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My husband lost his ID today and we fly out next Friday!


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No, you would need to submit "Secondary Evidence" which her as his wife could be an identifying witness along with as much other things to prove his identity.




This is great info and what inspired us to just go ahead to the airport and see if we can talk to a TSA supervisor today with the documentation he plans to use on Friday!

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Thanks everyone. I've read all of your responses. We live in NC now. I went up to Bank of America stadium today and spoke with security before work. They are going to look for it in the section where he was and in the concession area. I pray they find it.


I called the DMV and spoke to "Examiner Peabody" who told me that the duplicate takes 8-10 days to come in the mail and that there is nothing they can give him so that he can fly. She was cranky. Anyway, that really shocked me that there's no alternative for this situation. Several years ago you could walk into the DMV and out with a hard copy of your ID. No longer...and I guess since they put their new system into place they haven't done anything at all about exceptional circumstances.


I called a second DMV and they also stated there was nothing they were permitted to give out. The gentleman was much nicer but he said that all ID's have to come from a centralized location and they are not permitted to give anyone anything other than a confirmation/receipt of what they requested. :(


So, what we are going to do today is go to Charlotte-Douglas Airport with his old ID, the receipt for the new ID we ordered last night, his birth certificate, his social security card, a utility statement, our marriage license, tax return, and anything else we can find that is from a reputable source and speak to TSA. Perhaps if they have advanced notice of the situation we can work something out with them and he can fly on Friday without as much of a delay. At the very least TSA can let us know if he will be able to fly with these documents even if we have to go through a big screening process when we get there.


Worse case scenario there's a drive to GA or VA in our future to see if we can get a passport! :eek:


This reminds me of our first cruise when the airlines inadvertently short checked our luggage in Orlando (our connection) instead of checking it through to Miami. I called and called and called and called Orlando and they kept promising to put our luggage on the next flight but as of the next day (our embarkation day) it still wasn't in Miami. I went to the airport and just begged and begged someone to find out what was going on. Just as we were about to leave at 1:15 to head to the Port (without our luggage)...I saw them bring it to the luggage kiosk...one piece of our luggage after the other. I've never been so thankful to see luggage in all my days. We were so stressed out you should have seen our embarkation photo. We looked like a bunch of frazzled lost souls.


Frankly, this is NO guarantee of what you would encounter on your flying day, nor would there be any guarantee from just using one particular agent. They will NOT care who you spoke with and TSA is not going to give you any "pass" just because you asked them ahead of time. If you don't locate this today, I would be heading out for a passport. Otherwise, be prepared to take your chances. No amount of any argument will be successful, just because you went there days prior, it's up to that TSA agent, that day.

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This is great info and what inspired us to just go ahead to the airport and see if we can talk to a TSA supervisor today with the documentation he plans to use on Friday!


That may get you on the plane, but how to get on the ship?

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Frankly, this is NO guarantee of what you would encounter on your flying day, nor would there be any guarantee from just using one particular agent. They will NOT care who you spoke with and TSA is not going to give you any "pass" just because you asked them ahead of time. If you don't locate this today, I would be heading out for a passport. Otherwise, be prepared to take your chances. No amount of any argument will be successful, just because you went there days prior, it's up to that TSA agent, that day.


You are absolutely correct. I was a 97E/35M in the Army so I understand how these agencies work and that it can be up to whomever is in charge. But I assume there are protocols in place and based upon the TSA's own website there are alternative ways of identifying someone. While it can't guarantee anything, it also can't hurt. Thanks for your concern! I would never be so ignorant as to demand that an agent take my word for what another agent said. That would absolutely guarantee we would never make it through.

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That may get you on the plane, but how to get on the ship?


I guess there are no guarantees until we get there. Honestly, my husband is already taking 8 days off from work and I don't even know if they'll let him take the day off to drive all the way to VA or GA to go get a passport that's why I'm hoping these other alternatives will work. Maybe we'll just have to cancel the entire thing. :(


I'm going to take a break.

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I am so mad I could spit. If you see him on the cruise (if he makes it) please heckle him!


He went to an NFL game this afternoon and left his ID somewhere in the silver club. UGH!


