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Nightmare tablemates?

Ken Greco

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Only one bad experience in 40+ years of cruising. We were assigned to a table of eight that was composed of four couples that did not know each other before sitting down to dinner the first night.


One couple asked if we could all join hands and say grace. After furtive glances around the table by the remaining six of us, one of the women say that would be nice and we all politely sat while the husband droned out a long prayer.


The next night, the husband placed a Bible on the table and said he had a short reading for after the prayer.


I looked at him and said, "We prayed last night; I'm good to go for the next year." I picked up my roll, buttered it and started eating. The evangelical couple glared at us as the rest of us started eating and talking.



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Just what would a NOT ask about work pin look like??


Look, everyone has a Rocket. If we tell you we are Rocket Scientists, please don't ask us about fixing your Rocket on a cruise. We cruise to totally get away for broken Rockets.


We generally ask for a table for two, maybe four. I can almost guarantee you that sitting with a table of eight, someone will have problems with their Rocket and will be persistent with their Rocket issues. Some just don't know when to stop.


Be firm!

I am usually very easygoing, but I can be blunt if need be!!


You have to allow someone to make you say something you would rather not!


If you think the MDR is tough, wait until you meet people in the DL, CL, or suite lounge!;)

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Just what would a NOT ask about work pin look like??


Look, everyone has a Rocket. If we tell you we are Rocket Scientists, please don't ask us about fixing your Rocket on a cruise. We cruise to totally get away for broken Rockets.


We generally ask for a table for two, maybe four. I can almost guarantee you that sitting with a table of eight, someone will have problems with their Rocket and will be persistent with their Rocket issues. Some just don't know when to stop.


Okay. We get it already. You're a "rocket scientist" and would rather not talk about it. However, there seem to be no limits to how many times you can say you would rather NOT talk about it.

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We have enjoyed dining companions on most of our cruises but one cruise has a funny story. The first night it was just my husband and me at a 4 top. The second night we were joined by another couple. They had been at a table the previous night with 3 or 4 "hookers" from New York City! The "ladies" just wanted to talk about work! Our new table mate said she needed to get her husband away from that table! :D



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Our nightmare was a couple, a portly gentleman and his wife who looked like retired Drs or some professionals. We were seated nest to them and they wouldn't look at us, speak to us or each other. After a polite greeting to them in which they basically ignored us we had a good dinner and just laughed it off. I have to assume they were having a fight.

Edited by WupperAV
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Holy cow, when did it become rude to ask someone what they do for a living? That's a standard ice breaker along the lines of "how do you like the weather?" Or "so where are you from?"


We always ask for a table for 2 in the MDR. My wife and I like it just the 2 of us. But we did eat breakfast in the MDR one morning on our last cruise and we joined a large table because the wait for 2 was going to be too long. We were with 2 older couples and the husband was the classic older guy who doesn't care if he is telling racist, sexist, or religious jokes. That morning just reinforced that we make the right choice by always getting a table for just the 2 of us haha.

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We have enjoyed dining companions on most of our cruises but one cruise has a funny story. The first night it was just my husband and me at a 4 top. The second night we were joined by another couple. They had been at a table the previous night with 3 or 4 "hookers" from New York City! The "ladies" just wanted to talk about work! Our new table mate said she needed to get her husband away from that table! :D




I didn't think they played Rugby in NYC let alone have ladies play.:eek:

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Okay. We get it already. You're a "rocket scientist" and would rather not talk about it. However, there seem to be no limits to how many times you can say you would rather NOT talk about it.




Enough already. Troy made his feelings on the subject crystal clear on page 2. But for some reason felt compelled to repeat the same ol' same ol' ( admittedly with the odd variation on the same theme) at least a dozen times since then. We get the message. Perhaps that button would be a good idea. Better yet, dining only at a 2 top where you can be spared ALL of the subjects you don't care to discuss while on your cruise. I'm sure the diners at the larger tables would be glad to be spared the 'tude.

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Holy cow, when did it become rude to ask someone what they do for a living? That's a standard ice breaker along the lines of "how do you like the weather?" Or "so where are you from?"


