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Dining room screaming baby


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I would have insisted the waiter or dining manager remove the screaming baby. If they didn't , their tip would have been severely decreased and a negative comment card would have been submitted.


Wow, the parents probably would have freaked when the waiter picked up their baby.

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The waiters don't have the authority to do this. It is up to the inconvenienced diner to bring up to the Maitre D



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I disagree. I would tell the waiter with expectations that they would inform the appropriate staff member or dining guest to remove the distraction.

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We had this happen on our cruise in June. There was a table of 8 behnd us with a two year old. The moment they sat down to dinner every night the screaming and temper tantrums would start. The only time he wasn't screaming was when they put him down on the floor to run around. Several times the waiters almost tripped over him because our tables were next to the main aisle where food was being brought into the dining room. The parents did nothing but eat their dinner while the rest of us in that whole section gave up trying to converse with each other and just suffered through it.


Just wish the parents had had the decency to think of others! I don't blame child as he was clearly not able to tolerate a 2 hour dinner.

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I am bringing my daughter on a cruise next year and she will be one and a half. If she acts out I will remove her like I would anywhere else because it's in everyone's best interest hers included. That being said if my daughter let out a super quick happy squeal and someone asked us to leave over that i would have more than a few choice words.



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I'm honestly shocked that people think someone should eat somewhere they don't want to or away from their family over something that may have accumulated to 2 minutes of your overall nightly dining. Don't get me wrong I would try and quiet her down even if it was a happy screech but to me that and a crying baby are two totally different things.



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We were recenty on a cruise and had the 6 pm dining and the table next to us had a baby that would just let out a loud scream several times during dinner. Nothing was said by any of the the staff to the parents and this happened every night. Why is it that we saw people being put out on formal nite for wearing shorts. And no one cared about babys screaming.


because the family ****s are going to tell you 'babies scream suck it up and deal with it he can't control himself ' and that ' the family deserves to enjoy their meal too and shouldn't be forced to let their dinner get cold to bring Junior out of the room ' and 'It's a family cruise and they cater to families'


so now we just don't stand for it. we quite clearly tell the wait staff to move us( we do MTD) if they try and sit us near a table that has children. and if some get seated nearby after we are we tell the staff to rush the rest of our meal or just plain skip a few courses.

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Screaming children should not be allowed in the MDR. It's unfortunate that the Maître D or his head waiters that are in the entry way when you get into the MDR didn't keep an eye out for a continuous screaming child.


It's not kind to other diners to bring your child which is not ready to dine in public into a public place. I'm not even sure they should be appropriate in the buffet either.


Perhaps people who have screaming children should not be taking their children on cruises. I would never allow my kids to misbehave in public and I would not be dining where it would affect others. If I have a bad kid night then I would get food from the buffet and eat alone with my kid, in my room or by the pool where there are other screaming kids playing.


We didn't take our kids on cruises when they were babies. We waited until they were older. My kids get complimented on their manners and appropriate behavior. So we waited until they were ready for a cruise (first one was when the oldest was 7 and the youngest was 5). I find some parents today like to ignore the behavior in an effort to "let it pass" and that doesn't always work.


It's a matter of people being considerate of others.


However, if it was an occasional scream here and there, oh well. Kids are kids and that happens :)

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I agree that I also hate loud children while I'm trying to enjoy a nice meal, but a happy screech every once in a while is forgivable.



no it is not to my spouse who gets physically ILL at the sound of a 2 year old's screeching due to some prior ear surgeries and infections.


as in yes a single screech gives him a blinding headache of biblical proportions and ruins his meal.

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because the family ****s are going to tell you 'babies scream suck it up and deal with it he can't control himself ' and that ' the family deserves to enjoy their meal too and shouldn't be forced to let their dinner get cold to bring Junior out of the room ' and 'It's a family cruise and they cater to families'


so now we just don't stand for it. we quite clearly tell the wait staff to move us( we do MTD) if they try and sit us near a table that has children. and if some get seated nearby after we are we tell the staff to rush the rest of our meal or just plain skip a few courses.


I agree with you. I would ask to be seated elsewhere. It is unfortunate that people believe it's OK to ignore things and suck it up because they deserve it too.... sure they deserve a nice meal, but if you decided to bring your kid along then you need to keep your kid away so others can enjoy a nice dinner.... people these days feel entitled to be selfish. It's unfortunate

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I'm honestly shocked that people think someone should eat somewhere they don't want to or away from their family over something that may have accumulated to 2 minutes of your overall nightly dining. Don't get me wrong I would try and quiet her down even if it was a happy screech but to me that and a crying baby are two totally different things.



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the OP has already clarified that is was consistent and regular EVERY NIGHT. if this had happened to us by the second night we would have been telling the Maitre D to move us and exactly WHY.

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no it is not to my spouse who gets physically ILL at the sound of a 2 year old's screeching due to some prior ear surgeries and infections.


as in yes a single screech gives him a blinding headache of biblical proportions and ruins his meal.


Oh wow! Then yes!! Stay away from kids!! I would definitely not want to be seated next to anyone who might ruin my evening like that.


