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An insult or just a new policy?


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On our last cruise a couple at our table were invited to the captain's table. We determine-jokingly that it was because she was blonde, had super big girls and wore really short skirts. It was their first cruise as well.


We are one cruise away from Elite but our goal is to get the free laundry perk :o. We purchase the premium beverage packages so don't care about the free cocktails and I have a gluten allergy so don't care about the special breakfast. Really doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to be Elite in my opinion.

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On our last cruise a couple at our table were invited to the captain's table. We determine-jokingly that it was because she was blonde' date=' had super big girls and wore really short skirts. It was their first cruise as well.


We are one cruise away from Elite but our goal is to get the free laundry perk :o. We purchase the premium beverage packages so don't care about the free cocktails and I have a gluten allergy so don't care about the special breakfast. Really doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to be Elite in my opinion.[/quote']

I'm sure looks play a part in some choices and I think that a person's or couple's personality is also used. If a couple is personable, fun and really looks like they are having a great time, I believe the captain would rather have dinner with them, then a couple that mopes around and complains about what they are getting or what they are not getting. We forget that the crew hears everything we say and I'm sure they pass it along.

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Are the first time cruisers that are being invited to this special event in high price cabins? Do you know?


I was a first time Celebrity cruiser in 2010 and feel like I wasn't treated very well at all in my pre-cruise dealings. I won't go into the story, because it doesn't matter to this topic. At the time, I actually wished I'd cancelled and rebooked elsewhere. I did have a nice time on the cruise and was treated fine. Nothing special, though. It would have been nice to have felt more welcomed as a new customer.


People mention Princess and I am a loyal Princess cruiser. When I was new to Princess I often got offers for upgrades. Now, I never get an offer. When I read CC boards I see that most of the big upgrades are made to new customers. I have to admit that I feel bad about it from time to time. So, I see your thoughts on this. However, in the end, I feel like Princess has the best loyalty program and I keep going back because of it. I actually keep thinking it would be nice to find another cruise line that I'd like to be loyal to because I have one issue with Princess, but my Celebrity experience didn't encourage me to come back. Maybe if I'd had a more positive first time experience it would have swayed me. Someone posted that Celebrity is rethinking some of it's policies to be competitive. I'd like to hear more about that. I'll be going and looking for posts on that. To point, it probably is a marketing strategy. Now that Princess and other cruise lines are changing their smoking policies I'm thinking Celebrity has to step up their game a bit.

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We have always found that loyalty benefits are just the frosting on the cake. If the cake isn't good, the frosting doesn't matter. We enjoy the basic product and if we receive something extra we appreciate it but if not we don't worry about it. Celebrity has always treated all the passengers well, regardless of the number of cruises completed. There are probably a number of reasons why some people get a few more perks than others, loyalty being just one of them. Treating the staff and crew with respect is another. A special occasion may also be considered and I'm sure new cruisers are enticed with something special too.


It's nice to see the perks spread around for all to enjoy.


That being said, it's disappointing to see the OP personally attacked for just pondering whether what he experienced is a change in focus for the cruiseline. Loyalty has always been a big consideration for Celebrity. It's a fair question, asked honestly, and doesn't deserve the snide comments.

I was going to post to this thread before I went out today, but decided not to because of some of the nastiness that has developed here. You have now put in words exactly my thoughts. Thanks!:)



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When I was new to Princess I often got offers for upgrades. Now, I never get an offer. When I read CC boards I see that most of the big upgrades are made to new customers. I have to admit that I feel bad about it from time to time.


I too have had the same experience. When we were new to cruising we often received upgrades and many other perks. Once on NCL Norway we were upgraded from an inside cabin to a Penthouse. On the Galaxy we received an upgrade from inside to a balcony. We have dined twice at the Captains table. All of this was done several years ago when we used a travel agent and I am sure that he had a great deal of influence in these things. He has since retired and I now book all of our cruises on line direct . All of those extra perks are gone now that I do my own booking, even though the bottom line for the cruise company is better since there is no commission to pay. Personally I could care less about being invited to the Captains table, unless it was Capt. Gary on the Solstice, but it does make one wonder just how much outside influence goes into that decision. A good travel agent is a big asset for the cruise line and I would guess that they would be rewarded in this way.

