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LIVE from Oasis of the Seas Transatlantic (with bonus Disney World) April 2024

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8 minutes ago, laurieal said:

It’s important to get some good rest before all the port days coming up. I’ll be avoiding deck 5, then. I prefer my musicals without snoring 😂 

Perhaps RCI should provide AC plugs in "Certain" areas of the theatre to accommodate C-Pap machines. 😉



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Let’s skip all the plaisanteries and go straight to the important bit. 

I’m dying. 

The captain will be making an announcement soon saying we are rushing to Cadiz and it will be because of me. 

But let’s rewind, shall we? It all started because I had booked the Izumi Sushi & Sake pairing lunch at 11:00.






In had read about that lunch a few months ago from Sea Dog’s live review. If I remember correctly, he described it like a kind of Chef’s Table, but with sushi. 

I love sushi and I’m curious about sake. It sounded like an experience for me. 

There are stairs to go into the non-hibachi side of Izumi. One of their waiters took me through a secret door in the dining room on deck 4 and I got to see their very tiny galley they had to build when they added Izumi. 

We started with the Yellowtail Jalapeño Carpaccio. I was anxiously waiting for one of my many table mates to ask for a fork, but no one did so I grabbed my chopsticks and prepared for the carnage to come. 


Once the carpaccio made it to my mouth, it was excellent. It was a bit spicy from the jalapeños, but not in an agressive way.


Then, we had Crispy Shrimp and Futomaki




I did warn my table mates that I would be picking the big one up with my fingers. And isn’t sushi traditionally supposed to be picked up with fingers or is that just what I tell myself to feel better about my abysmal chopsticks skills?

I loved both of them. They’re not something I would usually gravitate to in a sushi restaurant, but they were delicious. 

After that came the Champagne Lobster & Creamy Lobster Tempura. 




That one on the right with the crispy little ball? Yes, please. It was my favourite. 

The next course was the Teppan Beef Fried Rice. 



Oh my! And now that was my favourite. The beef was so, so tender. I’m not here to start fights between specialty restaurants, but I would have that beef before the filet at Chops or Giovanni’s any day. 

And finally, dessert was the mochi ice cream. 



I like mochi, so I liked that. I just wish I had remembered that was the dessert because I would have picked something else at the hibachi. Still, a good end to a good meal. 

I don’t feel qualified to talk about the sake we drank. First of all, it was eleven in the morning and felt way too early for sake. It was like being kicked in the head. 

Second of all, did I mention that it was freaking ELEVEN IN THE MORNING? Despite the fact that the process to make sake is more similar to beer, it tasted wine-adjacent to me and I know I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the experience had been in the evening. 

That Geisha cocktail, though, that’s always good no matter what time it is. 

I had a really good meal, but the one negative thing I will say is that it felt rushed. We started around 11:00 and I was in my stateroom taking a picture of cookies at 12:17. 

Look! Cookies!


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21 hours ago, gatour said:

Since you are spending so much time in lounges can you take a gander of what brand(s) of non alcholic beer they have available?


Not being judgemental before my liver issues and transplant 8 weeks ago.  I would spend a lot of time in lounges reading and enjoying a glass of wine or a mixed drink.  Now that is not an option for future cruises so reading and enjoying mocktails and NA beer is in my future.

I asked around and for this sailing most bar will have Heineken 0 and some of them will also have O’Doul’s

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I did absolutely nothing this afternoon. Really. 

I wobbled all the way to my stateroom after the Sushi and Sake lunch to get some dollar bills, because I was out. Leaving from Izumi, I usually would have had to cross the ship to get to the front, but there was too much sake in me and I ended up having to roll down the whole corridor on carpet. Ugh. 

After that, I went up to deck 16 and settled in my usual spot while waiting for my coma to dissipate. On the way, I found a duck. It was a gorgeous afternoon, with not too much wind and some sun. Absolutely beautiful. 





One of the couples I’ve been hanging with found me and we just hung out together in my spot all afternoon. Some drinks were had and also some chips and guacamole from El Loco Fresh. 

Once I wasn’t in a sake haze anymore I got a frozen mojito. 



And then a Kraken Lava Flow, which fittingly flowed out of the glass and caused a mess. 



