your ‘take’ on this topic and I have mine. They know what is happening entertainment wise. It will be interesting to see the outcome and I’ll happily apologise if my ‘take’ is wrong. However my heart is telling me otherwise.



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It is good to encourage the “marketplace of ideas”; I continue to learn from all viewpoints and hope everyone continues to post their assessments.


And I doubt that there will be a consensus on many of these issues. I’ve sometimes discovered that I hold views on this forum that are certainly not mainstream, and I thank our Host for encouraging that exchange.


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Nicely said, nordski. I know I very much appreciate our Host and her diplomatic moderation of this forum.

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Well I for one don’t consider that commenting in a range of changes that are being communicated badly constitutes complaining as a pastime.


And I believe I am real!


I have spent a lifetime in work connected with change programmes from the receiving end to the directing end and what I am seeing is an organisation that has issues in how they communicate change. We were taught very early on that the big PR announcement is fine but make sure there is not a communication vacuum. That’s your most dangerous thing and that’s what’s again happening. The second thing is incremental rather than wholesale change can be more effective.


Re Azamara’s track record this year


1. Pursuits- communication issues with what should have been a positive good news story

2. Itinerary changes- not a good story for those affected poor communication exacerbated by over spin of the new exciting itineraries whilst affected guests were still left with a less than good set of options

3. Pricing- Prices have to change. I totally accept that but be realistic, honest, stop window dressing sales and if an offer is going that was a key line on your website header and onboard promotional materials a month ago be up front, communicate that the benefit is being withdrawn- if there is no successor say so. If there is say when you will announce it. That’s how our changes were always handled. Currently this situation is in vacuum territory

4. Entertainment I totally agree refresh was needed Azamara has gone for full scale blitz. Many including those who will be at the sharp end are looking at ideas on paper but from experience have serious concerns. In those situations incremental change may have been wiser. But whatever the scale of change was, it was nothing short of naive to expect silence from the moment they started to share the changes with those affected. The problem is this communication vacuum again. Some official PR was needed saying when the details will be announced. Again incremental teasers help to prepare the ground. Vacuums get filled often with rubbish sometimes with truth. We were always taught manage the vacuum. Azamara don’t do that!

5. LCV benefits- again radio silence on that one. If changes are afoot say so and be honest are they changes that protect the overall “value” at all levels. If not say so, say you want to give wider benefits to all repeat bookers.


Straight forward clear non spun communication is changes bed fellow. Silence is not.

I am an optimist by nature but I’m a realistic optimist. And I will never wear rose coloured glasses.


But I am still concerned about the upcoming changes. I have a cruise right when it’s implemented and one six weeks after so I will give it time to bed in. However from what I know I have significant doubts and that coupled with the per day prices put other lines right up the agenda now. Normally at this time of year four or five Azamara reservations would be made. This year because of the above none are being made. I don’t yet say in time they won’t be made but.......

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I understand the messaging around the termination of the Early Booking Bonus began 11/10/17 and ran for one month to the trade, onboard guests and LCV members. The headline was "Last chance to take advantage of our Early Booking Bonus." It officially ended 12/10/17.

To my knowledge there are no plans to replace it at this time, and from scuttlebutt I've gathered it was not particularly effective in the main.


But that said, I will pass along this thread to upper management. We all appreciate the feedback we receive from this Cruise Critic community. And when someone, such as uktog, takes the time to put into words a comprehension overview from the loyalist's POV, it certainly deserves to be read by those in charge. Thank you from all of us.

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Ann, you have so eloquently put what many of us are feeling about recent Azamara issues. I won't repeat what you have said so well but I share your concerns about the way our favourite cruise line is heading. We too are holding back on booking for next year, other than the Quest B2B we booked onboard in June.


As for other comments on this thread....and I'm sure we all know who from....they are the ones who are uninformed. Many of the current Ents Staff are involved, not just one or two and they are all very sad ....not merely "disgruntled" at losing their Azamara family.


No one objects to change either, as long as it's a positive change. We all can agree that the cabaret shows needed to be revamped, but we really don't want to lose the live music in Spirits Bar or The Living Room. The Ents Staff have known this change was coming since last May, so it's not a surprise to them but I suppose we all hoped some of the changes may be rethought.


I'm told Eric's last Christmas Pantomime on Journey was a "cracker"! Loved the pix on FB.







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I don't recall Azamara making any announcement about an entertainment change. A "disgruntled" (Floris's word) musician complained to a passenger (poor form, in my opinion) and that's when it was posted here. How could Azamara describe the new entertainment plan when they didn't yet (apparently still don't) have it in place?




