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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How are things where YOU are?


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My cable company, Spectrum, has given me 3 free months of Showtime, because of Covid-19.  I watched a movie  "Best of Enemies" , that was based on a true story.  A KKK leader and a black activist co chair  a community group on integration of Durham, NC schools in 1971.  I enjoyed it and recommend it.

If you have Amazon prime, MHZ channel is offering a free 30 day trial.  Mysteries from around the world, mostly subtitles.

Some book related series:


Varg Veum

Guido Brunetti

my wife and I are retired and only go out for groceries.  We are reading a lot of books.

my last book "Shamed" by Linda Castillo.  I have started "Borrowed Time" by David Mark.

WLV,  sorry about your cousin.

Edited by Tom47
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I am a 68 year old teacher. In the last quarter of my last full time year with a classroom ( 3rd grade), I have to teach remotely. I know some technology but this so different. By the way I have used Mystery Science.  It is an excellent program.

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2 hours ago, Science52 said:

I am a 68 year old teacher. In the last quarter of my last full time year with a classroom ( 3rd grade), I have to teach remotely. I know some technology but this so different. By the way I have used Mystery Science.  It is an excellent program.


Oh my! What a way to end your career. I retired from teaching in '11. Had always thought I'd experienced a good bit of interesting situations over the years but can't imagine what all the teachers, administrators, students, etc. are going through with this. While not near as critical an issue as the entire educational system is facing, nonetheless I feel bad for the sports teams that were in the midst of late winter playoffs. A local High School basketball team had a great chance of possibly winning their first ever state title, but then all got postponed (and probably won't be rescheduled). Sad especially for the seniors - who were rolling along and had NO idea that the last game they played was indeed likely the last one of their scholastic career. The coach of the team I refer to is a bit miffed at this point that the PA athletic association has not declared that the season is over. They are hoping against hope - making it even more difficult for the players in a way...kind of leaves them in limbo.


 I wish you the best of luck with your 3rd graders!!  Hope all goes well and that NEXT year things will hopefully be back to normal by the fall, or at least in a better place than we are now. Take care and stay safe and healthy. AND...best wishes on your upcoming retirement 🙂  I recall my last year like it was yesterday - felt like I was sort of floating on a cloud especially as it got closer to the end. Fellow co-workers used to razz me, saying, "would you just stop smiling all the time?!"  LOL

Edited by OnTheJourney
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We have moved to rural Arkansas near Mountain Home on the northern border with Missouri since last I posted here.  Too busy selling home, moving and building another here to check out CC.  But it's been a Godsend living here in the country.  We live on a mountain top on a gravel road dead end so no traffic but mailman, UPS and FEDEX etc.  Today the Wal-mart in town put up a sign saying only 50 people can shop at a time.  The shelves were empty 10 days ago but they looked better stocked 4 days ago, guess people started buying them out again this week.  I have managed to snag some brand of TP every time I go in to town so we have a pretty good supply.  We were pretty isolated as it was, but now we don't go in except for food.  Just cross stitching and cutting down trees and chopping/splitting firewood.  Our home is on hold, no workers...and it has been raining steadily.  We have been waiting for our foundation to be poured for 4 months.  The two counties we live in and near just had it's first and only case in Mountain Home so our counties haven't yet issued any direct edicts but most people were staying home anyway.  The vast amount of cases seem to be in Pulaski county (Little Rock) and a couple of others, but Arkansas only has 10 deaths and 624 cases so far, 45 of which have recovered.   My SIL is an anesthesiologist in San Antonio and we are worried about him, but so far so good, he's just exhausted.  But my daughter is caring for her 78 yr old FIL and homeschooling my grandson so she is majorly stressed out.  Here, we are just abiding sitting on our screen porch, having wine coolers and watching the trees turn green, so beautiful here in the piney woods of AR.  Counting our blessings and praying for everyone.


We have a cruise booked on Liberty in October but not worried too much.  We trust RC to take the best care of us, cxg the cruise if need be and feel we won't lose anything...but by that time, if possible, we still want to cruise.  Another booked in April on Celebrity Edge and of course next years flu season will have come and almost gone...but you can bet we will have our flu shots next fall.  I am sure they will have one for Covid 19 soon.  This too shall pass.  If I pass, then I'm ready to go to the big Blue in the sky....gotta laugh a little ya kin?  I feel for the Zaandam which they are treating like a plague ship.  I think they should let her dock and make a hospital out of her until all are well.  It is unkind not to offer help in time of trouble like this.  We must all pull together cruisers, but we'll be seeing you....someday......God bless you and yours with health and happiness.