It's not fair for people to allow their kids to scream and they shouldn't burden the cruise line with it. They should be responsible enough to know if their child is at a cruise appropriate age. Can't say it enough...

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This is why I only eat in specialty restaurants on one of the lines I cruise on. I have no issues with a child screaming with delight or crying for a short period of time, if the parents are trying to comfort them, but to let a baby cry continually cry and do nothing about it is what bothers me. It seems like the parents are numb to the sound. On one cruise this little girl must have said mommy 20 times and her mother never even acknowledged her; I felt so bad for the little girl who just wanted to join the conversation. The other thing that bothers me are the parents that allow their toddlers to run amok around the dining room, getting into the ways of the servers and other passengers.

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I think it's really sad that people are so hard on parents. NO one is perfect. Now, I do think that if it had been a prolonged temper tantrum by the child then perhaps the parent should have taken the child out, but the OP didn't say that.

Honestly, it's not easy to be a parent (I'm not one) and I can't imagine how difficult it would be go to out to eat on a vacation or anywhere for that matter and hoping your young child, who may or may not even know better, doesn't make a peep at dinner. It's not like you can tell your young child "ok, you can't cry now for the next hour we're going to dinner"

People are so quick to get angry and judge the parents, instead of putting themselves in their shoes.

If a fussy child bothers you that much, perhaps cruising on a cruise line that calls themselves a family cruise line is not for you?


Well said :)

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we don't mind children, it was a loud screeching scream about every 10 mins. For 7 nights


That is more than anyone should have to tolerate. During the first evening, I would have had a discrete word with the Maitre'd and asked to be moved away from the family. No way would I put up with it for a whole week and shame on the parents for being so insensitive that they didn't recognize that their child was disturbing others and take action on their own.

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I think it's really sad that people are so hard on parents. NO one is perfect. Now, I do think that if it had been a prolonged temper tantrum by the child then perhaps the parent should have taken the child out, but the OP didn't say that.

Honestly, it's not easy to be a parent (I'm not one) and I can't imagine how difficult it would be go to out to eat on a vacation or anywhere for that matter and hoping your young child, who may or may not even know better, doesn't make a peep at dinner. It's not like you can tell your young child "ok, you can't cry now for the next hour we're going to dinner"

People are so quick to get angry and judge the parents, instead of putting themselves in their shoes.

If a fussy child bothers you that much, perhaps cruising on a cruise line that calls themselves a family cruise line is not for you?



"I do think that if it had been a prolonged temper tantrum by the child then perhaps the parent should have taken the child out"


You think that perhaps the parents should have should have taken the child out.

YES, if the child is having a temper tantrum, regardless of being a child friendly line, the parents SHOULD take the child out.

That teaches the child that their behavior is unacceptable and they will be taken away and spoken to, and calmed down before they can rejoin their others.


Who is judging the other parents?

All I have seen is people comment that some parents feel it is OK and right if their child is misbehaving, to allow them to do so with no acknowledgement or correctional behavior towards the child.


Children will be children, but as children, they can only grow up with the guidance of their parents teaching them what is right or wrong behavior.


Ignoring their bad behavior is not teaching them, and doesn't set an expected standard of future behavior. it only allows them to continue to behave badly.


If your child is behaving badly, then YOU the parent who chose to have a child, and bring them into an environment with other people, should excuse yourself and the child and take them away from the others they will be disturbing.

Calm them down, then allow them to return to be with the other people in your party.


YOUR child is YOUR child only. Not anyone elses, and what you may think is cute or regular behavior, may not for everyone else.


So YOU need to parent your child, have the ability to empathise with the people around you trying to enjoy their meal and converse, and remove your child if they are causing a disruption. This is YOUR child and YOUR problem to deal with, regardless of if it disturbs your dining.

NOT the other way around.


ex techie

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For many of us, it's a matter of being prepared for a quick departure, no matter where you are if your baby or toddler is fussing. Often it does train your child that they are away from the action (which my daughter liked) if she and her stroller are taken out. And it means that others can enjoy their meal, movie, show in peace (unless adults are misbehaving, which does happen quite a bit).


Fortunately, she didn't misbehave on cruises even on her first (at 23 months). We actually were worried for the nights because she was a poor teether. We lucked out (she did have a night terror when she was 3 years old when we were in a Key West hotel, but as it turned out, the hotel guests seemed to be out on the beach at 3 am that morning celebrating spring break).


Any parent who just sits there while junior is screaming is being selfish...and does make it hard on parents who want to go out to eat or travel with their kids.


I haven't had that much of a problem on cruises, but more often find inconsiderate adults gabbing away during a show. Now that's a major disruption for everyone else.

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A fussy, disruptive child should be removed from a public dining room where they are surely disturbing others. There could be parents there who hired sitters to watch their children so they could enjoy a peaceful dinner together. Very few people welcome the sound of a continuously or very loudly fussing baby. It is one of the most impolite things a parent can do...... to allow the child to be so disruptive and not remove them.

