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Just off summit


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People, Millions maybe Billions of people who have never cruised have had Covid cruisers are not Special.

Do not leave your house if you fear Covid chances are you will get it.

Edited by locksley10
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21 hours ago, Cruisegoer said:

Tendering on the Summit to port in Bermuda? I'm confused, doesn't it dock at the Wharf?

Yes normally.............unless Celebrity decides to change the itinerary for no good reason (other than not wanting to test on board) and now tending is required (because the Wharf is already booked for other ships)

Not only does the lack of the onboard  test increase the risk of spreading Covid, the tenders are being packed, which  also increasing the risk of spreading Covid.

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On 5/26/2022 at 10:57 AM, Mark_T said:

With respect, that is an unreasonable expectation if you choose to cruise at this time.


We all need to accept that covid is endemic, and will be present onboard, when we go ashore and when we travel to/from the ports, and thus set our expectations and behaviour accordingly.

not endemic....still pandemic

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It’s almost impossible to really know where you picked up Covid. Of course, avoiding people and getting vaccinated is likely your best defense.  However, staying home and avoiding people has dangers too. There is a huge increase in depression.  After time, not interacting with other people can hurt you. Time to regain living. Be cautious.  Don’t do anything ridiculous. Get out and live again.  Each person makes their own decisions how to live in this Covid world. Nobody wants to get sick. However,  If along the way, we get infected, deal with it and move on.  For now, I will still wear mask, wash hands, keep distance when possible, and smile.  Cruising in June. If I test negative, I am sailing.  

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1 hour ago, galleycook said:

Yes normally.............unless Celebrity decides to change the itinerary for no good reason (other than not wanting to test on board) and now tending is required (because the Wharf is already booked for other ships)

Not only does the lack of the onboard  test increase the risk of spreading Covid, the tenders are being packed, which  also increasing the risk of spreading Covid.

So, originally you weren’t supposed to arrive in Bermuda until the fifth day, or later, of the cruise?

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On 5/26/2022 at 2:18 PM, sullyd said:




1723 people tested negative 48 hrs before boarding. Did the crew test 48 hrs before we boarded? The only thing I know is 1723 people tested negative to get on board . Mid cruise lots of coughing, hacking and sneezing. I have mild symptoms tested only because of being on the ship ,24 hrs post cruise and I’m positive and quarantining 5 days. 

You can test negative four or five days after infection. I did and tested every day because I knew I had been close to someone who the next day tested positive. I had a cough but each test was negative until the fifth day when it was positive.  

Though testing is somewhat helpful its definitely not 100%

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1 minute ago, Mark_K said:

So, originally you weren’t supposed to arrive in Bermuda until the fifth day, or later, of the cruise?

That's correct.  I'm on the same cruise.  By changing the order of the ports, Celebrity has truly devalued our cruise. Ferry service is very limited over the weekend.  No ferry service to St. George.  Most stores will have limited hours or be closed.  Packed tenders two days. Having to change or lose private tours. Loss of ability to attend Harbor Night celebration on Wednesday night.  Also change affects those who had purchased nonrefundable tickets to Spoleto Music Festival in Charleston.

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On 5/26/2022 at 4:30 PM, sullyd said:

I chose to cruise ,just stating facts . I thought capacity would be less . 

Cruises out of the UK seem to be booking to near capacity 

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On 5/26/2022 at 4:38 PM, C4HCG said:

Couldn’t agree more. We cruised early this month, getting back to the UK my husband tested positive, no surprise really, we knew that was a risk we took and we fully accept responsibility for.  We don’t and won’t blame Celebrity or other passengers. We are there again at the end of August when hopefully infection rates will have reduced but again, if we get it, we get it, our responsibility. The alternative is to stay in the UK, an easy choice for us.

If you've had it once, chances are you won't get the same variant again within a few months 

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It seems like a lot of people on the Summit have gotten Covid lately.  Has Celebrity mentioned any changes to be made(i.e. less passengers, required masking, etc.)  I am getting concerned as we sail in 3 weeks.  Do not want to cancel and we did sail in November and March without any issues but the number of passengers was around 40%. 



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20 hours ago, Staci0615 said:

So my takeaway from this as I sail in two weeks on the Summit is prepare for the worst,  pack meds and such and hope for the best….I have been lucky so far let’s hope it holds out

And download plenty of books in case you have to isolate 

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17 hours ago, catspaw1 said:

I did not get it on a cruise. We were supposed to sail next week. Yes I am double boosted & wear my N95 mask anywhere indoors. I have no major health issues. I was walking 3.5 miles daily before covid. My BIL an MD & his wife also an MD got it. We haven't seen them in 2 years.  A lot more people are catching this very contagious strain. I was super careful for 2 years & got it. 