Of course he doesn't tell me until 10 minutes ago so I can think about it all night but I can't call anyone to do anything about it. :rolleyes: He could have just told me during regular business hours tomorrow so I could at least take action...make some phone calls...etc.


So we leave in how many ever days it says on the countdown, our DMV doesn't let you have your ID same day and he doesn't have a passport. This is great!


I have no idea how this is going to turn out if they don't have it at the stadium tomorrow. :(


How is he going to get on a plane? :rolleyes:


This totally sucks. Talk about precruise anxiety! would visit the DMV but they may issue you a temporary without a photo. Anyway, this was the solution years ago. A call this morning will answer that question.


As for flying, this information was on TSA's web site.

We understand passengers occasionally arrive at the airport without an ID, due to lost items or inadvertently leaving them at home. Not having an ID does not necessarily mean a passenger won't be allowed to fly. If passengers are willing to provide additional information, we have other means of substantiating someone's identity, like using publicly available databases.


I would bring social security card, stamped birth certificate and anything else I had. But like you, I wouldn't want to take the chance. And besides, don't you need some identification for the cruise?


You will probably be able to schedule an appointment at your local passport agency and get one within a day. But what a hassel and expense.


For this reason, I would suggest that in the future you both get passports for obvious reasons and back up identity when you lose either one of the major accepted forms of identity.


It's happened to me before a cruise, so once burned....... Also, I travel with both of these major id's plus xerox of passport when I travel abroad. My passport was "lifted" in the Duomo in Florence and getting a new one was a piece of cake with my photocopies. Loved my Italian issued American passport. Confused the heck out of many TSA agents.


Good luck! I would make him grovel for awhile. LOL

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You are absolutely correct. I was a 97E/35M in the Army so I understand how these agencies work and that it can be up to whomever is in charge. But I assume there are protocols in place and based upon the TSA's own website there are alternative ways of identifying someone. While it can't guarantee anything, it also can't hurt. Thanks for your concern! I would never be so ignorant as to demand that an agent take my word for what another agent said. That would absolutely guarantee we would never make it through.


Personally if I had all the required paperwork I would make a B line to get a passport. That way you don't need to worry about anything



24 hour service!



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This is great info and what inspired us to just go ahead to the airport and see if we can talk to a TSA supervisor today with the documentation he plans to use on Friday!


Regardless of what the TSA agent says prior to Friday, plan to get to the airport on Friday with PLENTY of extra time (as in "hours").


Although this is incredibly and understandably stressful for you, it isn't the first time the TSA has had to deal with someone who has arrived at the airport without proper ID.

They have a variety of ways to verify who you are, and whether you are "okay to fly", etc. The online data bases that many of us complain about because of all the personal information that's now so easy for anyone to find? Well, TSA can find all that, too, and much, much more. (Apparently a LOT more than we realized, not too long ago - thanks NSA!:rolleyes:)


They'll inspect whatever documentation he does have with him, and probably same for other family members. Bring along ANY photo ID, such as something from work or fitness club, etc., even if it isn't government-issued. He should probably expect questions about all sorts of things from his past.


Have you ever encountered the online security questions such as "on which *one* of the following list of streets have you NOT ever lived"? Or a list of phone numbers from the past. (At least that one was a "pick one you had", so if there were several I didn't recognize, it was okay.) It could get as specific as which one of the following charge cards (list of names of issuing financial institution, including several we've never had accounts at - or such is our memory...!) had a recent charge of <something>.

It was a bit spooky.


Meanwhile, are you SURE that the DMV can't issue a temporary *paper* copy of a license, possibly right ONLINE?

I renewed my license a few days late, online, and just printed out a piece of paper that was valid for 10 days.

TSA probably would NOT like that, as I could have printed out the same thing with any name, and it would have looked just as good. It would be one more supporting document, however.

But AT the DMV, they might have a seal they could imprint or attach, and they might be able to include a printed copy of the photo from the most recent license.


Good luck!


We hope you enjoy your cruise AND your great surprise!



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I guess there are no guarantees until we get there. Honestly, my husband is already taking 8 days off from work and I don't even know if they'll let him take the day off to drive all the way to VA or GA to go get a passport that's why I'm hoping these other alternatives will work. Maybe we'll just have to cancel the entire thing. :(


I'm going to take a break.


