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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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45 minutes ago, P&O SUE said:

Honestly no! I may have worn comfy trousers and not washed my hair but I always get dressed! When I was made redundant last year there were a few days when I got up much later but I always found having a shower and getting dressed made me feel better so I forced myself up!

On lates today (1-6).

Some days are harder than others now. I've found that the best way for me to get through is to not let myself get onto a rut. So I continue as I've always done before this lockdown.  Get up, shower, dress, take morning meds, get the porridge ready for cooking and sit down with a coffee. Routine helps me. I can't understand why I'm finding it so difficult though . I only went out once a week into town. Many others are used to 5 or 6  days plus evenings.


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2 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

 I can't understand why I'm finding it so difficult though . I only went out once a week into town. Many others are used to 5 or 6  days plus evenings.


Because although you didn't go out much, you knew you could if you wanted? I miss popping down to Sainsbury's more than anything, deeply sad I know.

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25 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Some days are harder than others now. I've found that the best way for me to get through is to not let myself get onto a rut. So I continue as I've always done before this lockdown.  Get up, shower, dress, take morning meds, get the porridge ready for cooking and sit down with a coffee. Routine helps me. I can't understand why I'm finding it so difficult though . I only went out once a week into town. Many others are used to 5 or 6  days plus evenings.


Perhaps you are a teenager at heart Avril...

On my walk yesterday, I encountered groups of them... 

Before lockdown, you couldn't get a teenager away from the PlayStation, now they are everywhere.. 


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28 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Some days are harder than others now. I've found that the best way for me to get through is to not let myself get onto a rut. So I continue as I've always done before this lockdown.  Get up, shower, dress, take morning meds, get the porridge ready for cooking and sit down with a coffee. Routine helps me. I can't understand why I'm finding it so difficult though . I only went out once a week into town. Many others are used to 5 or 6  days plus evenings.



As Annie says - you could if you want to!

I miss popping in and out of several shops just getting one or two bits in each! It’s too much effort to queue up for the one thing I couldn’t get in my main shop.


I’ve  started ordering some bits online! I ordered some clothes for my grandson from Asda and I’ve just got the email notification it’s coming today between 12-2. As I start work at 1 today I’m  hoping it comes in the first hour!

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Since retirement I've had a regular Asda online delivery. Being as neither of us can drive anymore we had to use a taxi at a cost of £7 each week, and my monthly delivery pass is only £5 so it's all good. I used to meet up with my friend for lunch and a natter and a bit of shopping and that's what I'm missing. We facetime but it's not the same. The irony is, I never went out more than once a week, except for the occasional dentist or doctor's appointment, but now I can't go out, I want to go out more often.😆


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My workload has increased 4/5-fold during the crisis and I'm both working from home and from "other "premises, and am doing around 10-12 hour days.  Instead of kindly, reassuring face to face meetings, everything is having to be done by phone or email, which is so hard.  I'm trying not to say what I do - its a real downer, and I will admit that I am struggling to cope with the emotional impact of all the government restrictions placed on my trade, and the upset it causes.  


However, I awarded myself an early finish just now, and we're having an Indian takeaway box from this new place that'll be opening in a few minutes called "The Fridge", its a beautiful evening, here,  might eat outside. 


If you can, stay at home and stay safe.

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2 minutes ago, Cruiserjules said:

My workload has increased 4/5-fold during the crisis and I'm both working from home and from "other "premises, and am doing around 10-12 hour days.  Instead of kindly, reassuring face to face meetings, everything is having to be done by phone or email, which is so hard.  I'm trying not to say what I do - its a real downer, and I will admit that I am struggling to cope with the emotional impact of all the government restrictions placed on my trade, and the upset it causes.  


However, I awarded myself an early finish just now, and we're having an Indian takeaway box from this new place that'll be opening in a few minutes called "The Fridge", its a beautiful evening, here,  might eat outside. 


If you can, stay at home and stay safe.

Enjoy your curry... You have earnt it. 

We all do what we have to do, so stay safe. 



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28 minutes ago, Cruiserjules said:

My workload has increased 4/5-fold during the crisis and I'm both working from home and from "other "premises, and am doing around 10-12 hour days.  Instead of kindly, reassuring face to face meetings, everything is having to be done by phone or email, which is so hard.  I'm trying not to say what I do - its a real downer, and I will admit that I am struggling to cope with the emotional impact of all the government restrictions placed on my trade, and the upset it causes.  