Regarding the EBB, there is no obligation to name a successor offer. Decisions on pricing, promotions, and the like, are made based on the market, supply and demand, etc. When Azamara senses the need for a new offer to juice sales, they'll announce it. I am told bookings are at an all-time high.




My views are based on information from a fully informed Miami based employee not a disgruntled musician. The musicians and staff onboard are behaving as the professionals they are though it’s widely known things like the Christmas show was its last performance because of changes afoot. Trouble is the rumours about what’s coming or not are rife and unhelpful but inevitable when staff cannot give an answer other than wait and see.


If you read my post I did not say there had to be a communication of a new offer. I believe if Azamara truly values social media they could position messages on forums like this and if that message is there will be no incentive so be it.


My view bottom line is that their customer communications are weak remains I thoroughly enjoy the onboard experiences but I cannot be blinkered to their communication failures.



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I am very much in synch with how Ann feels but also see a certain level of uniformed reaction on the thread.


Here is my summary of the thread.


Some generally accepted "facts":

1. There will be some entertainment changes, almost certainly new production shows

2. There will probably be some changes in the live music

3. There is a trial underway on potential changes to on-board booking benefits

4. The trial is skewed to supporting a customer preference for the new program (OK, this is not so much a fact as gernerally accepted on this thread as true based on how it is publicized on board)

5. The EBB went away in December

6. Azamara doesn't value loyalty

7. Azamara's communication skills are too frequently poor (Pursuit pricing fiasco and follow up comes immediately to mind)


Several people are still complaining that there will be no more live entertainment even though Bonnie has said at least twice that there WILL be. To my memory Bonnie has never lied and has quickly updated us when she was given erroneous information. I, for one, will accept Bonnie's assurance as a fact before any on-board or Miami-based employee other than Nicole Lukas or Larry PImentel until she suddenly becomes unreliable (and I don't expect that to happen).


Others are convinced that the LCV discount is gone, but I am willing to wait and see before I consider it a done deal.


While I am firmly on the side of Azmara's pricing reaching a point where I am less likely to book with them, I recognize that a business exists to make money.


I consider myself to be a pretty savvy consumer and I look at the product Azamara delivers rather simply. If the totality of the actual cruise, food, service, ambiance and amenities (inclusions such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, enterainment, specialy restaurants, etc.) sums up to be what I consider value for my money, I am a customer. I don't care if it is all-inclusive or added piecemeal, or even as ala carte selections; if the total product is worth it (to me) then I'm good. If not, I'll look elsewhere. What I won't do is get offended by business practices.


Most people don't seem to realize that the power is in our hands. Azamara (and every well-run business) does what they do in order to get more customers while maintaing a reasonable margin of profit. They really don't care if the butts-in-the-bed are repeaters or new as long as they are there and spending money. If they try something that drives repeat customers away, we'll leave. If those actions don't attract enough new customers to offset the loss, they'll try something else.


But at the current price point, even with the LCV perks, there has to be some kind of promotion to keep my business. That's why the cruise we have booked in 2018 and the two in 2019 are all that are in my plans. Without both the on-board LCV discount and a combinable promotion, the bottom line value is not there for me. I am sad about that prospect, but I don't feel violated or disrespected. And Azamara shouldn't have those feelings if I don't come back. It's all about the money on both sides.


Loyalty in the business world is over-rated (and probably poorly named). Loyalty programs are simply one tool to grow the business and they are not a "right" nor an entitlement. I appreciate any benefits that come my way must accept them only as an inducement to gain my business. If we leave Azamara because they took away something they had been giving us as an extra, then we are not really loyal, are we?

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I am very much in synch with how Ann feels but also see a certain level of uniformed reaction on the thread.


Here is my summary of the thread.


Some generally accepted "facts":

1. There will be some entertainment changes, almost certainly new production shows

2. There will probably be some changes in the live music

3. There is a trial underway on potential changes to on-board booking benefits

4. The trial is skewed to supporting a customer preference for the new program (OK, this is not so much a fact as gernerally accepted on this thread as true based on how it is publicized on board)

5. The EBB went away in December

6. Azamara doesn't value loyalty

7. Azamara's communication skills are too frequently poor (Pursuit pricing fiasco and follow up comes immediately to mind)


Several people are still complaining that there will be no more live entertainment even though Bonnie has said at least twice that there WILL be. To my memory Bonnie has never lied and has quickly updated us when she was given erroneous information. I, for one, will accept Bonnie's assurance as a fact before any on-board or Miami-based employee other than Nicole Lukas or Larry PImentel until she suddenly becomes unreliable (and I don't expect that to happen).


