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Why Chair Hog Bullies Proliferate


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If I'm walking by and see a lone flip flop or sandal on a lounge, and its mate on another chair or lounge, I take one and put it with the other. Obviously the wind must have picked one up and blown it over ... :halo:


What a good hearted person you are. You shall be rewarded.....although not with a lounger by the pool.

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If they are going to spend all that money retrofitting the loungers why not just equip then with seapass card readers and charge for the time the loungers are used. All passengers get credit for 3 hours per day of lounger time and once that is used up charge the passenger's account $25 per hour. By day two all the former chair hoggers will be hogging the guest service line to complain :loudcry::loudcry:. That would be :'):') for the rest of us


Another creative idea.....I think we should apply to X for jobs to fix this problem once and for all!

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LOL, I love this approach.



I generally look at them and dare them to say anything to me about it, as they know, I know the chair was unoccupied for an extended period of time.


A few have tried to talk back to me, until I got up out of the chair and approached them, they backed down. On one sailing one couple never looked my way again not did they even think about challenging me on chairs.


I say we must take it upon ourselves to manage this, all too often the offenders think they can and often times do, bully others in keeping their loungers... without response. This is one time I will not back down.. :evilsmile:



bon voyage


Classic transfer of accountability, a tactic used by bullies and others who get caught or called out on their bad behavior.


I'm not a small guy, worked in criminal justice in a maximum secutity prison for several years, and often wear one of my Harley shirts on a cruise. I have zero tolerance for bullies, people who butt in front of me, and other rude asses. I can usually back 'em down with a look or a few words. :evilsmile:

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I have a problem with the proliferation of the fancy beds that they put on many of the ships. I’m talking about the ones that are suspended by ropes or have curtains around them.

They are made to be very conspicuous and therefore signify privilege to the person who is the earliest in snagging them for the day. Rarely do you see these “beds” vacant save for the personal items left on them to convey “ownership” for however long they decide they need it.

Adding insult to injury, these units take up much more room than would be necessary for a standard deck lounge, therefore reducing the overall capacity for passengers to have a place on the deck.

Invariably I will walk past one of these monsters and see only one person or no one at all using them. But the flip flops, books and other personal items are there the entire day.


To me, they seem impractical and a nuisance. More headache that they are worth. It si my humble opinion that they are placed there only to provide nice pictures for the ship brochure.

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First, consider:




"The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signaling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments to prevent small crimes such as vandalism, public drinking, and turnstile-jumping helps to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes from happening."




In the absence of enforcement by the cruise line, Chair Hog Bullies are allowed and therefore proliferate. On one recent cruise where we experienced several days of cold weather, the majority of the loungers in the Solarium were "reserved" with a towel, a paperback/magazine, and a flip flop by 6-6:30 AM. Many of the same loungers were "reserved" hours later and the staff attendants were doing nothing to pick up the abandoned materials.




We all need to call Chair Hogs what they are, Bullies, and demand enforcement of the rules by cruise line staff.




If good people say nothing, they are allowing the Chair Hogs to bully them.




Where's Rudy Giuliani when we need him most?



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I have a problem with the proliferation of the fancy beds that they put on many of the ships. I’m talking about the ones that are suspended by ropes or have curtains around them.

They are made to be very conspicuous and therefore signify privilege to the person who is the earliest in snagging them for the day. Rarely do you see these “beds” vacant save for the personal items left on them to convey “ownership” for however long they decide they need it.

Adding insult to injury, these units take up much more room than would be necessary for a standard deck lounge, therefore reducing the overall capacity for passengers to have a place on the deck.

Invariably I will walk past one of these monsters and see only one person or no one at all using them. But the flip flops, books and other personal items are there the entire day.


To me, they seem impractical and a nuisance. More headache that they are worth. It si my humble opinion that they are placed there only to provide nice pictures for the ship brochure.

Having given them a try, I couldn't be bothered doing so again. They're OK if you want to lie flat on your back, but they are far to uncomfortable to sit and read. We left after 20 minutes or so. I agree with your comment that they use a lot of room that could be better served with a number of loungers.

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My problem is with Cafe De Bacio chair hogs.On sea day,raining days will sit for hours sleeping,playing cards or games on their computer.


I agree. I've seen people looking for a place to enjoy their coffee or tea and all tables were full. Some of these table were occupied by card players, people using their computers or just talking to each other. Guess it's legal, but showsto em a total lack of courtesy to others.

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I agree. I've seen people looking for a place to enjoy their coffee or tea and all tables were full. Some of these table were occupied by card players, people using their computers or just talking to each other. Guess it's legal, but showsto em a total lack of courtesy to others.


