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Social distancing on a cruise ship

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On 7/8/2020 at 12:29 PM, fisherguy said:

The big reason why masks are so important and made mandatory in some states is that things are out of control there.  Masks were never mandatory here where I live.  In fact when lockdown measures were initially put in place back in March, Social distancing was emphasized.  Masks were dismissed by our health authorities as "It won't hurt but it won't necessarily prevent you from getting the virus".  Mask use is now encouraged more here as an additional tool if social distancing measures are not possible and promoted more as a way to prevent you from spreading the virus rather than preventing you from getting it.  There are some business that absolutely require mask use and need to be included as part of their safety plan (i.e. hairdressers and other personal service providers).  For the short time that I'm in a crowded place like a Costco, I will wear my mask.  


Well said! You have been listening to the advice given by Dr Bonnie Henry, BC’s Medical Officer of Health. She is the calm voice of reason and the face of BC’s well measured fight against Covid19. Pity she cannot be cloned for other provinces. Would think that some US states would benefit from her structured approach as well.

(Want more information on Dr Henry and her educational background? Go to Google and Wiki.).

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18 minutes ago, PelicanBill said:


This graphic shows why.  An infected person without a mask is a serious risk to all around. A mask only on the healthy person is a poor mitigation of the risk. Just TALKING spreads the virus around in a huge cloud. And new evidence (on ABC News 2 nights ago) shows micro droplets remain in the air for a very long time.


Bryan Health urging public to protect one another, wear masks to ...

Not all masks are born the same. Cloth masks, which are the most popular are pretty useless. Have everyone with n95 or higher and yes, then ud get some safety...


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3 minutes ago, Comi.uy said:

Not all masks are born the same. Cloth masks, which are the most popular are pretty useless. Have everyone with n95 or higher and yes, then ud get some safety...


Some are using Cloth masks with filters put inside them.  Cloth masks alone are not the best but better than no masks.


The problem is that N95's are in shorter supply.

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55 minutes ago, PelicanBill said:


This graphic shows why.  An infected person without a mask is a serious risk to all around. A mask only on the healthy person is a poor mitigation of the risk. Just TALKING spreads the virus around in a huge cloud. And new evidence (on ABC News 2 nights ago) shows micro droplets remain in the air for a very long time.


Bryan Health urging public to protect one another, wear masks to ...

Those are meaningless without actual numbers.

They are also meaningless since they do not take into consideration that any specific person is infected.  For example, in my home county there are only about 1.8 infected persons per 1000 residents.  How does that justify requiring everyone to wear a mask? 


"If it saves one life" isn't sufficient justification since resources are limited.  I saw a study this morning we could save 45,000 lives if 95% wore a mask.  At what cost?  Would those costs be better spent protecting those who are truly vulnerable?

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4 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

Those are meaningless without actual numbers.

They are also meaningless since they do not take into consideration that any specific person is infected.  For example, in my home county there are only about 1.8 infected persons per 1000 residents.  How does that justify requiring everyone to wear a mask? 


"If it saves one life" isn't sufficient justification since resources are limited.  I saw a study this morning we could save 45,000 lives if 95% wore a mask.  At what cost?  Would those costs be better spent protecting those who are truly vulnerable?


Seriously you aren't willing to wear a 2-3 dollar mask?


What lack of resource are you talking about, you can buy a simple cloth mask almost anywhere.   

Edited by chipmaster
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15 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

Those are meaningless without actual numbers.

They are also meaningless since they do not take into consideration that any specific person is infected.  For example, in my home county there are only about 1.8 infected persons per 1000 residents.  How does that justify requiring everyone to wear a mask? 


"If it saves one life" isn't sufficient justification since resources are limited.  I saw a study this morning we could save 45,000 lives if 95% wore a mask.  At what cost?  Would those costs be better spent protecting those who are truly vulnerable?

It doesn't.  If you are able to build a wall around your county, and not let anyone in or out then you won't need to wear a mask.


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The graphic is about the effectiveness of casual cloth and low cost masks as handed out by doctor's offices. You can't put numbers on the graphic without time and controlled studies. This is the consensus of informed scientists and anyone who dismisses the idea presented on this is saying


"My inconvenience is worth more; I don't care if I cause someone's death by my decision not to wear a mask. Vulnerable people should just stay away from me."


Shall we just make internment camps for the vulnerable and wait for the virus to arrive and wipe them out? The whole point of flattening the curve is to slow down the illness so we don't kill people from lack of hospital beds, and buy time for a vaccine to get tested and deployed.


This is different than other infections because it has a much higher rate of death and transmission is so common without symptoms.


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On 5/9/2020 at 12:23 AM, Outerdog said:


They help. They do not "protect everyone else" -- they offer some protection.

I don’t  agree. Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it 

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On 5/9/2020 at 12:23 AM, Outerdog said:


They help. They do not "protect everyone else" -- they offer some protection.

I don’t  agree. Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it 

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On 5/9/2020 at 12:23 AM, Outerdog said:


They help. They do not "protect everyone else" -- they offer some protection.

I don’t  agree. People are wearing masks Cos they have been

advised to but they are joy using them

correctly imo so it is a waste of time.  As i have said in previous posts why bring mask wearing in now when the horse has already bolted... clutching at straws to show they are doing something however Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it One little bit 

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On 5/9/2020 at 12:23 AM, Outerdog said:


They help. They do not "protect everyone else" -- they offer some protection.

I don’t  agree. People are wearing masks Cos they have been

advised to but they are joy using them

correctly imo so it is a waste of time.  As i have said in previous posts why bring mask wearing in now when the horse has already bolted... clutching at straws to show they are doing something however Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it One little bit 

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On 5/9/2020 at 12:23 AM, Outerdog said:


They help. They do not "protect everyone else" -- they offer some protection.

