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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

Host Sharon

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22 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

That's a really sensible, practical, wise move, Michelle.  Hope it works out well.  We had had no dealings at all with architects until about 20 years back when we were looking to add a small extension.  The builder introduced us to one, we really got on well, he was absolutely fantastic and (shock horror) a lot cheaper than I thought architects were.


We used him a little later when we built a house from scratch and every day, even now, we thank him for the design features and practicalities he built into the plans.  Even in this hot weather it's a cool house - and all down to design.  I'd never do a building project now without one, but back in the day we always assumed they were too expensive to even think about.

A cool house at the moment sounds perfect. In our current house we have a lovely orangery with a large ceiling lantern, too warm in summer and freezing in winter. It was already built when we bought the house but we won’t be putting one on in the new house. 


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1 hour ago, Harry Peterson said:


Just listened to this - fascinating.  I think there might be some here who'd find it even more fascinating than I did though.  And maybe with some strong views too!




Wedgwood: A Very British Tragedy

Released On: 05 Jun 2023


In 1730, when Josiah Wedgwood was born in Stoke on Trent, the eleventh and last child to a family of potters, no one imagined that 65 years later this man would have conquered the world with his dazzling new inventions and designs – reinventing ceramics and making Wedgwood blue an iconic brand.
Josiah Wedgwood became a visionary potter, designer, chemist, marketing genius and radical, dissenting, anti-slavery campaigner. He was the epitome of 18th century man – combining science with entrepreneurship and a member of the Royal Society - who commissioned James Cook to bring him back clay from his voyages to drive his inspirational, experimental, ground-breaking inventions.
Dr Tristram Hunt, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, tells the story of Josiah Wedgwood, his genius and his legacy.
What has happened since to the company he founded over 260 years ago? How did a family-owned business – the jewel in the crown of Stoke – with generations of skilled workers in the city, lose its independence, become Wedgwood plc and go into a near-terminal decline in the 21st century. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of different owners, offshoring production to Asia, catastrophic job losses at home, bankruptcy, administration and mismanagement which nearly led to the squandering of 260 years of a skilled ceramics industry in Stoke on Trent.
Under new ownership, there are some green shoots of recovery, a return to designs inspired by their founder. Can Wedgwood revive its fortunes, shake off its troubled history and restore Josiah Wedgwood’s ambition – to be ‘Vase Maker General to the Universe’ to a new generation of potters?
Presented by Dr Tristram Hunt Produced by Anna Horsbrugh-Porter A Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4


There was a very good concert. ' made in Stoke '...Slash ,featuring Myles Kennedy and the conspirators.

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4 hours ago, zap99 said:

We go to our branch once a week, along with a look around the shops and some lunch in town. Folks chat about their online this, that and whatever and then moan about how the town centre is dying. If you don't use it.....🤔

I go into town a couple of times a month, never visit bank branch as no need to as I have been banking online for the last 10+ years, why would I need to visit?


My wife’s bank has no physical branches, so none to visit. 

Edited by Snow Hill
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14 minutes ago, Snow Hill said:

I go into town a couple of times a month, never visit bank branch as no need to as I have been banking online for the last 10+ years, why would I need to visit?


My wife’s bank has no physical branches, so none to visit. 


14 minutes ago, Snow Hill said:

I go into town a couple of times a month, never visit bank branch as no need to as I have been banking online for the last 10+ years, why would I need to visit?


My wife’s bank has no physical branches, so none to visit. 

So how would you pay cash into your account?We have one branch where we could do it…six miles away in a town centre with no parking. Where we are in a small town in the USA there are 3 banks!

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4 minutes ago, Yorkypete said:


So how would you pay cash into your account?We have one branch where we could do it…six miles away in a town centre with no parking. Where we are in a small town in the USA there are 3 banks!

I don’t think I’d ever have cash to pay into my account, 


i only have money paid into my account by electronic means, and pay for nearly everything by card. I carry a couple of £10 notes around with me ‘just in case’, but they are usually in my purse for months on end. The only time I make sure I have a bit of extra cash is when I’m going on holiday. It’s sometimes better to pay by cash in out of the way places, when the cafe’s WiFi can be unreliable. 

The banks don’t really want people in their branches paying in cash. They prefer people coming in who want to apply for mortgages and loans.


The USA is a bit behind with card payments, and they rely more on cheques than we do in the U.K., so that’s probably why they still have more bank branches 

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I was on the phone to my daughter telling her the times of my first hydrotherapy and physiotherapy sessions tomorrow when I heard my darling Son in Law shouting "When's her first psychotherapy???"


