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To Europe or Not to Europe: seasoned or not.


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I know that many have expressed that they either would or would not travel to Europe this year, but it would be interesting to know how many previous years you have traveled overseas?Europe? Do lots of overseas trips make you feel more like traveling to Europe or are you a newbie with one two or less cruises overseas, Europe in particular? I am interested in the reasoning behind your decision to see if it has anything to do with the number of times you have traveled overseas and especially Europe. Also, does age play a factor? Are you in your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's 60's or above 70? Is there more to it than just the "T" factor?

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I have a Med cruise booked for August, and I do not plan to cancel.


I have traveled to Europe approximately 13 times; I am not sure if that in itself makes me more likely to travel there, but given that I have survived each of my trips, it doesn't hurt.


This year, I am also considering that the exchange rate for the Euro is in my favor, at least as much as it has been in the past.


I am in my 40s, and all of my trips have been solo, if that matters. DH doesn't care for long plane rides, so I leave him at home. ;)

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Been to Europe many times.


Have an upcoming Greece and Italy cruise in June. Wouldn't hesitate to go to most of Europe right now, although admittedly I'm not crazy about the fact that my cruise starts in Istanbul. I've already been - and with the way things are at the moment - I'd prefer if it started somewhere else. However I'm not planning on cancelling - at least, not now.


As I write this I'm in my 40s - although I won't be able to say that tomorrow:D



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We are on our way to Europe again. Have traveled there at least every other year for anyplace between 4 and 9 weeks - retired.


Our decision on going or not really has nothing to do with our prior travels. We are about 70 and simply feel that the likelihood of anything terrible happening where we are is not a lot higher in Belgium than it is in New York City. Terrorism has made one big change and that is we think a bit about public transport in particular and generally try to avoid - both in US and elsewhere - using trains or whatever in both the morning and afternoon commutes. This being in general when acts of violence have historically occurred in order to cause maximum damage and get the most news coverage.


Are there places we will not go? Absolutely. I would love to visit Petra in Jordan but that is a bit dicey today. Would I go back to Istanbul today? Absolutely, but we had discussed a tour around the country and that seems a poor idea today. But the warning for Turkey is for some hundreds of miles from Istanbul.


What else is different? We will always look like tourists, but we avoid hats and T shirts with USA places on them. Like it or not probably better in Europe to be English or Canadian than American.


Got to remember that the number of violent acts in Europe today is not much different from similar large cities in the US. The difference is a bombing with multiple dead gets headlines for a couple weeks. Multiple shootings - California, Colorado, etc. etc. happen in the US weekly but do not have the staying power in the news. We also tend to stay out of the large cities and take buses into town. Certainly less likely to have any issues.


Guess in a perverse way I look at what is happening as an opportunity for bargains. On our upcoming trip we cancelled and rebooked several hotels at rates 20-40% less than in December.

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Many people are being cautious when traveling this year. With the terror threat, some people have decided that Europe is too risky. I am still booked on a European Cruise this summer. I don't want to cancel it. If the present Europe travel alert becomes a true warning, I may rethink my plans. Last year I went to France shortly after the terror attacks. Many friends told me not to go. I went and had a great time. The worst that happened was my spouse was a victim of a pickpocket on the Paris Metro. C'est la vie. Traveling on a cruise reduces some of the anxiety. If there is a real threat, the cruise ship will not dock in a dangerous port. In October, I cruised on the Silhouette. Our stops in Israel and Turkey got many people nervous. There were demonstrations and stabbings reported. Although nobody on that cruise got attacked, the following cruise did not make those stops.Be cautious, use common sense, hire a local tour guide, and enjoy.

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I feel safer travelling in most of Europe than in some parts of US. I am in my seventies and travel to UK at least twice a year and usually take a cruise or land travel in continental Europe while I am there. I certainly plan to continue exploring the world as long as I am able, and there are a few countries in Europe that I haven't visited yet. We are leaving on a TA next week, then heading to Japan in September before spending Christmas in Germany.

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Been doing a Europe cruise every year and combining it with a land based extension for several years.


Just booked this years a month ago, 12 day British Isles out of Amsterdam


More worried about the Canadian dollar than I am of anything else. :p

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Been to Europe many times.


Have an upcoming Greece and Italy cruise in June. Wouldn't hesitate to go to most of Europe right now, although admittedly I'm not crazy about the fact that my cruise starts in Istanbul. I've already been - and with the way things are at the moment - I'd prefer if it started somewhere else. However I'm not planning on cancelling - at least, not now.