And then, suddenly, it was almost six and people had to go and get ready for dinner. I’m not that hungry after my big sushi lunch, so I’ll head to the Windjammer in a bit. 

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1 hour ago, DaniDanielle said:

So, are you okay?????

I’m here! I’m ok! It was just a very lazy afternoon with new cruise friends. Around mid-afternoon I started feeling like myself again and not like my body was 80% sake and fish. 

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What a great review of the sushi and saki lunch Laurie. It's not necessarily something I'd do because a) I'm not a sushi fan, b) I don't drink and c) I agree with you that it sounds more like something that should be done at dinner time. But anyway, to actually see what it entails is really really helpful. And I'm glad you're starting to recover from it now! 😂


At some time this evening you're going to be sailing more or less past my front door. I say more or less because you'll be too far over the horizon for either of us to see each other, but I'll be stalking you on cruise mapper anyway and waving as you go past! 👋😁


I'm right where it says "Loule" on the map. The greenish ship ahead of you is Odyssey. I'll be waving to them imminently! 😂



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19 hours ago, little britain said:

I know Cats gets a bad press. 
Well, it was standing room only. 
And we saw less than 5 people leave. 
They got a standing ovation.

It’s one of the best shows I’ve seen on a RCI ship ( that’s fighting talk) 




We love Cats, especially with a great cast which it sounds like you have! We’re on Allure now though so we’ll be heading to Mama Mia shortly. 😎


@laurieal, you had me scared too. All I could think of was that you had some bad sushi! I’m very allergic to seafood so if I were foolish enough to have tried eating that meal the hospital is where I would have ended up for sure. I’m glad you’re ok and it was just a normal sushi and saki coma that you were in.

Now, those chocolate donuts you’ve been talking about, you know, the yummy 😋 ones with no calories? Well, they have then here too! I had one as part of my breakfast in your honor I had to! 😋😂 It was good. I mar have to have another one tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even remember to take a picture of it before I eat it. 

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1 hour ago, DaniDanielle said:

Ok, good, I was worried😳


1 hour ago, perfect match said:

We love Cats, especially with a great cast which it sounds like you have! We’re on Allure now though so we’ll be heading to Mama Mia shortly. 😎


@laurieal, you had me scared too. All I could think of was that you had some bad sushi! I’m very allergic to seafood so if I were foolish enough to have tried eating that meal the hospital is where I would have ended up for sure. I’m glad you’re ok and it was just a normal sushi and saki coma that you were in.

Now, those chocolate donuts you’ve been talking about, you know, the yummy 😋 ones with no calories? Well, they have then here too! I had one as part of my breakfast in your honor I had to! 😋😂 It was good. I mar have to have another one tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even remember to take a picture of it before I eat it. 

I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to worry anyone. In my head it was clear that I was just suffering the effects of too much sushi and saké. They say “write drunk; edit sober” and I forgot about the second part. 

Those doughnuts, when they’re fresh, are so good. If I am encouraging people to eat more of them, that fills my heart with joy. 

Have the best time on the Allure and enjoy Mamma Mia!

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1 hour ago, FionaMG said:

What a great review of the sushi and saki lunch Laurie. It's not necessarily something I'd do because a) I'm not a sushi fan, b) I don't drink and c) I agree with you that it sounds more like something that should be done at dinner time. But anyway, to actually see what it entails is really really helpful. And I'm glad you're starting to recover from it now! 😂


At some time this evening you're going to be sailing more or less past my front door. I say more or less because you'll be too far over the horizon for either of us to see each other, but I'll be stalking you on cruise mapper anyway and waving as you go past! 👋😁


I'm right where it says "Loule" on the map. The greenish ship ahead of you is Odyssey. I'll be waving to them imminently! 😂



Well, hello there! 👋 


If all goes well, I hope to be asleep by the time we make it over there, but I’ll be waving in my dreams. 

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I went to the Windjammer for dinner. I wasn’t super hungry, but I figured it would be easier to find something before Cats than after. 

The Windjammer was super busy, so I skipped taking pictures and focused on not running into anyone. 

The theme for tonight was Euro Trip For Your Tastebuds. While I was checking things out, I ran into a couple from the Sushi and Sake lunch. They returned to their stateroom after the lunch and slept the whole afternoon. It was a brutal lunch, I tell you. 

