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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. I'm a huge fan of aft facing. For me was worth the extra walk. I considered it a special cabin. As far as some rep saying they put all their unattractive cabins hard to sell on royal up. I doubt any rel said those words. That's how you took it. Which cabins are unsold varies from one week to another. I had a balcony not even a JS facing the aft and was delighted.
  2. When I click on to use the coupon then it says create account and I use firefly333 and a password. You can use whatever you want to create a account for the 2 days.
  3. You should have known not to complain here. You would be attacked. I get a little burnt out and then alternate with carnival since that's my other choice out of Galveston.. ncl has prima coming in. I think just having a change helps. ..though I'm not going a good job myself 3 carnival then like 13 rcl. .I would alternate more but with pre testing I dont feel like i can book one of each. ..hopefully soon. I liked the food a lot on ncl the 3 i did. Or celebrity..time to change it up. I feel like you myself. Like I need to change it up more. .. looking.
  4. To me perfect, but the water might be cool to swim. Last dec from Galveston which can be similar, it was like 70 and sunny when we boarded. People were scarce in the water and my friend had the surf zone to himself pretty much. Ports were 82 to 84.
  5. The totes are on the 525 pts list, not low level diamond plus. Idk and I got 3 of these cheap plastic totes I heard were leftover from adventure ocean ... wasnt what I expected. I gave 2 of them to a 6 year old. Maybe it's the 340 pts list but not the low level diamond plus. And some wines I read on the blog are being switched. I asked for truffles and got a bottle of champagne lol. Gave that away too.
  6. I dont think the towel has been available for a while. They were looking for someone to make them last I was told. I got the fruit truffles last time but a blogger claimed they ran out idk. That's why I said above few choices other than bottles of wine.
  7. You can call in and select from the list .... however if they are out you may get something else. They are mostly out of non bottles of wine. Slippers look like hospital slippers.
  8. 2 of the 14 day eastern out of Galveston I think hit st kitts in 2023. I'd like either but not at 3k starting prices. Very popular.
  9. Lol I was just thinking I havent yet done adventure out of Galveston..dont take her yet. Adventure is better ha! Lol I want to keep her here.
  10. Most I know are hoping it doesnt get amped. We dont want the slide blocking our aft view. No word I've heard .. never would be good on the amped part. New color scheme instead. Tired of green.
  11. We have been in the recession for 6 months and surely you have seen some deals. Already probably past peak inflation. I think we have already seen the deals. Gone. Too late if you didnt snap them up. Now post covid travel is up, huge demand. Look on your news at airlines trouble because demand is so high. Royal just said this morning DEMAND is higher. Not lower. Carnival said recently their prices have firmed. Nothing I see says the deals are coming back. Maybe a few last minute but nothing like during covid. Inflation would mean higher not lower cruise prices.
  12. I have gotten group rates from my ta and those are usually a bit cheaper plus they are refundable deposits. He escalated problems twice during covid i couldn't have. My last booking was only a tiny saving, less than usual but it is refundable .. in may 3 of 4 he moved to groups where I got extra obc. Savings vary.
  13. When I've boarded I doubt it made 10 minutes difference. They actually also had hc sit with key and suite where I boarded. No one mentioned wheelchairs etc. They boarded with the key and suites. Didnt take long for them to board imo.
  14. Even biden tested negative already. Very quick recovery possible. Doesnt hurt to have a pcr test on record just in case but seems like everyone recovers pretty fast.
  15. I bought it twice and maybe they know I only ordered a drink or two a day. I get cheers and wifi non stop. It ends and is replaced. Lol in fact the wifi offer is more per days than the cheers rate. They know I'm not a big drinker?
  16. If your solution is them paying for a night of hotel and extra dog boarding fees, you obviously can still go right. Flights on all airlines are being changed. If you feel you need to fly in the day of the cruise and not the day before because of meds .. you did take on a huge risk assuming flights cant get changed. Most people wouldnt over react as much flying in the day before their cruise. I dont think any lines would reimburse you tbh. Just go and try to enjoy.,there are carry on thing to keep meds cold. A cut rate carnival cruise doesnt sound like a good match for your needs. Not meaning offense but the news is full of people with changed flights.
  17. My pt which the op understood was they knew about the baby before this week. I didnt say they knew about it when he booked I said before right NOW. I still bet if it was that couples money not someone else's the cancelling couplemwould have been a little more forth coming before a few days before final payment.
  18. There are always ways to pay for a test. Might cost more than you want to pay, but you have 2 days to test. A doctor or pay CVS the stinking $139 etc.
  19. Have there been cases where one name was left .. and then later a second change of names where the remaining name changed? Seems like before covid I read this happened. In this case probably no if final payment due by next monday. Not enough time.
  20. As you say yourself....announced during the cruise. I can always go ask the diamond ambassador how many onboard during a cruise., no problem. They get a email a few days before the next cruise and at most have a couple days notice of the next cruise capacity. During the summer ships are full. Imo probably more like 98 to 100% full.
  21. I've read if you provide rcl with the positive test they have been very good about allowing you to cancel or reschedule. You do have to provide rcl with the test results.
  22. Actually after they made everyone go thru customs in new orleans the ship later got permission to go to houston .. not Galveston. I'd already rented a car. There were no hints houston might let us dock. Houston wasnt even open then as a port. I never saw my car again. Galveston closed up and didnt let people in for a week or two. We left sunday and Ike was supposed to hit mexico but dog legged friday, 5 days after we left. It wasnt supposed to hit Galveston. 17 feet of water was in the port parking garage. It the low side of the island. They bring in sand along sea wall so that side is higher ground. All the water apparently flowed to the port side of the island.
  23. Please do post. My prediction is they wouldnt have a answer and tell you it depends and not give you a written policy as I doubt it exists fleetwide. They cant give you what doesnt exist. One ship might move people to balconys on deck 2. I've heard of cove balconys being used or OVs. Prepare to get the worst type of cabin, but doesnt mean that will happen. Testing is rarely done btw unless YOU ask to be tested. There is no more testing between legs. People can bring a test from home. How would someone make them go be tested if someone chooses to isolate last couple of days of their cruise. .. so is your friend the type to ask to be tested. ..then yes he will be oved to the isolation ward ..probably. unless it's the last night. There have been reports they got to stay the last night. It varies. There is no policy I'd bet you. ..but tell us what they say.
  24. Royal up you bid for a upgrade to your booked cabin. If you are happy stay where you are. Nothing like guys. Mdr dinners and shows are better than carnival, but not the hamburgers. Always fresh hot fries in the WJ. Hamburgers too but nothing special. One night they did American with 5 inch high hamburgers .. still just hamburgers and other toppings. I do like french fries. There is a pizza place but it's not open 24 hours a day, opens around noon and closed at 3 am when I was on. I'm a WJ fan myself for most meals.
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