However, I awarded myself an early finish just now, and we're having an Indian takeaway box from this new place that'll be opening in a few minutes called "The Fridge", its a beautiful evening, here,  might eat outside. 


If you can, stay at home and stay safe.

Hope you take away has a bottle or two of Cobra beer. Sounds like you need it.


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Today is another glorious day here in Worcester, the sun in shining, I am working  just for a while, and Dave is "contructing" a petrol glugger (petrol pump) for our four year old grandson.  Luckily one of my places of work is only half a mile from their house, so I can (almost) legitimately deliver it on Monday. 


Indian takeaway box from Tesco's - highly recommended.  


Hope everyone has a good day x


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My wifes mother past away last weekend in a local care home (93yrs) , old age/frailty on death certificate , as you can imagine all the arrangements for Registering death/Funeral etc were carried out on the phone on Monday with the minimum of distress and fuss .

The burial was yesterday (Friday) , we just had 6 family members present plus 3 grandchildren , it was glorious sunny day at Glossop Cemetery and we decided no service at the graveside just ourself saying our own goodbyes .

We have attended many funerals under normal conditions and most to some extent were very emotional and difficult to bear but this was different .

Although a few tears were shed , we all felt full of happiness as it was so informal and personal and the 1st time we had seen one of our sons and 2 grandchildren since just before the lockdown .

The funeral staff knew us personally and it felt a real family affair , mother in law didn't want ant fuss so it was perfect .


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36 minutes ago, JB9302 said:

My wifes mother past away last weekend in a local care home (93yrs) , old age/frailty on death certificate , as you can imagine all the arrangements for Registering death/Funeral etc were carried out on the phone on Monday with the minimum of distress and fuss .

The burial was yesterday (Friday) , we just had 6 family members present plus 3 grandchildren , it was glorious sunny day at Glossop Cemetery and we decided no service at the graveside just ourself saying our own goodbyes .

We have attended many funerals under normal conditions and most to some extent were very emotional and difficult to bear but this was different .

Although a few tears were shed , we all felt full of happiness as it was so informal and personal and the 1st time we had seen one of our sons and 2 grandchildren since just before the lockdown .

The funeral staff knew us personally and it felt a real family affair , mother in law didn't want ant fuss so it was perfect .


So sorry for your loss. 


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42 minutes ago, JB9302 said:

My wifes mother past away last weekend in a local care home (93yrs) , old age/frailty on death certificate , as you can imagine all the arrangements for Registering death/Funeral etc were carried out on the phone on Monday with the minimum of distress and fuss .

The burial was yesterday (Friday) , we just had 6 family members present plus 3 grandchildren , it was glorious sunny day at Glossop Cemetery and we decided no service at the graveside just ourself saying our own goodbyes .

We have attended many funerals under normal conditions and most to some extent were very emotional and difficult to bear but this was different .

Although a few tears were shed , we all felt full of happiness as it was so informal and personal and the 1st time we had seen one of our sons and 2 grandchildren since just before the lockdown .

The funeral staff knew us personally and it felt a real family affair , mother in law didn't want ant fuss so it was perfect .


I'm so sorry for your loss. 


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1 hour ago, JB9302 said:

My wifes mother past away last weekend in a local care home (93yrs) , old age/frailty on death certificate , as you can imagine all the arrangements for Registering death/Funeral etc were carried out on the phone on Monday with the minimum of distress and fuss .

The burial was yesterday (Friday) , we just had 6 family members present plus 3 grandchildren , it was glorious sunny day at Glossop Cemetery and we decided no service at the graveside just ourself saying our own goodbyes .

We have attended many funerals under normal conditions and most to some extent were very emotional and difficult to bear but this was different .

Although a few tears were shed , we all felt full of happiness as it was so informal and personal and the 1st time we had seen one of our sons and 2 grandchildren since just before the lockdown .

The funeral staff knew us personally and it felt a real family affair , mother in law didn't want ant fuss so it was perfect .


Sorry to hear your sad news, a hard time for your family but at least the funeral was as good as it could be in the circumstances.

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1 hour ago, JB9302 said:

My wifes mother past away last weekend in a local care home (93yrs) , old age/frailty on death certificate , as you can imagine all the arrangements for Registering death/Funeral etc were carried out on the phone on Monday with the minimum of distress and fuss .