We always ask for a table for 2 in the MDR. My wife and I like it just the 2 of us. But we did eat breakfast in the MDR one morning on our last cruise and we joined a large table because the wait for 2 was going to be too long. We were with 2 older couples and the husband was the classic older guy who doesn't care if he is telling racist, sexist, or religious jokes. That morning just reinforced that we make the right choice by always getting a table for just the 2 of us haha.



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Hello everyone. Thanks for some of your stories, iv'e had a good chuckle over some of them.


We have never had bad table mates on our assigned dining table but on 2 occasions at an afternoon tea and a chocoholic buffet we were seated with some who were not to our taste.


Afternoon tea.

a table for six and there was my partner and i, a very engaging middle aged gentlemen we didn't know and a rather glamorous looking middle aged lady we didn't know.

The waiters passed the scones etc around and poured tea. during this, we all started to make small talk and enjoy the tea, when the lady said that she had never tried a particular type of jam which was on the table. Much to our horror she picked up the knife from the empty place setting, put a little jam on it and licked it off,then placed the knife back by the empty place setting.


The gentlemen excused himself but we felt that we should wait till this lady left,as we didn't want anyone else to use that place setting. When she left we called the waiter over and explained what happened. He thanked us and removed all place settings. We nicknamed her 'the wild woman of Borneo'



we had helped ourselves to a small helping of the various items on the chocoholic buffet and sat at a table. A short while later a gentlemen arrived with his plate piled high and commenced eating, showing a rathe rbad lack of table manners. I tried to avoid looking at him and turned my head somewhat to the side by an empty place setting. This didn't last long as a rather large lady with a plate that seemed to be piled larger, sat down. As she started to stuff as much into her mouth as possible,the waiter appeared and asked if she would like a cup of tea. With her mouth crammed full and dribbling chocolate,she replied " Ave yer got any ot choclit mate" (have you any hot chcocolate mate) she then coughed and splattered the waiters clean white shirt,covering him in chocolate. Without showing any kind of revulsion he replied " I shall just get it for you Madam" Needless to say, we looked at each other and left.

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Our nightmare was a couple, a portly gentleman and his wife who looked like retired Drs or some professionals. We were seated nest to them and they wouldn't look at us, speak to us or each other. After a polite greeting to them in which they basically ignored us we had a good dinner and just laughed it off. I have to assume they were having a fight.


Care to expound on just exactly what retired professionals/doctors look like? Are they short or tall? Fat or skinny? You said he was portly; was this a key identifier? Wear logo clothes or not? Bald or not? This will help me ID my tablemates on our next cruise.

Edited by PoppyandNana
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Not for long, 66 and waiting to see if President Trump offers a buyout.

Why are you still there. Laura is out the door on her 56th birthday. She is first FERS class. Would have gone at 55 if CSRS.


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Edited by John&LaLa
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We all have experienced the issue of sitting with tablemates that are strangers and have the dining staff move us because not wanting to sit with those tablemates that we know right away we will not spend 7 nights with them. What are some funny stories about that; please keep it clean.

This past spring we were on a cruise with both good and bad table mates. One couple (refused to sit close to us and kept a gap of two chairs between us and themselves.TThe waiter would encourage them to move closer and said, 'The other couples are very nice. They don't bite" but to no avail. The other couple at the table were awesome. We did however wonder if our deodorant was not to their liking. lol\

On the same cruise we had breakfast in the main dining room once and were seated at a table with four other couples. One gentleman asked us how many cruises we had been on and then proceeded to tell us this was his 56th cruise. He then said, "And yes you may kiss my feet". He was the ultimate of snobs. Slowly, the other couples at the table began to leave. Even his cruise mates were disgusted with his bragging and rolled their eyes constantly. Eventually everyone left. I still remember how he looked at me when I laughed at his "you may kiss my feet". He was very disturbed that I hadn't taken him seriously. Yipes, some people.

We have since decided if things don't go well the first night to switch tables. Not worth the foolishness but it was certainly entertaining.

