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Selfie for Check-In?


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I believe that scanning phones will be a lot slower. Imagine the typical retired HAL passengers fumbling with their phones trying to bring up the bar code on the screen while we all wait in line behind them.
Or worse yet, waiting for them to power up because they forgot they had turned it off.
The current system is I hand them my boarding pass, they scan it and I hear a beep, and I then pass through. Takes about 2-3 seconds. I just don't see much opportunity to improve that process.
I agree. I see this more as a gimmick to please the phone-addicted than anything really useful.
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I still don’t understand people’s objection to using technology.



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I don't think it is so much an objection as (possibly) a fear of the unknown. I am using myself as an example. I don't mind some modern technology, other forms I object to, or at least drag my feet before I get into it. I don't have any younger family members to teach me all these "modern" electronics, I more or less have to self-educate thru reading or other means. When I first got a smart phone, it was a little intimidating. I am a smart person and learn quickly, but with no one to teach me it was a struggle! Very slowly over a week or so I got used to it, learned how to use it, and now I really like it. Do I do anything fancy with it? No. Just email, text, internet (Google) and an occasional photo. I know I can do much more. But sometimes I hesitate to learn because I find it a little scary. I'm just being honest here. It's the "if I screw this up how do I fix it?" kind of mentality, like affected me when I first saw a desktop computer! But it's all good, I get around to learning all these new things in my own good time. I have a lot more to learn, I am catching on, and I will adjust little by little over time. So I guess my point is, that some folks (I was one of them, believe me) hold on to the "tried and true"(it's the path of least resistance!) and don't want to explore all these new gadgets out there for a garden variety of personal reasons. Mine was simply a lack of anyone to teach me how to use it! I was on my own fighting my way through that learning curve! Not everyone has a bunch of family members or friends out there that are technically savvy.

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Or worse yet, waiting for them to power up because they forgot they had turned it off.


I agree. I see this more as a gimmick to please the phone-addicted than anything really useful.




Having experienced it, I can tell you that it streamlined things for those who were so inclined to use it.


For those who weren’t, they went through the standard check-in process and sure enough, it took longer and they were also content.


RCL’s adoption of technology (e.g. wristbands, apps, etc) made my life so much easier. I’m missing it as I prep for another cruise with my grandparents who now expect the benefits of it (with me as their conduit naturally) and I have to keep telling them that I can’t do that on HAL.


I’m not sure if you’ve used any of this, but as someone who has experienced the value and doesn’t consider myself phone-addicted, I recommend you give it a try before you judge it (or others) because you may find you like the option.



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HAL’s CruiseCritic board might be the only place on earth where people brag about not having a modern phone (ie one that’s made this decade). It’s wild.


So funny you use the word "modern" in the 21st century. FYI flip phones are made in the 21st century. I don't think I have used the word "modern" except to describe furniture or architecture since the last decade. But if you want to consider yourself technologically advanced that's o.k. with me. I use my Ipad when traveling and my desktop Apple when home. And I have had a "smartphone" but chose to go back to my flip phone for what I use it for. It is not bragging, it's just that it works for me. For those who use their smartphones for everything I don't care, that's your choice. But PLEASE do not conclude that those of us who do not carry a smartphone are technologically impaired. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face and lots of childhood memories when you used the word "modern." Cherie

Edited by cccole
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I don't think it is so much an objection as (possibly) a fear of the unknown. I am using myself as an example. I don't mind some modern technology, other forms I object to, or at least drag my feet before I get into it. I don't have any younger family members to teach me all these "modern" electronics, I more or less have to self-educate thru reading or other means. When I first got a smart phone, it was a little intimidating. I am a smart person and learn quickly, but with no one to teach me it was a struggle! Very slowly over a week or so I got used to it, learned how to use it, and now I really like it. Do I do anything fancy with it? No. Just email, text, internet (Google) and an occasional photo. I know I can do much more. But sometimes I hesitate to learn because I find it a little scary. I'm just being honest here. It's the "if I screw this up how do I fix it?" kind of mentality, like affected me when I first saw a desktop computer! But it's all good, I get around to learning all these new things in my own good time. I have a lot more to learn, I am catching on, and I will adjust little by little over time. So I guess my point is, that some folks (I was one of them, believe me) hold on to the "tried and true"(it's the path of least resistance!) and don't want to explore all these new gadgets out there for a garden variety of personal reasons. Mine was simply a lack of anyone to teach me how to use it! I was on my own fighting my way through that learning curve! Not everyone has a bunch of family members or friends out there that are technically savvy.




I understand apprehension of something new or different. I just hate to see people not try something that could improve their experience or be enjoyable just because they might fear the unknown or don’t understand it. That is how we learn. Some may find it’s not for them, but many will open up a whole new world of convenience, exploration and enjoyment.


But some will always stick to the old ways regardless of easier and better options. That is why they still have telephone books, TV Guide, hard-copy newspapers, checks, home telephones and other items that many haven’t used in years. My dad still says Amazon is a fad and will go out of business once people get over the newness of it, lol.



