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What Do You Do to Stay Healthy When Cruising ?

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I an 69 and still active, but not grabbing the hand rails on the stairs is not an option.


Here is want DW and I do on healthy


1) We take a first aid kit as well as a small package of over the counter pharmacy items, including hand wipes. DW and I take ginger tablets before and during a cruise and have never been sea sick.

2) We are constantly hand washing or sanitizing.

3) We keep hydrated, drinking the ship's tap water.

4) Try not to get carried away with alcoholic beverages. Still, we enjoy our wine and an occasional beer or mixed drink.

5) We try to avoid the elevators and take the stairs.

6) I use the fitness center on most sea days and DW and I frequently do many laps on the open deck of the ship if weather is good.

7) We try to avoid desserts except for dinnertime. We don't normally gain weight on a cruise.

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I'll try to keep this light. Not just on cruises - but everywhere in general, the number of people we see using the toilet and then not washing is disgusting. Nothing we can do about it, it's just a fact. To try to stay healthy, we:


Wipe the surfaces on the plane w/ sanitary wipes - buckles, windows, tray, armrests, AC vent, etc.


When we get on the ship all surfaces in the cabin get wiped w/ sanitary wipes. ESPECIALLY THE REMOTE AND THE PHONE. Also, do the insides of the drawers. Saw one thread on here where people stated they used the drawers for their DIRTY clothes. GROSS GROSS GROSS!!! I do not want my clean clothes where your skid marks were on the last cruise.


ANY time we use something touched by others in a restaurant (salt/pepper, ketchup bottle, buffet utensils, etc.) we sanitize. See that guy that just licked his fingers then got more fries with the tongs and used the ketchup? Yup.....that guy is the one you need to look out for. If you wash your hands before the buffet and then use the buffet tongs, you just got back what you washed away - so be aware and do this.


Lots of people are gross, we try not to be, but there is only so much you can do.

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I'll try to keep this light. Not just on cruises - but everywhere in general, the number of people we see using the toilet and then not washing is disgusting. Nothing we can do about it, it's just a fact. To try to stay healthy, we:


Wipe the surfaces on the plane w/ sanitary wipes - buckles, windows, tray, armrests, AC vent, etc.


When we get on the ship all surfaces in the cabin get wiped w/ sanitary wipes. ESPECIALLY THE REMOTE AND THE PHONE. Also, do the insides of the drawers. Saw one thread on here where people stated they used the drawers for their DIRTY clothes. GROSS GROSS GROSS!!! I do not want my clean clothes where your skid marks were on the last cruise.


ANY time we use something touched by others in a restaurant (salt/pepper, ketchup bottle, buffet utensils, etc.) we sanitize. See that guy that just licked his fingers then got more fries with the tongs and used the ketchup? Yup.....that guy is the one you need to look out for. If you wash your hands before the buffet and then use the buffet tongs, you just got back what you washed away - so be aware and do this.


Lots of people are gross, we try not to be, but there is only so much you can do.

A lot of very valid points.


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Something to consider from Absolute Health:


Some people pump outsanitizer after touching almost anything in public, but some doctors claim thishabit could be harmful. One website explains “While [washing our hands]once every few hours may not have been enough to keep people healthy, cleaningour hands too often can actually make us too healthy.” People do saytoo much of a good thing can be bad, but is it really possible to be toohealthy? Doctors explains, “If we over wash our hands and continuallystrip them of all germs, we will be negatively impacting our immune system,which actually uses germs to build its own strength.” Our immune systemstrengthens when it is exposed to germs. Think about it: children who firstenter school seem to always be sick. Their bodies are adjusting to the germs ofall the other children. As the child grows, however, it is likely the amount ofdays they are sick during the tenth grade is a lot less than the days theymissed during kindergarten. Ifwe weren’t“introduced to a germ then it’s very possible [our bodies] never learned how todefend itself from an invasion.”

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Something to consider from Absolute Health:


Think about it: children who firstenter school seem to always be sick. Their bodies are adjusting to the germs ofall the other children. As the child grows, however, it is likely the amount ofdays they are sick during the tenth grade is a lot less than the days theymissed during kindergarten. Ifwe weren’t“introduced to a germ then it’s very possible [our bodies] never learned how todefend itself from an invasion.”


