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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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5 hours ago, slidergirl said:

It is online - the Arlo.  I got it with the grey band.  I didn't like the upturned brim, so the sales person steamed it to shape it to how I wanted it - more flat.  

I did resist the urge to take advantage of the Mother's Day 50% off second hat offer.  I spent enough.  But, there was a grey Scottie that was screaming my name.  The sales folks had decked out that with really cool hatbands, buttons, pins and feathers, so it was going to be even more.  Sigh.  


TJ's - I really like that chicken arugula salad.  I also get the bagged lemony arugula basil salad kit.  I'll pop a nice burrata on it and drizzle with balsamic.   I'll have to give the jalapeno limeade a try next time.  What were you looking for that they didn't have?   


pleasant surprise last night:  CNN replayed all of last season's Stanley episodes.  I was up until 1am watching them.   Looking at the schedule for tonight, they will replay this season's Venice episode AFTER the new one and the new Nomad series.   So, load up on your snacks!!



Cute hat!  


At TJ's I was looking for the chocolate Bamba snacks that are supposed to be new (and good!) and also was disappointed in their soup selection (may have been my fault for doing on a Saturday late afternoon when things were probably not fully stocked....). I am having my summer craving for gazpacho in all its varieties. 


One other thing I forgot to mention that was new to me is a basil-lemon bowtie pasta salad with some grated cheese. I got one to try and am going to have it tonight for a light dinner with a bit of leftover rotisserie chicken. 


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4 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


Cute hat!  


At TJ's I was looking for the chocolate Bamba snacks that are supposed to be new (and good!) and also was disappointed in their soup selection (may have been my fault for doing on a Saturday late afternoon when things were probably not fully stocked....). I am having my summer craving for gazpacho in all its varieties. 


One other thing I forgot to mention that was new to me is a basil-lemon bowtie pasta salad with some grated cheese. I got one to try and am going to have it tonight for a light dinner with a bit of leftover rotisserie chicken. 


My TJ's only had a few containers of the Tomato Feta soup, so I think it may be a nationwide shortage issue.  That bowtie salad is good, too.  Never had Bamba - what is it?


After watching Stanley tonight:  I'd take a train from Bologna to Torino for that Bicerin.  But a huge NO on the veal testicles.  I"ve had Rocky Mt. Oysters, and ox balls, but something about a baby cow...

My giadujotto was yummy.  The torrone was sublime.  I couldn't afford any of the 4 Barolo the state store had, so I settled for a nice little Barbera.    

Next week is set in Umbria, I think.  First thing that came to my mind was the porchetta sandwich that I had in Orvieto.  Don't think I'll find that around here, so maybe try a riff on it with a boneless pork chop wrapped in bacon with the herbs between them.  As meager as the Piedmont wines were at the state store, I can't imagine anything from Umbria being offered.  But, I'll look 😉

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Good morning.......have my Dr's appt today..........hoping for good results.


As for Stanley, I just love him🙂 and I loved the wine part too.....the gal who had just turned 30 and her vineyards.........SHE ROCKS! 

And the last segment.........up in the mountains, wow......it looked pretty spectaculor!  Oh and the first segment....that coffee drink..........I will have one please😃

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9 hours ago, slidergirl said:

After watching Stanley tonight:  I'd take a train from Bologna to Torino for that Bicerin.


24 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Oh and the first segment....that coffee drink..........I will have one please😃


Why oh why do I not have a place to get one of these???  Wouldn't it be great to wake up in the morning and stroll to your neighborhood bar (in the Italian sense), waiting patiently at a little table in the sun while someone does the hard work of assembling my bicerin?

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9 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Next week is set in Umbria, I think.  First thing that came to my mind was the porchetta sandwich that I had in Orvieto.  Don't think I'll find that around here, so maybe try a riff on it with a boneless pork chop wrapped in bacon with the herbs between them.  As meager as the Piedmont wines were at the state store, I can't imagine anything from Umbria being offered.  But, I'll look 😉


Yessss, porchetta. Both in Umbria and Lazio an excellent choice.


Chocolate is also a good choice -- when I was in Perugia a few years ago, they were having a huge local chocolate festival (sponsored by none other than local giant Perugina).  Stand after stand down the main street of chocolate treats. Lots of them also with pistachios or hazelnuts.


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Lois, good luck at the doctor 


I've been having migraines from our incessant wind (it’s never been as bad here). Really warm here too. I love the warmth, but we so need some moisture. Our ac is running all the time ( really unusual to have it on this early). 

for those of you that love a good hard cheese, try the Cabernet cheese block at Costco. We had it yesterday at our oldest daughters on a multigrain cracker with our younger daughter homemade blueberry jam. Really good


Kat, have you tried Silk & Spice red blend?  It’s very smooth, especially for an $11 bottle of wine. Melody


Edited by awhfy
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Yay Lois!!!!  Time to rock 'n roll!!!  