Well, I hope everything works out for you and you are able to board.

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You might want to post this question/situation on the Cruise Air Forum:




There may be a critical handy hint from someone there.


And someone may also have info about the "getting on the cruise ship", also.


This assumes the worst case scenario that DMV cannot issue an emergency temporary license if your husband shows up there in person.



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He could go to a federal passport office where they issue passports in one day. He would need to make an appointment, bring his original birth certificate with raised seal, a picture ID that has his address on it---it might not have to be a drivers licence, and proof of upcoming travel-----plane or cruise tickets.


Hopefully, his licence will be found.


Please let us know how things work out. Good luck and we are praying for you.

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Okay, here's the deal. DH and I just called TSA on three-way. We called the number at this website first: http://www.tsa.gov/contact-us


They gave us the number to our airport's TSA: 704-916-2200.


We spoke with the TSA manager. She asked if we had ANY other forms of ID at all. She mentioned costco, sam's club, bank cards, or anything at all that might have a picture on it.


Apparently this jogged DH's memory. As it turns out we moved in 2010 into our new home and my husband had the address changed on his ID shortly after we moved. He remembered while we were on the phone that he still has the NC ID with our old address. It doesn't expire until 2017 on the card (although I'm sure the DMV system shows that ID is not good since he was issued another one). We moved within the same city so the only thing that changed was our street address and the zip code.


He is going to bring that and all the other documentation I already mentioned (birth certificate, receipt from ordering ID last night, SSA cards, and everything mentioned in a previous post) but the TSA agent said that should be plenty to get him on the plane. She said even if we didn't have that they have protocols in palace to identify people. She mentioned some of the same things Geezercouple said...(by the way I always read that as Jeezercouple but now I get it. LOL). She said that there job is not to keep people from flying but just to make sure they can be identified. She was extremely nice and said there should be no problems getting on the plane. She gave me her name and said she was the manager and would in fact be there on Friday. I asked if we needed to get there extra early and she said that 30 minutes earlier than we would normally arrive should take care of it if there are any questions.


I'm hoping that with some form of ID that will be good enough for port officials as well. DH, unfortunately, cannot take the time off to go to VA or GA so we are taking a chance but I'll just pray about it and hope that God's favor is with us as we travel.


Thank you for your help and patience everyone and if I was snippy with anyone, I apologize. I'm just really stressed out over this.


For those concerned that DH hasn't been helping, he has been making calls to DMV's and various people just like I have been he's just not on here giving you a play by play. Again, thanks for your support! :)

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Okay, here's the deal. DH and I just called TSA on three-way. We called the number at this website first: http://www.tsa.gov/contact-us


They gave us the number to our airport's TSA: 704-916-2200.


We spoke with the TSA manager. She asked if we had ANY other forms of ID at all. She mentioned costco, sam's club, bank cards, or anything at all that might have a picture on it.


Apparently this jogged DH's memory. As it turns out we moved in 2010 into our new home and my husband had the address changed on his ID shortly after we moved. He remembered while we were on the phone that he still has the NC ID with our old address. It doesn't expire until 2017 on the card (although I'm sure the DMV system shows that ID is not good since he was issued another one). We moved within the same city so the only thing that changed was our street address and the zip code.


He is going to bring that and all the other documentation I already mentioned (birth certificate, receipt from ordering ID last night, SSA cards, and everything mentioned in a previous post) but the TSA agent said that should be plenty to get him on the plane. She said even if we didn't have that they have protocols in palace to identify people. She mentioned some of the same things Geezercouple said...(by the way I always read that as Jeezercouple but now I get it. LOL). She said that there job is not to keep people from flying but just to make sure they can be identified. She was extremely nice and said there should be no problems getting on the plane. She gave me her name and said she was the manager and would in fact be there on Friday. I asked if we needed to get there extra early and she said that 30 minutes earlier than we would normally arrive should take care of it if there are any questions.


I'm hoping that with some form of ID that will be good enough for port officials as well. DH, unfortunately, cannot take the time off to go to VA or GA so we are taking a chance but I'll just pray about it and hope that God's favor is with us as we travel.