Makes sense but I see both sides of it...5 to 6 year old children are more likely to crawl on the floor and/or put their hands in their mouths. A 10th grader hopefully is not doing this thus avoiding the germs the younger child would ingest.


We try not to go too nutso w/ the sanitizer but any time we eat and do not have immediate access to a sink we use it.

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Yes we wipe down any handles touched whenever anyone else has been in our cabin or hotel room.

If you ever have had Norovirus you will understand why you don't want it again i can assure you that.


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I'm sorry to learn that you were exposed to the norovirus. That must have been a very unpleasant experience. My point was even if you clean your room it is contaminated again if the room attendant doesn't start out with clean supplies. I've been on a ship where there was an outbreak of the NV . One third of the ship became ill. I didn't because I was very lucky or because of some of the precautions I take. Some have been mentioned already . I'll add not going barefoot , at all. I'm wary of arm rests but I don't clean them . Have you seen the arms of some people ? When the room attendant makes up your bed where does he/ she put the pillow? On the floor , chair or sofa where there's probably fecal matter . I never use the drawers . I once found men's underwear in one. I always use a hand wipe after I've handled the menu but I do it discreetly under the table. I think it is bad manners to " wash " one's hands at the table. Germs are everywhere . Best not to become germophobic ! Phobias are crippling ! !




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Correction: it was 10% of the passengers who became ill with the NV . It was still a lot and really bad if you happened to be one of them . My husband was interviewed by our local TV station when the ship docked in our home town . He told them he believed more alcohol was served in the hand sanitizers than was served in the drinks on our cruise. It was a joke.



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Edited by NHProud
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I'm sorry to learn that you were exposed to the norovirus. That must have been a very unpleasant experience. My point was even if you clean your room it is contaminated again if the room attendant doesn't start out with clean supplies. I've been on a ship where there was an outbreak of the NV . One third of the ship became ill. I didn't because I was very lucky or because of some of the precautions I take. Some have been mentioned already . I'll add not going barefoot , at all. I'm wary of arm rests but I don't clean them . Have you seen the arms of some people ? When the room attendant makes up your bed where does he/ she put the pillow? On the floor , chair or sofa where there's probably fecal matter . I never use the drawers . I once found men's underwear in one. I always use a hand wipe after I've handled the menu but I do it discreetly under the table. I think it is bad manners to " wash " one's hands at the table. Germs are everywhere . Best not to become germophobic ! Phobias are crippling ! !




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It got us both,my wife blamed the cabin steward for shaking her hand when we were disembarking and didn't have the opportunity to wash her hands.9 hours later we were home and it hit her hard.



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On all cruises we always take Lysol wipes to wipe down door handles, faucet/sink, remote etc- several times a day- especially after room attendant leaves. We take vitamins etc., use knuckle to push elevator button--- and constantly wash hands. On our recent Harmony cruise, our room attendant told us he had a cold- day before cruise was over. Well... I guess his germs were all over the room, even though I wipe down everything as a precaution. A few days after we got home, my husband and I both got sick with upper respiratory infections/ bronchitis. I assume we picked up the germs on the ship. For future reference my question is.... if you realize your room attendant is ill, can you request a different attendant? Is this done????



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So, what does everyone do at work? I do the same things at work and on vacation. I wash my hands, use knuckles on elevators and that's about it. Never wiped down anything in the cabin. Worst thing I've ever had on a ship is a cold, one time. Worst thing I've ever had on land was food poisoning. My 33 yr old son caught Noro this past Feb and it was from his officemate who was in the office before he got really sick. People get sick. Some seem to think it happens more on ships. It doesn't. Most people who cruise have never had noro. We've done 22 cruises and haven't and all of our friends who cruise have never had it either.

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So, what does everyone do at work? I do the same things at work and on vacation. I wash my hands, use knuckles on elevators and that's about it. Never wiped down anything in the cabin. Worst thing I've ever had on a ship is a cold, one time.


Similar things at work - just as many opportunities to get sick there. Never had noro but even catching a cold is miserable on vacation. Does it stop us from functioning? No, but we spend our hard earned money on a nice two week cruise every year and we look forward to it all year. The last thing either of us wants is to be sick.


