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Bad knees?


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Hello fellow knee sufferers,

I am one week post TKR on the left. The first TKR on the right was August 2018. I very much agree on pool therapy. Once my staples are removed and the incision is healed I will be headed back to the Y for PT in the pool. I found that walking 45 minutes, or so in the lap lane is a pretty good work out for range of motion. It helps me build endurance and allows me to move in an almost weightless environment. Best wishes to all of you for speedy recoveries and future adventures.


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I am glad to see I am the  so called lucky one who got either staff or mersa on my TKR 13 years ago this Sept. When I had my 4th surgery in 2014 the surgeon said he took out all my scar tissue, bent it 120 on the table put in a new plastic part of the joint and I should have been good to go. When I saw him in 2016 after going to Ireland and Scotland it swelled my whole leg. He said with the problems I had with my infection it is what it is and no more surgery. So all you people who have had good luck or thinking of having a TKR, look into the hospital as much as the surgeon. The 3 of mine where at a new hospital and no problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/31/2020 at 3:00 PM, shipper50 said:

I am glad to see I am the  so called lucky one who got either staff or mersa on my TKR 13 years ago this Sept. When I had my 4th surgery in 2014 the surgeon said he took out all my scar tissue, bent it 120 on the table put in a new plastic part of the joint and I should have been good to go. When I saw him in 2016 after going to Ireland and Scotland it swelled my whole leg. He said with the problems I had with my infection it is what it is and no more surgery. So all you people who have had good luck or thinking of having a TKR, look into the hospital as much as the surgeon. The 3 of mine where at a new hospital and no problems.

What no Bio-Freeze? If one has had a TKR, NO medicine will ever take away the pain with the weather and other symptoms. Just saying.-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tell everyone who is going to have a knee replaced that PT is their best friend and to be absolutely faithful to it. 

If any of you ever need a hip replacement, I found that the hardest part was lying on my back the first couple of weeks...I’m a side sleeper. Pain wise, it’s a breeze compared to a TKR. 


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  • 2 months later...

Others are correct TKR hurts like hell the first few weeks especially if you don't like to take painkillers. Extra strength Tylenol does help. Spent the first month sleeping in recliner as I could not manage to lay on my side, laying on back in bed also hurt. Would I have the second one done at 76 years old it will be a cold day. I will continue to get injections in my other knee these seem to last any where from four months to a year.

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2 hours ago, hunt182644 said:

Others are correct TKR hurts like hell the first few weeks especially if you don't like to take painkillers. Extra strength Tylenol does help. Spent the first month sleeping in recliner as I could not manage to lay on my side, laying on back in bed also hurt. Would I have the second one done at 76 years old it will be a cold day. I will continue to get injections in my other knee these seem to last any where from four months to a year.

The bad thing about those injections is that they stop working after about 2 years.  I had 2 years worth before my TKR and by the end they weren't working at all 😞 .  I'm going very slowly with the injections on my other knee as I don't want to do TKR again!

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Hello again to my fellow metal knee cruisers. I'm coming up on four months post TKR, and having a slower recovery this second time around. I attribute my lack of progress to my local pool being closed due to the zombie apocalypse. The first TKR rehab in the pool went very well and I'm hopeful of going back when the pool reopens. I didn't enjoy not having pain meds for either TKR other than Tylenol. I cant even use nsaids because apparently I abused my liver and kidneys in my misspent youth. 

Sending best wishes for speedy recoveries and great adventures on the horizon  🍀

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  • 1 month later...

I'm 74 and am bone on bone in the right knee and almost bone on bone in the left. 

I'm not in pain but the arthritis acts up once in awhile. I play golf 3-4 times a week (consistantly in the 70s) and ride my bike 3 times. I don't take medicine or use creams except for an Aleve every so often before golf, seems to loosen my whole body up. I refuse to have knee surgery, instead I receive Synvisc shots every 8 months and they work for me so I will continue with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/14/2020 at 8:17 PM, Plant said:

The bad thing about those injections is that they stop working after about 2 years.  I had 2 years worth before my TKR and by the end they weren't working at all 😞 .  I'm going very slowly with the injections on my other knee as I don't want to do TKR again!

I've received Synvisc injections now for almost 4 years and they work for me, I don't enjoy someone cutting me open so I will continue with the injections.

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  • 4 months later...

Unfortunately our insurance (Federal BCBS) will only cover one knee injection a year and that’s after you jump thru hoops to get approvals.   My husband gave up and had a TKR 12 days ago and the insurance had no problems covering that even as an outpatient.   Husband has walked up two flights of steps to bed on the first night and has never stopped.   He has been able to drive and use his tractor.   He is no fan of the pain especially when putting the compression stockings on but has been going to therapy two to thee times a week.   He has not been offered pool therapy although he said he had an obstacle course today.   He doesn’t need the cane now but will use it when walking up hills.  

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  • 2 months later...

I sucked at PT after my Total Knee Replacement 2-1/2 years ago. I'm stuck at about 80 degrees flexion. I considered manipulation under anesthesia but was afraid of breaking stuff.


Now looking at what some surgeons are doing more frequently -- Arthrolysis, which is minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery to remove scar tissue in the knee.


Question: Has anyone tried this arthrolysis???

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  • 1 month later...

I had knee surg couple years ago and never really pushed it.  It was tolerable.

Can remember my first cruise shortly after surg & having to use the elevator for only One floor.

I know I got a few looks, since I look in shape, but it still hurt Alot.  Stairs were out of the question.


Fast forward to pandemic.  After learning what damage covid can do to your heart & lungs?

I thought,  I don't want to be screwed if I catch it!

So began walking, which turned into jogging in my house. 