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I too have had the same experience. When we were new to cruising we often received upgrades and many other perks. Once on NCL Norway we were upgraded from an inside cabin to a Penthouse. On the Galaxy we received an upgrade from inside to a balcony. We have dined twice at the Captains table. All of this was done several years ago when we used a travel agent and I am sure that he had a great deal of influence in these things. He has since retired and I now book all of our cruises on line direct . All of those extra perks are gone now that I do my own booking, even though the bottom line for the cruise company is better since there is no commission to pay. Personally I could care less about being invited to the Captains table, unless it was Capt. Gary on the Solstice, but it does make one wonder just how much outside influence goes into that decision. A good travel agent is a big asset for the cruise line and I would guess that they would be rewarded in this way.


You may have a point. I did use a TA on my first X cruise, but she was from a small cruise agency and didn't have much pull. I couldn't get an upgrade up one category to a cabin closer to an elevator after final payment. AQ cabins were selling for less than what I paid, but I didn't ask for an AQ. All I asked for was moving from an C3 to a C2. It was less money and I even asked what I could pay to get it. No go. I even asked for a cabin in my same category closer to the elevator but they wouldn't let me have it because it slept 3 people and I was traveling solo. It didn't matter to them that I have mobility issues. Someone else on my roll call got upgraded to a full suite during this same week under the same sale. They said their travel agent did a good job for them. My travel agent just didn't have any pull. And, it clearly didn't matter that I was a first time cruiser who had just bought stock and was elite on another cruise line. So, it's hard to say what makes a difference.

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OK folk, this is an interesting thread, but please stop with the personal stuff. Opinions are like noses. Everyone has one, they are all different and there's no such thing as a wrong nose.


Please be civil.





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We have always found that loyalty benefits are just the frosting on the cake. If the cake isn't good, the frosting doesn't matter. We enjoy the basic product and if we receive something extra we appreciate it but if not we don't worry about it. Celebrity has always treated all the passengers well, regardless of the number of cruises completed. There are probably a number of reasons why some people get a few more perks than others, loyalty being just one of them. Treating the staff and crew with respect is another. A special occasion may also be considered and I'm sure new cruisers are enticed with something special too.


It's nice to see the perks spread around for all to enjoy.


That being said, it's disappointing to see the OP personally attacked for just pondering whether what he experienced is a change in focus for the cruiseline. Loyalty has always been a big consideration for Celebrity. It's a fair question, asked honestly, and doesn't deserve the snide comments.


Ditto....great post ;)


Although, I certainly don't think X ever intends to insult or offend any of their customers. Things happen ;)

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I have not engaged in any personal attack in this thread even though my motivations and character have been attacked by some. The thesis of my concern, a possible change in the emphasis on loyalty has been completely distorted by some. When attacked in this manner I tend to spend a few minutes and review the past posts of the posters. I would suggest that anyone who wants to do some interesting reading do the same. Name calling and ascribing motives does not further one's position and ultimately only hurts the credibility of the poster. I can try to explain, clarify and deny from now to kingdom come, but some by their very nature will never want to get it. To those who kept you posts civil and either agreed or disagreed, thank you. Some who disagreed made good points and provide a framework for discussion. I especially like the suggestion that we need to find some way to recognize the new cruiser. Our cruising community only expands if people find their first experience enjoyable. Finis!




I'd like to thank you for initiating this thread and your return posts in reply to others willing to discuss their points of view.


Frankly, I am embarrassed to log on and read class-less post and shameful attacks of possible fellow cruisers. I trust they wear a nicer face aboard ships.


However, the informative posts are helping me understand. You have made me aware that loyalty programs change.


Perhaps, others will give thought to your thread, IF in the future, they go to an Elite Cocktail Party and find there is a one cocktail limit but a discount on extra drinks. Or they may go to a quiet area such as the Solarium to find there is a lounge charge, or "just a dollar" for ice cream in the Buffet. Hmmmm, the idea is possible. Those charges show up on other lines.


First time cruisers get the benefit of the experience and have no standard to compare; repeat cruisers know the experience so they want more. The VIP thinks he's getting more than a worthless pass. It seems like a valid concern to me.


(Aside to another poster: excuse me please, if I attempt to read between the lines and express my own thoughts........ It's what I do in discussions).