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How are things where we are? Well, let’s see, 4 weeks ago we were out enjoying dinner with our friends who were really excited about taking their first cruise with us on P&O Britannia from Barbados to Southampton due to sail on March 28th.

Since then? Cruise cancelled (but not advised by P&O, but found out by passengers sailing back to Southampton early) still no refund from P&O. Rumours that cash refunds not being provided.

Business Travel collapsed. Result, 20% pay cut for me from this week, forced onto furlough for 2 months (UK Government 'Job Retention Scheme' due to end on 31st May), then will be forced to take a further 5% pay cut until the end of 2020, an extra 37.5 days extra annual leave granted that must be taken before end of September. No guarantee of job retention. 


Partner now also on furlough with the same reduction in salary.

Forced to take annual leave when we should have been onboard Britannia. 

Basic lockdown at home.


Partner suffers mild heart attack resulting in the insertion of 2 stents and a week in hospital, made more stressful by this pandemic. Not allowed visitors towards the end of the stay.

Where are we? Not in a good place. 


However, even though P&O customer service is bad, (won't resolve refund issues over the phone, long wait times, and now a 60 day deadline for refunds) RCI were fantastic.


We decided to move a June sailing (Anthem from Southampton) for 2 reasons. As it was before final payment, we will need that money to supplement our reduced salaries and cannot see Anthem crossing the Atlantic on April 12th seeing RCI have deferred sailings until early May.


Called RCI, phone picked in seconds, transfer done in probably 5 minutes, no charge. Great service, the staff should be applauded as I know what crisis the travel industry is in at the moment. We will still sail Anthem but hopefully in 2021 on a TA to bring her back to the USA.


Stay safe everyone which will keep you healthy.


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I wanted to give a "Shout Out" to Royal Caribbean and the massive efforts they are doing to get crew and passengers home safely. 

I emailed Michael Bayley this past Monday to ask what they are doing about the crew on the Voyager of the Seas, as they are on hold in Australian waters, not allowing any crew to disembark. My daughter is an ice skater on that ship and they don't really have info as to what is happening.  On Tuesday I received a call from Laura, who works personally under Mr Bayley and is in charge of coordinating efforts to get all the Royal crew on the ships home safely. In Australia right now, they are not letting any non-Australians off any ships. Apparently, Royal is coordinating the managing of 10 ships of different cruise lines to be able to get fuel and supplies, and get on their way home.

She assured me that they have a plan, which is to sail to Bali, drop off the Indonesians and hopefully charter a couple of planes for the rest of the crew out of Bali. The next stop will be Manila to drop off all the Filipino workers.

I am convinced that they are doing everything in their power to get everyone home safely. She even gave me her personal cell phone number to text to call day or night, and promised to keep me up to date.

If you read the article on facebook page https://www.facebook.com/nswincidents/  you will see that they say:


“It will be the largest peace time maritime operation undertaken in Sydney Harbour and has relied on the cooperation of Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and the Port Authority of NSW to ensure its success.”
I also understand that Royal has so far given out over a thousand free cruises to first responders.
So from me, Thank you Royal Caribbean for doing everything you can to get my daughter home safely and everyone else as well to their families in respective countries!
Edited by Mr P-Funk
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12 hours ago, Mr P-Funk said:

I also understand that Royal has so far given out over a thousand free cruises to first responders.

Welcome to CC - this is being discussed in a couple of other threads.


I think Spectrum had 3 sailings for the first responders.


AIS shows Voyager and the other RCI ships are headed to Bali - for some reason via the south of Australia, except Spectrum which is going via the north.

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8 hours ago, Biker19 said:

AIS shows Voyager and the other RCI ships are headed to Bali - for some reason via the south of Australia, except Spectrum which is going via the north.

Edited 8 hours ago by Biker19


Social Distancing😉

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We live in Upstate NY. We are very fortunate to only have 11 cases. All restrictions are in effect for our state. Stay at Home Order except for essential businesses.. The stores are out of toilet paper and paper towel, disinfectant, pasta, and green beans along with other items... .. Schools and businesses are closed until April 29, as of today...We have a cruise booked for June 13, and Feb 27, Not sure if they will happen.... Stay Safe Friends 🙂


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On 3/30/2020 at 5:49 AM, Biker19 said:

I'd be a bit more optimistic than that.