Little *&*^%.  I told him I could turn into the Mother in Law from  hell and make his life a misery!🤣😼😍



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6 hours ago, Dermotsgirl said:

The banks don’t really want people in their branches paying in cash. They prefer people coming in who want to apply for mortgages and loans.

I don't really have anyone giving me cash to put in our bank and anything that comes my way 

has been paid in direct to my account anyway.

Last time I used the bank to withdraw cash more than the ATM's would pay out ,I found

my self queued up behind a host of business folk paying in their takings .




Edited by kalos
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On 6/10/2023 at 6:29 AM, Purdey16 said:

That’s a shame Brian but at least no bones were broken! I haven’t been posting for a few days because I had a accident in Flåm on Tuesday I went up the mountain on the train and we hired bikes to ride down and I fell off just at the beginning of the start of the hairpin bends and fell 20 feet down a ravine, no broken bones but badly bruised everywhere the purple and black ones 🥲 (so no getting into my swim suit for rest of cruise)  had to walk the rest of the hairpin bends down as it’s so steep and all loose gravel and it had knocked my confidence down.  It took us 3 hours to get back to port  and we both really enjoyed the lovely scenery and waterfalls and stopping for picnic but was overjoyed in getting of those saddles and I will never get on a bike again 😂😂.


Today we are arriving in Akureyri Iceland and it’s cold 8 degrees and raining.

Oh my! That’s sounds awful, you poor thing, hope you’re not feeling quite so sore now.

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On 6/10/2023 at 10:14 AM, Host Sharon said:

Just in case anyone is wondering why I am not around,  I had a knee replacement on 24 April.  One week later I collapsed at home and broke my femur around the new joint. So currently on week 3 of bedrest in hospital while they work out why I passed out and what to do with the bone 

Oh no Sharon, that sounds scary too. I hope they find out the best way to treat you soon.Hope you’re not too bored.

Not having much luck our posters on here at the moment!

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20 hours ago, Eglesbrech said:

I agree. We bought them a couple of years ago and they are also useful on U.K. sailings as you know for certain that your case is on the ship even if it’s not yet at your cabin door.

Takes away an element of worry for me, I’m not a standard size (particularly for shoes with small feet) and if my baggage got lost I would struggle to get replacements.

I’m never totally relaxed until my luggage arrives!

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18 hours ago, indiana123 said:

Oh dear..l I have been a bit naughty.. I am spending some of the kids (sorry donkey's) inheritance and going for 8 days intensive physio and hydrotherapy.


I have fought to get my mobility back since the accident in 2019.  I was doing quite well then suddenly the pain got me.. i (probably because of my limping and gait)  it was  a horrendous couple of months, not knowing which bit of me would hurt next, furniture walking and even wall walking.   I'm not a crier, but I could have sunk a liner! Poor OH had all the worry and had to do everything.  Drugs have helped.


Anyway, by accident vascular problems were found and dealt with.


Well being a stubborn old so and so, I need to know the best I can be,  If it is a wheelchair in a year or so, then so be it, I will have a grizzle then come to terms, but at least I will know I have done the best I can.


So I am off tomorrow to  totally focus.  I have requested no visitors.  I will have a complete assessment and know where I stand.     Off to pack.



ps. there are aperitifs, wine with meals, tea and cakes in the afternoon, and manicures, and hairdressing ....   I'll just have to put up with it!!!


See you soon xxx



Very best wishes, hope all goes well. At least it sounds like you’re in lovely surroundings! 

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Morning all from my, at last, sunny and warm corner of Kent!

Had Mum’s birthday lunch Sunday with son and family. We went to a local pub (save us the cooking this year we’ve got a lot on at the moment) and then all back to ours for a sit in the garden with sun umbrellas up and shade from the hedge! I think the temperature here went up about 10 degrees overnight!


Yesterday I worked from home and I work in a North facing room, last week I had several scarves draped round me yesterday I was in shorts! Madness!

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12 hours ago, zap99 said:

We go to our branch once a week, along with a look around the shops and some lunch in town. Folks chat about their online this, that and whatever and then moan about how the town centre is dying. If you don't use it.....🤔

There are things I buy on line that I can't get locally. Barnsley is not the thriving metropolis it likes to think it is. 



