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Summit passenger almost lands in jail


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There are indeed medicinal uses for the active ingredient in marijuana but one need not SMOKE marijuana to get them. For patients with an actual need for those medicinal benefits there is a prescription drug called Marinol which provides those benefits LEGALLY. All those people flocking to medical marijuana clinics do so in order to get a card that alleges they "have to smoke" dope. Their medical conditions have shown NO scientific proof to benefit from the active ingredient in marijuana.


There are only TWO conditions that MM has shown to be effective for and that is glaucoma and enhancing appetite for patients undergoing chemo or with other conditions that cause severe nausea that interfere with hunger and desire to eat. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that MM controls pain, migraines, foot fungus, MS, or any other condition despite what all the MM users claim.


Responsible prescribers of MM also tell patients CLEARLY that the card is only good in the state in which they reside and it does not stop the federal government from bringing charges. This guy knew exactly what he was doing and that he was taking a HUGE risk. If he was truly in pain he could have gone to a family practice doctor and got Marinol for the trip. He didn't. This isn't about any medical condition and IS about his desire to smoke dope.




As I said above there is no medical reason to SMOKE MM as there is a legal pill form available. Dope smokers choose to ignore that.


Consider this: Celebrity is a NO-SMOKING line when it comes to the majority of the areas on board and like you said why many cruisers choose them. They clearly do not allow smoking of ANY illegal substance on board. So where was reefer boy going to fire up his 56 doobies in order to smoke them on this cruise? Especially on sea days. How did he smoke daily to control his pain when not in port? I am guessing he didn't show one issue with pain or he was smoking illegally somewhere on board and that is what triggered the "random" cabin search.


Love to see what shore excursions he had signed up for, curious how they might impact his back pain.

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There are indeed medicinal uses for the active ingredient in marijuana but one need not SMOKE marijuana to get them. For patients with an actual need for those medicinal benefits there is a prescription drug called Marinol which provides those benefits LEGALLY. All those people flocking to medical marijuana clinics do so in order to get a card that alleges they "have to smoke" dope. Their medical conditions have shown NO scientific proof to benefit from the active ingredient in marijuana.


There are only TWO conditions that MM has shown to be effective for and that is glaucoma and enhancing appetite for patients undergoing chemo or with other conditions that cause severe nausea that interfere with hunger and desire to eat. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that MM controls pain, migraines, foot fungus, MS, or any other condition despite what all the MM users claim.


Responsible prescribers of MM also tell patients CLEARLY that the card is only good in the state in which they reside and it does not stop the federal government from bringing charges. This guy knew exactly what he was doing and that he was taking a HUGE risk. If he was truly in pain he could have gone to a family practice doctor and got Marinol for the trip. He didn't. This isn't about any medical condition and IS about his desire to smoke dope.




As I said above there is no medical reason to SMOKE MM as there is a legal pill form available. Dope smokers choose to ignore that.


Consider this: Celebrity is a NO-SMOKING line when it comes to the majority of the areas on board and like you said why many cruisers choose them. They clearly do not allow smoking of ANY illegal substance on board. So where was reefer boy going to fire up his 56 doobies in order to smoke them on this cruise? Especially on sea days. How did he smoke daily to control his pain when not in port? I am guessing he didn't show one issue with pain or he was smoking illegally somewhere on board and that is what triggered the "random" cabin search.


Let me be clear that I was not defending the person in the article. I was drawing a distinction between tobacco smoke, which has no clinical indication, and the proper use of medical marijuana. Clinical journals continue to debate whether ingested medical marijuana is as effective as inhaled but that's an issue for another day. Since this person's condition is not stated its difficult to imagine the reason for their prescription, if indeed they even had one. I suspect they did not since most who would have such a prescription would know to seek out a legitimate solution to a non smoking environment.

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Since this person's condition is not stated its difficult to imagine the reason for their prescription, if indeed they even had one. I suspect they did not since most who would have such a prescription would know to seek out a legitimate solution to a non smoking environment.


According to the article the guy in question has a MM card for "back pain." After 27 years in the medical field I know of no legitimate use for MM in back pain. Smoking dope doesn't control the pain one bit it just makes you not care you are in pain anymore!


I have had migraines since I was a kid. I do not take narcotics for them. I went to the ER with a horrid one on a weekend and declined narcotics from the ER doctor and he asked why. I told him the same thing: narcotics don't stop the headache they just make me not care I have one. I would much rather you give me something that controls the headache.


The guy in this article had 28 grams of dope in his cabin, enough for 56 joints. Even if it was legitimate that he had the marijuana and was prescribed to smoke it every 6 hours that is only 28 joints. He had twice the quantity he should have had which leads me to believe there was WAY more going on here than a medicinal use.


Let me be clear that I was not defending the person in the article. I was drawing a distinction between tobacco smoke, which has no clinical indication, and the proper use of medical marijuana.


