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Sydney, Australia – February 10, 2018


G’day from Down Under!


Once again my day did not start out as planned. I had my alarm set for 6 am but I woke up about 5:50. I looked outside and, although it was still mostly dark, I could tell it was overcast and slightly foggy. Since it wasn’t nice out and I could not get any good pictures upon sail-in, I rolled over and went back to sleep. Finally got up about 7:15 as we were turning to dock.


We are at the White Bay Cruise Terminal, the less desirable location. Ships that are too big to get under the bridge get to dock at Ocean Terminal which is in Circular Quay across from the Opera House (where the QE docked in 2014). Although not the same as sitting on my balcony looking at the Opera House, I do have a nice view of the “Coat Hanger” bridge from my cabin. I can even sit in my bathroom and see the bridge (TMI, maybe???).


Last time I was here we went through immigration on the ship before arriving. Today we had to do it in the terminal. Everyone was given a number or a letter (not sure of what the difference was). Not knowing if I was going to get lunch, I decided to have some breakfast (again!!!). Luckily, they still had a few “Opera House Rolls” (aka Panama Canal Rolls, Hong Kong Rolls, etc.) left in the Lido so I got one of the last ones. The numbers and letters were being called fairly quickly and mine (#7) was called right in the middle of my second glass of orange juice.


When I got in the terminal I rode the elevator (I don’t do escalators) down with a man and his father who is in a wheel chair. Thinking we were together, the three of us were directed to the handicapped line. I got through very quickly.


Queued for the shuttle bus. We look like we are close to Darling Harbour but the streets zig and zag and go up and down and it takes about 20 minutes. Once in Darling Harbour it did not take much time to find an ATM and get some cash.


Originally, I had planned to take taxis to and from the places I wanted to go today and tomorrow but a couple of days ago I started thinking about taking the hop-on, hop off bus again. Guesstimating the cost of a taxi, I decide for a few dollars more I could see the city and get some good pictures. Last time I took the bus it was raining for most of the ride.


The pick-up point for the HOHO bus was directly behind the shuttle which made it very convenient. My first stop was at The Rocks where Sydney was founded. There is an arts and crafts market every Saturday and Sunday which has all kinds of Australian made products. I picked up a few gifts.


Next, I set out to find a yarn store. Pete (theinsidecabin.com – read his blog if you haven’t) had made all of us in the Sit and Stitch group a list of local stores. The one I was looking for was called “The Alpaca Barn”. It was on an out of the way street – really an alley. They sold mainly alpaca products but did have a small selection of beautiful alpaca yarn. The lady in the shop was very friendly and even taught me a new (to me) technique. She also gave me two patterns.


By the time I finished shopping I was getting hungry so found a little café and had a ham, cheese, and tomato sandwich before setting out to walk along Circular Quay and pick up the HOHO bus again.


I sat on the upper deck in the sun for one complete circuit but it got very hot (high was in the mid-80s and all the clouds from this morning were gone) so I went down stairs where it was air conditioned for the second time around. I had seen a little store that sold a little bit of everything so I got off and picked up a few things I was looking for. A couple of doors away was a McDonald’s where I got a much-needed Coke.


Picked up another bus and headed back to the shuttle at Darling Harbour. Got back to the ship just before 6 pm and took some pictures from my deck before a cool shower and a change of clothes.


There was an aboriginal show tonight so I had already told my dinner table that I would not be there. Had a good steak and potatoes (no fruit because they had mucked it up with coconut which I do not like) and an ice cream cone for dessert.


Arrived really early to get a seat for the show. I had my book, iPad, and knitting with me so I did not get bored. The show featured the Diamu Aboriginal Dance and Didgeridoo. I always thought the didgeridoo was the word in one of the more than 800 Aboriginal dialects but they had their own words for it. Turns out Charles Darwin gave it that name based on the sound it made.


Came back to work on my blog and pictures and had some difficulties with the new memory card I had to start today – I already filled one up. Finally got it to work.


Notice something missing ? Correct – no trivia today. I missed the only trivia at 5 pm.


I plan to take the HOHO bus (bought a 2-day pass for A$63 – senior rate) out to Bondi Beach tomorrow. I haven’t been there since 1997.

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Kathi, did you find (or look for) wifi at white Bay?





I didn't look because I knew the HOHO buses had it (and I used it today). However, I don't think White Bay has it because the four times I walked through I did not see anyone sitting in the terminal with their devices.