Disagree ... this is not the same as chair-hogs leaving their nest totally unattended for long periods of time expecting to return and have their roost ready and waiting for them. If peeps enjoy an spot on the ship to sip and socialize I see nothing wrong with them staying as long as they wish, it's their vacation too. There are plenty of other spots one can migrate to on these huge flotation devices to enjoy a cup of java.



Edited by pa-annie
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Disagree ... this is not the same as chair-hogs leaving their nest totally unattended for long periods of time expecting to return and have their roost ready and waiting for them. If peeps enjoy an spot on the ship to sip and socialize I see nothing wrong with them staying as long as they wish, it's their vacation too. There are plenty of other spots one can migrate on these huge flotation devices to enjoy a cup of java.



Same in the sense that the behavior is not respectful to others. There are also many quiet places to just chat. I don't mind if people have ordered something and casually consuming it. I do mind when people claim a seat in a food venue and don't plan to eat or drink anything while people are carrying hot coffee or tea are looking for a place to sit. Thank goodness for Michael's Club! I can and do go there, but there are many who don't have that option.

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"The idea of this cruise was for 5 couples who were good friends to take a vacation together. Someone got up early to save 10 chairs, not in a prime location close to the pool.... while people are always complaining if they cannot get a chair and there are chairs not being occupied, there are justified reasons some of the time if they are."



So if you can gather a group of 10 or more you are justified in saving a row of chairs? Interesting perspective (maybe the roll call organizers could assign a few volunteers to set aside an area for their members....)

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My problem is with Cafe De Bacio chair hogs.On sea day,raining days will sit for hours sleeping,playing cards or games on their computer.


What is the time limit for one to occupy a chair? ;)



Not the same as a Chair Hog Bully who plops down a towel, a paperback, and a flip flop to "reserve" their lounger and expect to return hours later and have it waiting for them. Those people are Bullies - and while they are not stealing your lunch money or giving you an atomic wedgie, they are nonetheless a Bully for stealing other passengers right to use that lounger. Especially bad is someone traveling in a group that sends one person ahead first thing in the morning to "reserve" 10 loungers until the rest of the group can get there.


These people are rude asses and are giving the rest of us the finger by their anti-social behavior.



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"The idea of this cruise was for 5 couples who were good friends to take a vacation together. Someone got up early to save 10 chairs, not in a prime location close to the pool.... while people are always complaining if they cannot get a chair and there are chairs not being occupied, there are justified reasons some of the time if they are."



So if you can gather a group of 10 or more you are justified in saving a row of chairs? Interesting perspective (maybe the roll call organizers could assign a few volunteers to set aside an area for their members....)


I believe that was the first time I've ever seen a Chair Hog post on cruise critic and try to rationalize their bad behavior. Amazing.

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Same in the sense that the behavior is not respectful to others. There are also many quiet places to just chat. I don't mind if people have ordered something and casually consuming it. I do mind when people claim a seat in a food venue and don't plan to eat or drink anything while people are carrying hot coffee or tea are looking for a place to sit. Thank goodness for Michael's Club! I can and do go there, but there are many who don't have that option.

Well said. Those who sit and sip are welcome, but those who tie up a table just to chat or play cards are as irritating as the pool chair hogs. The same applies to the Oceanview Cafe, the Mast Grill or any other venue where tables are provided for the convenience of the customers.

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The company has no interest in enforcing rules just as airlines do not enforce the carry on luggage limitations. The airlines can now offer you priority boarding so that you can get on to claim your own luggage space by charging you $$. By not having chairs available passengers are encouraged to pay for a private cabana. :(

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"The idea of this cruise was for 5 couples who were good friends to take a vacation together. Someone got up early to save 10 chairs, not in a prime location close to the pool.... while people are always complaining if they cannot get a chair and there are chairs not being occupied, there are justified reasons some of the time if they are."



So if you can gather a group of 10 or more you are justified in saving a row of chairs? Interesting perspective (maybe the roll call organizers could assign a few volunteers to set aside an area for their members....)


Read the entire post. No chair was unintended for more than 30-45 minutes and they were nowhere near the pool. In addition, if we book as a group, we have every right to spend a sea day as a group as a couple looking for 2 seats at any point in time. Sorry, but differences in opinion are what makes the world go round!

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The company has no interest in enforcing rules just as airlines do not enforce the carry on luggage limitations. The airlines can now offer you priority boarding so that you can get on to claim your own luggage space by charging you $$. By not having chairs available passengers are encouraged to pay for a private cabana.