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Edited by JT1962
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I understand apprehension of something new or different. I just hate to see people not try something that could improve their experience or be enjoyable just because they might fear the unknown or don’t understand it. That is how we learn. Some may find it’s not for them, but many will open up a whole new world of convenience, exploration and enjoyment.


But some will always stick to the old ways regardless of easier and better options. That is why they still have telephone books, TV Guide, hard-copy newspapers, checks, home telephones and other items that many haven’t used in years.



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What I have learned, I now definitely enjoy! I don't object to some new stuff, I just need a teacher!;) Fear disappears with mastering the task I have found!

But some of it can be a little intimidating....at least for me.

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PS Hey, I miss those old phone books! And I miss a good hard copy newspaper! I still read hard copy magazines (not TV Guide though, the guide is a menu on the TV) and books, and I still write checks for bills....because I have to......DH doesn't use a computer at all, and I don't want to bank online (various reasons here). I enjoy online stuff, like this forum, but I like hard copy things too. Wait a minute, this sounds like an entry for the "real books and libraries" thread! To put my two cents in, I think they should keep the libraries, even if they must scale them down. Nothing like holding a real book in your hand......at least for me.

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Any more insults lefft to fling my way or have you just ab out coverred them all?Please keep in mind, all of us here are people and we all have our own personal circumstances, needs and lack of need.s, and feelings. . YOU R needs are undoubtedly veyt different than mine but that does not automatically makde me a si, uneducatable 104 year old. I hope people speak more kindly to you as you age. You priorities may change as you ag eand life deals out your personal hand to play (live) . I have abosluely no famiy l No grand kids, no gown kids, no aunts, uncles, no s-i-L, No Bi-L Got, it, No one........ who do you pose I need to 'text with?. I have burried them all. I ff you don' think that takes strngth and grt, to survive don't try it. I don't recommend it. I m alone in this world and my priorrtry is coninuing to ake care of myself and beable to remain living alone in my home. If you think that is so easy try it when you are more than 70 and everyone is dead.. Your needs for smart phone s are no where in my line of vision. Careful what you wish on others and are cricical of when you have 'no clue'. , karma can be nasty. I am thankful to have my computers. Try a lttle kindness, it might make you like yhourself a bit more. Most of all don't make judgements when you have no clue about what you speak and what might be a help to peopole a bout whom you cannot know anything Give ethose sftrangers a little credi fof acomplishments, achievements and survival you cannott know. Some should b ashamed for their judgements.

Edited by sail7seas
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I don't think it is so much an objection as (possibly) a fear of the unknown. I am using myself as an example. I don't mind some modern technology, other forms I object to, or at least drag my feet before I get into it. I don't have any younger family members to teach me all these "modern" electronics, I more or less have to self-educate thru reading or other means. When I first got a smart phone, it was a little intimidating. I am a smart person and learn quickly, but with no one to teach me it was a struggle! Very slowly over a week or so I got used to it, learned how to use it, and now I really like it. Do I do anything fancy with it? No. Just email, text, internet (Google) and an occasional photo. I know I can do much more. But sometimes I hesitate to learn because I find it a little scary. I'm just being honest here. It's the "if I screw this up how do I fix it?" kind of mentality, like affected me when I first saw a desktop computer! But it's all good, I get around to learning all these new things in my own good time. I have a lot more to learn, I am catching on, and I will adjust little by little over time. So I guess my point is, that some folks (I was one of them, believe me) hold on to the "tried and true"(it's the path of least resistance!) and don't want to explore all these new gadgets out there for a garden variety of personal reasons. Mine was simply a lack of anyone to teach me how to use it! I was on my own fighting my way through that learning curve! Not everyone has a bunch of family members or friends out there that are technically savvy.


Kudos to you. To my mind, this is exactly what helps keep our minds keen as we age -- we have to challenge ourselves to try new things and learn new skills. :D


I contrast that with my parents who decided at some point just to stop adopting modern technology. (Despite offers from two media-savvy daughters, one SIL and one very plugged in grandson...) It's made things progressively more difficult for them, sadly.

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Just as an example, on my most recent cruise, I spent a day post-cruise in San Diego. I used Uber to get around. Quick, easy, and inexpensive. Not possible without a smartphone and an Uber app.




Sent from my SM-S820L using Forums mobile app


I find I use my smartphone more when I travel than when I'm home or just getting around locally. One of the first things I check when I'm doing port research is to see if the city has Uber.

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Any more insults lefft to fling my way or have you just ab out coverred them all?Please keep in mind, all of us here are people and we all have our own personal circumstances, needs and lack of need.s, and feelings. . YOU R needs are undoubtedly vert different than mine but that does not automatically makde me a stupdi, uneducatable 104 yeer old. I hope people speak more

kindly to you as you age.



You priorities may change as you aggeand life deals out your person al hand to play (live)

. I have abosluely no famil No grand kids, no gown kids, no aunts, uncles, no s-i-L, No Bi-L Got, it, No nw........ who do you supose I need to 'text with?.


I m alone in this world and my priorrtry is coninuing to ake care of myself and beable to remain living alone in my home. If you think that is so easy try it when you are more than 70 and everyone is dead..