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Sydney, Australia – February 11, 2018


My plan for today was to take the HOHO bus to Bondi Beach. The last time I went to Bondi was in August 1997. We had taken the train so I didn’t get to see much of the area around Bondi. Also, since it was in the middle of winter there were not many people around.


I made good connections today (getting the shuttle, picking up the red HOHO bus at Darling Harbour, and then switching to the blue line) and since it was Sunday morning there was not as much traffic as yesterday. I was in Bondi by noon.


I walked around looking for a place to eat. I finally decided on the Hotel Bondis bistro. I had a very good parmesan encrusted chicken schnitty (a word I am not familiar with) with chips and slaw. When I was finished there was a New Zealand ice cream shop that had hokey pokey ice cream next to where I ate so I had to have a cone.


Walked around some more and then picked up the HOHO bus back to Sydney. We passed some beautiful multi-million dollar homes with amazing views.


I had considered riding another loop of the bus but I am paranoid and always like to be back on the ship at least an hour before all aboard time so decided against it. Instead I walked around Darling Harbour and looked at the Serbian festival going on in a neighboring park.


Returned to the ship about 3:45 and showered and changed for dinner since I had things to do right up until 8 pm (dinnertime).


Only Bonnie, Tom, Rodney, and I were there for trivia so I invited Bill (who had been on a team with me one day in New Zealand when nobody else was there). We only had 14 out of 17. The winning team had 16.

1)What is “Mr. Bojangles” real name?

2)What birthstone melts in vinegar?

3)What is the world’s largest desert?

4)What country sold the Virgin Islands to the US in 1917?

5)What is a “pangram”?


After trivia it was the time for the sail-away. I watched the sail-away from the back deck by the Seaview Pool. I may have missed the sail-in but I enjoyed the sail-away and there were even two toots.


Once we were back into the ocean, I headed to “Singo” in the piano bar. It is played on the same principle as Bingo but instead of just calling numbers there is a song attached to each number and we had a sing along. This is going to be a regular on Sunday nights.


Then time for dinner. It was the first night that all eight of us have been present in a number of days so there was some catching up to do. I had watermelon, prime rib, and a berry cup with meringue on top that was not as good as it sounded. During dinner the Dining Room Manager and the Executive Chef came around and asked how they were doing and for any suggestions.

There was a comedian on for the show tonight but I was tired and wanted to complete the blog as early as possible.


A sea day tomorrow.



1)Bill Robinson




5)a sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet


Smooth sailing until next time!

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You are doing well at Trivia, Kathi!!!


I actually got most of these. A small miracle ;)


Your sing a long version of bingo sounds very interesting and like it could be fun.


Thanks again for the great updates. So enjoying this thread and your blog.

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Great pics of Sailaway. The bridge climbers and the Opera House I enjoyed with Bondi Beach. Those HoHo buses are great.

The weather there looks like it was perfect for you too!


It was a tad toasty sitting upstairs on the HOHO bus but so much nicer than when I was here in 2014, I wasn't complaining.:D

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At Sea – February 12, 2018


I skipped water aerobics because today was our second Cruise Critic Meet and Greet. I stopped by Sit and Stitch for a few minutes before heading to the other side of the Crow’s Nest to set up. HAL provided cookies, tea, and coffee. About 60 people showed up which was much more manageable and we had a chance to talk to people. One of her friends said a few words about our roll call member who passed away earlier in the cruise and we had a moment of silence. We also had a sign-up for a slot pull and a cabin crawl.


Because we did not break up until around noon, I missed trivia but got there in time to hear the answers (I would not have been any help on the ones they missed).


The captain had bad news for us during his daily update. An intense low pressure system is headed for Tasmania. The weather conditions for Port Arthur on Wednesday are predicted to be 40 mph winds with 6 foot swells. Since this was a tender port the captain decided to cancel the stop. He has also altered our course so that we will be sailing along the north coast of Tasmania headed to Kangaroo Island instead of along the southern coast of Tasmania.


Went to lunch around 1 pm and sat with Cyndi at her regular table (which we also use for arts and crafts). There has been a great deal of drama over arts and crafts. Evidently there has been some complaints about a couple of the activities and people arriving early. There are some different theories floating around as to who are upset and why but Henk (Hotel Manager) and the Event Manager arrived around 1:45 and stood and watched for awhile.


Last arts and crafts Nancy mentioned the problem and said she would be handing out numbers for those who wished to attend an hour before the start and then we could go and do whatever we wanted until 2:30 (and not sit in the Lido waiting). Today, Henk told us that we would not have numbers (referencing the tender ticket issues) but Nancy would not be starting until 2:30. So not really much change. Today we made Valentine earrings.