The good thing is that there's a tipping point in the population when it seems everyone's had it and rates start to go down again..................until the next variant 😬

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3 minutes ago, dazey said:

It seems like a lot of people on the Summit have gotten Covid lately.  Has Celebrity mentioned any changes to be made(i.e. less passengers, required masking, etc.)  I am getting concerned as we sail in 3 weeks.  Do not want to cancel and we did sail in November and March without any issues but the number of passengers was around 40%. 


To many people ,tables for 2 to close together. Woman in next table talking/ spray ing my arm . Celebrity dropped price by 500.00 per cabin 1 week out to fill empty cabins . My choice to go ,feel fine now and would’ve never tested except that I was on a ship. On day 5 of quarantine, will where mask indoor s for a another week . I Would feel terrible to pass it to a vulnerable person . Celebrity keep it 50% to get past this surge!


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20 minutes ago, sgmn said:

The good thing is that there's a tipping point in the population when it seems everyone's had it and rates start to go down again..................until the next variant 😬

This is exactly what I am hoping for.  We cruise in September so I am estimating Omnicron will have run its course with the summer crowds and crew and we might be in a lull period similar to what happened earlier this year after the holiday surge of December/January hit.  We are cruising regardless but it would be nice to see the numbers come back down again since ships are clearly back near capacity. 

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Issue is that even those who are vaccinated,  appear fit &  healthy, wear masks and isolate are getting infected.  There's no sure way to know who will have a light case or more severe struggles. And also no way to know who cruise lines will treat  well, or what  airline or foreign country rules will be in place??


We will risk a 5 day cruise from Port Ev to use up our expiring large  fcc. No air trvl needed, , but after that probably we will pause,


We believe we had Covid before it was " publicized" and " a common household word".   Flu tests were neg and we had no treatment,..just laid in bed for a few weeks, totally weak,  with limited ability to walk to the bathroom,  no appetite or ability to hold food, and difficult/ labored breathing.  Months later a  dr at a local univ  hosp  detailed many similar cases..he thinks we all had early Covid..no way to know.  It sure was wicked!


Our dtr and sil and family caught the " lesser" strain over the Xmas holiday this yr.  .They  felt fine but were confined to their home for an excessive period by NY's Covid "police" who harassed them several times a day even after they all tested neg....Was  very unpleasant for them!  Imagine  it would be much worse on a ship, in a hotel in a foreign country!


Best wishes to all....no right or wrong answer!

Edited by hcat
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Cruising is a wonderful way to see the world.  It’s fun to take part in activities and share your vacation experience with family, old and new friends.  We love it.  We have taken eight cruises since last summer.  Have not had, or caught COVID on board, that we know of anyway.  I say that because we had to cancel a cruise in February because I tested positive pre-cruise with no symptoms.  Never knew I had it except for the test.  No cough, no fever, nothing.  Two positive tests. This was two months after my booster shot.


We are about to head to Europe for two cruises, with a few days between in Italy.  The worst fear we have is not COVID, it’s the test requirements that could wreck our trip and cause us to get stuck somewhere.  We have both gotten boosted again.  I pretty much draw the line there.  I won’t wear a mask unless we have to.  I want to enjoy my vacation.


It’ time to stop testing vaccinated (and boosted) people with no symptoms.  Lots of posts on these forums show it is not stopping this insidious, yet now almost always mild, virus from being spread on ships.  We don’t test people getting on a plane or going to a crowded concert.  We have to learn to live with this and other minor risks if we are going to return to a normal life.  At this point I wonder sometimes if some people even want to return to normal.

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On 5/27/2022 at 5:55 AM, catspaw1 said:

No it's not like a cold. Did you read my post? I said I have not been this sick for over 30 years! It's like a very very bad flu. Plus 20% of covid patients will get long covid. Is that worth gambling your life with to have momentary fun? BTW double boosted & no serious health problems. When & if covid case counts decrease, we would consider a cruise but not in the near future.


Sorry to hear you have had such a tough time.     I suspect there are a number of variants circulating around and you must have contracted the Original Covid.  


I tested positive and virtually had no symptoms except for a dry cough for a couple days.  I really count myself lucky and suspect I had the less severe omicron variant.    We only had one booster as the Vax was only approved a day before we left on our trip but will be getting it about 3 weeks before our next cruise. 

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3 hours ago, radarcruiser said:



It’ time to stop testing vaccinated (and boosted) people with no symptoms.  Lots of posts on these forums show it is not stopping this insidious, yet now almost always mild, virus from being spread on ships.  We don’t test people getting on a plane or going to a crowded concert.  We have to learn to live with this and other minor risks if we are going to return to a normal life.  At this point I wonder sometimes if some people even want to return to normal.

