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Carrying the Cups.... What a pain!

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I know this is an emotionally-charged issue and I wanted to see if some objectivity could help clear the carbonated waters. To that end I have embarked on an analysis of the adequacy of 15 minute refills (If we neglect the ability to go to a bar or restaurant for refills in the intervening 14 minutes). I don’t have a souvenir cup nearby, but from my calibrated memory I believe they hold about a quart (32 fl oz--although "they" may have put hidden air pockets in to reduce the capacity); so a bit of technical math machinations gets me 24 gallons per day of possible soda fillage (that’s a technical term). I have, to this point, neglected the time it takes to actually fill the cup, which could rob you of as many as two fill up per day if you’re a slow or indecisive refiller, so we’ll drop our estimated daily gallons to 23.5.

Is this enough? Well, longstanding advice has been to drink at least eight 8 fl oz glasses of fluids per day. Also the average American uses between 80-100 gallons of water per day; so, while you can draw your own conclusions, it appears that purchasers of the “unlimited” soda package, who are anthrophobic and only want to deal with Freestyle machines can be fairly certain of getting enough liquids to sustain life, but may have to forgo hand-washing, showering, flushing, watering the lawn, and cooking with their allotted refills to get by on their cruise vacation.

In summation: minimum needed (0.5 gallons/day) << Soda package (23.5 gallons/day) << average used (80-100 gallons/day).


If this helps at least one person in their choice of cruise line, it will have proved a worthwhile endeavor.



Now that was funny! I needed a good laugh early in the morning!:D

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One Disney trip we saw a group of kids standing at a machine.

The one kid had his mug.

He'd fill it up then dump into another kids paper cup.

Then fill his cup up again and dump in another kids paper cup.

He graciously provided pop for the 5 kids with him plus himself!


Having a time limit eliminates this.


Are you talking about a Disney Cruise? Because soda is free on Disney. Anyone can use the machines. Also you're allowed to bring on any beverage you want in your carry-on (alcohol or non-alcohol).

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You are right- we saw a few families get caught sharing. They are definitely watching


And what does the staff do when they catch these families? What is the consequence?


Good point! Refilling a travel mug with coffee is unsanitary but refilling an insulated cup with pop isn't?


I've been wondering that. I think it's a bit gross. At home, we have water on the fridge door. I do not let my kids refill their glasses by putting the used glass right against the lever. I ask them to wash their hands first and then use a finger to push the lever and dispense the water. (I know. I know. Maybe overkill. But it makes this mama happy.)


So, anyway - do you have to actually touch the cup to the lever for the soda machine? I don't want to touch the rim of my glass to a lever that was just in contact with someone else's saliva covered cup.

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And what does the staff do when they catch these families? What is the consequence?




I've been wondering that. I think it's a bit gross. At home, we have water on the fridge door. I do not let my kids refill their glasses by putting the used glass right against the lever. I ask them to wash their hands first and then use a finger to push the lever and dispense the water. (I know. I know. Maybe overkill. But it makes this mama happy.)


So, anyway - do you have to actually touch the cup to the lever for the soda machine? I don't want to touch the rim of my glass to a lever that was just in contact with someone else's saliva covered cup.





No, it is like a pre-set nozzle, not a silver bar you push.


We saw no problem using it.


Sea Ya

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And what does the staff do when they catch these families? What is the consequence?




I've been wondering that. I think it's a bit gross. At home, we have water on the fridge door. I do not let my kids refill their glasses by putting the used glass right against the lever. I ask them to wash their hands first and then use a finger to push the lever and dispense the water. (I know. I know. Maybe overkill. But it makes this mama happy.)


So, anyway - do you have to actually touch the cup to the lever for the soda machine? I don't want to touch the rim of my glass to a lever that was just in contact with someone else's saliva covered cup.


No, the freestyle machines have buttons that you push from above the spout and the liquid falls directly into the cup....no contact with other peoples cups.

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No, it is like a pre-set nozzle, not a silver bar you push.


We saw no problem using it.


Sea Ya


No, the freestyle machines have buttons that you push from above the spout and the liquid falls directly into the cup....no contact with other peoples cups.


Thank you so so much!!

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Just a side note if I may.....


It is funny to see people go up to the machine, look for any cup or come from another area with any cup, place it under the nozzle on the cup rest and try to get a soda......


Unless they are aware of the soda cup package, they think the machine is broken...............


They can hold up the line.

Try to explain it and some get offended.


Sea Ya

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I know this is an emotionally-charged issue and I wanted to see if some objectivity could help clear the carbonated waters. To that end I have embarked on an analysis of the adequacy of 15 minute refills (If we neglect the ability to go to a bar or restaurant for refills in the intervening 14 minutes). I don’t have a souvenir cup nearby, but from my calibrated memory I believe they hold about a quart (32 fl oz--although "they" may have put hidden air pockets in to reduce the capacity); so a bit of technical math machinations gets me 24 gallons per day of possible soda fillage (that’s a technical term). I have, to this point, neglected the time it takes to actually fill the cup, which could rob you of as many as two fill up per day if you’re a slow or indecisive refiller, so we’ll drop our estimated daily gallons to 23.5.