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I was wondering how many people does the Captain's table sit? Of the total number of seats, how many are officers and how many are passengers?


Hi Greg, 10 or 12....it can vary. Ususally it is 1 officer but there are times

it can be 2.

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I debated whether I should post on this thread as the tone was getting too strong. We happened to be on the cruise before Orator and were invited to the Captain's Table second seating. The top cruiser was at the Captain's Table for the first seating. I can tell you that the other people seated with us at the Captain's Table were also new to Celebrity. Actually, there were two women that had cruised a few times, another couple were on their first cruise ever and the third couple were new to Celebrity, but had cruised several times before, but were well traveled. Everyone was very interesting and the conversation at the table was truly delightful. I can't believe there was some economic reason sent down from the Miami head office for any of us being invited for the sole purpose of future profits.


We also were given one of those VIP tags before we boarded the ship, as we were in one of the Penthouses. By the time we got to Michael's Club, our VIP tag had been collected. This was the first time we got one of these VIP tags, but not the first time in a Penthouse. I assume this must be a new program. We struck up a conversation with the Captain's Club host, as there were only a few people in Michael's Club at the time. We have sailed Celebrity many times before, just under 50 cruise credits, and LOVE Celebrity. It's just a perfect fit for us. I'm sure many of you know exactly what I mean. When we get on the ship, we are always so excited to be back on another Celebrity cruise. While we never expect an invitation to the Captain's Table, an invitation is such a special honor. After a few minutes of conversation with the Captain's Club host, he said, would you be interested in sitting at the Captain's Table? He said he would have to check first and couldn't promise anything, but would get back to us. We told him that we would be honored, if it were possible. We did get an invitation that night and of course accepted the invitation.


We have been invited to the Captain's table on quite a few occasions, and I hope the only reason was because we are fun people that truly LOVE Celebrity. There has never been a time that we didn't meet some wonderful people while dining at the Captain's Table and have always remarked how well the group got along.


I think being invited to sit at the Captain's Table is a great honor, and while being invited back again, is just as much of an honor, I remember our first invitation and the level of excitement was SO great. I hope more people can experience the fun it is being invited and then actually sitting at the Captain's Table.


While we have never met Orator, we have met some of the Top cruisers on Celebrity, and have always found them to be extremely interesting and some of the best goodwill ambassadors for Celebrity Cruise Lines.


I don't want to take away any of the perks offered to Top Cruisers, I would just like more people to experience dining at the Captain's Table.


Steve and Steve

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Would you really ask someone why you weren't invited which implies that of course you thought you should have been invited?


How awkward.



On a recent b2b cruise we received special invitations to frequent passenger functions for the first cruise but did not receive an invitation to attend on the second cruise. I stopped at Guest Relations to ask if the invitations were extended on the second leg.


They checked. A ship officer came to our cabin with a special invitation and apology for the slight mishap. We were correct in checking at Guest Relations because the invitation had simply been lost somewhere in transit.


No, it was not awkward.



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Just returned from a wonderful cruise. ... Really more concerned with a possible change in policy that appears to want to hook new cruisers rather than recognizing loyalty. I recall an ad for a bank that seems to question that strategy.




I posted a comment several years ago in which I suggested that the elite gathering was a wonderful setting for a chance to meet like-minded people. Someone took an immediate offense that my comment implied that I did not want to converse with disagreeable (my opinion of the reply) people.


This cruise critic site was, at one time, a wonderful place to discuss or critique the cruising experiences on Celebrity or competing cruise lines. In the last few years it seems to have attracted a lot of posters who have never cruised on a Celebrity ship but want to attack anyone who has an opinion about an actual cruising experience.


It is becoming ever more difficult to have a meaningful discussion with others whose opinion we value as experienced cruisers and who actually respond to the thread without attacking the character of the poster. I always look forward to a response from well-traveled fellow cruise addicts and dread the inevitable comments from the piranhas who troll the threads for a chance to insult someone.


Over the last few years I have noticed a trend away from rewarding those who travel frequently aboard Celebrity ships. Individual interaction with crew and staff may be as friendly as ever, but as the TV on board drones on, the message implied is "whether this is your first voyage or your 100th, the experience will be the same."

Several years ago the Captain's Club celebration would recognize the three most frequent cruisers on board, each with a bouquet of flowers and an occasional bottle of wine. Now most ships recognize one couple and won't even mention others.