Could not disagree more. Even when vaccinated and boosted, you can catch covid and be totally debilitated by it. I was nearly hospitalized and still have extended difficulties since Jan. (called long covid). Symptoms are not always mild. Not testing on a flight is NOT a reason to not test in another situation. If anything, more situations should be tested not less.  You cannot "will" this to go away any faster just because you've grown weary of the situation. 

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7 minutes ago, Guppy99 said:

 If anything, more situations should be tested not less.  



3 hours ago, radarcruiser said:


It’ time to stop testing vaccinated (and boosted) people with no symptoms.  Lots of posts on these forums show it is not stopping this insidious, yet now almost always mild, virus from being spread on ships.  We don’t test people getting on a plane or going to a crowded concert.  We have to learn to live with this and other minor risks if we are going to return to a normal life.  At this point I wonder sometimes if some people even want to return to normal.


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34 minutes ago, Guppy99 said:

Could not disagree more. Even when vaccinated and boosted, you can catch covid and be totally debilitated by it. I was nearly hospitalized and still have extended difficulties since Jan. (called long covid). Symptoms are not always mild. Not testing on a flight is NOT a reason to not test in another situation. If anything, more situations should be tested not less.  You cannot "will" this to go away any faster just because you've grown weary of the situation. 

Could not disagree more. Sorry that you have suffered as you have but for the vast majority of people who catch this variant, they are lucky and have mild symptoms. I have not grown weary of the situation, just think we have to learn to live with it and stop it ruling our lives.

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4 hours ago, radarcruiser said:

Cruising is a wonderful way to see the world.  It’s fun to take part in activities and share your vacation experience with family, old and new friends.  We love it.  We have taken eight cruises since last summer.  Have not had, or caught COVID on board, that we know of anyway.  I say that because we had to cancel a cruise in February because I tested positive pre-cruise with no symptoms.  Never knew I had it except for the test.  No cough, no fever, nothing.  Two positive tests. This was two months after my booster shot.


We are about to head to Europe for two cruises, with a few days between in Italy.  The worst fear we have is not COVID, it’s the test requirements that could wreck our trip and cause us to get stuck somewhere.  We have both gotten boosted again.  I pretty much draw the line there.  I won’t wear a mask unless we have to.  I want to enjoy my vacation.


It’ time to stop testing vaccinated (and boosted) people with no symptoms.  Lots of posts on these forums show it is not stopping this insidious, yet now almost always mild, virus from being spread on ships.  We don’t test people getting on a plane or going to a crowded concert.  We have to learn to live with this and other minor risks if we are going to return to a normal life.  At this point I wonder sometimes if some people even want to return to normal.


Testing cannot possibly stop all Covid spread. What it can do is reduce the spread and why would anyone not want to reduce the spread.  Comparing a 4 hr flight or a 2 hr concert is not the same as 2000 + people living on a cruise ship for 7 days. Certainly we have to live it but there are safer ways to live with it. You are fortunate that your Covid was very mild. Many are no so fortunate.

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2 hours ago, galleycook said:


Testing cannot possibly stop all Covid spread. What it can do is reduce the spread and why would anyone not want to reduce the spread.  Comparing a 4 hr flight or a 2 hr concert is not the same as 2000 + people living on a cruise ship for 7 days. Certainly we have to live it but there are safer ways to live with it. You are fortunate that your Covid was very mild. Many are no so fortunate.

bravo. When I caught my breakthrough case it was on Day 10 of a 12 day cruise, on which I never got off the ship. The ship was less than 1/2 full.  many of the staff (also not allowed off the ship) were infected at the end.  This was all because people tested negative, because it was too soon, and boarded the ship. Also, during those 12 days, two people needed to be medivacced off the ship. do NOT tell me this is over, its only mild, testing not necessary etc. We are seeing a resurgence because the restrictions have lightened up too much. For those that whine the inconvenience is too much to bear, well have I two lovely words for you.

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12 hours ago, Guppy99 said:

bravo. When I caught my breakthrough case it was on Day 10 of a 12 day cruise, on which I never got off the ship. The ship was less than 1/2 full.  many of the staff (also not allowed off the ship) were infected at the end.  This was all because people tested negative, because it was too soon, and boarded the ship. Also, during those 12 days, two people needed to be medivacced off the ship. do NOT tell me this is over, its only mild, testing not necessary etc. We are seeing a resurgence because the restrictions have lightened up too much. For those that whine the inconvenience is too much to bear, well have I two lovely words for you.

What are those two words please?

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