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Coronavirus symptoms (late December)?


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2 hours ago, MrsKC08 said:

I agree...just because someone is a doctor doesn't make them a know it all. I just stated what I heard.


But, you are wrong. Coronavirus was first identified in the 1960s. Since then, seven human-infecting types of coronavirus have been identified, including Covid-19, also known as Wuhan Coronavirus.


That information was just pulled from a reputable health website.



And confirmed by the CDC website. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/types.html

You're confusing the disease, Covid-19, and the virus causing it , which is SARS-CoV-2 . The disease Covid-19 was first identified in humans in 2019...and the "19" is derived from 2019, not because it's the 19th strain of coronavirus as you claimed some physicians and nurses told you.


Please read what I said carefully.  I did not say that coronavirus was first identified in 2019. I said the disease Covid-19 was first seen in 2019, which is 100% accurate.


Coronaviruses were first identified in 1969, but SARS-CoV2 is an example of a coronavirus that evolved and became a new human coronavirus...in 2019. Please read the last paragraph of the CDC web page you've cited carefully. It says:


"Sometimes coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and make people sick and become a new human coronavirus. Three recent examples of this are 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV."




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1 hour ago, zqvol said:

IMO this virus has been in the US since at least Thanksgiving. Too many people have had symptoms, that were mild, negative flu tests, negative strep. MDs just called it a virus, and people were told to treat the symptoms.

The late United States Senator from New York Daniel Moynihan once said "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts."


The facts as science can best determine them as of today is that the first case of Covid-19 occurred in late December, 2019 in Wuhan, China. 


The type of illness you're talking about happens every year to many, many people... an unidentified mild virus that generally passes off quickly.  Since there's no new disease to attribute it to almost all the time, we don't give it a  second thought. This year because of Covid-19 there's something to point your finger at, but that doesn't mean your finger is pointing to the truth.

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38 minutes ago, njhorseman said:

The late United States Senator from New York Daniel Moynihan once said "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts."


The facts as science can best determine them as of today is that the first case of Covid-19 occurred in late December, 2019 in Wuhan, China. 


The type of illness you're talking about happens every year to many, many people... an unidentified mild virus that generally passes off quickly.  Since there's no new disease to attribute it to almost all the time, we don't give it a  second thought. This year because of Covid-19 there's something to point your finger at, but that doesn't mean your finger is pointing to the truth.


It's starting to look like it might go back to November.




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42 minutes ago, ukbecky said:

It's not out of the question that the first case could have been earlier than originally stated but that doesn't change the fact that mild  and unidentifiable viral illnesses occur all the time and just because you were ill with something unidentifible in the past few months doesn't mean it was Covid-19.

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37 minutes ago, njhorseman said:

It's not out of the question that the first case could have been earlier than originally stated but that doesn't change the fact that mild  and unidentifiable viral illnesses occur all the time and just because you were ill with something unidentifible in the past few months doesn't mean it was Covid-19.


Almost exactly a year ago I had a fever, dry cough, awful sore throat, and difficulty breathing...basically the worst flu I have had in my life. If I had it now I would swear it was COVID 19. 

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Funny you should post this question.  Hubby and I were just talking about something similar.  We were on the Grand Princess Dec 28-Jan 14.  He came down with a fever and dry cough.  Two days later, I caught something similar.  Self quarantined ourselves for a couple of days.  Hubby felt so bad missed Maui!  We both had had our flu shots and are in pretty good shape (late 50’s).  


Took about two weeks after our cruise before we felt better.  At the time, we just marked it down to ‘cruise crud.’

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I know this is a site with many cruise enthusiasts, who have undoubtedly had many great experiences on the ships.  However, when we were on the Norwegian Epic in late December it was very crowded (no surprise - Christmas cruise), and there were people coughing and hacking everywhere... including the buffet lines.  We were told many, many cruise ship employees were sick as well during this time.  I just think when your jamming 4,000- 5,000 people from all over the world into a small space... you're asking for issues.  Case in point with recent ships marooned off shore (Japan, California, New Jersey, etc.).   This was our first "big" ship cruise....probably won't be back.

Edited by jtwilshire
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I came down with almost identical symptoms as the OP on January 12, but I hadn't been anywhere near a cruise ship.  Casinos, yes.  Cruise Ship, no.


The Urgent Care doctor diagnosed me with the flu.  Plain ol' flu.  But I had virtually no fever and no aches or pains.  Looking back I'm pretty sure it was Bronchitis.