As I write this I'm in my 40s - although I won't be able to say that tomorrow:D




Mike, I see you are Chicago based.


I have just read that there have been 135 fatal shootings in the first 3 months of this year in Chicago.


Europe is not the only hotspot?

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Sorry, i meant to share my information, but totally forgot it before I posted the thread:


My DH and I are in our 60's. We have traveled all over the world, but the last five years have been consistently to Europe. We combine it with a land tour that we do ourselves. Since my father is living with us, we promised him that we would stay in the states this year, so we're traveling to Alaska again; however, next year we have booked the fjords and then on to Austria, Germany and Switzerland. I guess if there is a so called "fear factor," we will just remain in Switzerland. My DH is happy we are not traveling to Europe, as security is such a big deal to him that he wouldn't have a good time. He was always concerned about his schools when he was a principal. On the other hand, I would travel this year and do what I always do...stay calm, be aware of my surroundings and travel on...:):)

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We are in our early/mid 60's and have been going to Europe once or twice a year for a long time. We are usually there for two weeks to two months. We were there in November and headed back next week. No changes whatsoever to our plans. I'd say more but gotta get packing!

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Mike, I see you are Chicago based.


I have just read that there have been 135 fatal shootings in the first 3 months of this year in Chicago.


Europe is not the only hotspot?


Sad but true. And I wish I could claim that it's only in the "bad" neighborhoods, but there have been a few shootings recently in my neighborhood as well. It's a scary world everywhere.


Wishing everyone safe travels as well as safe time at home.....



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I'll be honest and say I do hope people don't leave it until the last minute before they decide to cancel their European cruises (as I've read pax stating this many times on other threads). Mainly because they could make a huge difference to the actual numbers travelling on a particular sailing, keeping prices much higher than they should be. We all know prices drop on cruises straight after final payment, but if many pax are cancelling at the last possible moment, all those genuine pax are going to lose out majorly.


It's fine if you think it's too risky and you're too anxious to travel, but if you plan on cancelling, then think about those that do intend to sail and cancel now! Show a little consideration for your fellow cruisers on your roll call. Why keep all those price drops for after final payment when you could be making a difference to current pricing? Controversial thoughts to some, however, just consider if the foot was on the other shoe ;). (I'm expecting the flames :rolleyes:.)


Anyway, we still plan on taking our August European cruise as a family. Just the same as we've travelled to the States after incidents (we do land trips as well as cruising ;)). Our eldest DS (teen) was in Washington only last month on a school trip, just near the Capitol Building and our cruise sailed from Istanbul last August a week after an attack. Having said that, unsure if I'd want to embark from there this year, but at this time, not so worried about Kusadasi as a port stop.

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We have been to Europe several times on a cruise & 2 land only tours. We are now in our mid 60's. We began all this travelling in 2005 along with other parts of the world. I would not consider canceling this trip or any cruise to Europe. As Americans we know several places in the world do not accept or tolerate us. Both Eastern & Western European Nations have always been kind to us. We respect their culture, ideas, & try to learn a little of their language. These trips have always enhanced our knowledge, understanding of history, & the ability to interact with locals.


We have traveled to Turkey 2 times, one on a great cruise that included the west coast of Turkey to Cypress, Cairo, some Greek Islands. However the buses from Alexandia to Cario traveled in a caravan with military escort front & rear. This was a ship excursion. The other a 10 day land tour starting from Cappadocia & ending Istanbul. We never felt uncomfortable during the entire trip.

Take the cruise have a good time & don't worry. We have wonderful pictures & memories from these trips. With the exception of Southern Turkey or near the Syrian border, I would have no concerns about currently traveling to Turkey.

Should you have more questions you can email me at sfaigle@aol.com


Happy Travels, John

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I know that many have expressed that they either would or would not travel to Europe this year, but it would be interesting to know how many previous years you have traveled overseas?Europe? Do lots of overseas trips make you feel more like traveling to Europe or are you a newbie with one two or less cruises overseas, Europe in particular? I am interested in the reasoning behind your decision to see if it has anything to do with the number of times you have traveled overseas and especially Europe. Also, does age play a factor? Are you in your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's 60's or above 70? Is there more to it than just the "T" factor?


We are in our late 60s. I have lived in Germany for four years and Saudi Arabia for five years. Also, have traveled to Europe several times. We have a trip to Portugal in May and are still going.