One of the Captain's Tables (there are usually four "tables" during a one week cruise hosted by various officers) would normally invite the top three couples, and the others would invite penthouse and top suite guests. Captain's Club literature at one time even mentioned this as a potential perk for all elite guests but that of course is now impossible.

Over the last year or so it seems that the chance of getting to the table is easier for a first time cruiser or a first time X cruise for an RCL cruiser than for a frequent elite Celebrity cruiser even if you have cruised with Celebrity more than a hundred times.

It is the frequent Celebrity cruiser who will notice the change in policy.


An invitation to the Captain's Table is considered by many as an acknowledgement that their loyalty to the brand is recognized by the staff on board as well as by company policy. As one who cruises on a Celebrity ship for more than three months of the year, I have always valued the tradition and am disappointed that Celebrity no longer extends this honor to other frequent cruisers. Of the millions of passengers who have ever sailed on a Celebrity ship, there are perhaps only 50 couples who have done so more than a 100 times. Any time that you are told that you are one of the top cruisers on the ship, that you are singled out as a VIP and then ignored then I believe that you have a right to be concerned about the change in policy.

If you value company loyalty as a two way street, as a mutual commitment for rewarding those who remain faithful to the brand, then Celebrity's policy is shortsighted. RCL does it much better.

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I don't think their is a formula for perks like Captains table, my guess is its left to the discretion of the Hotel Director and his staff. I think the last 8 cruises been invited to dine with the "Master" eight times, five of the times I did, three I suggested a young or newlywed couple that would be more worthy to share the experience with. They generally seemed to be a mixed bag, some passengers from the Royal or Penthouse suites, some Elite with a lot of cruises. Its a much better experience when its a mix of people.

Best sitting I ever had, there was young couple from Luxembourg, A wonderful couple who had 35 Celebrity cruises under their belts, A lovely older (~75) woman who had more charm than anyone I have ever met, myself, a reporter and her husband, and a Mom and daughter from Mexico on their third cruise.

Personally I think its much better to mix it up, than use a formula

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Hi Arno,

I am happy to see your response. I have never, to my knowledge, met Orator, but I do know you to be a fair and reasonable person. I simply do not understand the attacks and hope that Walt's warning will keep them at bay.


The changes, even to someone with far fewer cruises than you, are becoming ever more obvious. Unless I personally know the Captain/Hotel Director, I no longer have any expectations of being invited to dine at the table. And it is not about "entitlement", it is all about previous treatment that has created expectations. I was even told by a recent cc hostess that the captain wanted "young and fun people" at his table. Her words. I guess older and fun is not good enough anymore.


Off my soapbox now.



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First officer, talking to the Captain's Club hostess about the Captain's table for the main seating -- "please keep the number of old crusties down, and maybe some nice up-beat couples, and by all means babes!! Blonde babes!!":rolleyes::)


Reality always gets in the way!



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Thank you for your response. Perhaps there would have been less hostility if I had used your words to describe the issue. Hopefully we can continue our discussions on a variety of topics in the near future.

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Orator, I think that your initial thesis should be required study at Wharton.


The most successful brands/businesses in the world just happen to be the ones who do seemingly simple things brilliantly.


By "simple things" I do not in any way mean to infer that running Apple or Google (or Coke or Ferrari or many other leaders in their respective fields) is easy; it isn't. But the chain of command in such hierarchies inevitably tend to focus on the end users' experience. The customer is #1 and the rest of the task is to figure out how best to look after them. Profits follow if you can monitor the operational side of the equation.


Clayton Christensen has explored in riveting detail how companies can all-too-easily slide into mediocrity. My wife and I are very fond of Celebrity and hope to sail with them for many years, and we sincerely hope that they will sort out this--and many other--inconsistencies. The message from the top needs to be breathtakingly clear and concise, with said clarity extending all the way to the front line customer experience.


Happy Cruising,

Alan (and Teresa)

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Thank you for your response. Perhaps there would have been less hostility if I had used your words to describe the issue. Hopefully we can continue our discussions on a variety of topics in the near future.



I'm confused. Why did you wear the VIP pass? Do you know your way around Celebrity ships?

Free drinks? To meet other Very Important People? Conversation ?


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