Is this enough? Well, longstanding advice has been to drink at least eight 8 fl oz glasses of fluids per day. Also the average American uses between 80-100 gallons of water per day; so, while you can draw your own conclusions, it appears that purchasers of the “unlimited” soda package, who are anthrophobic and only want to deal with Freestyle machines can be fairly certain of getting enough liquids to sustain life, but may have to forgo hand-washing, showering, flushing, watering the lawn, and cooking with their allotted refills to get by on their cruise vacation.

In summation: minimum needed (0.5 gallons/day) << Soda package (23.5 gallons/day) << average used (80-100 gallons/day).


If this helps at least one person in their choice of cruise line, it will have proved a worthwhile endeavor.



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We get the pop package and most of the time we take the cup home still wrapped in the plastic. We just go to the bars and ask for the large beer glasses for the soda. That way we do not have to carry the cup with no handle or even leave them at a slot machine you just lost your last dime at.

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I was just on the Explorer 5 night to Bermuda July 12 - July 17


The first day I tried using my cup in the Windjammer and had technical difficulties with the machine. I couldn't get it to work so just gave up. I drank basic soda like coke and sprite.


There is an area in the back right hand side of the Windjammer where they have a soda gun and I would usually ask them for soda there and it was no problem and I never carried my cup after the first day. I just showed my sticker with the coke logo.


Several times in the Windjammer a waiter would come by and ask if I wanted a drink and I would ask for soda which he would get for me without any problem.


In the dining room at dinner the first night I asked for Sprite, showed my card with the logo and they just brought it for me every night.



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Last cruise, there were 4 of us. 3 soda packages, in one booze package which includes soda. We had 4 cups in the room. Not one of them ever left our room.


Simple. We always joke about how many people walk around the ship, with these cups, and even on occasion, finding out how some people think you need the cup to get a drink. Folks, you can go to any bar and get a drink. It is not the freestyle soda, with all the combo's. It's the basic. Also, the windjammer, and MDR will gladly give you coke, sprite, ginger ale, and some other basic soda. No problem. You can get as many drinks at the bar as you want. No 15 minute wait.


I can't tell you how many times, I see a person order a "coke" and hand over the cup in MDR.

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I guess that would save money on washing glasses............ if people always used the cups. If it's a new policy, we'll rethink soda cards, but I'd want to hear it from more than one pax on one ship.


One reason I would not buy in future if true. What a pain and what a dumb policy. Let me see.........lets make it easier on us and a pain for our paying customers........Sounds good?! They don't even need stickers. They should be able to with encoding the cards and swiping them. Secondly, they could also limit the frequency like can't get another soda for at least some period of time from the same card, i.e. 15 minutes.


There is so much efficiency they can get and make the customer experience smoother that I am surprised at the above explanation of what is happening. Royal does so many things right, not sure what gives here.

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quotes all out of order because I had to keep going back b/c it would lose my multiquotes!




So the OP got off the Explorer July 12th. Right?



Does Explorer have any way to get a fountain Coke in the Windjammer other than the Coke Freestyle machines? If not, I can see why you would need the cups since the RFID chip in the cup is what activates the machine.


I think that's a good question. When the OP was at the Windjammer, was the only way to get a soda the Freestyle machines? Or did they have regular soda "guns"?




I can't believe you guys are serious with these complaints. Having your cup is totally not a big deal. It prevents random people from using the machines without purchasing a package and it's a standard large-size cup. My husband the computer nerd was actually impressed when he figured out how they had worked the chips in.


The OP seems to be saying that even when they weren't using a Freestyle machine that they needed to have their cups. Even when coming from a "soda gun". So it may not have a thing to do with the Freestyle machines.




In the WJ, were you requesting a flavor that is only available in the freestyle machine?


Nope, I just wanted Ginger Ale, he said they don't have access to the machines.

I then said "a lemonade is fine"...


So isn't it possible that on that sailing, in the Windjammer, ginger ale WAS only available from the Freestyle machine?


And since you've broken it down that the MDRs got you your wanted sodas, the bars usually did unless they were terribly busy, but it was only the WJ where the problem was...and I think I'm realizing that the only place to get sodas in the WJ was at the Freestyle machine...it does sound like maybe, for your sailing, they just didn't have access to ginger ale in any other way. In the WJ.


That's what I would have assumed!



And I too would have gone to GS if a bartender had told me he didn't have time for me.




Yep... We needed Powerade because we (specifically my wife) were dehydrated and needed to replenish. A soda would have had the opposite effect, and water, while nice, isn't nearly as quick and effective.