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You can be tested to see if you have had the virus.   Maybe circle back to your doctor,  when testing in your area is available.    If you do get the test, be sure to check back in here.   My guess is that it was Corona.   You had the exact symptoms and like you said, that deep chest congestion and shortness of breath in someone healthy who's never experienced that before.....that's just too, too, too SUSPICIOUS!


I was on the Pearl Feb. 23.   They were doing a questionnaire for passengers.   Two days later, I came down with the same exact symptoms,  very healthy never any shortness of breathe in my life.   The ship was full of coughing passengers and tons of coughing crew!!    I went to get cough drops on about day 3 of the cruise in the gift shop.   I bought 1 pack.   On the next day I'd eaten all the cough drops and went back for more, the gift shop was completely cleaned out of cough drops in one day and they had a big stock.   I'm positive the ship authorities knew it was all over the ship.   There was so much coughing crew it couldn't be ignored.   Conveniently, this was before any testing could be performed.    I feel like NCL was trying to get away with a ship full of infected crew.    I'm Platinum Plus, I've cruised NCL more than most.   I feel differently about this company now.   They had a ship full of infected crew infecting passengers my cruise week and then for 2 more weeks.   They knew.   

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We did Alaska late in the season last year.  Arriving in Vancouver late in September.  Momz got sick the last couple of days, and we ended up having to go straight from the ship to hospital ER.   As the news for this covid-19 started popping up, and people started describing how they felt she said, "you know,  that sounds exactly like what I had, how I felt, and how it hit me. "


On Thurs of our cruise, the day we were in Ketchikan,  she started with a dry cough.  We thought it was her asthma kicking up.  The cough was rough, and unproductive.  Then the fever kicked in.  She spent thurs evening, and all day Friday in bed, sleeping with spells of coughing.  No appetite, I had a very hard time getting her to even drink anything.  Sat wasn't much better, but she didn't feel up to leaving the cabin either...  by the time we were disembarking she was so weak that we needed wheelchair assist off the ship. I didn't thing she was going to make it out of the stateroom.   I picked up the rental car, and went straight to the ER.  Spent the day being tested, and on IV for rehydration.  They tested for FLU and anything else they could think of.  The Dr's wobbled back n forth saying yes it flu, wait no its not...finally said they didn't know but would treat like flu.  Gave her two weeks of antiviral meds, and sent us on our way.  Also gave me a weeks worth, since I was in close contact and caregiver.  

Now keep in mind, even though Momz is 77, she is very healthy and doesn't need any mobility assistance.  She is very adamant on not relying on wheelchair or anything …...is afraid once she starts using those, she'll always need them.  

She started feeling better Monday,  but was weak for a week or two after.  We jokingly say she had the Canadian flu.  I know illness isn't a joking matter....but she is adamant that it wasn't the flu.  She says, "I've had the flu, several times in my life, and this WASNT the flu"   


We obviously have no way of knowing for sure, but ….

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Yep, I agree.


We went to Greenland in August on Princess CB, and the whole ship was ship coughing.  We are in our 50's and healthy and also got the cough, fever, shortness of breathe right after we got off the ship.  We were sick for 2 months coughing and short of breathe.  


Who knows???  Maybe the cruise world has been passing it around for awhile and it was just considered cruise crud like someone said above and it finally mutated enough to be passed globally??   


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I got back from an Alaskan cruise in August and right after became so incredibly sick I couldn't get out of bed for several days.  I had a very high fever, over 103, terrible cough and was super weak.  I was able to get to the doctors and then tested negative for the flu.  My doctor was really puzzled it wasn't the flu and she just said it was some other wicked virus.  What was weird to me was that I was talking to my dentist when I was feeling better and she told me she had another patient who was equally sick who also got sick around the same time - right after she got back from her Alaska cruise out of Seattle.  I don't particularly remember anyone coughing while I was on the cruise.

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We were on the Bliss Christmas sailing. We went into "lockdown" during the cruise (servers at buffet etc.) due to a "respiratory illness" on board. Many were sick with a cough and other symptoms. Many travelers from china onboard - and some were definitely sick. Could have been.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/17/2020 at 3:47 PM, Novastar said:

I had something very similar happen to me on our January Panama Canal with similar symptoms. I isolated myself to the cabin. When I got home I was still sick and my doctor tested me for everything - RSV, Flu and about 5 or 6 other respiratory conditions all of which were negative. I was not tested for corona because I did not meet the criteria at that time. I got sick after I had been on board for over a week. My husband came down with it about 1-2 weeks after I did. 