I think Canada will take that long to recover and still not  tackle our debt made much larger by the covid programs  that seem to roll out daily.

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On 4/6/2020 at 4:37 PM, CRUISEFAN0001 said:

We've done social distancing on cruises in the past...have you seen those "unique" people on those ships????





Wait...is it by any chance the group that mostly forego shore excursions, hangs out on their verandahs, and orders room service every day?  🙂 

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Well, here in the NY/NJ Metro area, they are placing refrigerated trucks in the hospital parking lots to act as  temporary morgues.
If you're sailing out of Bayonne, good luck. Things won't get back to normal for quite a while

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Things here in NJ are scary to say the least.  Our 5/10 cruise was cancelled, which was no surprise here.  We are close to NYC and trailing a day or two behind them in numbers and "flattening of the curve".  I have been working from home for going on 3 full weeks now, along with my husband. Our daughter, who works in NYC, has been working from home for 5 weeks now.

We are home and trying to stay here as much as possible. We work and then go for walks when the weather permits, at the end of each day.  Trying to order groceries online for pickup or delivery is becoming harder and harder.  I had to go to the store, donning a mask on Tuesday, but got enough to last us a few weeks. A few friends of ours have had or currently have this awful virus.  Thankfully, they are on the road to recovery now, but it's been a long road for them. Every ache or pain convinces us that we must have "it" too, so we are grateful to remain well so far.


I know that life as we know it will never be the same again. I look forward to the beach and spending time with family and hugging my kids again soon.


Stay home and stay well everyone!!

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I live in New York City and we are the epicenter of this virus. We are staying home and social distancing. We have lost a lot of lives due to this virus. This virus has caused our lives to be changed forever!  It's a shame we live in one of the richest countries in the world and don't have enough essential things like Clorox wipes, disinfecting spray, toilet tissue and protective gear for the nurses and doctors. The government should be ashamed of themselves! Be safe stay home and we will get through this!

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On 3/24/2020 at 11:38 PM, emeraldcity said:

Here in Ohio, we are under a stay-at-home order. I'm ahead of the curve since I returned from Spain 9 days ago after the Allure TA and I've been self quarantined.


I created a schedule for myself to give my day structure. It includes some household tasks, an exercise routine and some creative time (generally sewing or embroidery). Interspersed with that I play some silly computer games or work suduko puzzles. Since my goal is to give myself a sense of accomplishment, I am working through a list of "someday I'm going to get around to doing that" tasks.


I chat with family and friends every day either by text or old-fashioned phone call as my social interaction. 


I focus on being grateful that I continue to be healthy, and I have my home with clean running water, electricity and heat, suitable groceries and 4 more rolls of toilet paper. 🙂


Stay safe and healthy everyone.


     We, too, were on that trans-Atlantic, but we left Spain, not without difficulty, the day after the Allure docked.  The plane was delayed an hour in Barcelona, so we arrived at Heathrow about 15 minutes too late to catch our plane to Dallas.  So, we spent the next 6 hours going between two terminals at Heathrow trying to get a plane--any plane, going anywhere in  the U.S.--so we would not wind up trapped in the U.K. with their health system.  We had to spend that night in the hotel inside Heathrow, but we did make it onto a plane the next day to LAX.  We were one of the first planes to land at LAX with the new health regulations, and we cleared all checkpoints--only to speed on to catch a plane for Phoenix.  We, just barely, made it to the gate as they began loading, only to be told "We don't you have you listed on this flight."  They began calling, and shortly before the doors to the plane were closed, they allowed us to board, and we arrived safely in Phoenix.  We were both non-symptomatic at the end of our quarantine period, and both of us felt incredibly lucky to be home in the U.S.A., and, apparently, healthy.

     We are both without symptoms and have managed to secure the items we needed (except germicidal wipes), which we feared there would be no hope of getting.