The burial was yesterday (Friday) , we just had 6 family members present plus 3 grandchildren , it was glorious sunny day at Glossop Cemetery and we decided no service at the graveside just ourself saying our own goodbyes .

We have attended many funerals under normal conditions and most to some extent were very emotional and difficult to bear but this was different .

Although a few tears were shed , we all felt full of happiness as it was so informal and personal and the 1st time we had seen one of our sons and 2 grandchildren since just before the lockdown .

The funeral staff knew us personally and it felt a real family affair , mother in law didn't want ant fuss so it was perfect .


Sending our condolences to your wife and yourself.

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3 hours ago, JB9302 said:

My wifes mother past away last weekend in a local care home (93yrs) , old age/frailty on death certificate , as you can imagine all the arrangements for Registering death/Funeral etc were carried out on the phone on Monday with the minimum of distress and fuss .

The burial was yesterday (Friday) , we just had 6 family members present plus 3 grandchildren , it was glorious sunny day at Glossop Cemetery and we decided no service at the graveside just ourself saying our own goodbyes .

We have attended many funerals under normal conditions and most to some extent were very emotional and difficult to bear but this was different .

Although a few tears were shed , we all felt full of happiness as it was so informal and personal and the 1st time we had seen one of our sons and 2 grandchildren since just before the lockdown .

The funeral staff knew us personally and it felt a real family affair , mother in law didn't want ant fuss so it was perfect .


My Mum is 94 and still very active. She was really pleased to find out that the local scouts would deliver bedding plants to her,  so that she could plant up her garden.

As, and when her time comes,  I hope that my experience will be as peaceful as yours. A life to celebrate,  not to mourn. 

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Well it’s another beautiful morning here after a week of glorious sunshine. I’m sitting listening to the birds singing and all seems right with the world. For a few minutes you can forget that the world is in a mess and we are all locked down.


I hope you are as fortunate with the weather, enjoy it while it lasts ☀️


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Well I'm definitely NOT on a cruise! I'm looking for positives and come up with two.

1. I didn't have to pack.

2. The first flowers opened on my Wisteria yesterday so I will get to see them.

More a little piece of tinfoil than a silver lining, but life goes on.

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40 minutes ago, happy v said:

Well I'm definitely NOT on a cruise! I'm looking for positives and come up with two.

1. I didn't have to pack.

2. The first flowers opened on my Wisteria yesterday so I will get to see them.

More a little piece of tinfoil than a silver lining, but life goes on.

At the moment I am finding it easier to count my blessings each day than during normal times, my precious little pieces of tin foil, (I like that analogy). 

So far none of my family have caught this horrible virus, I have food in the fridge, lovely walks near by to enjoy and for the moment at least decent weather.


2020 is going to be a very, very long year with no cruises and probably not even trips within the UK to enjoy but there is always next year.....





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Well today we should have been embarking Arcadia for a cruise to the Med.  No matter.  Our courtyard windows are now freshly painted and so is the front door.  The brass has been polished.  So glad we took advantage of the wonderful weather, as it is due to rain on Tuesday.  Just time for me to get the gloss paint on the front door tomorrow.


Working at home each morning for the Harbour Office and afternoons are my own, so I do some DIY and walk the dog.  Life is not that bad I'm glad to say.


Did take a sneeky visit to my best friend after shopping at Tesco on Wednesday.  We kept 2 metres apart and had coffee in the garden.  It was lovely and I felt very norty.

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Talked to my Mum (93) today. She still lives in our family home, with a large garden. Today,  her close neighbours,  and their two adult children that are living with them at the monent, turned up and dug over my Mum's vegetable plot. Totally unexpected, and my Mum was over the moon. Now she is looking for French Bean seeds!

Just shows how caring and neighbourly people can be.


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A bit drab and overcast here this morning.  Dreak, I think Eglesbrech would call it?  Still, it gives me chance to clear out my wardrobe. I've been going to do that for a while now but never got round to it. My theory is, if I do it now while the clothes shops are closed, I can fill it back up again when they open 😁


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Lovely here in a small village where everyone has a garden to escape to.


Must be truly horrendous for anyone with no access to a garden, or in some cases even a window. 


You can fully understand why people in that position are desperate for this to end.

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