Others are convinced that the LCV discount is gone, but I am willing to wait and see before I consider it a done deal.


While I am firmly on the side of Azmara's pricing reaching a point where I am less likely to book with them, I recognize that a business exists to make money.


I consider myself to be a pretty savvy consumer and I look at the product Azamara delivers rather simply. If the totality of the actual cruise, food, service, ambiance and amenities (inclusions such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, enterainment, specialy restaurants, etc.) sums up to be what I consider value for my money, I am a customer. I don't care if it is all-inclusive or added piecemeal, or even as ala carte selections; if the total product is worth it (to me) then I'm good. If not, I'll look elsewhere. What I won't do is get offended by business practices.


Most people don't seem to realize that the power is in our hands. Azamara (and every well-run business) does what they do in order to get more customers while maintaing a reasonable margin of profit. They really don't care if the butts-in-the-bed are repeaters or new as long as they are there and spending money. If they try something that drives repeat customers away, we'll leave. If those actions don't attract enough new customers to offset the loss, they'll try something else.


But at the current price point, even with the LCV perks, there has to be some kind of promotion to keep my business. That's why the cruise we have booked in 2018 and the two in 2019 are all that are in my plans. Without both the on-board LCV discount and a combinable promotion, the bottom line value is not there for me. I am sad about that prospect, but I don't feel violated or disrespected. And Azamara shouldn't have those feelings if I don't come back. It's all about the money on both sides.


Loyalty in the business world is over-rated (and probably poorly named). Loyalty programs are simply one tool to grow the business and they are not a "right" nor an entitlement. I appreciate any benefits that come my way must accept them only as an inducement to gain my business. If we leave Azamara because they took away something they had been giving us as an extra, then we are not really loyal, are we?


Here here finally someone that said what I think.


For me it not so much about the cost (and I am by no means rich) but more about the itineray and the service. Since I have yet to be on an Azamara ship the thing that sticks in my craw the most is the inability to have a useful web site that actually can be used. Plus their screwing around with cruises and cancelling them. That scares the crap out of me.


Who knows maybe after this cruise I will want to do Anatartica which is one thing I have not done. It will be most about the experience.

Guess I will find out in April/May



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I am very much in synch with how Ann feels but also see a certain level of uniformed reaction on the thread.


Here is my summary of the thread.


Some generally accepted "facts":

1. There will be some entertainment changes, almost certainly new production shows

2. There will probably be some changes in the live music

3. There is a trial underway on potential changes to on-board booking benefits

4. The trial is skewed to supporting a customer preference for the new program (OK, this is not so much a fact as gernerally accepted on this thread as true based on how it is publicized on board)

5. The EBB went away in December

6. Azamara doesn't value loyalty

7. Azamara's communication skills are too frequently poor (Pursuit pricing fiasco and follow up comes immediately to mind)


Several people are still complaining that there will be no more live entertainment even though Bonnie has said at least twice that there WILL be. To my memory Bonnie has never lied and has quickly updated us when she was given erroneous information. I, for one, will accept Bonnie's assurance as a fact before any on-board or Miami-based employee other than Nicole Lukas or Larry PImentel until she suddenly becomes unreliable (and I don't expect that to happen).


Others are convinced that the LCV discount is gone, but I am willing to wait and see before I consider it a done deal.


While I am firmly on the side of Azmara's pricing reaching a point where I am less likely to book with them, I recognize that a business exists to make money.


I consider myself to be a pretty savvy consumer and I look at the product Azamara delivers rather simply. If the totality of the actual cruise, food, service, ambiance and amenities (inclusions such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, enterainment, specialy restaurants, etc.) sums up to be what I consider value for my money, I am a customer. I don't care if it is all-inclusive or added piecemeal, or even as ala carte selections; if the total product is worth it (to me) then I'm good. If not, I'll look elsewhere. What I won't do is get offended by business practices.


Most people don't seem to realize that the power is in our hands. Azamara (and every well-run business) does what they do in order to get more customers while maintaing a reasonable margin of profit. They really don't care if the butts-in-the-bed are repeaters or new as long as they are there and spending money. If they try something that drives repeat customers away, we'll leave. If those actions don't attract enough new customers to offset the loss, they'll try something else.