I don’t  agree. People are wearing masks Cos they have been

advised to but they are joy using them

correctly imo so it is a waste of time.  As i have said in previous posts why bring mask wearing in now when the horse has already bolted... clutching at straws to show they are doing something however Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it One little bit 

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53 minutes ago, PelicanBill said:

The graphic is about the effectiveness of casual cloth and low cost masks as handed out by doctor's offices. You can't put numbers on the graphic without time and controlled studies. This is the consensus of informed scientists and anyone who dismisses the idea presented on this is saying


"My inconvenience is worth more; I don't care if I cause someone's death by my decision not to wear a mask. Vulnerable people should just stay away from me."


Shall we just make internment camps for the vulnerable and wait for the virus to arrive and wipe them out? The whole point of flattening the curve is to slow down the illness so we don't kill people from lack of hospital beds, and buy time for a vaccine to get tested and deployed.


This is different than other infections because it has a much higher rate of death and transmission is so common without symptoms.


You do not know what you're talking about if you can't put numbers on that graphic.

I believe we should take effective actions to protect the vulnerable instead of virtue signalling.




Edited by RocketMan275
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1 hour ago, chipmaster said:


Seriously you aren't willing to wear a 2-3 dollar mask?


What lack of resource are you talking about, you can buy a simple cloth mask almost anywhere.   

I disagree with the mask thing . A lot of People who are wearing them do not wear them correctly. They are always tugging then or talking to people without mask over their face so the what is the point. This makes them

ineffectiveless and people wear them as they think psychologically they are doing Something so false sense if protection and they think they are doing something positive and supporting who ever is saying it helps. Mmm well everyone is entitled to an opinion

it has nothing to do the spending £1 or whatever on a mask for me Or most people who

don’t want to wear masks . I just think washing hands is sufficient... imo. So let people do what they think and leave them alone to do that and you do your thing 






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1 hour ago, fandash said:

I don’t  agree. People are wearing masks Cos they have been

advised to but they are joy using them

correctly imo so it is a waste of time.  As i have said in previous posts why bring mask wearing in now when the horse has already bolted... clutching at straws to show they are doing something however Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it One little bit 

Why use one person's quote and comment on it 6 different times? A little overkill I think.


We can definitely see/read you don't agree.

Edited by beerman2
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Just to add some more info to the mask mix: Google "face masks shop towels" or some variant thereof.  I use a plain ol' cheap blue surgical mask and layer the towel inside. The more opacity, the better the protection.

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6 hours ago, beerman2 said:

Why use one person's quote and comment on it 6 different times? A little overkill I think.


We can definitely see/read you don't agree.


the 6 times was obviously an error as i did not know i had sent it 6 or whatever number of times so my apolgies for my error - no idea why that happened as i only thought i had sent it once

mistakes happen

and when i had noticed it i did try to delete but i was unable to see how to do that.

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9 hours ago, fandash said:

I disagree with the mask thing . A lot of People who are wearing them do not wear them correctly. They are always tugging then or talking to people without mask over their face so the what is the point. This makes them

ineffectiveless and people wear them as they think psychologically they are doing Something so false sense if protection and they think they are doing something positive and supporting who ever is saying it helps. Mmm well everyone is entitled to an opinion

it has nothing to do the spending £1 or whatever on a mask for me Or most people who

don’t want to wear masks . I just think washing hands is sufficient... imo. So let people do what they think and leave them alone to do that and you do your thing 







Yup you know it all,  clearly very  observant based on all the replies above, LOL

Edited by chipmaster
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10 minutes ago, chipmaster said:


Yup you know it all,  clearly very  observant based on all the replies above, LOL

fandash is correct. In fact, he is way under estimating things when he says a lot of people don't wear them correctly. About no one wears them correctly. I see people pull them up, down, and all around there heads constantly. Throw them on the dashboard of their car, stick them in their pocket, drop them on the floor and put them back on. Never clean them.

The threshold of viral loading from covid to initiate sickness in a person is just to low for mask to work. Contact tracing has proven that.

The only effective prevention is isolation and I don't mean 6 feet. 6 feet is also useless.

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7 hours ago, HaveWeMetYet said:

fandash is correct. In fact, he is way under estimating things when he says a lot of people don't wear them correctly. About no one wears them correctly. I see people pull them up, down, and all around there heads constantly. Throw them on the dashboard of their car, stick them in their pocket, drop them on the floor and put them back on. Never clean them.

The threshold of viral loading from covid to initiate sickness in a person is just to low for mask to work. Contact tracing has proven that.

The only effective prevention is isolation and I don't mean 6 feet. 6 feet is also useless.

It would seem that many/most of these protocols are enacted so politicians can show the illusion of accomplishing something.  It's time to focus on preventing infections among the most vulnerable, ie, those over 80 with comorbidities.  Things like not sending coronavirus patients to nursing homes.  Provide those most vulnerable with masks that are truly effective in preventing infections to those wearing them.  If that means it's time for the most vulnerable to 'bunker up', then they should.  Meanwhile, we need to balance the need for reducing deaths with the need to reopen the economy and schools.  And, no, "If it saves one life" isn't sufficient justification for these lockdowns and useless protocols.  

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Savannah passed an ordinance ten days ago that masks are mandatory anywhere in public, inside or out.  On the local news, they showed the police in the downtown tourist area stopping people and telling them about the new ordinance, the fines involved, and offering them a mask for free.  There were actually a few people that refused to put them on even after being offered.  They were then presented with a $500 summons.

That seems to be an expensive way to "prove your point".

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21 hours ago, fandash said:

I don’t  agree. Washing hands is suffice imo. 

However where it is mandatory I will wear one but don’t agree with it 

guess what your opinion doesn’t matter. Scientists options on this matter.

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