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Another warm sunny morning in Stoke.  I got soaked last night at bowls. It didn't rain while I was on the green but I was measuring for our team when the while the captain was bowling later.  I played against a man who beat me by 2 chalks  the first time I have lost this season so a bit disappointing, especially as we were on our home green.  My back is complaining this morning but no more bowling until ladies night on Thursday so plenty of time fir my back to recover.

I hope that you all have the same weather as we have this morning.

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Our weather is dull and dreary and on the cool side at 14c but none of the rain and thunderstorms that we have had a weather warning for. We desperately need the rain as we still have a hose pipe ban in place from last year.

I've had a sleepless night so feel tired already. I have a hospital appointment up in Plymouth for my radiation treatment late this afternoon so it will be a long day. So no more driving for me for a least a month.


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5 minutes ago, purplesea said:

Our weather is dull and dreary and on the cool side at 14c but none of the rain and thunderstorms that we have had a weather warning for. We desperately need the rain as we still have a hose pipe ban in place from last year.

I've had a sleepless night so feel tired already. I have a hospital appointment up in Plymouth for my radiation treatment late this afternoon so it will be a long day. So no more driving for me for a least a month.


Good luck today Pam. Sounds like a long and onerous day. Wish you well. Jane xx

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11 minutes ago, purplesea said:

Our weather is dull and dreary and on the cool side at 14c but none of the rain and thunderstorms that we have had a weather warning for. We desperately need the rain as we still have a hose pipe ban in place from last year.

I've had a sleepless night so feel tired already. I have a hospital appointment up in Plymouth for my radiation treatment late this afternoon so it will be a long day. So no more driving for me for a least a month.


Good luck. I hope it all goes well for you today and that you get a better night’s sleep tonight.

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23 minutes ago, purplesea said:

Our weather is dull and dreary and on the cool side at 14c but none of the rain and thunderstorms that we have had a weather warning for. We desperately need the rain as we still have a hose pipe ban in place from last year.

I've had a sleepless night so feel tired already. I have a hospital appointment up in Plymouth for my radiation treatment late this afternoon so it will be a long day. So no more driving for me for a least a month.


Hope all goes well for you today and that you sleep better tonight 



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I got up earlier than normal this morning due to the heat and the bird alarm clock especially with the windows open. We has a hum dinger of a storm yesterday evening hail, monsoon rains and thunder which shock the house like an earthquake, had an inch of rain in an hour. The forecast is for dry weather for the next week and we have a Persian barbecue on Wednesday which is the last day of a bimonthly Persian cookery course that my wife has been on with u3a for the last 9 months.

Poor son had a bad journey back from London yesterday evening his train was cancelled then the next one was late because there wasn’t a guard, he finally got home at 9 pm and he leaves home at 6.30 am to travel up to London for work. His job has recently gone from working from home in Southampton to 3 days in the office each week, the cost of the trains and 2 hours door to door at each end of the day is rather a strain but it is a good job and career so just has to be dealt with.

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26 degrees here already in Bolton. The really heavy downpour last night has left my numerous newly cleaned pots splashed and looking a mess. Strangely enough, the plants in them don’t look too damaged. No rain forecast for the next week so I will be back to the hose. Not complaining though as it’s great to look out onto a blue sky and see the garden blooming.

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1 hour ago, purplesea said:

Our weather is dull and dreary and on the cool side at 14c but none of the rain and thunderstorms that we have had a weather warning for. We desperately need the rain as we still have a hose pipe ban in place from last year.

I've had a sleepless night so feel tired already. I have a hospital appointment up in Plymouth for my radiation treatment late this afternoon so it will be a long day. So no more driving for me for a least a month.


I hope that all goes well with your treatment this afternoon.

We also need the rain, although we had a good downpour last night it has made little difference to the garden or the levels in the water butts.  It is already 25° according to the thermometer in the shady back garden.20230613_091428.thumb.jpg.c2e6eb9812d32421137f27a2cc07ae58.jpg

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Early evening yesterday we had thunder - and presumably lightning - and dark skies, but no rain, which was a pity actually, as the lawn is getting a bit brown.  Looks like blue skies now for 2 or 3 days.


I admit to sitting out in the garden a bit, never for more than 15 minutes, and have now got a bit of a tan which improves the sallow 'old lady' looks somewhat.  I know it is bad for you, but I now feel that my life can't be shortened too early, as it is already way beyond the official span.


Best wishes to Pam for the treatment, and I hope you won't feel too bad after it, Pam.  



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