Would the ship you were on be the Joy, 16 day cruise out of Los Angeles?  My father came home very sick from that cruise and was immediately hospitalized with double pneumonia.  I think he got off ship on agency 2nd. Emergency Room said the same thing, he didn’t meet the criteria for corona testing, although finding out now Ohio didn’t even have test for corona then. He texted negative for flu.  He spent 6 days in the hospital. I remember him saying he had no smell nor could he taste his food. He is 82 years old and lost 20 lbs. on a 16 day cruise. He did say 3-4 people were life flighted off, although he didn’t know what was wrong with them.  I’m sure he had corona.  Fever, terrible cough. 

Edited by ksmcdonald
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Just had to add our experience....We were on a Med cruise, the jade the end of October thru early November.  There also was a lot of coughing on ship and excursion vans.  The day we got off the ship my DH started running fever and had a terrible cough.  When we got home he went to the Dr.  Flu test came back negative so like others we just figured a bad cold.  Others in our group were sick during the cruise and actually spent a few days staying in their cabins.  Makes me wonder...…...

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I dunno all these virus's the symptoms are pretty similar However with the Wuhan it can get out of control where you need hospitalization in order to try survive,  that is why it is so important to try to flatten the curve because not enough resources for everyone to go to the hospital at once.   I have cruised 54 days (5 different cruises) since Oct 12, I got sick on 3 of them (2 colds and a flu, the dec 22 flu was a doozy!) OUCH 

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On 3/18/2020 at 6:14 PM, PTC DAWG said:

Put me in the group that says the the Covid 19 has been here for a while, not just in China..

Agree.  Maybe we will get actual facts (eventually) when this virus was in the US.  I believe it was here way before January when Chinese released their numbers.
I was very sick after October 2019 Cruise.  My son (21 year old who had a flu shot) was SUPER sick and came home from College to recuperate in January.  His diagnosis was passed off as flu.
COVID-19 is still a moving target and I wonder how many people actually had this virus before it was realized as a pandemic...
Maybe the timeline/research will eventually make sense to me.
Stay safe 🙂
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We only 'know' that COVID-19 came out of Wuhan in December because China said so. The other thing is, before a test was available for it, no one officially had it. We have only been testing reliably where I work for just over two weeks. 


I work with a guy who got a severe atypical viral pneumonia before Christmas. So did his girlfriend and her young daughter. All of them go to church a mile down the road from the Kirkland WA care home that had the big outbreak. Even he says now that he thinks they had it. We started seeing severe atypical pneumonia's at work before Christmas. That is what made us think he had picked it up from a patient. But now it looks like it was at Church. That being said, a lot of staff became very sick around the same time. Before Christmas. Management now plans to antibody test some of us that are in key clinical positions to see if we can relax our infection control regime slightly, as it has destroyed our productivity, and if any one of us go down it will severely affect our department.


If this is an emergent disease and not an accidental lab release, it is fair to assume that it has been percolating around China for quite some time. I have read research articles written around 2011 where the exact same bats were being studied, and concern was being expressed that long ago. I'm sure thousands of people die in China every day. I doubt a few thousand more here or there would get noticed unless someone was really paying attention.


There may have been small outbreaks of different strains going on for years that we would never know about, and all or a sudden we hit the jackpot with an especially virulent one that started jumping on planes and ships. Or, the Chinese knew all along, but didn't care to tell anyone. People die from pneumonia, and the 'flu', all the time. We have no idea when this one really got moving, but whenever it was, it had probably spread around the world within about 24 hours - as that is how long it takes to fly from China to anywhere else. That makes it November, or December at the very latest. If we believe the Chinese. I don't, and suspect that a milder version could have popped up at any time without us knowing.

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Here is a head scratcher. What if NCL pulled the Joy out of the Chinese market because they were getting unexplained illnesses popping up amongst passengers and crew. Why exactly they pulled out has been subject to all sorts of theories, all seemingly minor. What if there was an elephant in the room, and they decided to scrub out the ship, and get out of town permanently before anyone noticed something bad was going on. I thought a couple of other Lines pulled ships out around the same time. Was there a COVID-17 flare up that we didn't hear about?


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Interesting. Was wondering about exactly this! We live in SW VA, and back in December, the SAME exact thing happened to me. I have a blood oxygen thing I stick on my finger. I was SO SICK with something that took me over 6 weeks to finally feel like I was back to normal. Was tested for the flu as well and it came back negative. Thank goodness I use oxygen while sleeping at night. I laid on the couch and kept it on 24/7. If I got up to go to the bathroom, my oxygen would plummet to 75% from 97. I was so scared. Weird thing about this? I know at least 6 other people who had the same thing. One of our friend's doctor actually said to her that he had no clue what was wrong with her but it was definitely a virus. She was on antibiotics, inhalers etc. Almost 2 months it took her to feel better.

I think it has been in the US since probably Oct/Nov. 


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