     The virus appears to be relatively controlled in Arizona.  The latest figures indicate we have beds and ventilators enough to meet the anticipated need; people are, for the most part, complying with staying at home orders and going out for only essentials.  When we walk each day, the neighborhood is a little spooky:  no cars, no dogs barking, no people out and about, except for an occasional fellow-walker who gives a friendly wave or hi from a distance.  So far, no one is saying Arizona has reached its peak, and they continue to say we must stay at home and avoid group settings because "we just don't know enough about this virus yet to make definitive statements."

     I wish I had shown the self discipline you have done.  The lists I made in the first few days still have few items crossed off.  I've been telling myself it's just fatigue from the cruise, from escaping Spain and the U.K., and finally completing the shopping for necessary items.  However, it's been a while now, and I see what you've been able to do;  I'm going to have to change my ways.

     Congratulations on getting out of Europe/U.K. safely and having no symptoms!

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On 3/30/2020 at 12:48 PM, WeLuvVacation said:

Right here on Long Island NY in the center of the pandemic. Just about everything is shut down tight.Grocery stores have a lot of empty shelves in many sections. Gasoline so far is easy to come by and under $2.00 a gallon for regular. A cousin of mine died last week from the virus and his wife has it as well but she is still hanging on, hoping for a good end for her. I'm retired so I'm home all the time, my wife is working from home as much as she can but she still needs to go to the office on some days, however on Friday the company sent out a e-mail saying that two people in the office contracted the virus and now I would prefer if she worked from home all the time.But she is a supervisor and has to be there the days her boss is home to keep an eye of the people under her. Tough times for all but at least we all are healthy and virus free. Our next cruise is scheduled for 5/17/19 on Oasis out of Bayonne, doubt it will go off, but will not look to cancel until Royal cancels it so hopefully we can get a cash refund.Stay well everybody and God Bless.

So sorry to hear about your cousin. It's more than just headlines when it hits someone you know.


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We live in mid Florida and have not been affected very much.   Our county has very low numbers. Our shelves are stocked and we have lots of toilet paper, clorox and disinfecting wipes.  We have an order to stay at home and so we are doing that.  We live in an over 55 community so we want to protect our neighbors as much as we can.  We have golf cart parades, scavenger hunts and the 2 golf courses are still in operation other than that everything is shut down.  Our community just held a food drive and we gave a overloaded truck full to our local food bank.  Our community is amazing!

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12 hours ago, emeraldcity said:

So sorry to hear about your cousin. It's more than just headlines when it hits someone you know.



12 hours ago, emeraldcity said:

So sorry to hear about your cousin. It's more than just headlines when it hits someone you know.


We also live on Long Island- while many people "think" the virus isn't so bad in their states,  they are incorrect.  Unfortunately for example in Virginia and other states, they aren't testing nearly enough people.  My family in Georgia wasn't able to get any tests!  So just because your states appear low- you just don't know!  

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I did not say our state has low numbers. Florida has very high numbers. Our county has low numbers.  You have no idea whats going on in other states that is just your opinion.  Frankly I depend on our authorities to tell me what is going on not someone on cruise critic. I am sorry to hear about people not having things on shelves and about all the passings of family members.  We are taking this very seriously where I live.  I was just stating what is going on in my world as the title of the board asked.

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On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2020 at 9:17 PM, emeraldcity said:

So sorry to hear about your cousin. It's more than just headlines when it hits someone you know.



15 hours ago, gb52877 said:

I did not say our state has low numbers. Florida has very high numbers. Our county has low numbers.  You have no idea whats going on in other states that is just your opinion.  Frankly I depend on our authorities to tell me what is going on not someone on cruise critic. I am sorry to hear about people not having things on shelves and about all the passings of family members.  We are taking this very seriously where I live.  I was just stating what is going on in my world as the title of the board asked.

Everyone is cranky after being stuck at home this long. I have an observation to make about Florida.. IMO the Governor should have closed down that state BEFORE spring breakers came, celebrated as kids do on the beach, and more than likely spread the virus to their home states.  We watched the scenes on the beaches in Miami and other spots in Florida and couldn't believe it was going on.  Maybe that would have kept the numbers lower in your state!!

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I agree with you 100%.  They should have closed the state before spring breakers came down.  Our numbers would be way lower.  By the way I am not cranky.  I have plenty to do and I am blessed to be in Florida where our weather is beautiful. We can go outside for beautiful walks.  I just do not think people should say things like the numbers are actually higher in other states. They do not know that.  I may have said it in a cranky way but I am really not. HAHA!

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