I sat by the Lido Pool for about an hour and a half and finished my book and worked some on my sock (I “turned the heel” today for those who are knitters).


Afternoon trivia had the team all back together again. We had 15 out of 17 and the winners had 16.

1)What was the first British act to make it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

2)What is belonophobia?

3)What childhood disease is also known as varicella?

4)What nationality is Anthony Hopkins?

5)What do you call a person from Glasgow called?


We sat and talked for about an hour after trivia.


All eight were present for dinner. I had crab and scallop au gratin, Australian beef and Guinness pie, and a tropical fruit pavlova.


Skipped the show but it sounded fairly good from what I could hear from my cabin.


Hobart, Tasmania tomorrow.



1)The Beatles

2)fear of needles

3)chicken pox

4)Welsh (lots of discussion about this one)


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The drama on the arts and crafts is intriguing, Kathi.


sorry to hear you are missing your port but better to be safe than sorry.


Hope you can avoid the storms and your seas are smooth for you.

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Wasn't it a cyclone over by Australia that caused us to rearrange our port when we were in the So Pac 2 years ago? That weather pattern caused a lot more rain than the islands usually saw and so did we. Cpt van Eerten did keep us out of most of really bad weather by the itinerary shift but it still wasn't great weather any way that you look at it.



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Wasn't it a cyclone over by Australia that caused us to rearrange our port when we were in the So Pac 2 years ago? That weather pattern caused a lot more rain than the islands usually saw and so did we. Cpt van Eerten did keep us out of most of really bad weather by the itinerary shift but it still wasn't great weather any way that you look at it.



I can't remember the cause but the weather was really bad for so many days.

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Hobart, Tasmania – February 13, 2018


Up and out by 9:30. In the terminal building there were volunteers giving out maps and directions. I wanted to do the HOHO bus and I was given directions to the information centre.


Only had to wait a few minutes for the bus. Over the 90 minute trip we went to both ends of Hobart. I had seen one of the yarn stores I wanted to visit on the round-trip so I got on the next departing bus and got off at the third stop.


I was a little disappointed in the shop (which had some wool and some woolen items) because almost all of the wool was imported. I saw yarn from Peru, Germany, Italy, and even some from a company out of Seattle. So, I decided to walk to the other shop.


It was quite a walk and when I got there the shop had gone out of business. Ugh! I walked back to the Elizabeth Street Mall (a pedestrian zone). They had mentioned on the bus that the Cat and Fiddle Arcade had a clock and on the hour the cat played the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon, and the dish ran away with the spoon. I had to see it. There was a little food court by the clock and it was going on 2 pm (I hadn’t had anything to eat all day) so I got some food and sat down to watch. It went off just as described at 2 pm. I took a video but it is too large for the blog so I will put in a still picture. Bonus to all this was that there was free wifi! I was finally able to catch up with my e-mail (it is very slow loading on the ship).


Right next to where I was sitting was “The Reject Shop” which is kind of like a Dollar General. I needed a few more odds and ends so I looked through the store and found what I wanted.

I decided I was going to walk back to the first yarn store because I still needed some needles for the yarn I purchased in Sydney. I was able to get my needles and also found some Australian yarn I had missed the first time.


By then it was almost 4 (and I had walked about 3 miles) so I headed back to the ship. In the terminal there were a number of stalls so I spent about 45 minutes looking around. There was one lady selling hand-made knitting needles and another selling hand-dyed alpaca, so I made a few more purchases.


Got back onboard just in time for 5 pm trivia. Jeanette, Tom, and I played with another team that was missing some members. We had 14 ½ and the winners had 16 (out of 18).

1)Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse?

2)How many play at once on a cricket team?

3)What are the two landlocked countries in South America?

4)What is the capital of Canada?

5) In what year did the USSR cease to exist?


After trivia I went for my afternoon ice cream and sat by the Lido Pool to eat it. While I was sitting there a server came by with a glass of sparkling wine. The captain had said we were getting a glass at dinner on Wednesday because of the skipped port but they evidently decided to change it to Tuesday.


Today was Fat Tuesday so the dining room was decorated for Mardi Gras. There were, of course, more hats (I asked people who have done the world cruise before about the hats but they seem to be a new thing this year. Only four for dinner because the other four were on a late excursion. About the time we were ready for dessert, the others returned and we heard all about their evening at the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. I had French onion soup, chicken fried steak, and watermelon sorbet.


No show tonight.


At sea tomorrow.



1)Walt Disney


3)Bolivia and Paraguay




Smooth sailing until next time!

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