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Everything posted by Bo1953

  1. Thank you for your post... but the above caught my attention: The disgruntled passengers cancelled the sailing and stayed around to post here as to why they did... LOL Thank you again and bon voyage
  2. While I Am not sure where one can purchase airfare more than one (1) year out, yet I do know that I did book My airfare exactly at one (1) year from my return date and now airfares have more than doubled. I must add that I do have refundable airfare, so if the pricing does go down I can take advantage of it. This is for international flights, as well. bon voyage
  3. I have found that booking international flights (from/to North America) is the better fare value proposition, pending on when one chooses to book. For example I booked our international flights as soon as they became available (one year in advance of sailing) now flights on the open market are 4 times higher... Since the fare is refundable I told those who are traveling with me and did not book right away, to book with FBC and watch the fares if they come down enough, call and be re-book OR re-book through the airline. Sometimes, I believe, getting flights is like playing roulette, no matter where one purchases them from.... LOL Good luck in getting one at the right price, I know it can be daunting, to say the least.. bon voyage Each of us have our price points
  4. I consider this an essential, not a splurge... LOL Otherwise we would not be going... Thank you and bon voyage
  5. I understand this line, yet for a variety of reasons, my spouse is not one to move from the familiar, quickly, plus the the known policies and etc... As such, it will be X. I anticipate we will be away for up to 17 days with most of it cruising. Thank you again and bon voyage
  6. I believe you will find that the options are very few, in your case, to achieve pricing vs comfort to Europe, with the exception of breaking up the trip into segments going and returning, possibly??? We fly from the east coast to Europe in business class and it does, at times, equaled or exceeded the cruise price. We do not have "points" to use, so it is market price and have to find the deals, rather that be through the cruise line or a reputable discount airline TA or the airline direct... We book the sailing to take, then start looking for air (refundable only) if fares do not reach a level we would be happy paying, we cancel, reluctantly. So we chalk it up to the price of traveling, if we decide that it is un-affordable, then we sail closer to home... I Am sure you will make the decision which you think is the best for you... bon voyage
  7. Hello all, looking for input/recommendations and experiences for Asian sailings on X... This would be for 2025, possibly shoulder (Dec/Jan/Feb months) is this correct??? While we really enjoy M Class, I think S Class would be the better option for ship size and activities??? TIA for your thoughts and suggestions... and, bon voyage
  8. I recommend you visit www.tripinsurancestore.com and then follow up with a phone call to them as they will help you decide what you really need in terms of coverage AND more importantly, if what you desire is available... In health and bon voyage
  9. This was my next question, of those who have posted about contracting C-19, were they wearing masks or felt it was not necessary? In health and bon voyage
  10. z yes, that is true, yet I do not think that "We" (vegans) need the added protein as the vegetables and other such in the smoothie would offer enough servings. Unless we were going directly to the gym for a long and hard workout, that is... LOL Cheers and bon voyage
  11. I think a Vitamix is used in the SC for the smoothies, I cannot quite remember... Cheers and bon voyage
  12. Everything in smoothies from the Spa Cafe is fresh and to order.... Cheers and bon voyage
  13. Greek yogurt added is only an option.... Cheers and bon voyage
  14. Based on what you have said, it does sound like there is a system problem which will correct itself in time... Just a timing issue, I Am sure you checked your CP recently for any updates there, so a call is in order to confirm that the credit will be posted shortly and you will be re-imbursed for the extra paid. bon voyage
  15. Have you checked to confirm that the original gratuity amount billed and paid was correct to begin with? bon voyage
  16. Per the pdf it shows Zero Proof Cocktails, which is different than the Zero Proof Package, which may be part of the confusion??? Not sure, but a thought... Cheers and bon voyage
  17. Thank you nag, I was not aware they were that strict/conforming in that dining room. bon appetit and bon voyage
  18. Well, maybe you can request a "meatloaf" made of ground chuck 48 hours in advance if they have it aboard??? OR if some other type of beef, lamb or veal meatloaf is more to your liking request that instead...??? I know they try to accommodate all reasonable requests if the food is aboard to do so... bon appetit and bon voyage
  19. White Castle is one of the original burgers sliders place... bon appetit and bon voyage
  20. LOL... well, when OR if "Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle" film is shown or TV or possibly Netflix, you will get a good idea as to the reason many may buy and eat there... LOL bon appetit and bon voyage
  21. p thank you, yet my comments were directly aimed at the 'thinness' issue, not quality. I do understand and accept that there are a few comments about quality, not in the purview of mine as I do not eat animal products, so I will only comment on the presentation issue. I do know that different people like their meat cooked in different ways and degrees, as such no one way is no more valid than another, by me. As such, any challenges one has about preparation is no different or better than anyone else's who prefers it on the opposite side. To me, that is. bon appetit and bon voyage
  22. I do not eat "burgers" as it were, yet when we find that they are too "thin" at the next visit why not ask for a double or triple patty? I Am sure they will accommodate accordingly... thinness solved, I believe... Just like any of the fast food places that offer multiple burgers on one (1) roll... bon appetit and bon voyage
  23. Okay, I will follow up with Capt Club as I do not see a few points added from those activities. Thank you D2 and bon voyage
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