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Care to expound on just exactly what retired professionals/doctors look like? Are they short or tall? Fat or skinny? You said he was portly; was this a key identifier? Wear logo clothes or not? Bald or not? This will help me ID my tablemates on our next cruise.


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Not for long, 66 and waiting to see if President Trump offers a buyout.


Do you mean early out? Don't hold your breath. I retired when I was 62 (38 years 5 month 3 days) under the old CSRS with the early out incentive of 25 K in 2014. Thank you.

Edited by davekathy
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Hello everyone. Thanks for some of your stories, iv'e had a good chuckle over some of them.


We have never had bad table mates on our assigned dining table but on 2 occasions at an afternoon tea and a chocoholic buffet we were seated with some who were not to our taste.


Afternoon tea.

a table for six and there was my partner and i, a very engaging middle aged gentlemen we didn't know and a rather glamorous looking middle aged lady we didn't know.

The waiters passed the scones etc around and poured tea. during this, we all started to make small talk and enjoy the tea, when the lady said that she had never tried a particular type of jam which was on the table. Much to our horror she picked up the knife from the empty place setting, put a little jam on it and licked it off,then placed the knife back by the empty place setting.


The gentlemen excused himself but we felt that we should wait till this lady left,as we didn't want anyone else to use that place setting. When she left we called the waiter over and explained what happened. He thanked us and removed all place settings. We nicknamed her 'the wild woman of Borneo'



we had helped ourselves to a small helping of the various items on the chocoholic buffet and sat at a table. A short while later a gentlemen arrived with his plate piled high and commenced eating, showing a rathe rbad lack of table manners. I tried to avoid looking at him and turned my head somewhat to the side by an empty place setting. This didn't last long as a rather large lady with a plate that seemed to be piled larger, sat down. As she started to stuff as much into her mouth as possible,the waiter appeared and asked if she would like a cup of tea. With her mouth crammed full and dribbling chocolate,she replied " Ave yer got any ot choclit mate" (have you any hot chcocolate mate) she then coughed and splattered the waiters clean white shirt,covering him in chocolate. Without showing any kind of revulsion he replied " I shall just get it for you Madam" Needless to say, we looked at each other and left.


Oh my, I think I have had it good so far.:D

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. As she started to stuff as much into her mouth as possible,the waiter appeared and asked if she would like a cup of tea. With her mouth crammed full and dribbling chocolate,she replied " Ave yer got any ot choclit mate" (have you any hot chcocolate mate) she then coughed and splattered the waiters clean white shirt,covering him in chocolate. Without showing any kind of revulsion he replied " I shall just get it for you Madam" Needless to say, we looked at each other and left.


I think we were seated at the table next to this couple in Chops on the Oasis of the Seas last month.


It was formal night and the couple were dressed nice, her in a low cut red evening dress, and him in a nice tux. As we sat down, the gentleman left for a few minutes (she told us later he went to get more wine from their room so they wouldn't have to pay). While she waited, she spread garlic butter for the bread on her bread "dish" and licked it off. My wife was speechless and I turned my head because I just couldn't watch. The gentleman made it back with two very full glasses of wine and their meal was served. She ate everything with her hands and licked all the plates. His manners were not as obnoxious, but he acted as if her behavior was normal.


I was a annoyed by the couple because they were keeping my trophy wife distracted (entertained). Their final act for our part of the evening was trying to sneak out of Chops without paying the bill. However, the waiter caught them at the door and called over the head waiter. When the waiters asked for their sign-and-sail cards, the woman exposed her rather large right bosom reaching way down between the peaks for her card.


That meal goes down as the strangest thing I've ever seen on a cruise.



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"Holy cow, when did it become rude to ask someone what they do for a living? That's a standard ice breaker along the lines of "how do you like the weather?" Or "so where are you from?"" It did not become rude, it was always rude. Many people have not retained what is considered rude when their parents raised them. Other conversation stoppers I have experienced include, "oh, you just renovated, what did you pay?" or "So, you just bought that house, what did you pay for it?"


Simpler small talk always works as an introduction to a good conversation, like the weather, current events, books you recently read.

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