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Everything posted by Bo1953

  1. Yet, you still had the option!!! LOL bon voyage
  2. cj4 - Not on X, after pre-paying the gratuities on your account or in advance, no other grats are required or expected. On X, it would be very rare (IME) that a staff or crew member would be looking for additional cash. If anything, they will ask for positive reviews on the survey... that is their gratuity and not the cash immediately. Rest assured no additional grats at the end of the sailing is warranted, with the exception of those whom you thought provided excellent service... beyond and above what you expected. bon voyage
  3. Hello all - happy to report that I have been able to score cabin 1601.... Thank you one and all for your input... bon voyage
  4. OR at least not in its' former presentation... bon voyage
  5. Of course quality will vary by ship, as one (1) crew does not prepare for all ships.... bon appetit and bon voyage
  6. @phoenix_dream@KikiKruiser@keesar@Jim_Iain@lovecruzin Thank you one and all for your invaluable input... I do feel much better about the cabin than before posting, as most of the 'independent' reviews were from 2019 - 2020, for this cabin only and could find nothing in this forum from recent sailings either. Much appreciated.... bon voyage
  7. Hello all, I have been assigned this cabin for a sailing in 2025 and it is to be an A1... It is under the Spa Cafe and do wonder about noise or I need not worry it??? As best as I can tell, most A1's are currently booked BUT in the interest planning ahead, which cabins need I keep an eye out for just in case its' current place holder cancels OR do not worry as the noise will not be an issue??? Our first time in Aqua Class.... TIA and bon voyage
  8. One additional thought I have is, we who frequently visit this forum receive, give and expect more detailed information from a resident contributor than what IMT was providing or giving insight on... Then again, it is possible that IMT was not aware of how we interact here and what details or information sought to help give accurate info on situations presented. But be that as it may, as I said in that sub-forum, I know where I will continue to go to get information and support for my travel insurance needs/requirements. My thanks to everyone here who has contributed, further, to my understanding of travel insurance. bon voyage
  9. No, methinks they were posting and entered the wrong forum, it should be MSC... LOL That is something like I would do, as well, from time to time... bon voyage
  10. m2011 are these changes X made or the airline??? If airline, there is nothing X can do about it... Just a thought... bon voyage
  11. t4 for our FBC flights, I determined which ones I wanted before booking and made a slight change after getting the pricing... I have yet to experience X to tell me what flights they were putting us on vs telling them what flights we wanted and being accommodated accordingly, if I liked the price. bon voyage
  12. nag - very true, yet it is the employer who is sending their employee on this sailing... As such, they know where the employee is and even which cabin. Were this a 'private' vacation your thoughts work well... bon voyage
  13. h - a main reason for this specific sailing and ship is work related, as such, no other option but to try and get the best connection possible. I Am sure while the employer may be disappointed, yet they understand (and possibly already knows) that internet on ships can be and is sketchy, often. Just make best efforts to connect smoothly and continually. Added to the challenge, is that the employer does not pay for internet. bon voyage
  14. I would guess that the owner is waiting for the right 'high tide' to flow in to take it out to sea instead of launching it directly!!! LOL Great review and happy that you are having quite an enjoyable time, thus far!!! bon voyage
  15. e95 the best I could find (for now): Australia Phone 1800 003 002 New Zealand Phone: 0800 445 885 Email Address-Pre-departure: ReservationsAU@celebrity.com I have to speak with X later this morning and will ask if there is another number to call. The only other option I can think of in the meantime is, you can possibly log into your CP (cruise planner) and there should be contact information for Singapore there... Please remember that while you are calling from Singapore, the call in center may be in a different country handling the region. I will do my best to get some additional information for you today and post back. bon voyage
  16. No, it must be purchased no less than 48 hours before the sailing. bon voyage
  17. e95 now you tell me about it not being a primary job!!! LOL I think I could suffer through it, at least for a bit... two (2) years or so, would you guess??? Happy that you have this opportunity regardless... bon voyage
  18. From our waffle "expert"... bon appetit and bon voyage
  19. Heck, are there any openings???? That is great... maybe I can join the company and lobby for upgraded wi-fi!!! bon voyage
  20. woyh - that is, IF, work knows they are going on a cruise!!!! LOL My office always knows when I Am on a sailing, each time I call to have someone in the office to accept documents via email... the response is: I hope your cruise is going well... LOL bon voyage
  21. Call them... Have all the options you want checked ready to go... bon voyage
  22. You may want to visit the Roll Call for your sailing, as well for some additional input... bon voyage
  23. woyh - while not sure, I would think that while in Blu those types of beverages are included, outside of Blu is where it becomes dicey, possibly and based on your beverage package. Upgraded wines are different and would think that rules would apply there... I Am sure someone will be along shortly to confirm or rebut my thoughts on this... Cheers and bon voyage ETA: just saw G1953's post and it does sound like those coffees will not be included...
  24. Call them as they will discuss with you what you are wanting and make recommendations that a computer logarithm cannot intuit... bon voyage
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