Melody - I've not seen that wine.  But, not unexpected from my little state store.  I see that it's from Portugal, so I'll have to look closely at the 1/2 aisle of Portuguese at the larger store downtown...  Sorry 'bout the migraines.  Do you get them with the changes in weather?  This time of year can't be good for it. 


I remember someone always bringing Baci candies to the office Christmas party - the little balls of goodness wrapped in the silver paper with blue stars...  I'll have to see if I can find ONE somewhere, maybe World Market, as I sure don't want to buy a whole bag!!!

I started wondering if I could do a faux Bicerin at work with our coffee machine;  first do an espresso shot, then a shot of cocoa (our machine can do that!), then bring in a can of Ready whip and top it!  


FREAKIN' SNOW!!!  I sat outside yesterday afternoon in a Tshirt and leggings, chilling to Postmodern Jukebox.  Lovely time.  Come last night, during Stanley, it starts to snow!!! Woke up this morning with all my trees covered in snow.   Looks like maybe 3 inches sitting on my fence/measureing stick.  This time of year is not my favorite.  


note: if you are into the overalls/coveralls trend, go hit up Faherty (again).  That's where I go my faded striped jeans overalls.  Well, they now have a pair in linen, perfect for Summer.  The color is a little too blue in the stripes for me, but if you like blue, they'd be perfect.  


OOTD:  sweat capris and a Tshirt.  not going anywhere today. 

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1 hour ago, slidergirl said:

Yay Lois!!!!  Time to rock 'n roll!!!  


Melody - I've not seen that wine.  But, not unexpected from my little state store.  I see that it's from Portugal, so I'll have to look closely at the 1/2 aisle of Portuguese at the larger store downtown...  Sorry 'bout the migraines.  Do you get them with the changes in weather?  This time of year can't be good for it. 


I remember someone always bringing Baci candies to the office Christmas party - the little balls of goodness wrapped in the silver paper with blue stars...  I'll have to see if I can find ONE somewhere, maybe World Market, as I sure don't want to buy a whole bag!!!

I started wondering if I could do a faux Bicerin at work with our coffee machine;  first do an espresso shot, then a shot of cocoa (our machine can do that!), then bring in a can of Ready whip and top it!  


FREAKIN' SNOW!!!  I sat outside yesterday afternoon in a Tshirt and leggings, chilling to Postmodern Jukebox.  Lovely time.  Come last night, during Stanley, it starts to snow!!! Woke up this morning with all my trees covered in snow.   Looks like maybe 3 inches sitting on my fence/measureing stick.  This time of year is not my favorite.  


note: if you are into the overalls/coveralls trend, go hit up Faherty (again).  That's where I go my faded striped jeans overalls.  Well, they now have a pair in linen, perfect for Summer.  The color is a little too blue in the stripes for me, but if you like blue, they'd be perfect.  


OOTD:  sweat capris and a Tshirt.  not going anywhere today. 

Check Ebay --- there's a bunch of Isha dresses.


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Hi Ladies, I have some free wifi, so I am dropping in 🙂.  First off, Lois, congrats!  I am so happy that everything looks good 🙂 


Rome is having glorious weather,  honestly I am spending most of my time at the rooftop pool at our hotel, the views of Rome are wonderful, & the mimosas are delicious.....It feels like we are on a honeymoon to be so lazy, but this is what I can manage, & I'm enjoying myself so much.   In the early evening we go out for some pasta & salad in a sidewalk cafe...  My husband goes running each morning through the city & brings back wonderful photos for me....  just having a lovely, relaxing time 🙂








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1 hour ago, cruise kitty said:

Hi Ladies, I have some free wifi, so I am dropping in 🙂.  First off, Lois, congrats!  I am so happy that everything looks good 🙂 


Rome is having glorious weather,  honestly I am spending most of my time at the rooftop pool at our hotel, the views of Rome are wonderful, & the mimosas are delicious.....It feels like we are on a honeymoon to be so lazy, but this is what I can manage, & I'm enjoying myself so much.   In the early evening we go out for some pasta & salad in a sidewalk cafe...  My husband goes running each morning through the city & brings back wonderful photos for me....  just having a lovely, relaxing time 🙂









LOVE that you are enjoying Rome!  You look cool and relaxed.


I hope your adventures will stretch to some gelato as well. 😉

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17 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


LOVE that you are enjoying Rome!  You look cool and relaxed.