I can easily go 3 miles now nonstop, and my knees (knock on wood) are doing much better.

Its  strengthened the muscles around my knees, and better balance.

Mind you I had to work my way up!  Slowly...


Nowadays,  I do 3 days in a row, then take a day off. 

3 days on,  one day off,  seems to work best for me without overworking my knee.


Anyway, reason for this story is to give some hope to Knee people.

I really thought I was going to be Stuck where I was. 

Take care out there, and be safe.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I'm 61 and my knee history is:  At 17 I dislocated my kneecap while doing a side aerial (gymnastics and cheerleading).  After about 8 weeks or resting it, I was back to doing everything.  Fast forward to Aug 2019 and while I had some occasional pain and getting up off the floor wasn't easy, my knees didn't really bother me at all.  I could walk all day at Disney World for example and the only thing sore was my calves and feet.  Anyway, in Aug 2019, my DH says, hey, let's go back to Top Golf.  I said sure. I like hitting golf balls.  Well, we'd been there about 40 minutes (I was winning) and took a swing.  My foot must have been planted and when I twisted my upper leg, my kneepcap popped out which caused me to fall on and break my ankle (fibula).  I got to ride to the ER in an ambulance.  After  10 days at home, I had surgery on the ankle and PT, my ankle was fine, although I have a small plate now.   The knee was doing okay with PT.  I went from 10 deg bend three weeks after ankle surgery to 110 in 3 months.  I'm now over 120 deg, but the knee has gotten worse.  While I have really no pain in the joint, I do have stiffness when I "walk".  I can't walk more than maybe 1/8th of a mile without my quads tightening up and pulling on my kneecap, which also happens if I stand in one spot for more than a few seconds.  My OS, who I really like says I'm grade III on that knee but it doesn't hurt at all when I sit or sleep and very rarely do I get a pain otherwise.  It just feels very tight when I walk.  I personally don't think the tightness is due to OA.  He gave me a cortisone shot two weeks ago which did nothing because I don't have pain.  He mentioned TKR.  I want to get an MRI because even though my knee doesn't lock up on me at the joint, I think something else is going on.  Everyone I know with OA and needing a TKR can walk but they have pain all the time.  I really think it's more mechanical although he doesn't think so since I can bend it and it doesn't lock, although the muscles feel like they're seizing when I walk.  I can climb stairs but I never got back to completely going back downstairs normally although I can if I have handrails on each side.  The stiffness while sitting is a lot less than it was a few months ago.  My BIL had partial knee replacement a few years ago and he was back at 120 bend in two weeks and is back playing golf, but he had pain, not the inability to walk far like me. Anyway, I've done PT 3 times over the last 18 months and obviously benefitted from it so that doesn't bother me if I have to go back.    Sorry for the long winded post, but anyone with similar issues of mainly tightness?


Oh, and I saw the glucosamine recommendation, but I have an allergy to shrimp so it's a no go.

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  • 1 month later...

Dave, my ortho gave me an Rx for Voltaren as well.  I was surprised by how well it worked and right away.  I had taken Voltaren for impingement syndrome of my shoulder years ago, but it can be hard on the liver.  So, I was glad to see it as a topical, as I now have knee problems.  


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On 5/7/2021 at 1:46 PM, rjscott said:

Dave, my ortho gave me an Rx for Voltaren as well.  I was surprised by how well it worked and right away.  I had taken Voltaren for impingement syndrome of my shoulder years ago, but it can be hard on the liver.  So, I was glad to see it as a topical, as I now have knee problems.  


Glad to hear that it worked so well for you Becki, I have pain in almost all my joints, and I'd be hurting a lot more without it. Dave

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Dave, sorry to hear that.  My sister is in a long-term are facility and will likely be there for the foreseeable future.  She did well with a knee replacement over 10 years ago, but then had a hip replacement that went south. So, I am trying to avoid any major surgery on my joints.  


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14 hours ago, rjscott said:

Dave, sorry to hear that.  My sister is in a long-term are facility and will likely be there for the foreseeable future.  She did well with a knee replacement over 10 years ago, but then had a hip replacement that went south. So, I am trying to avoid any major surgery on my joints.  


We wish you and your sister well.

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I would like to join all the artificial knee sufferers congregation. I'm 75 and have both replaced. One in 2007 and another in 2013. My 2007 left knee still gives me some pain and fits. The doctor said that when he did the surgery that my soft tissue damage was extensive. I've lost 30 pounds in the last year (only 527 more pounds to go...humor). I work out three times a week using weights, step-ups and treadmill....11 different exercises in all. I try to use moderate weights with two sets of 20 reps. Now if I can only get my back to cooperate! Too much football, USMC, white water rafting, GS ski racing, etc.

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  • 1 year later...

I had both knees replaced 3.5 and 4.5 years ago.  A couple months after the first, I experienced pain and weakness. Doc did an endoscopic procedure and removed scar tissue that was interfering with the knee.  Been fine ever since.  Have been walking 5 miles a day since retirement 3 years ago.

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4 minutes ago, BamaVol said:

I had both knees replaced 3.5 and 4.5 years ago.  A couple months after the first, I experienced pain and weakness. Doc did an endoscopic procedure and removed scar tissue that was interfering with the knee.  Been fine ever since.  Have been walking 5 miles a day since retirement 3 years ago.

Are you able to walk up and down a few flights of stairs without significant effort or a sense that one of your knees may collapse (mainly coming downstairs)?

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8 hours ago, d9704011 said:

Are you able to walk up and down a few flights of stairs without significant effort or a sense that one of your knees may collapse (mainly coming downstairs)?

I have climbed a lighthouse in the last year. No pain.  No weakness. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

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