Also, been to South America, Australia, Africa and Asia. It is all good. The more I travel, the more I want to travel.


DW and I love history and experiencing what other countries have to offer. Being able to visit the Great Wall of China, Red Square in Moscow, the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, Japan, an opera at the Sydney Opera House, Around the Horn of South America, Panama Canal, the Parthenon in Athens, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Church of the Holy Splicer in Jerusalem, Tower of London, the Lourve in Paris, the list goes on and on.

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Only two cruises and none to Europe, but I lived in London in the 90's (IRA bombs) and did my fair share of traveling. I have also spend time in Central America. I don't think I'd go visiting in the middle east right now. I would go to Europe in a heartbeat, and Turkey with some caveats. Probably wouldn't go to places that are tourist magnets in Istanbul, and I probably wouldn't get off the ship in Bodrum. But that's me. My husband has a far different view, and will not consider going to Turkey. We haven't talked about the rest of Europe. He has no problems going to Honduras, Belize or Guatemala. But he's been there before, and he knows that the trouble doesn't happen where we would want to be. Turkey represents a complete unknown to him, and the news doesn't help. It also doesn't help when one of our friends went back to Turkey to visit family and the bomb in the square happened while they were there, in front of their hotel, and he tells my husband not to go.

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I fly out on Tuesday to take my first River Cruise:)......sailing out of

Amsterdam. I booked this a long time ago and even with recent events,

I am excited about my trip:) and to stay home? No way in he$$....and

let those idiots win:rolleyes::eek:

The itinerary is called "TULIP TIME":).....Netherlands and Belgium. Now,

I am sure the cruiseline will do what it thinks best for safety and I hope

they will still do Belgium but I do understand if they feel they need to

change things up. I know I am going to have a wonderful time though.


If we are supplying ages.......I am 58.

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I'm walking on my treadmill and reading this thread on my ipad. I also have my iphone with me and got this alert "NBC 4 New York. BREAKING' Woman slashed by stranger on Manhattan Sidewalk"...

Guess we wont change our plans for this summer. Have cruised from Europe 9 times since 2005...lived in Spain many years too

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I have cruised in Europe 13 times since 2001, my very first time there

I have a trip planned for this May out of Amsterdam and one for next May out of Lisbon


I was originally planning to fly into Brussels and take the train to Amsterdam three days later but changed that ticket in January because I did not feel comfortable that Belgium did a good enough job on the terrorist front and did not want to use train transportation After the Brussels bombings I am even concerned about Amsterdam


I am going because you need to do these trips while you are physically able and we are at the age where that could not be the case before we know it.So age is a factor.


If my children were teens or younger I would probably stay home.

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Finally convinced DH to give Europe a try in 2013 (He was afraid Europeans would look down their nose at us). Loved our United Kingdom cruise, convinced him to try a River Cruise in 2014. He loved it. Went to Europe twice last year. We are booked to go on the Equinox from Istanbul to Rome in July. I am still gun-ho, DH is a little hesitant. I am 54, he is 59. My risk tolerance is much higher than his.


I don't think a tourist area in Europe is any more dangerous than going into a mall in the US, or driving on our roads. It could happen here, it could happen while I am visiting another country, but I refuse to lock myself away because of fear. Besides, the house could develop a gas leak, and I'm blown to bits "In the safety of my home."

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Have been traveling regularly to Europe since the late 60s, often travel solo, and so glad I started early.


I am going on a river cruise to Holland and Belgium next month, then down to Paris for 10 days (been there over 20 times) then back to Istanbul and Israel in October.


I guess, given recent events, that these places could all be thought of as risky and maybe they are but as long as the State Department does not forbid it, I won't be canceling.


I say go to Europe and other countries while you can. Putting off travel just leaves people with alot of regrets, IMO, and chances are it won't get any easier, safer, or cheaper.

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Have been traveling regularly to Europe since the late 60s, often travel solo, and so glad I started early.




I am going on a river cruise to Holland and Belgium next month, then down to Paris for 10 days (been there over 20 times) then back to Istanbul and Israel in October.




I guess, given recent events, that these places could all be thought of as risky and maybe they are but as long as the State Department does not forbid it, I won't be canceling.




I say go to Europe and other countries while you can. Putting off travel just leaves people with alot of regrets, IMO, and chances are it won't get any easier, safer, or cheaper.



I think your last paragraph speaks volumes...what is a life if not lived to its fullest? However, that is different for everyone, but those of us who love to travel enjoy how those experiences help define who we really are...

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