Had you guys just run a Half marathon or more? Done some Olympic style events? Because if not, unless you were, perhaps, in Dubai, the WATER would have been the quickest and most effective.


The hydration factor of Powerade is exactly the same as with a Sprite or a water etc. Heck, a Coke would have done the same thing as the (Coke product) Powerade; later the caffeine might have caused a bit of extra dehydration, but on an immediate level it wouldn't have been any different. Have you looked at the ingredients of a Powerade? They are almost exactly the same as a Coke. To me, as a half marathoner who sweats like crazy, I see absolutely no difference between them, hydration wise. (wouldn't drink either of them, actually)


The difference is the electrolytes (and the specific dye); the electrolytes aren't for rehydration, they are for replenishing electrolytes.


Next time, get the water. You really have to be working tremendously hard (or very hard in high heat) to NEED a replacement drink, and in that case it's still not about hydration. Water and a salt tablet would likely have worked the fastest. (then a banana for the potassium once you felt better)




Are you talking about a Disney Cruise? Because soda is free on Disney. Anyone can use the machines. Also you're allowed to bring on any beverage you want in your carry-on (alcohol or non-alcohol).


Glad you caught that.


There was absolutely nothing wrong with what the boy on the Disney cruise was doing. As long as he didn't try it on a Royal cruise. :)






I was just on the Explorer 5 night to Bermuda July 12 - July 17


The first day I tried using my cup in the Windjammer and had technical difficulties with the machine. I couldn't get it to work so just gave up. I drank basic soda like coke and sprite.


There is an area in the back right hand side of the Windjammer where they have a soda gun and I would usually ask them for soda there and it was no problem and I never carried my cup after the first day. I just showed my sticker with the coke logo.


Several times in the Windjammer a waiter would come by and ask if I wanted a drink and I would ask for soda which he would get for me without any problem.


In the dining room at dinner the first night I asked for Sprite, showed my card with the logo and they just brought it for me every night.




So the exact issue the OP had, and he disembarked the same ship, the day you embarked, wasn't an issue? Wild.


Oh but you had a hard time using the Freestyle machine that was in WJ (you've just helped me understand that there's both a bar and a Freestyle machine in Explorer's WJ, thank you)...did the waiters have the same problems? Did they bring you soda in a normal cup, or your cup?

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Actually Powerade, Gatorade, etc., do help with dehydration faster, and it's because of the salt content. Look it up. But, you could have water and a couple of crackers and it would be as effective....and water might not be as fast as those other products, but it's still very effective for hydrating someone.:)

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The waiters brought my soda in a regular glass.


The waiter in the windjammer when I mentioned I gave up on the machine offered to show it to me if I wanted to stop by a little later since it was crowded then. Since I was perfectly happy with the standard coke or sprite I didn't bother carrying the cup or trying again.


I had absolutely no problem getting soda in a regular glass throughout the ship


Thank you



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Glad you caught that.


There was absolutely nothing wrong with what the boy on the Disney cruise was doing. As long as he didn't try it on a Royal cruise. :)




I believe that poster was talking about a Disney Trip (land based) and not the cruise, where you buy a resort mug and can get refills during stay.

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No Freestyle machines on Radiance... can get fountain soda at all the bars, including Windjammer by just showing your card. No special cup necessary. MDR just brought soda after I showed my card. Must be somehow tracking for tips because they will slide the card at bars but not in MDR or Windjammer. Could not get a bottle of water and soda at the same time, though.



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Got off Allure a few weeks ago. The bartenders (especially around the pool) seemed like they didn't want to waste their time using the gun to get me a soda because I could have went to the machine. For example, they would often fill someone else's alcohol order before they filled my soda order, even though I was there first.


On the contrary, my waiter in the MDR got my whole table sodas without ever checking to see if we had the soda package (we did but it was still nice to know he would get it for us anyway:D )

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Sorry to slightly change directions of this original thread but what is the "cover charge" at Johnny Rockets?


Reportedly when JR was first brought into the fleet hoards of kids would just hang out there all day and never leave. This was prior to my first cruise on Voyager when the cover was $3.50 pp.

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Got off Allure a few weeks ago. The bartenders (especially around the pool) seemed like they didn't want to waste their time using the gun to get me a soda because I could have went to the machine. For example, they would often fill someone else's alcohol order before they filled my soda order, even though I was there first.

How did they know you were ordering soda if they took someone else's order first? :confused:

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How did they know you were ordering soda if they took someone else's order first? :confused:


I would tell them I wanted a Coke let's say and show them my card. Then they would go to a person who walked up after me and wanted an alcoholic drink, take and fill their order (even running their card and everything), then proceed to fill a glass with Coke for me. This happened only maybe 4 times but overall the bartenders' demeanor when I asked for a soda using my package was definitely off-putting.

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