We have done 21 cruises and of those 21, one or the other of us have become sick 3-4 times after boarding. Probably carried something from home, but in any situation, I'd rather not be sick as it just takes so much of the experience away. Last year on our 14 night cruise we both got horrible colds about 10 days in. Even with all of the precautions we take it does not always help but I am convinced if we did not take these precautions we'd be sick more often. Does not hurt to be cautious.

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I never use the drawers . I once found men's underwear in one.


Sorry about that! :D I was wiping out the drawers with my dirty underwear, got distracted and forgot them there when we disembarked.

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Never touch the handrails on the stairways.


Use a paper towel to grab the door handle on the public bathroom doors.


If it is a choice of being unsteady on the stairs and falling or using hand rails - hold rails and wash hands.

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Another tip while washing hands in public bathroom, after you are done washing your hands do NOT, I repeat, do NOT turn water off with your freshly washed hands use a paper towel to turn the water off, the faucet was touched first with unwashed hands from the stall.:o

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As well as the good advice already given - to fight airborne germs I use Vicks First Defence. It can no longer be purchased in Australia or the US or indeed anywhere except for the UK. But it can be purchased via the internet and is cheap (I buy it in lots of 5). There are some people who believe the reason it is no longer widely available is that it is too effective! Here are some reviews https://www.productreview.com.au/p/vicks-first-defence.html I fly long haul quite often and always use it when there is anyone coughing or spluttering nearby. As you can see from the reviews sometimes it doesn't work but it has always (so far) worked for me.

Edited by lucymorgan
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That Noro is insane. I had my parents up at Christmas time last year to see the kids. We had a great day! 12 people enjoying each others company..fantastic. We played cards non stop. Well...patient zero began to get sick at 7pm. By 7am...ALL 11 of the rest of us were in the thick of it. Just think...3 toilets, 4 older folks and a few kids. Good times. Trouble is...patient zero gave it to us all before even he knew he was sick. So just live your life.

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Makes sense but I see both sides of it...5 to 6 year old children are more likely to crawl on the floor and/or put their hands in their mouths. A 10th grader hopefully is not doing this thus avoiding the germs the younger child would ingest.


We try not to go too nutso w/ the sanitizer but any time we eat and do not have immediate access to a sink we use it.


Actually, anyone who works with children and that includes Dr's and nurses as well as teachers, etc usually are sicker their first year than the rest of their career as they're constantly being exposed to new and mutated viruses, etc. Over time, they also build immunity and are sick less often. It's actually a fact that children need to build up their immunity and children who are allowed to play in the dirt (exposed to more) tend to be sick less often. Washing hands is really the best way to prevent illness. All these products that kill bactera and viruses are only creating more mutations that are resistant. It's why there are more superbugs than ever.


We probably all knew that one kid who wasn't allowed to dig in the dirt or go places or spend time at other peoples houses because he/she was always getting sick. Well, he/she was always getting sick because they were rarely exposed to the normal things kids should be.

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That Noro is insane. I had my parents up at Christmas time last year to see the kids. We had a great day! 12 people enjoying each others company..fantastic. We played cards non stop. Well...patient zero began to get sick at 7pm. By 7am...ALL 11 of the rest of us were in the thick of it. Just think...3 toilets, 4 older folks and a few kids. Good times. Trouble is...patient zero gave it to us all before even he knew he was sick. So just live your life.


My son lives alone and he was down for the count for 24 hours and felt bad for 48 and missed 3 days of work. I left work and took him some chicken noodle soup and ginger ale since he was out of those. I walked in, put it on his table, looked at his bathroom update and promptly went back to work, touching nothing on my face and washed my hands. I did not get it. He said he's never felt so sick for those first 6 hours or so. But, he has 3.5 bathrooms so that wasn't an issue.

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I bring pump soap. I hate those stupid little bars of soap in the stateroom bathroom. I also bring a can of Lysol and spray the bathroom. I also bring clorox or lysol wipies and wipe down the remote control, the phone and the door handles in the stateroom. I just have always done this when I travel.


And don't eat a lot of sugar EVER!

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I bring pump soap. I hate those stupid little bars of soap in the stateroom bathroom. I also bring a can of Lysol and spray the bathroom. I also bring clorox or lysol wipies and wipe down the remote control, the phone and the door handles in the stateroom. I just have always done this when I travel.


And don't eat a lot of sugar EVER!

We bring Simple soap and our own Dove shampoo abd conditioner and Dettol antibacterial wipes for the handles etc in the cabin.


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