Your needs for smart phone s are no where in my line of vision. Careful what you wish on others and are cricical of when you have 'no clue'. , karma can be nasty. I am thankful to have my computers.


Try a lttle kindness, it might make you like yhourself a bit more.


Most of all don't make judgements when you have no clue about what you speak and what might be a help to peopole a bout whom you cannot know anything Give ethose sftrangers a little credi fof acomplishments, achievements and survival you cannott know. Some should b ashamed for their judgements.

Oh I'm sure there is more to come. It's a typical day on CC. I have a smart phone and I do like it but to say " I can't live without it" seems a bit much. I think I just might be able to live ;p. If someone does or doesn't want or have one it makes very little difference to me. I do get annoyed when I'm standing behind someone to board a plane etc and they can't get their smartphone to work or it can't be scanned. It seems to happen quite often where I am.

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I used to get much pleasure comig to CC an talkin ships and c ruising but that is jus one other thing I have lost. I'm getting quite used to it.


HOPE YOU all have happy days remain perfect in all ways and find a way to kindness.

All the best ,...

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Kudos to you. To my mind, this is exactly what helps keep our minds keen as we age -- we have to challenge ourselves to try new things and learn new skills. :D


I contrast that with my parents who decided at some point just to stop adopting modern technology. (Despite offers from two media-savvy daughters, one SIL and one very plugged in grandson...) It's made things progressively more difficult for them, sadly.



Their good luck to have that SIL and media daughters, etc. We do not all have such,. Some have No loving famil y to aid f But despite that we are still people and as long as we are alive, we deserve simple courtesy and respect the same as any other honorable decent law-abiding person.


If I can teach a thing,,,,, it is do n ot



assume and take ffor granted. Not everyone is so blessed.


But for the grace of God.

ON t the other hand I also have had very good fortune in many ways Life is balance. Don't think your perfect self always will be..... time will tell.


I was blessed in so many ways, but none of us have it all perfect.

Edited by sail7seas
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Just as an example, on my most recent cruise, I spent a day post-cruise in San Diego. I used Uber to get around. Quick, easy, and inexpensive. Not possible without a smartphone and an Uber app.




Sent from my SM-S820L using Forums mobile app


You are absolutely correct on this. When I am traveling by myself and need an Uber or Lyft my husband or children make the reservations. If I did not have their help I would not be able to use these services. Cherie

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I put the Uber app on my phone but I have yet to have a chance to use it. I am waiting to get together with a younger friend of mine (who lives in another state) at some point who can show me how to use the app. I can probably try to use it on my own, but you know what? I am kind of scared! (Ha!) I do know how to call a taxi!! But I will give it a whirl at some point in time, help or no help and just run with it! I agree, I use the smartphone more on trips than any other time for maps, directions, and looking up restaurants, etc. It has been an invaluable tool for me in that department.

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Maybe the smart wrist band is the answer. No need to dig it out or put it away, just scan and go. The number of people who don’t have their card out and ready when getting on / off the ship, and then have to stop and put it away before proceeding after scanning it, always amazes me. This is one of the biggest hold ups getting on / off the ship at ports.



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And the number of people who don't have their info ready for scanning on their phones is amazing!!! I have worn wristbands and prefer a card in my pocket instead of something on my wrist. This, of course, is just my preference. Some who think they are technologically adept and prove that they are not slow down others. As Copper 10-8 said "to each his/her own" Cherie

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Their good luck to have that SIL and media daughters, etc. We do not all have such,. Some have No loving famil y to aid f But despite that we are still people and as long as we are alive, we deserve simple courtesy and respect the same as any other honorable decent law-abiding person.


If I can teach a thing,,,,, it is do n ot



assume and take ffor granted. Not everyone is so blessed.


But for the grace of God.

ON t the other hand I also have had very good fortune in many ways Life is balance. Don't think your perfect self always will be..... time will tell.


I was blessed in so many ways, but none of us have it all perfect.


I'm at a loss...


I was in no way addressing my comments to you, nor, I think, was anyone else in this thread.


My point in posting was to express my admiration to another poster who did not have anyone to help her learn a new skill, and to contrast that with my own parents. I'm not sure what strikes you as improper or offensive in any way about that. :confused:


I am so sorry that you have no immediate family, and I hope you have a good network of friends to support you, which can be almost as important.

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You are getting way off topic here......


The question was is about a having a selfie prepared instead of HAL taking your photo (or just using the old photo). Most of us are not questioning smartphones even though almost everything you have proposed is already done with the boarding pass, including getting drinks at the bar and opening my stateroom door.


The only real benefit would be the initial check-in at the beginning of the cruise, but most of us know that most of the embarkation waiting is for the security check and not for the HAL check-in.







I understand apprehension of something new or different. I just hate to see people not try something that could improve their experience or be enjoyable just because they might fear the unknown or don’t understand it. That is how we learn. Some may find it’s not for them, but many will open up a whole new world of convenience, exploration and enjoyment.


But some will always stick to the old ways regardless of easier and better options. That is why they still have telephone books, TV Guide, hard-copy newspapers, checks, home telephones and other items that many haven’t used in years. My dad still says Amazon is a fad and will go out of business once people get over the newness of it, lol.



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