I hope your adventures will stretch to some gelato as well. 😉

thank you!  I am eating sooo much gelato 😉 I've had the very good, & so-so....  & it's all wonderful !

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4 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

adding a photo of my Rome fashion ( on topic)



IMG_1571 2.jpeg

LOVE the hat!  

So good to hear that the weather is cooperating to give you a wonderful time in Rome!  Wine and gelato - the meal of champions!!  


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We spent the day yesterday ready to evacuate because of fires in Colorado Springs. Closest they came to us was 3 miles. We had sustained winds at 40mph & gusts to 80mph, humidity was less than 5% & temperatures in the 80s. Today looks like more of the same. We badly need some rain, day 102 without moisture!!  Melody

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3 hours ago, awhfy said:

We spent the day yesterday ready to evacuate because of fires in Colorado Springs. Closest they came to us was 3 miles. We had sustained winds at 40mph & gusts to 80mph, humidity was less than 5% & temperatures in the 80s. Today looks like more of the same. We badly need some rain, day 102 without moisture!!  Melody


Terrible news. 😔  I hope the fires stay away from you. Seems like every year these fires start earlier and are more devastating. I imagine the air quality is pretty bad?

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Melody - I didn't realize the fires around you were so dire.  That weather is definitely red flag weather!  Stay vigilant.  I wish we had some rainy weather to send your way, but it seems to go around you.  I have a BFF who lives in SoCa - she is about 3 miles from where the Coastal Fire is burning (as of yesterday).  She also is ready to evacuate.  It's scary for so many people in the West right now - New mexico, Arizona, Colorado, California.   I have a feeling that it is going to be a horrible fire season this year.  


An interesting little tidbit of advertising:  I received a Faherty catalog in the mail yesterday.  That's the one that has the Ischa dress.  Well, cruising through the catalog, I see several cute summer hats.  I look at the details and see that one is from Gigi Pip - the brown Isla!   


OOTD;  have to do a prescription run today to 2 places, so I have to get out of my nasty sweats.   Cool and a little windy (46 but wind makes it feel 42), so probably a long sleeve T and my overalls.  

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Hi girls, Melody, hoping you stay safe. I saw a story on the news about the CA fires but didn't realize how close to you they have come as well.  

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Melody - I went hunting for that Portuguese wine.  Not even 1/2 an aisle of Portuguese wine in the 3 stores I checked.  3 bottles of Duoro red and none were the label you gave.  I was also looking for a white Unbrian wine but noooooo.  I even tried the state wine store down in the valley.  Sigh.  

Since I was down in the Valley and the wine store was a mile from TJ's, I went in.  it's the one i didn't go to the other day so i figured they may have some things available that the downtown one didn't have.  There were a few more things.  i got a baby pork tenderloin to make a faux porchetta for Sunday with Stanley.  Picked up a few more salads.  Cynthia - they had those Bambas you talked about.  puffed corn & peanut butter with a hazelnut filling,  they look like those peanut butter-filled pretzel bits.  I'll give my opinion on then when I taste them.  


I did wear my overalls and a long sleeve T - it was perfect for the weather.

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15 minutes ago, slidergirl said:

Cynthia - they had those Bambas you talked about.  puffed corn & peanut butter with a hazelnut filling,  they look like those peanut butter-filled pretzel bits.  I'll give my opinion on then when I taste them.  


I was introduced to Bamba when I was in Israel. Someone I'd "met" through these boards volunteered to meet me at my hotel in Jerusalem and walk me through the very colorful and interesting Mahane Yehuda Market. As locals, she and her husband shopped there and made sure I got tastes of everything good (and plenty of small bits to take with me, as I was going to be in country for a number of days....). They even knew where there was an overlook above the market where you could look down on the scene and take terrific photos.


At any rate, at some point I learned about these snacks from her, apparently they are an Israeli national treasure of sorts. It was even considered a war-time essential! 


Bamba, the peanut-flavored snack food, a wartime essential? Indeed - on March 27, 2003, the Knesset declared Bamba a vital staple food, meaning that workers at the Bamba factory in Holon would receive call-up orders to produce Bamba, just like soldiers. "We see the Bamba factory as vital, just like a bakery," said then-Labor Ministry official Nahum Eido.


The regular ones taste sort of like if a cheese-puff was made with peanut butter. It's considered a healthy snack for young kids -- and interestingly studies have shown that introducing kids to peanut items early in life reduces the risks of them developing a peanut allergy later on.


TJs imports theirs from the original maker in Israel. I've only ever had the original flavor. They're the kind of thing that is all too easy to keep eating!

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