Nothing personal but I live in a state where these so called "clinics" are starting to pop up like cock roaches. There is one 3 blocks from my house and the dregs that turn up there seeking their drugs are frightening. I thank GOD every day that the cops aren't buying it and raid them and others like them continuously knowing that they are doing something illegal.


My county even passed a law last year that getting stopped with less than a defined amount of marijuana is now ABLE to be charged as a simple traffic ticket. Thankfully the cops have declined to use that option and have been arresting people.


I run my own business and it irritates me to no end. You should see the applicants that come in seeking a job that are stoned and happily disclose they smoke dope and want to know if they will be given time to do so on the job so that they can stay high. Of course they don't use those words but seriously? Why do I want you stoned out of your mind working for me?

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According to the article the guy in question has a MM card for "back pain." After 27 years in the medical field I know of no legitimate use for MM in back pain. Smoking dope doesn't control the pain one bit it just makes you not care you are in pain anymore!


I have had migraines since I was a kid. I do not take narcotics for them. I went to the ER with a horrid one on a weekend and declined narcotics from the ER doctor and he asked why. I told him the same thing: narcotics don't stop the headache they just make me not care I have one. I would much rather you give me something that controls the headache.


The guy in this article had 28 grams of dope in his cabin, enough for 56 joints. Even if it was legitimate that he had the marijuana and was prescribed to smoke it every 6 hours that is only 28 joints. He had twice the quantity he should have had which leads me to believe there was WAY more going on here than a medicinal use.




Nothing personal but I live in a state where these so called "clinics" are starting to pop up like cock roaches. There is one 3 blocks from my house and the dregs that turn up there seeking their drugs are frightening. I thank GOD every day that the cops aren't buying it and raid them and others like them continuously knowing that they are doing something illegal.


My county even passed a law last year that getting stopped with less than a defined amount of marijuana is now ABLE to be charged as a simple traffic ticket. Thankfully the cops have declined to use that option and have been arresting people.


I run my own business and it irritates me to no end. You should see the applicants that come in seeking a job that are stoned and happily disclose they smoke dope and want to know if they will be given time to do so on the job so that they can stay high. Of course they don't use those words but seriously? Why do I want you stoned out of your mind working for me?

Agree. While I see some benefits to legalization in that it takes revenue from criminal organizations, I personally believe pot is not good for your physical health or mental state.

I once did public defender work and represented a lot of people on drugs. Most of them seemed to be trying to escape from society and individual responsibility.

Individual responsibility, that is an idea that our modern society seems to have pushed by the wayside.

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I was on the Century years ago and someone a few cabins down was smoking pot so much, it stunk up the hallways. It was aweful. I complained several time to the point I insisted a crew member come with me to smell what was going on. The crew member asid to me, "Is that what pot smells like?" Celebrity did nothing and the smell continued the whole cruise. I was angry so everytime I passed the cabin with the stench, I would bang on the door and yell a very bad word throught the door :rolleyes:

It didn't do a thing, but at least I felt better...



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These random cabin searches seem to be a regular Bermuda happening.


It appears to be a good way for them to raise capital as the perpetrator has to pay the fine to avoid jail time as well as enforce their strict drug laws.


From what I have been told they walk dogs up and down the halls and obviously, if something has been smoked in a cabin the dog alerts and they search the room.


Apparently back in May they caught 2 separate people on the same Norwegian ship.


Either other ports doing this don't hit the news or Bermuda is the only one that actively searches the ships in this manner.

I have seen those dogs with my own eyes walking up and down the hallway with a handler on the Summit....twice in Bermuda. I have also seen it once on NCL.



I have had so many experienced cruisers tell me that it never happens....trust me it happens. The dog "hits on a room" and they go right in, you have no expectation of privacy on a cruise ship.

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Agree. While I see some benefits to legalization in that it takes revenue from criminal organizations, I personally believe pot is not good for your physical health or mental state.

I once did public defender work and represented a lot of people on drugs. Most of them seemed to be trying to escape from society and individual responsibility.

Individual responsibility, that is an idea that our modern society seems to have pushed by the wayside.

Sadly, you are correct.

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These random cabin searches seem to be a regular Bermuda happening.


It appears to be a good way for them to raise capital as the perpetrator has to pay the fine to avoid jail time as well as enforce their strict drug laws.


From what I have been told they walk dogs up and down the halls and obviously, if something has been smoked in a cabin the dog alerts and they search the room.


Apparently back in May they caught 2 separate people on the same Norwegian ship.


Either other ports doing this don't hit the news or Bermuda is the only one that actively searches the ships in this manner.


Yes, this is an income generator for the Bermuda government. They walk the dogs thru the ship. It is illegal to have in Bermuda for any reason so the medical defense or that it is legal at home won't wash. In addition none should think it is safe to have in their cabin safe. They will have the safe opened if they suspect it is in the safe.


Most don't land in jail. They pay the fine. A double win for Bermuda.