But at the current price point, even with the LCV perks, there has to be some kind of promotion to keep my business. That's why the cruise we have booked in 2018 and the two in 2019 are all that are in my plans. Without both the on-board LCV discount and a combinable promotion, the bottom line value is not there for me. I am sad about that prospect, but I don't feel violated or disrespected. And Azamara shouldn't have those feelings if I don't come back. It's all about the money on both sides.


Loyalty in the business world is over-rated (and probably poorly named). Loyalty programs are simply one tool to grow the business and they are not a "right" nor an entitlement. I appreciate any benefits that come my way must accept them only as an inducement to gain my business. If we leave Azamara because they took away something they had been giving us as an extra, then we are not really loyal, are we?


There's a lot of meat to chew on here! Unsurprisingly, I agree with most, except your point #6. We DO appreciate loyalty. Where would we be without those of you who have sailed multiple times and have spread the word about our little cruise line?!!

I am very sorry the perception exists with some that we don't value loyalty.

While I won't comment on all your comments, I thank you for the trust you have in me. I hope to never disappoint any of you.

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There's a lot of meat to chew on here! Unsurprisingly, I agree with most, except your point #6. We DO appreciate loyalty. Where would we be without those of you who have sailed multiple times and have spread the word about our little cruise line?!!

I am very sorry the perception exists with some that we don't value loyalty.

While I won't comment on all your comments, I thank you for the trust you have in me. I hope to never disappoint any of you.



My list of generally accepted facts referred to what apprears to be a consensus on the thread (that's why facts was in quotes).


My personal opinion is that Azamara, like most businesses, does, indeed value repeat customers but they show it in different ways. Frankly, for those who sail in even the lowest suites, the LCV benefits are essentially meaningless unless more than half of points are earned on Azamara (only about 30% of my 3,600 points are on Azamara, in the last two years it has been almost 60% Azamara). So , what is obviously the best benefit does me no good. If the LCV booking on board discount goes away (which is definitely the assumption for the majority of posters here), then I get nothing of worth at all from the LCV since we book CC cabins and our trend of 2-3 cruises/year on Azamara will likely end after the three we have booked.


My wife and I love the Azamara experience but, truthfully, the extra cost over Celebrity is not worth paying full price and we have friends who are constantly telling us that Oceania (which we have one good cruise experience with) and Regent provide more value.


Celebrity rewards their top level loyalty club members with unlimted internet and laundry, premium drinks and more, regardless of cabin category booked. On the surface, it sure looks like they place a much higher value on extreme loyalty.


I really prefer to stick with Azamara, but I have to make a valuation judgement just like corporate does. If, by some means (sales, price reductions, etc.) the price I have to pay meets my standard of value then I will happily stay a customer. If it doesn't, then I will, reluctantly, look elsewhere.

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Note that on another thread headed “LCV Changes” uktog says that she is onboard now and the LCV discount is being offered with no alternative. It looks as if the trial is over and Azamara has gone back to offering only the LCV discount for booking onboard.



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Note that on another thread headed “LCV Changes” uktog says that she is onboard now and the LCV discount is being offered with no alternative. It looks as if the trial is over and Azamara has gone back to offering only the LCV

discount for booking onboard.



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Now who is making assumptions,

Have we heard from Azamara on this point..

I do hope that it is a correct assumption.

The trial may be over but is the jury still out?.

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Note that on another thread headed “LCV Changes” uktog says that she is onboard now and the LCV discount is being offered with no alternative. It looks as if the trial is over and Azamara has gone back to offering only the LCV discount for booking onboard.



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I don’t think you can assume it’s back to status quo permanently, just that the existing benefits are the offer at present.



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Azamara is a business. They aim to sail their ships full at the highest possible price point with the least possible perks, freebies, discounts, etc. Prices will continue to go up and perks will continue to get less as long as there are (new) customers willing to buy. And there are - Azamara’s occupancy has never been higher than in 2017.

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Azamara is a business. They aim to sail their ships full at the highest possible price point with the least possible perks, freebies, discounts, etc. Prices will continue to go up and perks will continue to get less as long as there are (new) customers willing to buy. And there are - Azamara’s occupancy has never been higher than in 2017.

Floris, I do agree. It's just that Azamara have increased their prices so much of late. With the idea of giving the impression that once they drop back that we are getting a bargain. Many of us know the score though. I will just wait and see. I really believe they are pushing the occupancy levels too far to see what they can get away with. As I said, we will see.



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