Thank you for your help and patience everyone and if I was snippy with anyone, I apologize. I'm just really stressed out over this.


For those concerned that DH hasn't been helping, he has been making calls to DMV's and various people just like I have been he's just not on here giving you a play by play. Again, thanks for your support! :)


From what you say DH has a valid government issued ID to present upon boarding and to the best of my knowledge they don't look at the address boarding or disembarking, so I would be greatly surprised if they didn't allow boarding. I hope after all of this your DH super pampers you on this trip!:D

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We flew home from a cruise out of New York last month of one of the people in our group packed all their id in their luggage so when we got to security they had no id. They just answered a lot of questions and was allowed to board with no issues.


On a less happy note on our last two cruises we have had one person in our group on each cruise who was not allowed to board because they did not have the proper ID. One trip was out of New York and the other out of New Orleans. If immigration refuses to let them through there is nothing NCL can do about it. I stress to everyone traveling with us to get a passport and this is the reason why.

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Sounds like you have found a solution. Hope it all works out for you!


For what it's worth, this may help others in this situation - On my last cruise, I found out a few days before the cruise that my passport had expired. I hadn't used it or looked at it in quite some time but thought it was still good. Got an apt. the next day at the ATL passport office and though I had to wait a couple hours, I walked out with my new passport that day. They were wonderful to work with! I live in the ATL area so it wasn't a big deal to go down there but thought others might like to know that they can issue same day passports when needed.


Also, I believe that you could take the supporting documents and photos to the office and that your husband would not need to make the trip to the passport office himself. There are also services where you overnight all your materials and photos, they hand carry them to a passport office and then overnight your new passport back to you.

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You won't get on a plane without it. Go direct to your DMV and pay extra if you have to for a faster response if you have to.


You can get on a plane without ID you have to answer a bunch of questions and allow some extra time. The problem would be boarding the ship they won't let you on without it.

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You can get on a plane without ID you have to answer a bunch of questions and allow some extra time.


Yes you can fly domestically without picture ID, you will be asked a lot of questions about yourself and your background even what elementary school you went to. You can be subject to extra screening and the Captain of your flight is notified and can deny boarding if he/she so chooses.

Witness all this while waiting in line to board. The Captain deplaned to talk to the TSA supervisor and people overheard the conversation. Two families ahead held up the entire boarding process because they demanded the person without ID be removed from the flight that they were not going to fly with anyone that did not have ID.

The GA told them they can fly standby on another flight but the Captain had approved the passenger there was nothing that can be done.


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You can get on a plane without ID you have to answer a bunch of questions and allow some extra time. The problem would be boarding the ship they won't let you on without it.


NOT a 100% thing. You can be denied. My response is based on anything that can happen, not what may be likely.

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Just in case anyone missed it. He has an ID, it's not expired, but it is an ID with our old address on it (same city/state). Hopefully this and backup documentation is enough to get past TSA. I called the CBP in Miami as well and I think we're good. I'll post when we get through all the screening just to let those who are concerned know that we made it okay. Thanks for everything.

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Just in case anyone missed it. He has an ID, it's not expired, but it is an ID with our old address on it (same city/state). Hopefully this and backup documentation is enough to get past TSA. I called the CBP in Miami as well and I think we're good. I'll post when we get through all the screening just to let those who are concerned know that we made it okay. Thanks for everything.


I think many of us are curious that you haven't express more concern about getting on the actual ship...or have I missed that you already have a plan for that? :confused: Either way, I wish you well.

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Just in case anyone missed it. He has an ID, it's not expired, but it is an ID with our old address on it (same city/state). Hopefully this and backup documentation is enough to get past TSA. I called the CBP in Miami as well and I think we're good. I'll post when we get through all the screening just to let those who are concerned know that we made it okay. Thanks for everything.


I don't think the old address will be an issue at all.... I think you will be fine.

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I haven't flown in years but what do they compare the address on the ID to?? Same as for getting on the ship? I thought they were just comparing name and birthdate to the name and birthdate on the birth certificate? Am I having forgetting something??? :confused:

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