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Agree. While I see some benefits to legalization in that it takes revenue from criminal organizations, I personally believe pot is not good for your physical health or mental state.

I once did public defender work and represented a lot of people on drugs. Most of them seemed to be trying to escape from society and individual responsibility.

Individual responsibility, that is an idea that our modern society seems to have pushed by the wayside.


The medical thing is mostly a crock to get it legaly. There are other and better drugs for most conditions. That said I do think it should be legalized.

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For patients with an actual need for those medicinal benefits there is a prescription drug called Marinol which provides those benefits LEGALLY. All those people flocking to medical marijuana clinics do so in order to get a card that alleges they "have to smoke" dope. Their medical conditions have shown NO scientific proof to benefit from the active ingredient in marijuana.



As I said above there is no medical reason to SMOKE MM as there is a legal pill form available. Dope smokers choose to ignore that.




I agree that all the statements concerning MM are for the most part true and it is just a way for a lot of people to get high and skirt the law.


As for the guy in Bermuda, he's lucky he isn't spending a month in the can along with the fine.


The one thing that gets me hot under the collar is the whole Marinol thing.


Sure, many cancer patients and others with real not phony medical conditions are helped by Marinol (THC in a gel pearl) but if I or my loved one needed THC and was told that I would have to pay three or four thousand dollars for a 30 day supply compared to a couple of hundred dollars worth of marijuana I would choose the later. Yep! That's what it costs.


Yes there is Marinol but 3-4 thousand dollars a month vs a few hundred... Makes me think.




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That poor chap in the article should have done more research on just where he could travel legally with his MM. Asking the question here on CC may have saved him some serious cash........


.....and made for an exciting thread:D full of tonnes (or is it kilos?) of good non-judgmental information.;)

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I would recommend that the pot smoker in question should stick to the Pacific Coast cruises. Most of the ports are in California, where he could augment his stash. In Vancouver and Victoria he could sample the British Columbia hydro-weed. Then a stop in Mexico to pick up any additional pain killers he might need (for his "back").


Also, the poster's story about the smell of pot smoke on the Century with no response from Celebrity is odd, given the strict "No Smoking in the cabin" policy.

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I have chronic pain as a result of serious nerve impingments and disc herniations resulting in 3 back surgeries in one year with the last being fusion. I don't use MM and don't live in a state that presently allows it so I am prescribed 2 legal medications. One of the medications is one of the most dangerous and physically addictive (opioid) drugs on the market that makes MM look like water. Aren't I lucky that the US has such an advanced pharmaceutical industry that has no qualms about putting a monkey on your back.


If you do not have chronic pain then count yourself lucky. If you did have chronic pain I bet you would take anything to either make it stop or at least take your mind off the pain and that includes MM if it was available. It's easy to judge when you don't have the experience. "Holier than thou" people like that are annoying.


Carrying marijuana on board ship, however, is foolish particularly if it is for recreational use.



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28 grams of grass is hardly enough to deserve a charge of "intent to supply".

Really seems that Bermuda is a shakedown jurisdiction. Of course, their country, their rules.


Sorry to hear of your pain Tantra. I'm assuming you use yoga for your health issues.

Good and good luck! :)

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I'm amazed at how many people will take prescription drugs but refuse to even think of MM. DH was prescribed anti-anxiety medication right after surviving a massive heart attack. We didn't think anything about it - it was one of more than 20 pills he was taking. 2.5 years later he was like - why am I still taking this? Well....now we know. He has been going through debilitating withdrawal. The doctors say it could last 6 months...in the meantime it has just been awful for him and for me. The doctors put him back on it because they said his withdrawal was really bad and maybe he should keep taking it for awhile. He has since stopped it again, but it hasn't been easy. So - advocating prescription drugs and attacking MM - makes no sense to me.

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I have chronic pain as a result of serious nerve impingments and disc herniations resulting in 3 back surgeries in one year with the last being fusion. I don't use MM and don't live in a state that presently allows it so I am prescribed 2 legal medications. One of the medications is one of the most dangerous and physically addictive (opioid) drugs on the market that makes MM look like water. Aren't I lucky that the US has such an advanced pharmaceutical industry that has no qualms about putting a monkey on your back.


If you do not have chronic pain then count yourself lucky. If you did have chronic pain I bet you would take anything to either make it stop or at least take your mind off the pain and that includes MM if it was available. It's easy to judge when you don't have the experience. "Holier than thou" people like that are annoying.


Carrying marijuana on board ship, however, is foolish particularly if it is for recreational use.





well I do have chronic pain, have had it since I was in my pre teens.. no sympathy for anyone who claims that MJ is the only thing that works. and yes my Rxs are expensive as all get out, I am lucky enough to have medical insurance that Rxs cost me nothing if I fill on base and $9 for a 30 day supply on the economy or for a 90 day supply if by mail


every major pharmaceutical company offers aid for under- and un- insured folks.

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