Not sure. I usually read cabanas are either sold out or all of them are empty, depending on the cruise.


The result of not enforcing rules is that people start disliking other guests, spend less time laying on chairs, and they start disliking the ship that doesn't do anything to help. That's at least one star less on their review which probably costs much more than selling cabanas can compensate for.


Also, if I were running a ship, I'd like my passengers to be in a hot sun as much as possible to get them to order more drinks.

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"we have every right to spend a sea day as a group as a couple looking for 2 seats at any point in time."



Sorry, but there is a difference between 2 chairs being occupied and unavailable and 10 or more... Otherwise, where do you draw the line? If a group of 10 couples decide that they are entitled to sit together for an entire day, does that mean that it is okay to take 20 loungers away from prospective users?



We sometimes travel with two or three other couples, but it would never occur to us to get up at the crack of dawn and lay claim to six or eight seats. If there is room beside our friends when we arrive on deck, then we will sit together, Otherwise we each find our own space and "visit" back and forth during the day.



But you are right about differing opinions....

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Read the entire post. No chair was unintended for more than 30-45 minutes and they were nowhere near the pool. In addition, if we book as a group, we have every right to spend a sea day as a group as a couple looking for 2 seats at any point in time. Sorry, but differences in opinion are what makes the world go round!


My concern with this is that you had ONE person go up early and save TEN chairs. Now, if all 10 of you went up and grabbed 10 chairs together that is great...but one person saving 10 is the definition of a chair hog.

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"we have every right to spend a sea day as a group as a couple looking for 2 seats at any point in time."



Sorry, but there is a difference between 2 chairs being occupied and unavailable and 10 or more... Otherwise, where do you draw the line? If a group of 10 couples decide that they are entitled to sit together for an entire day, does that mean that it is okay to take 20 loungers away from prospective users?



We sometimes travel with two or three other couples, but it would never occur to us to get up at the crack of dawn and lay claim to six or eight seats. If there is room beside our friends when we arrive on deck, then we will sit together, Otherwise we each find our own space and "visit" back and forth during the day.



But you are right about differing opinions....

Whether they are seated together or scattered around the pool, they still take up the same number of loungers, and if they individually respect the time-away-from-chair rules, I actually have no problem with group seating. Where the problem lies, whether with a single couple or with a group as in twinsdadand1's case, is one person coming out early and saving loungers for use later in the morning. Blueboro hit the nail on the head.

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if they are going to spend all that money retrofitting the loungers why not just equip then with seapass card readers and charge for the time the loungers are used. All passengers get credit for 3 hours per day of lounger time and once that is used up charge the passenger's account $25 per hour. By day two all the former chair hoggers will be hogging the guest service line to complain :loudcry::loudcry:. That would be :'):') for the rest of us



lol :)


Someone mention, that cruise lines have no incentive to enforce any policy and I agree as he mention airlines too do not really enforce the luggage restrictions either for carry on.

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lol :)


Someone mention, that cruise lines have no incentive to enforce any policy and I agree as he mention airlines too do not really enforce the luggage restrictions either for carry on.


In the old days, 60’s, my parents would reserve two deck chairs in their preferred location. Their names and stateroom would be attached to the chair. As kids we liked it because we would always be able to find our parents. There was a cost but it was for the entire cruise. Folks would line up to reserve chairs after boarding. Some chairs were left open but many were reserved. Worked well and seemed fair.

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In the old days, 60’s, my parents would reserve two deck chairs in their preferred location. Their names and stateroom would be attached to the chair. As kids we liked it because we would always be able to find our parents. There was a cost but it was for the entire cruise. Folks would line up to reserve chairs after boarding. Some chairs were left open but many were reserved. Worked well and seemed fair.

On modern ships, the number of passengers far outweigh the number of available loungers. If people could book them for the entire cruise, some passengers might never be able to find one that was available.

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I am going to add a slightly different twist. We cruised to Bermuda in the Summer 2016 on the Summit with 4 other couples. The idea of this cruise was for 5 couples who were good friends to take a vacation together. Someone got up early to save 10 chairs, not in a prime location close to the pool. While these chairs were not always occupied by all 10 people, they were never left totally unoccupied. No same chair was unoccupied for more than 30-45 minutes at a time. We split up to have lunch so we would not leave the chairs unattended. I do not consider this to be chair hogging and while people are always complaining if they cannot get a chair and there are chairs not being occupied, there are justified reasons some of the time if they are.


Still chair hogging..saving unoccupied seats deprives others from enjoying their right to use thise seats esp if they are ready to sit while others are awat!

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