I ended up grabbing a few things. 



First, some spicy cheese. I just had to. Then, some cheesy bread, because it’s tradition. I also had some pasta in a creamy sauce with truffle. I also added some token green beans to my plate so the internet won’t come at me for not eating my veggies. There was a croquette-looking thing next to the green beans, so I got one of those. Finally, I had a bit of sandwich with meat, cheese and pesto. 

It was a pretty good plate and I ate everything. 

I have Cats at 20:30, so my plan was to go to the Crown Lounge and see if I could grab some dessert there. But then I saw a spot at the lower bar at Boleros and I settled there instead. 

I ordered a Havana Special. 



They are having Motown trivia and things are a bit wild in here at the moment. I didn’t even bother with getting some paper and a pencil.






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1 hour ago, laurieal said:

I asked around and for this sailing most bar will have Heineken 0 and some of them will also have O’Doul’s



In regards to eating sushi with fingers.  From my understanding it is perfectly acceptable to eat sushi with fingers in Japan

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4 hours ago, laurieal said:

I’m here! I’m ok! It was just a very lazy afternoon with new cruise friends. Around mid-afternoon I started feeling like myself again and not like my body was 80% sake and fish. 

Oh thank goodness!  I was skim reading out of worry.  Glad you're okay!  


(CC lost my account so I'm no longer Delmom18)

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3 hours ago, laurieal said:

I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to worry anyone. In my head it was clear that I was just suffering the effects of too much sushi and saké. They say “write drunk; edit sober” and I forgot about the second part. 


Hi Laurie, I think there might be quite a few who got scared... I've read the part about dying and rushing and then the pictures followed, and my thought was "how on Earth is she able to continue with her review while her life is in danger????"


Anyway, I hope you have a good and safe (!) rest of your cruise. Thank you so much for the details and pictures you share! I joined your topic because I have my cruise on Oasis from Rome on 9th May. This will be my second cruise ever, the first being also on Oasis back in 2011. Cruising as a way of spending vacations is not very popular here in Poland. My first cruise was my honeymoon, now I am bringing my children with me. This leads me to my actual question to you - as we plan to be having breakfasts in Windjammer, because it is easier for my girls to deal with buffet style, especially at breakfast - when you wrote that Windjammer was super busy did you mean that there were lines to the food isles or just many tables taken, or maybe there was a line even to get a table? 


As a kind of bribe for your time to give me details on Windjammer, I can offer pictures of my cats. Hope that works. Also, mushroom soup forever!





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@laurieal, I wish to add my own thanks to all the others for your Live review.  I also really admire your writing and sense of humor. 


I do not have a cat pic to offer up, but my DD just came back home from university and she had this.  I thought it looked a lot like your avatar. 


Looking forward to reading more.





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I’ve done the Sushi & Sake Lunch and they usually have to cart me out because of it.  I’ve done it twice but will probably not do it again.  The first time, my friend took me and the last time, I had to take my wife.


In my opinion, Izumi’s is meh sushi.  Not great but passable.  However given the price Royal charges, i feel i should get better quality.  Like Chops’ steaks which are awesome.


Worse, I am getting the same quality sushi here on Scarlet Lady and its available every day with no surcharge.  In fact, i had some earlier today before my toue.  Its actual part of the Galley which is Virgin’s “buffet”




You had a lot of us scared because of the “I’m dying” bit.  Think about it.  All of us, you, Odyssey and now us had medical emergencies that required us to divert.


Enjoy Cadiz.  Never been there.  Funchal was AWESOME!!

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8 hours ago, laurieal said:

I’m here! I’m ok! It was just a very lazy afternoon with new cruise friends. Around mid-afternoon I started feeling like myself again and not like my body was 80% sake and fish. 

Oh good, I was worried they were rushing to Cadiz because you had a medical emergency.   Glad to hear you are OK.

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10 hours ago, laurieal said:

Well, hello there! 👋 


If all goes well, I hope to be asleep by the time we make it over there, but I’ll be waving in my dreams. 

OMG I'm going to make it one of my life's goals to be on a cruise with you at some point 🙂 

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