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A fussy, disruptive child should be removed from a public dining room where they are surely disturbing others. There could be parents there who hired sitters to watch their children so they could enjoy a peaceful dinner together. Very few people welcome the sound of a continuously or very loudly fussing baby. It is one of the most impolite things a parent can do...... to allow the child to be so disruptive and not remove them.



It was the parents vacationing with children before.

Now its the parents vacationing from the responsibilities of children.


I personally would speak up, very loudly, to the parents of disruptive children, if speaking to the head server did not effect change in their behavior, responsibilities and consideration for others around them.

And I would have no problem with verbally shaming them publicly.


Monitor and control your child's behavior, or if you cannot, remove them for everyone else benefit. YOUR child needs to learn how to behave in a social environment.

If they cannot do that, then YOU need to remove them and if YOUR meal being spoilt is a consequence, that is what You signed up to.

PARENTING. Not being a best pal or babysitting.


ex techie

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It was the parents vacationing with children before.

Now its the parents vacationing from the responsibilities of children.


I personally would speak up, very loudly, to the parents of disruptive children, if speaking to the head server did not effect change in their behavior, responsibilities and consideration for others around them.

And I would have no problem with verbally shaming them publicly.


Monitor and control your child's behavior, or if you cannot, remove them for everyone else benefit. YOUR child needs to learn how to behave in a social environment.

If they cannot do that, then YOU need to remove them and if YOUR meal being spoilt is a consequence, that is what You signed up to.

PARENTING. Not being a best pal or babysitting.


ex techie


Unfortunately, parents don't get it, their loud child is not cute to anyone but may them!! Speaking up probably is the only thing that works.


We were once on a 12 hour flight, there was a young women, sitting across from us, with a 2 year old who was crying because she wanted her mother to hold her. The mother had put her in an air plane bed on the floor and was trying to ignore her... this went on for 30-45 minutes, until my DH said, "hold your baby". Then the mother picked up the child, within 15 minutes she went sleep... it was the only way we all were going to enjoy the flight. Trying to win a battle of wills in public with a child never works...

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Unfortunately, parents don't get it, their loud child is not cute to anyone but may them!! Speaking up probably is the only thing that works.


We were once on a 12 hour flight, there was a young women, sitting across from us, with a 2 year old who was crying because she wanted her mother to hold her. The mother had put her in an air plane bed on the floor and was trying to ignore her... this went on for 30-45 minutes, until my DH said, "hold your baby". Then the mother picked up the child, within 15 minutes she went sleep... it was the only way we all were going to enjoy the flight. Trying to win a battle of wills in public with a child never works...


Yep! Vacation from parenting. And I bet the young mother was either immune to the noise or lacking in basic parenting skills. Or just a dumbass needing parenting advice!

I hope she learnt from that experience. I doubt it though. They seem to just shut down and have no coping mechanism.

That along with empathy and consideration for anyone else around them.

They are are mother of a child, like they are the first ones in the world to have ever given birth and have to raise a child.

I've had a father and child in the airline seat behind me with he child kicking my seat.

I asked him to stop her.

He said, "but she is a child and doesn't understand".

I replied that as her father it was his job to teach his child to behave, and I am teaching you how to behave as a father because obviously your mother did not teach you as a child either.


Ignorance breads ignorance.


ex techie

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we don't mind children, it was a loud screeching scream about every 10 mins. For 7 nights



"a" loud screeching scream every 10 minutes. You don't mention if it was a happy noise or if it lasted only a second. Personally if I heard a happy screech every 10 minutes that lasted only a second, i'd smile and welcome it. Sounds like you'd be better off with a cruise line that didn't allow children.


I totally agree that out of control children should not be in the MDR, but this sounds like a baby making happy noises to me.

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Some parents are unaware that while they are tone deaf ti their children whining, screaming, screechiing, crying,etc , the rest of the world is not.

I have noticed more and more that if a adult tries to remove the electronics from the child so they will eat, wash their hands, or anything, it produces an immediate scream resulting in the electronic returned and the child ignoring the adult. This is how bad behavior is rewarded.

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Some parents are unaware that while they are tone deaf ti their children whining, screaming, screechiing, crying,etc , the rest of the world is not.

I have noticed more and more that if a adult tries to remove the electronics from the child so they will eat, wash their hands, or anything, it produces an immediate scream resulting in the electronic returned and the child ignoring the adult. This is how bad behavior is rewarded.


That is how some parents "parent" these days.

Certified and signed up Apple fan boy here, and it was no mistake on their part that a 1 yr old can use an iPad.


That doesn't excuse iParenting thou. ;)


In my day it was to ask me to switch off the the TV and come to the dinner table.

These days, it is all too easy for lazy parents to blame it on several attention disorders, and not suggery drinks and foods laden with attention and behavioural problems.


And the "I'm a single mom" argument is null and void to me.

I grew up with a good mom, and a father who tried to use his monetary weight to skew my thoughts. I saw through it.

And those mom's who chose a crappy partner. My mom did too.

You are not alone.

And that does not give you a fast pass to parenting free of responsibilities.

You chose your partner as did my mom, and did I.


Your choices have repercussions. Those you have to live with. And your kids.



ex techie

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